293 resultados para Pneumonia Bacteriana
Q fever has been considered non-existing in Brazil where reports of clinical cases still cannot be found. This case-series of 16 patients is a result of a systematic search for such illness by means of clinical and serologic criteria. Serologic testing was performed by the indirect microimmunofluorescence technique using phase I/II C. burnetii antigens. Influenza-like syndrome was the most frequent clinical form (eight cases - 50%), followed by pneumonia, FUO (fever of unknown origin), mono-like syndrome (two cases - 12.5% each), lymphadenitis (one case - 6.3%) and spondylodiscitis associated with osteomyelitis (one case - 6.3%). The ages varied from four to 67 years old with a median of 43.5. All but one patient had positive serologic tests for phase II IgG whether or not associated with IgM positivity compatible with acute infection. One patient had both phase I and phase II IgG antibodies compatible with chronic Q fever. Seroconvertion was detected in 10 patients. Despite the known limitations of serologic diagnosis, the cases here reported should encourage Brazilian doctors to include Q fever as an indigenous cause of febrile illness.
The lack of specific laboratorial diagnosis methods and precise symptoms makes the toxocariasis a neglected disease in Public Health Services. This study aims to determine the frequency of Toxocara spp. infection in children attended by the Health Public Service of Hospital Municipal de Maringá, South Brazil. To evaluate the association of epidemiological and clinical data, an observational and cross-section study was carried out. From 14,690 attended children/year aged from seven month to 12 years old, 450 serum samples were randomly collected from September/2004 to September/2005. A questionnaire was used to evaluate epidemiological, clinical and hematological data. An ELISA using Toxocara canis larval excretory-secretory products as antigen detected 130 (28.8%) positive sera, mainly between children from seven month to five years old (p = 0.0016). Significant correlation was observed between positive serology for Toxocara, and frequent playing in sandbox at school or daycare center (p = 0.011) and the presence of a cat at home (p = 0.056). From the families, 50% were dog owners which exposed soil backyards. Eosinophilia (p = 0.776), and signs and symptoms analyzed (fever p = 0.992, pneumonia p = 0.289, cold-like symptoms p = 0.277, cough p = 0.783, gastrointestinal problems p = 0.877, migraine p = 0.979, abdominal pain p = 0.965, joint pain p = 0.686 and skin rash p = 0.105) could not be related to the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Therefore, two asthmatics children showed titles of 1:10,240 and accentuated eosinophilia (p = 0.0001). The authors emphasize the needs of prevention activities.
A 4-year old child living in Colombia presented with a history of fever and severe abdominal pain for four days. The patient developed pneumonia, septic shock, multiple organ failure and died on the fifth day of hospitalization. Chromobacterium violaceum was isolated from admission blood cultures and was resistant to ampicillin, cephalosporins, carbapenems and aminoglycosides.
Phenotypic characteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility profile, and clinical-epidemiological features of 28 Nocardia strains isolated from 19 cases of bovine mastitis, eight cutaneous-subcutaneous lesions and one case of pneumonia in dogs were evaluated. Microbiological, biochemical, cytological and scanning electron microscopy methods were used in diagnosis. Nocardia asteroides type IV, Nocardia otitidiscaviarum,Nocardia nova (type III) and Nocardia farcinica (type V) were isolated from bovine milk, bronchial lavage and/or cutaneous-subcutaneous abscesses in dogs. Nocardial bovine mastitis was diagnosed predominantly in clinical cases, in dairy herds with poor environmental hygienic conditions between milking and inappropriate intramammary therapy. Canine nocardiosis was observed commonly in animals co-infected with distemper virus. Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim (92.8%), amikacin (92.8%) and ceftiofur (92.8%) were the most effective drugs in 28 isolates. Multiple drug resistance to three or more and five or more antimicrobials was observed in ten (35.7%) and three (10.7%) strains, respectively, predominantly with use of cloxaxillin, cefoperazone and ampicillin. The species (type) classification, clinical-epidemiological characteristics, diagnosis, multiple-drug resistance and public health considerations in Nocardia strains isolated from cattle and dogs in Brazil are discussed, with special reference to report of bovine mastitis by N. otitidiscaviarum by first time in Brazil and the similarity between Nocardia species isolated from human and animal origin.
Few data are available about progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) from Brazil. The objectives of this study were to describe the main features of patients with PML and estimate its frequency among AIDS patients with central nervous system (CNS) opportunistic diseases admitted to the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, São Paulo, Brazil, from April 2003 to April 2004. A retrospective and descriptive study was performed. Twelve (6%) cases of PML were identified among 219 patients with neurological diseases. The median age of patients with PML was 36 years and nine (75%) were men. Nine (75%) patients were not on antiretroviral therapy at admission. The most common clinical manifestations were: focal weakness (75%), speech disturbances (58%), visual disturbances (42%), cognitive dysfunction (42%), and impaired coordination (42%). The median CD4+ T-cell count was 45 cells/µL. Eight (67%) of 12 patients were laboratory-confirmed with PML and four (33%) were possible cases. Eleven (92%) presented classic PML and only one case had immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)-related PML. In four (33%) patients, PML was the first AIDS-defining illness. During hospitalization, three patients (25%) died as a result of nosocomial pneumonia and nine (75%) were discharged to home. Cases of PML were only exceeded by cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, and CNS tuberculosis, the three more frequent neurologic opportunistic infections in Brazil. The results of this study suggest that PML is not an uncommon HIV-related neurologic disorder in a referral center in Brazil.
The AIDS epidemic has become a worldwide phenomenon of enormous magnitude and extension, deeply transforming medical practices and public health initiatives. This retrospective survey aimed to analyze clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with HIV/AIDS admitted to the Institute of Tropical Diseases Natan Portella, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, from January, 2001 through December, 2004. Of the 828 patients, 43% were from other states and 71.3% were men. Average patient age was 35.4 ± 11.5 years-old and 85.5% were illiterate or had primary education. The main form of exposure to HIV was heterosexual behavior (54.1%), while injectable drug use was confirmed by only 2.7% of registered cases. The most frequent infectious complications were candidiasis (42.4%) and pneumocystosis (22.2%). Sixty-eight cases (8.2%) of visceral leishmaniasis were registered. Using multivariate analysis, individuals aged over 40 years-old, patients with active tuberculosis, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and central nervous system cryptococcosis showed increased risk of death. In this study, young male adults with low educational levels predominated and the most frequent opportunistic infections were candidiasis and pneumocystosis.
We report a case of severe toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient, characterized by pneumonia, retinochoroiditis, hepatitis and myositis. Diagnosis was confirmed by serology, T. gondii in thick blood smear and presence of bradyzoites in muscle biopsy. Treatment with pyrimethamine plus sulfadoxine was successful but visual acuity and hip extension were partially recovered. This is the first case report of severe toxoplasmosis in an immunocompetent patient from Peru.
A case of meningitis due to Staphylococcus warneri in a patient with a hyperinfection with Strongyloides stercoralis possibly associated with rituximab treatment for mantel cell lymphoma is reported for the first time in the literature. The patient was a 59-year-old woman, with a 3-year history of an apparently well controlled lymphoma after treatment with chemotherapy-immunotherapy and then immunotherapy alone, and diagnosis of strongyloidiasis. Meningitis was diagnosed by cerebrospinal fluid culture and tested with an automated plate system. The patient was successfully treated with vancomycin; although fever and productive cough persisted. Severe gastrointestinal symptoms and pneumonia developed three weeks later. Hyperinfection syndrome by S. stercoralis was diagnosed, with abundant larvae in feces and expectoration.
The first report to our knowledge, of hyperinfection by Strongyloides stercoralis (HS) and hypereosinophilia, associated to immune suppression by Rituximab (the only drug received for the last one year and 10 months), in a patient with mantle-cell lymphoma (MCL), is presented. The patient has a 3-year history of MCL, and developed two accesses of HS during 2008, including meningitis, pneumonia and presence of larvae of S. stercoralis in the lungs. We had a unique chance to look at cytotoxicity of filariform larvae in the expectoration after Ivermectin treatment, showing immobilization and death of larvae, associated with eosinophils attached to the cuticle of the parasite.
We describe two patients with HIV/AIDS who presented pulmonary and intestinal infection caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, with a fatal outcome. The lack of available description of changes in clinical signs and radiographic characteristics of this disease when it is located in the extra-intestinal region causes low prevalence of early diagnosis and a subsequent lack of treatment.
A Cefaloridina (CEPORAN), um nôvo antibiótico semi-sintético derivado da Cefalosporina C, foi administrada a 10 pacientes, 2 dos quais com febre tifóiãe. Esses 2 casos toleraram a drogra satisfatoriamente, conseguindo a abolição áe algumas de suas principais manifestações toxêmicas, porém não uma cura completa. Um dêles, após o desaparecimento da febre, no 8.° dia de tratamento, teve uma recaída, enquanto que o outro permaneceu febril durante todo o período de tratamento (13 dias). Os outros 8 pacientes, com infecções esírepfo. cócicas, estafilocócicas e outras de origem bacteriana, responderam satisfatoriamente à terapêutica com, o CEPORAN, com exceção de um que apresentava jurunculose crônica recorrente.
O autor apresenta uma revisão sôbre o mecanismo de ação dos sulfamídicos de ação prolongada, tecendo considerações sôbre a sua distribuição no organismo e sua atividade antibacteriana. Aprecia principalmente as características farmacodinâmicas da sulfametoxipirazina considerando-a superior aos demais sulfamídicos ensaiados, devido à sua lenta eliminação e à sua reduzida ligação às proteínas plasmáticas, características que, aliadas à sua pequena toxicidade e atividade bacteriana elevada, permitem o seu emprego terapêutico em doses baixas.
Os AA. procederam ao estudo radiológicc do tórax em duas incidências p.a. e perfil - em 69 casos de sarampo, durante o período exantemático. Verificaram .95,55% de enfísemas, 60,87% de pneumonias, 45,48% de broncopneumonias, 18,84% de atelectasias e 7.25% de empastamento hilar. Os AA. destacam a importância da radiografia em perfil, sobretudo para o diagnostico das pneumonias retrocardiacas, das alterações pulmonares localizadas nos segmentos posteriores das bases, assim como o diagnóstico diferencial entre atelectasia e pneumonia. Os vários tipos de enfisemas, de pneumonias e de atelectasias são comentados. Dentre os 69 pacientes, 30 foram internados com suspeita de complicação pulmonar, e 39, sem suspeita de complicação pulmonar, foram controlados em regime ambulatorial. Não se registrou diferença estatisticamente significativa, com relação à ocorrência de enfisema, pneumonia, atelectasia e de empastamento hílar, nos pacientes internados e não internados; por outro lado, comprovou-se maior incidência de broncopneumonia, em pacientes internados, nos grupos etários de 1/2 a 2 e 2 a 6 anos.
Verificaram os autores que, "in vitro", concentrações de "Hycanthone" variáveis de 0,39 a 400 mcg/ml não impediram o desenvolvimento de Salmonella anatum, S. derby, S. typhi e S. typhimurium. Essa concentração pode, sem dúvida, representar apoio à hipótese segundo a qual, na salmonelose de curso prolongado, há carreamento das bactérias pelos helmintos, uma vez que Macêdo & cols. curaram, recentemente, a um só tempo, a esquistossomíase mansônica e a infecção bacteriana de pacientes acometidos pelo citado e intrigante problema da patologia regional brasileira.
Numa análise de 68 pacientes com o diagnóstico de salmonelose septicêmica prolongada (doentes com a forma hépato-esplênica da esquistossomose mansônica, e bactérias do gênero Salmonella isoladas do sangue), demonstrou-se que 28 deles (41,2%) apresentaram, concomitantemente, proteinúria e alterações significantes do sedimento urinário (hematúria, leucocitúria e cilindrúria). Destes doentes 3 apresentaram quadro de síndrome nefrótica e quatro se apresentaram urêmicos. Em 10 doentes foi realizado estudo histológico dos rins, havendo em 5, glomerulonefrite proliferativo membranoss, em 2 esclerose glomerular focal, 1 paciente apresentou glomerulonefrite proliferativa mesangial e um apenas alterações histológicas mínimas. Infecção do trato urinário por Salmonella (a mesma isolada do sangue) foi observada em 3 casos. A ocorrência do mesmo padrão histológico de alteração glomerular observado na glomerulopatia da esquistossomose sugeriu que o principal determinante da lesão glomerular foi, provavelmente, a infecção por S. mandoni. A elevada prevalência de alterações urinárias, em muitos casos desaparecendo com o tratamento da salmonelose, sugeriu que a infecção bacteriana contribuiu para o aparecimento das manifestações clínicas da nefropatia provavelmente através mecanismo imunológico. O achado de nefrite intersticial mais freqüente e intensa nestes casos do que naqueles apenas com esquistossomose também sugere uma peculiaridade desta condição provavelmente de natureza imunológica.