303 resultados para processamento automático de línguas naturais
The aim of this work was to analyze 17 β estradiol and estrone, natural estrogenic hormones present in domestic effluents and animal excreta, in the public water supply system of Jaboticabal, SP. The results have shown the presence of estrogens in 22% of the samples in concentrations from 6,8 ng L-1 (treated water) to 30,6 ng L-1 (riverhead) for 17 β estradiol and 600 ng L-1 of estrone (stream), respectively. We concluded that animal wastes, discharges from the wastewater treatment station, and discharges of domestic effluent without treatment from rural proprieties were probably the cause of this contamination.
A fruit chemical composition reflects its maturation stage. For coffee, it is also the reflex of the post-harvesting processing type, dry, semi-wet and wet. The object of this work was to verify if headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME-GC) could be used to discriminate between samples harvested in different maturation stages and treated by different processes. With application of principal component analysis to the area of 117 compounds extracted by SPME, using divinylbenzene/Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, it was possible to discriminate, in the roasted and ground coffee, the maturity stage and processing type used .
The interest in the use of evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) for the analysis of different classes of natural products has grown over the years. This is because this detector has become an excellent alternative compared to other types of detectors, such as the refractive index detector and the ultraviolet (UV) detector. This review describes the basic principles of ELSD functioning and discusses the advantages and disadvantages in using an ELSD for the analysis of organic compounds. Additionaly, an overview, covering the last 23 years, of ELSD applications in natural products analysis (saponins, terpenes, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, peptides, polyketides, coumarins and iridoids) is presented and discussed.
This work presents a route for processing spent ink-jet cartridges in an experimental course. The disassembly of the cartridges requires several steps and the recognition of their different components is essential to define the best final destination (recycling, co-processing). The plastic strips were chemically processed so as to recover gold and copper. The students recognized the difficulty of processing multicomponent wastes and the importance of the chemical work under the best safety conditions; they also experienced many laboratory techniques and recognized the value of the selective collection and the reverse logistics to reach a viable commercial scale recycling.
Petroleum biodegradation in reservoirs is a process caused by different microorganisms affecting many oil deposits which modifies the oil composition in a quasi-stepwise process starting from n-alkanes and isoprenoids through to diasteranes. This causes oil souring and increased viscosity, sulfur and metal content, having a direct impact on oil production and refining costs.
Emission factors of natural processes and anthropogenic activities were used to estimate nutrients and metal loads for the lower Macaé river basin, which hosts the operational base for the offshore oil and gas exploration in the Campos Basin. The estimates indicated that emissions from anthropogenic activities are higher than natural emissions. Major contributing drivers include husbandry and urbanization, whose effluents receive no treatment. The increasing offshore oil exploration along the Brazilian littoral has resulted in rapid urbanization and, therefore might increase the inshore emission of anthropogenic chemicals in cases where effective residue control measures are not implemented in fluvial basins of the region.
Drugs of abuse are commonly used outside medical or legal settings where their production, marketing and consumption are subject to legal summons and/or intervention. Classified as emerging contaminants, these substances have been recently detected in samples of environmental concern, such as waters and wastewaters. This review presents the state-of-the-art on the methodological approaches used in sample preparation, the main techniques applied in analytical determination at trace levels, as well as the use of information related to the drug or its metabolite concentration in sewage samples to empirically estimate the consumption of drugs of abuse in a city or region.
A hydrometallurgical process applicable to printed circuit boards of small electrical and electronic devices was developed. This involved three leaching steps (60 ºC, 2 h): 6 mol L-1 NaOH, 6 mol L-1 HCl and aqua regia. NaOH removed the resin and flame retardant that covered the circuit boards. HCl dissolved the most electropositive metals and a small amount of copper (~0.3 wt%). Aqua regia dissolved the noble metals. Silver precipitated as AgCl. Gold and platinum were quantitatively extracted with pure methyl-isobutylketone and Alamine 336 (10 % vol. in kerosene), respectively. Slow evaporation of the raffinate crystallized CuCl2.4H2O (89% yield).
The chemistry of natural products has been remarkably growing in the past few decades in Brazil. Aspects related to the isolation and identification of new natural products, as well as their biological activities, have been achieved in different laboratories working on this subject in the country. More recently, the introduction of new molecular biology tools has strongly influenced the research on natural products, mainly those produced by microorganisms, creating new possibilities to assess the chemical diversity of secondary metabolites. This paper describes some ideas on how the research on natural products can have a considerable input from molecular biology in the generation of chemical diversity. We also explore the role of microbial natural products in mediating interspecific interactions and their relevance to ecological studies. Examples of the generation of chemical diversity are highlighted by using genome mining, mutasynthesis, combinatorial biosynthesis, metagenomics, and synthetic biology, while some aspects of microbial ecology are also discussed. The idea to bring up this topic is linked to the remarkable development of molecular biology techniques to generate useful chemicals from different organisms. Here, we focus mainly on microorganisms, even though similar approaches have also been applied to the study of plants and other organisms. Investigations in the frontier of chemistry and biology require interactions between different areas, characterizing the interdisciplinarity of this research field. The necessity of a real integration of chemistry and biology is pivotal to finding correct answers to a number of biological phenomena. The use of molecular biology tools to generate chemical diversity and control biosynthetic pathways is largely explored in the production of important biologically active compounds. Finally, we briefly comment on the Brazilian organization of research in this area, the necessity of new strategies for the graduation programs, and the establishment of networks as a way of organization to overcome some of the problems faced in the area of natural products.
17α-methyltestosterone (17α-MT) is a hormone used in medicine and aquaculture which can be found in natural waters. It is considered an emerging organic pollutant and its accurate and precise analysis is required. Therefore, this study presents the in-house validation of a new voltammetric methodology for 17α-MT analysis in natural waters. A hanging mercury drop electrode and NaOH 5.0×10-3 mol L-1 solution as the electrolyte were employed in the voltammetric determinations. To confirm the presence of 17α-MT in water samples quantitative analysis was performed by ESI-MS/MS. The methodology exhibited good selectivity, linearity, accuracy (recovery of between 100.4 and 108.8%) and precision (RSDs for repeatability of 2.85% and for intermediate precision of 14.10%, with n = 5, respectively). LOD and LOQ were 3.07 µg L-1 and 10.78 µg L-1, respectively. The methodology was suitable for determination of 17α-MT in natural waters due to low-cost, good performance and no sample pre-treatment required.
An interesting practical experiment about the preparation of dye–sensitized solar cells (DSSC) using natural dyes were carried out by the undergraduate students in the chemistry course at UNICAMP . Natural dyes were extracted from blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), jabuticabas (Myrciaria cauliflora), raw and cooked beets (Beta vulgaris L.), and annattos (Bixa orellana L.), which were used to sensitize TiO2 films that composed the photoanode in the DSSC. A polymer electrolyte containing an iodide/triiodide redox couple was used in lieu of the use of liquid solutions to prevent any leakage in the devices. A maximum solar-to-electric energy conversion of 0.26 ± 0.02% was obtained for the solar cell prepared with annatto extracts. This experiment was an effective way to illustrate to the undergraduate students how to apply some of the chemical concepts that they learned during their chemistry course to produce electric energy from a clean and renewable energy source. Teachers could also exploit the basics of the electronic transitions in inorganic and organic compounds (e.g., metal-to-ligand charge transfer and ϖ-ϖ* transitions), thermodynamics (e.g., Gibbs free energy), acid–base reactions in the oxide solid surface and electrolyte, and band theory (i.e., the importance of the Fermi level energy).
A eclosão e mortalidade de juvenis de segundo estádio (J2) de Meloidogyne exigua foram avaliadas em extratos aquosos de urucum-colorau (Bixa orellana), cravo-da-índia (Syzygium aromaticum), canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum), gengibre (Zingiber officinale), salsa (Petroselium crispum), soro de leite, solução nutritiva hidropônica, solução aquosa de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) e açúcar (sacarose), fermento biológico e probiótico (Controlmix®). O soro de leite e os extratos de canela, fermento biológico e cloreto de sódio causaram 100% de mortalidade (P<0,05) após 24 h do contato dos J2 com os extratos. Mortalidade acima de 50% também ocorreu nos extratos de cravo-da-índia e no probiótico. Os demais materiais testados foram estatisticamente iguais à água (P<0,05). A eclosão foi avaliada durante 16 dias de imersão dos ovos de M. exigua nos extratos. Comparando os valores da área abaixo da curva de progresso da eclosão, observou-se que, exceto o açúcar e a solução hidropônica, todos os extratos e produtos testados inibiram a eclosão (P<0,01) dos J2 de M. exigua. Entre todos os extratos e produtos testados, maior inibição (P<0,01) da eclosão ocorreu no soro de leite, probiótico, canelaecravo-da-índia, destacando-se o soro de leite e o extrato de canela que assim como inibiram a eclosão também foram altamente tóxicos aos juvenis.
A densidade populacional do ácaro vetor de Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV), Brevipalpus phoenicis, num talhão, é o principal indicador para a tomada de decisão de medidas de controle da leprose dos citros. Há pouca informação sobre o crescimento da incidência de plantas com leprose dos citros isoladamente ou em conjunto com a população do ácaro. Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar o progresso temporal da população de B. phoenicis e da incidência de leprose dos citros e a relação entre essas populações, sob condições naturais de epidemia. Dois talhões de laranja doce, cvs. Valência e Natal, foram monitorados de 2002 a 2004, em intervalos de 22 dias, em média. O crescimento da incidência da doença foi lento e estimativas da taxa de progresso da doença foram bastante baixas, variando de 0,0126 a 0,0448 para 'Valência' e de 0,0044 a 0,0525 para 'Natal'. A quantidade de inóculo inicial nos ramos cresceu significativamente de um ciclo para outro. Ao final do período, a incidência foi de 32% das plantas de 'Valência' e de 6,8% na cv. Natal. Apesar de não ser sistêmica, a leprose dos citros comporta-se como poliética com acúmulo de inóculo de ano para ano, especialmente nos ramos. A incidência não esteve correlacionada com a presença de ácaros na planta em levantamentos anteriores, mas apresentou correlação positiva significativa (P<0,001) com a própria incidência da doença registrada anteriormente. Isto indica que a presença de sintomas, e não somente a de ácaros, deve ser considerada em amostragens visando controle da doença.
Corantes naturais obtidos de flores de quaresmeira (Tibouchina granulosa) e unha de vaca (Bahuinia variegata) e da casca de feijão preto (Phaseolus vulgaris), foram usados em experimentos de identificação de substâncias ácidas ou básicas, tais como, vinagres, sucos de fruta e detergentes. Esta aplicação foi feita em turmas de alunos oriundos de escolas públicas periféricas da cidade de Uberlândia, MG. Uma tabela, com os principais resultados é apresentada, na qual é feita uma comparação da utilização dos corantes naturais com um corante convencional, no tocante às cores obtidas. Uma das principais discussões, diz respeito ao conceito de indicador propriamente dito, não explorado na escola, conforme relatado pelos alunos. A prática teve excelente aceitação e se mostrou muito eficiente na demonstração de conceitos de acidez, basicidade e indicadores.
A produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) por leucócitos polimorfonucleares (LPMNs) durante a fagocitose é essencial para a defesa do organismo contra microrganismos invasores. Entretanto, em algumas doenças ocorre a deposição de imunocomplexos, o que leva à produção e liberação excessiva dessas EROs, e conseqüente lesão nos tecidos hospedeiro. Neste trabalho avaliamos o efeito de substâncias naturais (quercetina e 7-aliloxicumarina) sobre a produção de EROs por LPMNs de coelho, estimulados com imunocomplexos de imunoglobulina G (ICIgG), empregando o ensaio de quimioluminescência (QL) dependente de luminol (QL lum) e de QL dependente de lucigenina (QL luc). A interação entre ICIgG e LPMNs, mediada pelo receptor de membrana Fcgama, foi observada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, pela intensa marcação dos ICIgG com partículas de ouro coloidal. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as substâncias analisadas inibiram a QL lum e a QL luc e que tais efeitos não parecem estar relacionados com a inibição da fagocitose, conforme observado no ensaio por microscopia eletrônica.