392 resultados para conhecimento poderoso


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The author redescribes two species of the genus Ormia: Ormia bilimekii Brauer et Bergenstamm, 1889 and ormia lineifrons Sabrosky, 1953, Brasil. Two new species, Ormia rachoui sp. n. from Corcovado, Estado da Guanabara and Ormia lopesi sp. n. from Angra dos Reis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, are also described.


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The author studies 10 species of the Tribu Cuphoceratini, belonging to the genera Ccrpecrypta Townsend, 1908, Cyanopsis Townsend, 1917, Spanipalpus Townsend, 1931, Neocuphocera Townsend, 1927, Beskiocephala Townsend, 1916 and Deopalpus Townsend, 1908. Eight species are identified with previously described species and two species are considered new to science: Neocuphocera aurifacies sp. n. and Deopalpus reinhardi sp. n. The characteristics of the new species are chiefly founded in the male genitalia. Generic definitions are based on the following characters: presence or absence of ocellar bristles, shape and relative length of antennal articles and arrangement of the head bristles in both sexes. The material is located in the Institute Oswaldo Cruz collections, Guanabara, Brazil.


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The author studies 5 species of Archytas Jaennicke, 1867, belonging to the "dissimilis group": A. seminigra (Wiedemann, 1830) and four species which are considered as new. The species of this group may be characterized as follow: Species of short body, exceptionally large ones. Abdomen yellowish, with a median blackish V-shapedspot. Second antennal segment with 2/3 length of third. Parafacialia with blackish hairs. Propleura pilose. Post alar wall with few hairs. The following key facilitates the identification of the species: 1. Third article of antennae, strongly convex in the anterior margin (fig. 10); posterior margin straight. Parafacialia with a facio-orbital bristle well differentiated . . . . A. arnaudi sp. n. — Third article of antennae not so convex in the anterior margin; facio-orbital bristle absent, if present not well differentiated [...] 2; 2. Parafrontalia with golden polen [...] 3; — Parafrontalia brownish to shining black with few polen . . . 4; 3. Forcipes superiores slender and sub-truncate apically (figs. 5 and 6)[...] A. seminigra; — Forcipes superiores broad apically (fig .20)[...] A, gongalvesi sp. n.; 4. First, second and third sternites yellowish [...] A. angrensis sp. n.; — All sternites brownish to black [...] A. sabroskpi sp. n.; The material studied belongs to the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz collections, where is located the types of new species.


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The author described two new species belonging to the genus Euempheremyia Towsend, 1927: E. albuquerquei sp. n. and E. elyowaldi sp. n., from Brazil. The redescription of E. paulensis Towsend, 1927 is based on a paratype male, from the Departamento de Zoologia, São Paulo. The genus Euhuascaraya Towsend, 1927 is placed in synonymy with Euempheremyia Towsend, 1927.


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The author studies Chordonota inermis Wied. based on adults and larvae. Male and female genitalia are figured.


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Buprestid leaf-miners are generally included in the subtribe Trachytes. The genera belonging to this subtribe are commonly very rich in number of species and their systematics envolves huge difficulties. On the other hand the biological knowledge on those insects is very poor. The A. tries to clarify the systematical status of two species of Pachyschelus - P. subundulatus Kerr. and P. fulgidipennis Lucas, and redescribes also P. binderi Obenberger. The hosts of the first two species are recorded, namely: Terminalia catappa (Combretaceae) - host-plant of P. subundulatus and Luhea spp. (Tiliaceae) - host-plant of P. fulgidipennis. The mines, developmental stages and habits of the three species are described and is made a full redescription of the adults, both male and female. The study is based on reared material from mined leaves, as well as insects assembled in several brazilian collections, both private and public ones. The importance of some biological facts as well as some morphological characters are stressed. The knowledge of the host-plants and the shape and other structural features of the mine were found to be helpfull to the identification of the species. Some morphological features of adults also prooved to be of systematical value. Besides the female pygidium and the male genitalia, the tibiae of the third pair of legs show some intersting structural details, reasonably alike in both sexes and quite different in each species.


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The author studies the genera Rhopalomera Wiedemann, 1824 and Willistoniella Mik, 1895, pointing out the remarkables differentces between them. Describes Rhopalomera stictica (wiedemann, 1828), Rhopalomera clavipes (Fabricius, 1805) and Willistoniella peluropunctata (Wiedemann, 1824).


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Die Autoren bearbeiten in der vorliegenden Arbeit die bulimuliden Pulmonaten Cochlorina aurisleporis (Bruguiére, 1792), wobei sie insbesondere auf die anatomischen und histologischen Verhaeltnisse des Geschlechtsapparates eingehen und Schale, Kiefer und Lunge mit in die Betrachtung einbeziehen, um die Charaktere der Art anatomisch zu festigen.


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The present paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the genus Ormiophasia Townsend, 1919, based mainly on the male genital characters. Five new species are described from Brazil.


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This is a contribution to the knowledge of the Tribu Ormiini in wich the author presents redescriptions of euphasiopteryx depleta (Wiedemann, 1830), Euphasiopteryx ochracea (Bigot, 1888) and describes a new species: Euphasiopteryx rosenoi sp. n. from Brazil.


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Studying thirteen speciemens of the genus Ormia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, and one of Euphasiopteryx Towsend, 1915, the author describes six new species: Ormia mendesi sp. n., Ormia lenkoi sp. n., Ormia carreirai sp. n., Ormia crespoi sp. n., Ormia wygodzinskyi sp. n., and Euphasiopteryx lenti sp. n. from Brasil and Argentina. The importance of the ocelli as a generic character, as stated by Towsend (1936) is discussed based on the absence of ocelli in Ormia mendesi sp. n. and Ormia crespoi sp. n. and its presence in Euphasiopteryx lenti sp. n. A key for the determination of Ormia species is presented based chiefly on the males external morphological characters.


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De 176 necrópsias feitas em vertebrados, os autores coletaram diversos helmintos, nos arredores de Alfenas, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A maioria das espécies aquí incluídas são redescritas e algumas delas, apenas referidas ou por já haverem sido apresentadas em trabalhos precedentes pelos próprios autores, ou por serem bem descritas atualmente, não se justificando um novo estudo. Com respeito aos Cestódeos, o propósito foi o de acrescentar alguns dados no que se refere à morfologia, com base nas descrições originais que são incompletas, em sua maior parte. São discutidos os seguintes itens: Freqüência das classes de vertebrados abatidos; parasitismo geral, por grupo de helmintos; parasitismo por grupo de helmintos, nos grupos de vertebrados. São apresentados também, comentários e figuras originais de cada espécie redescrita, bem como uma lista dos animais necropsiados.