415 resultados para Plasmodium Falciparum
Com uma incidência de 3 a 10% dos casos e letalidade próxima a 70%, o comprometimento pulmonar constitui uma das manifestações mais graves da malária por Plasmodium falciparum. Embora sua patogênese não esteja perfeitamente esclarecida, reconhece-se que a hiperativação do sistema imune por antígenos liberados pelo Plasmodium falciparum desempenhe um importante papel no desencadeamento e agravamento das lesões. A estrutura alvo parece ser o endotélio capilar, responsável pelo fluxo de líquidos para o espaço intersticial. Essas células são ativadas por ação de citocinas, produzidas por linfócitos e macrófagos durante a resposta imune, e passam a expressar em sua membrana celular receptores e moléculas de aderência que facilitam a sequestração de eritrócitos parasitados e também a aderência de células capazes de produzir mediadores inflamatórios. A reação inflamatória e a lesão endotelial que se seguem, juntamente com as alterações hemodinâmicas induzidas pelo bloqueio capilar devido ao acúmulo local de eritrócitos e células inflamatórias causam alterações de permeabilidade vascular e, consequentemente, acúmulo de líquido nos espaços intersticiais e alvéolos. Nos casos mais graves, as manifestações clínicas assemelham-se às do quadro da Síndrome do desconforto respiratório do adulto. Comprometimento pulmonar grave pode se instalar rapidamente em qualquer estágio da evolução clínica da malária, mesmo após a cura parasitológica, desconhecendo-se os fatores desencadeantes. Hiperparasitismo, insuficiência renal e gravidez constituem fatores predisponentes. O prognóstico dependerá da rapidez com que o diagnóstico for estabelecido e o correto tratamento instituído. Além do tratamento instituído contra o parasita, especial atenção deverá ser dispensada à monitorização hemodinâmica, se possível através de cateter de Swan-Ganz, à manutenção de adequada oxigenação e balanço hídrico, e ao controle de outras complicações, frequentemente associadas ao comprometimento pulmonar. O esclarecimento da patogenia do comprometimento pulmonar associado à malária deverá concorrer para a racionalização da conduta terapêutica e, consequentemente, melhorar o prognóstico dos indivíduos acometidos por esta complicação
In Brazil, more than 500,000 new cases of malaria were notified in 1992. Plasmodium falciparum and P.vivax are the responsible species for 99.3% of the cases. For adequate treatment, precoce diagnosis is necessary. In this work, we present the results of the traditional Plasmodia detection method, thick blood film (TBF), and the results of alternative methods: Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with polyclonal antibody and Quantitative Buffy Coat method (QBC)® in a well defined population groups. The analysis were done in relation to the presence or absence of malaria clinical symptoms. Also different classes of immunoglobulins anti-P.falciparum were quantified for the global analysis of the results, mainly in the discrepant results. We concluded that alternative methods are more sensitive than TBF and that the association of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory findings is necessary to define the presence of malaria.
The anthropometric (body weight, height, upper arm circumference, triceps and subescapular skinfolds; Quetelet index and arm muscle circunference) and blood biochemistry (proteins and lipids) parameters were evaluated in 93 males and 27 females, 17-72 years old voluntaries living in the malarial endemic area of Humaita city (southwest Amazon). According to their malarial history they were assembled in four different groups: G1-controls without malarial history (n:30); G2 - controls with malarial history but without actual manifestation of the disease (n:40); G3 - patients with Plasmodium vivax (n:19) and G4 - patients with Plasmodium falciparum (n:31). The malarial status was stablished by clinical and laboratory findings. The overall data of anthropometry and blood biochemistry discriminated the groups differently. The anthropometric data were low sensitive and contrasted only the two extremes (G1>G4) whereas the biochemistry differentiated two big groups, the healthy (G1+G2) and the patients (G3+G4). The nutritional status of the P. falciparum patients was highly depressed for most of the studied indices but none was sensitive enough to differentiate this group from the P. vivax group (G3). On the other hand the two healthy groups could be differentiated through the levels of ceruloplasmin (G1
Although the Giemsa-stained thick blood smear (GTS) remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of malaria, molecular methods are more sensitive and specific to detect parasites and can be used at reference centers to evaluate the performance of microscopy. The description of the Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale ssrRNA gene sequences allowed the development of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that had been used to differentiate the four species. The objective of this study was to determine Plasmodium species through PCR in 190 positive smears from patients in order to verify the quality of diagnosis at SUCEN's Malaria Laboratory. Considering only the 131 positive results in both techniques, GTS detected 4.6% of mixed and 3.1% of P. malariae infections whereas PCR identified 19.1% and 13.8%, respectively.
Plasmodium falciparum resistant strain development has encouraged the search for new antimalarial drugs. Febrifugine is a natural substance with high activity against P. falciparum presenting strong emetic property and liver toxicity, which prevent it from being used as a clinical drug. The search for analogues that could have a better clinical performance is a current topic. We aim to investigate the theoretical electronic structure by means of febrifugine derivative family semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations, seeking the electronic indexes that could help the design of new efficient derivatives. The theoretical results show there is a clustering in well-defined ranges of several electronic indexes of the most selective molecules. The model proposed for achieving high selectivity was tested with success.
Terrestrial plants have been demonstrated to be sources of antimalarial compounds. In Cuba, little is known about antimalarial potentials of plant species used as medicinals. For that reason, we evaluated the antimalarial activity of 14 plant species used in Cuba as antimalarial, antipyretic and/or antiparasitic. Hydroalcoholic extracts were prepared and tested in vitro for the antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum Ghana strain and over human cell line MRC-5 to determine cytotoxicity. Parasite multiplication was determined microscopically by the direct count of Giemsa stained parasites. A colorimetric assay was used to quantify cytotoxicity. Nine extracts showed IC50 values lower than 100 µg/mL against P. falciparum, four extracts were classified as marginally active (SI < 4), one as partially active (Parthenium hysterophorus) exhibiting SI equal to 6.2 and two extracts as active (Bambusa vulgaris and Punica granatum), showing SI > 10. B. vulgaris showed the most potent and specific antiplasmodial action (IC50 = 4.7 µg/mL, SI = 28.9). Phytochemical characterization of active extracts confirmed the presence of triterpenoids in B. vulgaris and polar compounds with phenol free groups and fluorescent metabolites in both extracts as major phytocompounds, by thin layer chromatography. In conclusion, antimalarial use of B. vulgaris and P. hysterophorus was validated. B. vulgaris and P. granatum extracts were selected for follow-up because of their strong antimalarial activity.
This study describes the epidemiological profile of malaria in the State of Tocantins, in the period 2003-2008, investigates the association between the frequency of malaria and population growth, classifies the cases by 'autochthonous' and 'imported', reports the indices of the disease and analyses the distribution of the cases by Plasmodium species, age and gender. The retrospective study was based on secondary data, stored in SIVEP-malaria and analyzed using the software Epi-Info 3.5.1. and Bioestat 5.0. 19,004 samples were investigated for malaria, 19% of them were positive, 73.32% with Plasmodium vivax, 21.80% with Plasmodium falciparum, 4.79% with mixed infections and only 0.08% with Plasmodium malariae. Male individuals accounted for 76.95% and predominated in all years and age groups, especially in the 15 to 49 years old group. From the overall cases, 34.27% were autochthonous and 65.73% were imported (χ2 = 356.8, p = 0.0001). The frequency of malaria decreased significantly during the entire series (rp = 0.96, p = 0.002) and the number of municipalities with autochthonous transmission also diminished. It was found that malaria is predominantly imported, related to land activities, which confirms the need for effective measures to maintain vigilance throughout the state and enhance educational activities in order to guide the population towards early treatment-seeking.
SUMMARYThe use of a “direct PCR” DNA polymerase enables PCR amplification without any prior DNA purification from blood samples due to the enzyme's resistance to inhibitors present in blood components. Such DNA polymerases are now commercially available. We compared the PCR performance of six direct PCR-type DNA polymerases (KOD FX, Mighty Amp, Hemo KlenTaq, Phusion Blood II, KAPA Blood, and BIOTAQ) in dried blood eluted from a filter paper with TE buffer. GoTaq Flexi was used as a standard DNA polymerase. PCR performance was evaluated by a nested PCR technique for detecting Plasmodium falciparum genomic DNA in the presence of the blood components. Although all six DNA polymerases showed resistance to blood components compared to the standard Taq polymerase, the KOD FX and BIOTAQ DNA polymerases were resistant to inhibitory blood components at concentrations of 40%, and their PCR performance was superior to that of other DNA polymerases. When the reaction mixture contained a mild detergent, only KOD FX DNA polymerase retained the original amount of amplified product. These results indicate that KOD FX DNA polymerase is the most resistant to inhibitory blood components and/or detergents. Thus, KOD FX DNA polymerase could be useful in serological studies to simultaneously detect antibodies and DNA in eluents for antibodies. KOD FX DNA polymerase is thus not limited to use in detecting malaria parasites, but could also be employed to detect other blood-borne pathogens.
The loop-mediated isothermal amplification method (LAMP) is a recently developed molecular technique that amplifies nucleic acid under isothermal conditions. For malaria diagnosis, 150 blood samples from consecutive febrile malaria patients, and healthy subjects were screened in Thailand. Each sample was diagnosed by LAMP, microscopy and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR), using nPCR as the gold standard. Malaria LAMP was performed using Plasmodiumgenus and Plasmodium falciparum specific assays in parallel. For the genus Plasmodium, microscopy showed a sensitivity and specificity of 100%, while LAMP presented 99% of sensitivity and 93% of specificity. For P. falciparum, microscopy had a sensitivity of 95%, and LAMP of 90%, regarding the specificity; and microscopy presented 93% and LAMP 97% of specificity. The results of the genus-specific LAMP technique were highly consistent with those of nPCR and the sensitivity of P. falciparum detection was only marginally lower.
O estudo de 27 pacientes infectados pelo Plasmodium falciparum comparado com pessoas aparentemente sadias mostra: a) diminuição do folato no soro dos pacientes infectados; b) diminuição do folato sêrico nos primeiros 8 dias que seguiram ao tratamento, interpretados como sendo devido à mobilização pela eritropoiese compensadora; c) folato eritrocítico normal.
Através da prova de 7 dias foi estudado o grau de resistência do Plasmodium falciparum à cloroquina, amodiaquina e sulfadoxina-pirimetamina em Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas médias de parasitas nos dias de seguimento e nas proporções de resistência entre os três medicamentos testados, fazendo com que os autores recomendem a manutenção das 4-aminoquinoleínas como drogas a serem usadas atualmente em infecções não graves por P. falciparum na área de Porto Velho.
In August 1983,85 inhabitants of the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas State, Brazil were studied to determine the prevalence of antigens to HLA-A, -B, -C and DR. Thirty-eight were sick with malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum. All subjects were examined for splenomegaly, blood parasitaemia and antibodies to malaria. They constituted three groups: 1) 25 subjects native to the Amazon region who had never had malaria; 2) 38 Amazonian subjects who had malaria in the past or currently had an infection; 3) 22 patients with malaria who had acquired the infection in the Amazon Region but came from other regions of Brazil. Blood was taken from each person, the lymphocytes were separated and typed by the test of microlymphocytotoxicity. There was a high frequency of antigens that could not be identified in the groups studied which suggests the existence of a homozygote or phenotype not identified in the population. There was a high frequency of the phenotype Ag(W24) (44.7%) in group 2 when compared with group 1 (32%) or group 3 (9%). Also the individuals in group 2 showed an elevated frequency of antigen DR(4)80%) when compared with group 1 (36.6%) or group 3 (16.6%). These observations suggest the possibility of a genetic susceptibility to malaria among Amazonian residents and indicate a necessity for more extensive studies of the frequency of HLA antigens among inhabitants of this endemic malarial zone.
A malaria survey was conducted in an area of high transmission (Costa Marques, Rondonia, Brazil) to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic parasitemia and its clinical significance. Most of the people surveyed were immigrants who had lived in the endemic area < 5 years. The people had easy access to free diagnostic and treatment services at the Malaria Clinic in the town of Costa Marques. The prevalence of plasmodial parasitemia in 344 people was 22%. There were 36 individuals with asymptomatic infections among the 77 parasitemic patients. During the two days following the initial examination, 19 ofthe 36 individuals: with asymptomatic infections developed malaria. Among the 17 patients who remained asymptomatic for > 2 days, 4 had only gametocytes, 1 had taken inadequate anti-malarial treatment, 3 were under treatment and 2 moved. Six asymptomatic patients denied the use of anti-malarial drugs and they developed malaria 3-6 days after the initial parasitological diagnosis. The final patient remained asymptomatic during the 7 day observation period. He had a history of > 40 malaria attacks and denied the use of antimalarial treatment. With the exception of the latter all of the other asymptomatic patients, were either in the incubation period or had been treated It is concluded that asymptomatic malaria is rare in the Costa Marques area and that it is necessary to treat all individuals with plasmodial parasitemia.
Em estudo randômico dupb-cego, 122 voluntários morando em área endêmica de malária na Região Amazônica (Estado de Rondônia) foram divididos em quatro grupos para estudo da supressão malárica. O grupo 1 recebeu 500mg de mefloquina a cada quatro semanas; o grupo II 250mg de mefloquina a cada duas semanas; o grupo III um comprimido de Fansidar (500mg de sulfadoxina + 25mg de pirimetamina) por semana e o grupo IV, recebeu apenas placebo. Um ataque agudo de malária ocorreu em um indivíduo do grupo 1, em dois indivíduos do grupo II e em seis indivíduos dos grupos III e IV. A proteção verificada nos grupos em uso de mefloquina foi significantemente superior comparada ao grupo placebo. A mefloquina, em ambas as dosagens usadas, mostrou-se efetiva na supressão malárica em uma área onde o Plasmodium falciparum plurirresistente é altamente prevalente.
São apresentados dados epidemiológicos no período de 1980 a 1994 de 2.781 casos de malária assim distribuídos: DIR XII - Campinas (49,3%), DIR XV - Piracicaba (41,3%) e DIR XX - São João da Boa Vista (9,4%). O Plasmodium vivax foi encontrado em 70,6% dos pacientes; Plasmodium falciparum em 25,4% e 4% de infecção mista. Segundo a classificação epidemiológica 95% dos casos são procedentes dos Estados de Rondônia, Mato Grosso e Pará. O sexo masculino, na faixa etária de 20 a 39 anos, foi responsável por 84,3% dos casos confirmados. No período estudado foram registrados 9 casos de malária induzida: 5 por transfusões sangüíneas, 3 pelo uso de seringas e agulhas contaminadas entre os usuários de drogas e 1 caso de malária congênita. Foram registrados 5 óbitos em doentes primo-infectados por P. falciparum com diagnóstico tardio. O conjunto das variáveis estudadas permite conhecer a epidemiologia da doença na região, subsidiar e nortear o processo de descentralização do atendimento, diagnóstico e tratamento a paciente de malária, assim como o controle e a vigilância epidemiológica da endemia na região de Campinas e no Estado de São Paulo.