234 resultados para Tumor primário oculto
OBJETIVO: Analisar o tempo desde o primeiro sintoma até o tratamento de pacientes tratadas para o câncer de mama em hospitais públicos do Distrito Federal, no Brasil Central. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal analítico. Foram entrevistadas 250 mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama tratadas em 6 hospitais da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal (Brasil) no período de novembro de 2009 a janeiro de 2011. Os intervalos de tempo estudados foram o período entre a detecção do sintoma e o tratamento, subdividido nos intervalos até a primeira consulta e após. As outras variáveis analisadas foram: a idade, o estado menopausal, a cor, o nível de escolaridade, a renda familiar média mensal, a procedência, o motivo da primeira consulta, o estadiamento, o tamanho do tumor, a lateralidade, a metástase para linfonodos axilares, a realização de quimioterapia neoadjuvante e o tipo de cirurgia. Para verificar a associação das variáveis com os intervalos de tempo até o tratamento, foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 52 anos, predominando mulheres brancas (57,6%), residentes no Distrito Federal (62,4%), com renda familiar de até dois salários mínimos (78%), que estudaram por até 4 anos (52,4%). O estadiamento da doença em 78,8% das mulheres variou de II a IV. O tempo entre o primeiro sintoma e o tratamento foi de 229 dias (mediana). Após a detecção do primeiro sintoma, 52,9% das mulheres compareceram a uma consulta em até 30 dias e 88,8% tiveram demora de mais de 90 dias para iniciar o tratamento. As mulheres com nível primário de escolaridade apresentaram maior atraso para início do tratamento (p=0,04). CONCLUSÕES: Houve um importante atraso para iniciar o tratamento das mulheres com câncer de mama em hospitais públicos do Distrito Federal sugerindo que esforços devem ser feitos para a redução dos tempos necessários para agendar a consulta médica, diagnosticar e tratar essas pacientes.
O tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC) é descrito na literatura como raramente metastático. Entretanto, métodos acurados para verificação dessa afirmativa não estão disponíveis na rotina veterinária. Neste trabalho utilizou-se a cintilografia com 99mTc-Timina para avaliar a disseminação do TVTC com apresentação cutânea. Houve captação da 99mTc-Timina nos três casos de TVTC estudados. A cintilografia com 99mTc-Timina é uma técnica não-invasiva e promissora para a avaliação do grau de disseminação tumoral em casos de TVTC. Sugerimos o seu uso na Oncologia Veterinária para localização de TVTC.
Casos de linfedema congênito foram observados acometendo 12 terneiros cruza Red Angus na região Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Os terneiros afetados apresentavam graus variáveis de edema subcutâneo ao nascimento, envolvendo principalmente os membros pélvicos, mas também outras regiões do corpo. A injeção de solução a 5% de azul de metileno no espaço interdigital dos membros pélvicos de três terneiros afetados e um controle, indicaram uma interrupção no fluxo da linfa, sugerindo uma falha dos linfáticos periféricos distais em contactar os troncos centrais. Na necropsia de três terneiros afetados, edema subcutâneo foi observado de modo variável nos membros pélvicos, prepúcio e abdômen ventral. Não foi observado edema nas cavidades orgânicas. Em dois casos, observou-se hipoplasia dos linfonodos poplíteos associadas à dilatação dos vasos linfáticos. Testes de DNA demonstraram que todos os terneiros afetados nasceram de vacas inseminadas pelo mesmo touro, sugerindo uma base genética para a doença. Levando em consideração que uma pequena porcentagem de terneiros nasceram de vacas inseminadas pelo touro suspeito, é provável que um modo autossômico recessivo esteja envolvido na hereditariedade da doença.
O hipotireoidismo primário adquirido é uma endocrinopatia frequentemente diagnosticada na espécie canina. A terapia consiste na suplementação oral com levotiroxina sódica (L-tiroxina), no entanto vários protocolos terapêuticos têm sido propostos pela literatura, com doses variando 11 a 44µg/kg uma a duas vezes ao dia, visto à grande variabilidade de absorção e meia-vida plasmática do fármaco. Foram estudados 30 cães com hipotiroidismo primário adquirido (13 machos e 17 fêmeas, idade média de 7,9±1,9 anos e peso médio de 19,1±12,6 kg) atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Guarulhos (UnG) e no Serviço de Endocrinologia de duas clínicas particulares da cidade de São Paulo (2009-2011), com o objetivo de avaliar a posologia e a frequência de administração da L-tiroxina, mais frequentemente utilizada, capaz de garantir um controle terapêutico satisfatório, avaliado através dos sinais clínicos e do teste pós-tiroxina, além de correlacionar a dose de tiroxina empregada com o peso dos animais. A dose média de tiroxina utilizada em nossa casuística foi de 16,9±3,1µg/kg, sendo a frequência de administração a cada 12 horas em 50% dos casos. Para se investigar uma possível correlação entre o peso e a dosagem de tiroxina utilizada, uma vez que cães de pequeno porte apresentam maior taxa metabólica que cães de grande porte, os animais foram agrupados em grupo A, cães com peso <10 Kg (n=12/30; 7,7±2,1 kg) e grupo B, cães com peso >10 kg (n=18/30, 26,8±10,7 kg). A dose média de tiroxina empregada nos grupos A e B não apresentaram diferença estatística e foram, respectivamente, 16±3µg/kg e 17±3µg/kg. A frequência de administração foi 50% a cada 24 horas e 50% a cada 12 horas para ambos os grupos. Dessa forma, a dose de tiroxina não parece se correlacionar com o peso do animal, sendo imprevisível quem deverá receber dose e frequência máxima da medicação. O protocolo deve ser individualizado e o paciente devidamente monitorado.
The overexpression of proteins P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1), mutant p53, and the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GSTpi) are related to resistance to chemotherapy in neoplasms. This study evaluated the expression of these markers by immunohistochemistry in two groups of canine TVT, without history of prior chemotherapy (TVT1, n=9) and in TVTs presented unsatisfactory clinical response to vincristine sulfate (TVT2, n=5). The percentage of specimens positively stained for P-gp, MRP1, GSTpi and p53 were, respectively 88.8%, 0%, 44.5% and 22.2% in TVT1 and 80%, 0%, 80% and 0% in TVT2. In TVT1, one specimen presented positive expression for three markers and four specimens for two markers. In TVT2, three specimens expressed P-gp and GSTpi. In conclusion, the canine TVTs studied expressed the four markers evaluated, but just P-gp and GSTpi were significantly expressed, mainly at cytoplasm and cytoplasm and nuclei, respectively, either before chemotherapy as after vincristine sulfate exposure. Future studies are needed to demonstrate the function of these two markers in conferring multidrug resistance (MDR) or predict the response to chemotherapy in canine TVT.
Aiming to provide insight and discussing the problems related to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT), especially in its extragenital form, immunohistochemical evaluation was performed and a comparison was established by analysis of the microscopic appearance of 10 genital CTVTs and 13 exclusively extragenital CTVTs previously diagnosed by cytology and histopathology. CTVTs samples were incubated with biotinylated antibodies raised against specific membrane (anti-macrophage) and cytoplasmic antigens (anti-lysozyme, anti-S-100 protein, anti-vimentin and anti-CD18) and subsequently developed using streptavidin-biotin peroxidase and streptavidin-biotin-alkaline phosphatase methods. A strong reactivity with the anti-vimentin antibody was found in 100% of the tumors tested (22/22). No reactivity was found for the anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage, anti-S-100 protein and anti-CD18. No histopathological or immunoreactivity differences between genital and extragenital CTVTs were found. These findings do not corroborate the hypothesis of histiocytic origin of CTVT (no reactivity to anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage and anti-CD 18 antibodies). In addition, the antibody panel used is useful to narrow the differential diagnosis for lymphomas, histiocytic tumors, amelanotic melanomas, and poorly differentiated epithelial neoplasias, among others.
A anatomia e ultra-estrutura do pulvino primário de Pterodon pubescens foram estudadas para verificar se os movimentos lentos de suas folhas estão associados às características celulares do pulvino. Amostras de pulvinos provenientes de folhas com folíolos abertos e fechados foram preparadas segundo técnicas usuais em microscopia de luz e eletrônica. O pulvino é constituído por epiderme unisseriada recoberta por cutícula espessa e tricomas tectores, córtex com diversas camadas de células parenquimáticas (ou motoras), feixe vascular central rodeado por bainha de fibras septadas e medula reduzida. As características das células motoras variam de acordo com o grau de turgescência do pulvino, ocorrendo alterações no tamanho e forma das células, na espessura das paredes celulares, na freqüência e organização dos plasmodesmos, no conteúdo e número de vacúolos e na densidade do citoplasma. Fibras septadas ao redor do floema estão sendo descritas pela primeira vez em pulvinos. A ampla ocorrência de plasmodesmos, a ausência de barreiras apoplásticas e a escassez de lignificação (presente unicamente nos vasos do xilema) indicam uma continuidade, simplástica e apoplástica, desde a epiderme até o tecido vascular do pulvino. Em P. pubescens, as características do pulvino primário são compatíveis com as de pulvinos que apresentam movimentos lentos; as características compartilhadas com pulvinos de movimentos rápidos são a presença de vacúolos com substâncias fenólicas nas células corticais e amiloplastos na endoderme. Os movimentos promovidos pelo pulvino primário de P. pubescens estão associados a mudanças nos compartimentos apoplástico (dobramentos das paredes celulares) e simplástico (reorganização vacuolar).
Anatomia comparada do pulvino primário de leguminosas com diferentes velocidades de movimento foliar
Os pulvinos, estruturas responsáveis por movimentos foliares, rápidos ou lentos, em resposta a estímulos externos ou endógenos, constituem uma característica marcante das leguminosas. Os ajustes no posicionamento foliar representam um mecanismo eficiente que permite a maximização da fotossíntese em condições adversas. Na literatura disponível, a maioria das informações sobre a estrutura de pulvinos refere-se a poucas espécies de leguminosas, especialmente aquelas que apresentam movimentos rápidos. Neste trabalho é descrita a anatomia do pulvino primário de nove espécies de leguminosas nativas do cerrado com diferentes tipos e velocidades de movimento foliar, buscando identificar padrões e apontar peculiaridades estruturais. O pulvino primário das espécies estudadas apresenta epiderme unisseriada recoberta por cutícula espessa, córtex parenquimático amplo, sistema vascular central e medula reduzida ou ausente. As células do córtex externo são maiores e apresentam conteúdo fenólico, exceto em Zornia diphylla Pers.; no córtex interno, as células são justapostas e não possuem conteúdo fenólico. Os feixes vasculares colaterais são circundados por uma bainha de fibras septadas. O padrão geral de organização anatômica é comum ao pulvino das espécies estudadas, independentemente da subfamília a qual pertencem. As peculiaridades observadas estão possivelmente relacionadas com o tipo e velocidade do movimento foliar.
In tumor-bearing rats, most of the serum amino acids are used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic tissue. In the present study, the effect of Walker 256 carcinoma growth on the intestinal absorption of leucine, methionine and glucose was investigated in newly weaned and mature rats. Food intake and carcass weight were decreased in newly weaned (NT) and mature (MT) rats bearing Walker 256 tumor in comparison with control animals (NC and MC). The tumor/carcass weight ratio was higher in NT than in MT rats, whereas nitrogen balance was significantly decreased in both as compared to control animals. Glucose absorption was significantly reduced in MT rats (MT = 47.3 ± 4.9 vs MC = 99.8 ± 5.3 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05) but this fact did not hamper the evolution of cancer. There was a significant increase in methionine absorption in both groups (NT = 4.2 ± 0.3 and MT = 2.0 ± 0.1 vs NC = 3.7 ± 0.1 and MC = 1.2 ± 0.2 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), whereas leucine absorption was increased only in young tumor-bearing rats (NT = 8.6 ± 0.2 vs NC = 7.7 ± 0.4 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), suggesting that these metabolites are being used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic cells, which might ensure their rapid proliferation especially in NT rats.
Macrophages are important components of natural immunity involved in inhibition of tumor growth and destruction of tumor cells. It is known that these cells can be activated for tumoricidal activity by lymphokines and bacterial products. We investigated whether YAC-1 tumor cells infected with Mycoplasma arginini stimulate nitric oxide (NO) release and macrophage cytotoxic activity. Thioglycollate-elicited macrophages from male BALB/c mice were co-cultured for 20 h with YAC-1 tumor cells infected or not with Mycoplasma arginini. The cytotoxic activity was evaluated by MTT assay and nitrite levels were determined with the Griess reagent. Thioglycollate-elicited macrophages co-cultured with noninfected YAC-1 cells showed low cytotoxic activity (34.7 ± 8.6%) and low production of NO (4.7 ± 3.1 µM NO2-). These macrophages co-cultured with mycoplasma-infected YAC-1 cells showed significantly higher cytotoxic activity (61.4 ± 9.1%; P<0.05) and higher NO production (48.5 ± 13 µM NO2-; P<0.05). Addition of L-NAME (10 mM), an inhibitor of NO synthesis, to these co-cultures reduced the cytotoxic activity to 37.4 ± 2% (P<0.05) and NO production to 3 ± 4 µM NO2- (P<0.05). The present data show that Mycoplasma arginini is able to induce macrophage cytotoxic activity and that this activity is partially mediated by NO.
The tumoricidal activity of activated macrophages has been attributed largely to the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), or to the production of reactive oxygen or nitrogen intermediates. The L929 tumor cell line (a murine fibroblast-like cell) when treated with actinomycin D (ActD) has been used to measure TNFa cytotoxicity. In the present study, we determined the cytotoxic activity of BCG-activated peritoneal macrophages against ActD-untreated L929 tumor cells. Furthermore, we measured the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and TNF by macrophages cultured in the presence or absence of L929 cells. As expected, BCG-activated macrophages produced significant amounts of H2O2 (16.0 ± 3.0 µM), TNF (512 U/ml) and NO (71.5 ± 3.2 µM). TNF (256 U/ml) and NO (78.9 ± 9.7 µM) production was unchanged in co-cultures of L929 cells with BCG-activated macrophages but H2O2 production was totally inhibited. The cytotoxic activity was dependent on NO release since L-NAME (2.5, 5.0 and 10 mM), which blocks NO synthase, inhibited the killing of L929 cells. Addition of anti-TNF (20 µg/ml) antibodies to the cultures did not affect the tumoricidal activity of macrophages. Our results indicate that macrophage-mediated killing of L929 cells is largely dependent on NO production but independent of H2O2 or TNF release.
In the course of studies on the effects of septal area lesions on neuroimmunomodulation and Walker 256 tumor development, it was observed that tumor-induced sodium and water retention was less marked in lesioned than in non-lesioned rats. In the present study possible mechanisms involved in this phenomenon were investigated. The experiments were performed in septal-lesioned (LW; N = 15) and sham-operated (SW; N = 7) 8-week-old male Wistar rats, which received multifocal simultaneous subcutaneous (sc) inoculations of Walker 256 tumor cells about 30 days after the stereotaxic surgery. Control groups (no tumor, sham-operated food-restricted (SFR), N = 7) and lesioned food-restricted (LFR, N = 10) were subjected to a feeding pattern similar to that observed in tumor-bearing animals. Multifocal inoculation of Walker 256 tumor rapidly induces anorexia, which is paradoxically accompanied by an increase in body weight, as a result of renal Na+ and fluid retention. These effects of the tumor were also seen in LW rats, although the rise in fractional sodium balance during the early clinical period was significantly smaller than in SW rats (day 4: SW = 47.6 ± 6.4% and LW = 13.8 ± 5.2%; day 5: SW = 57.5 ± 3.5% and LW = 25.7 ± 4.8%; day 6: SW = 54.4 ± 3.8% and LW = 32.1 ± 4.4%; P<0.05), suggesting a temporary reduction in tumor-induced sodium retention. In contrast, urine output was significantly reduced in SW rats and increased in LW rats (LW up to -0.85 and SW up to 4.5 ml/100 g body weight), with no change in osmolar excretion. These temporary changes in the tumor's effects on LW rats may reflect a "reversal" of the secondary central antidiuretic response induced by the tumor (from antidiuretic to diuretic).
Induction of apoptosis by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is modulated by changes in the expression and activity of several cell cycle regulatory proteins. We examined the effects of TNF (1-100 ng/ml) and butyrolactone I (100 µM), a specific inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) with high selectivity for CDK-1 and CDK-2, on three different cancer cell lines: WEHI, L929 and HeLa S3. Both compounds blocked cell growth, but only TNF induced the common events of apoptosis, i.e., chromatin condensation and ladder pattern of DNA fragmentation in these cell lines. The TNF-induced apoptosis events were increased in the presence of butyrolactone. In vitro phosphorylation assays for exogenous histone H1 and endogenous retinoblastoma protein (pRb) in the total cell lysates showed that treatment with both TNF and butyrolactone inhibited the histone H1 kinase (WEHI, L929 and HeLa) and pRb kinase (WEHI) activities of CDKs, as compared with the controls. The role of proteases in the TNF and butyrolactone-induced apoptosis was evaluated by comparing the number and expression of polypeptides in the cell lysates by gel electrophoresis. TNF and butyrolactone treatment caused the disappearance of several cellular protein bands in the region between 40-200 kDa, and the 110- 90- and 50-kDa proteins were identified as the major substrates, whose degradation was remarkably increased by the treatments. Interestingly, the loss of several cellular protein bands was associated with the marked accumulation of two proteins apparently of 60 and 70 kDa, which may be cleavage products of one or more proteins. These findings link the decrease of cyclin-dependent kinase activities to the increase of protease activities within the growth arrest and apoptosis pathways induced by TNF.
Cell interactions with extracellular matrices are important to pathological changes that occur during cell transformation and tumorigenesis. Several extracellular matrix proteins including fibronectin, thrombospondin-1, laminin, SPARC, and osteopontin have been suggested to modulate tumor phenotype by affecting cell migration, survival, or angiogenesis. Likewise, proteases including the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are understood to not only facilitate migration of cells by degradation of matrices, but also to affect tumor formation and growth. We have recently demonstrated an in vivo role for the RGD-containing protein, osteopontin, during tumor progression, and found evidence for distinct functions in the host versus the tumor cells. Because of the compartmentalization and temporal regulation of MMP expression, it is likely that MMPs may also function dually in host stroma and the tumor cell. In addition, an important function of proteases appears to be not only degradation, but also cleavage of matrix proteins to generate functionally distinct fragments based on receptor binding, biological activity, or regulation of growth factors.
Ablation of host submaxillary glands modifies Ehrlich tumor growth and tumor-infiltrating leukocytes, possibly by modifications in the serum level of growth factors produced by this gland. To extend this research, 7-month-old male EPM-1 mice (N = 30) were divided into two groups: 1) inoculated with tumor cells previously incubated with submaxillary salivary gland extract (SGE) in PBS for 30 min at 37%; 2) inoculated with tumor cells previously incubated with PBS, under the same conditions. Animals were inoculated into the footpad with 40 µl of a suspension containing 4.5 x 107 tumor cells/ml, and footpad thickness was measured daily for 10 days. Sections and smears of tumor cells were prepared from the tumor mass to determine mitosis frequency, percent of tumor cells immunopositive to nerve (NGF) and epidermal (EGF) growth factors and percent of tumor-infiltrating leukocytes. The incubation of tumor cells with SGE produced a tumor reduction of about 30% in size (P<0.01). This effect was not related to loss of cell viability during incubation, but a 33% increase (P<0.05) in the percentage of dead or dying tumor cells and a 15% increase in the percent of NGF/EGF-positive tumor cells (P<0.01) were observed in vivo at the end of experiment. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and mitosis frequency did not differ between groups. These data suggest a direct effect of factors present in SGE on tumor cells, which induce degeneration of tumor cells.