333 resultados para Peanut Hypersensitivity -- diagnosis


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OBJECTIVE - To assess the incidence of fatal pulmonary embolism (FPE), the accuracy of clinical diagnosis, and the profile of patients who suffered an FPE in a tertiary University Hospital. METHODS - Analysis of the records of 3,890 autopsies performed at the Department of General Pathology from January 1980 to December 1990. RESULTS - Among the 3,980 autopsies, 109 were cases of clinically suspected FPE; of these, 28 cases of FPE were confirmed. FPE accounted for 114 deaths, with clinical suspicion in 28 cases. The incidence of FPE was 2.86%. No difference in sex distribution was noted. Patients in the 6th decade of life were most affected. The following conditions were more commonly related to FPE: neoplasias (20%) and heart failure (18.5%). The conditions most commonly misdiagnosed as FPE were pulmonary edema (16%), pneumonia (15%) and myocardial infarction (10%). The clinical diagnosis of FPE showed a sensitivity of 25.6%, a specificity of 97.9%, and an accuracy of 95.6%. CONCLUSION - The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism made on clinical grounds still has considerable limitations.


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We report here a case of coronary artery fistula in a neonate with clinical signs of heart failure. The electrocardiogram showed signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and diffuse alterations in ventricular repolarization. Chest X-ray showed an enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with an increase in pulmonary flow. After echocardiographic diagnosis and angiographic confirmation, closure of the fistulous trajectory was performed with a detachable balloon with an early and late successful outcome.


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A rare association of pulmonary atresia with an intact septum was diagnosed through echocardiography in a fetus 32 weeks of gestational age. The diagnosis was later confirmed by echocardiography of the newborn infant and further on autopsy. The aortic valve was bicuspid with a pressure gradient of 81mmHg, and the right ventricle was hypoplastic, as were the pulmonary trunk and arteries, and the blood flow was totally dependent on the ductus arteriosus.


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Ebstein's anomaly is an uncommon congenital heart defect, with a prevalence of 0.3-0.5%. Its association with an imperforate tricuspid valve is an even more rare situation (less than 10% of cases). Prenatal diagnosis of this association by means of fetal echocardiography has not been reported. We describe here this association diagnosed before birth and confirmed after birth. The diagnostic potential and importance of fetal echocardiography during prenatal evaluation of cardiac malformations allows for adequate perinatal planning and management, with an obvious impact on morbidity and mortality.


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Multiple arterial anomalies characterized by tortuosity and rolling of the pulmonary arteries and aorta were diagnosed on echocardiography in an asymptomatic newborn infant with a phenotype suggesting Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. These changes were later confirmed on angiography, which also showed peripheral vascular abnormalities. The electrocardiogram showed a probable hemiblock of the left anterosuperior branch, and the chest x-ray showed an excavated pulmonary trunk with normal pulmonary flow.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the predictive values of noninvasive tests for the detection of allograft vascular disease. METHODS: We studied 39 patients with mean ages of 48±13 years and a follow-up period of 86±13 months. The diagnosis of allograft vascular disease was made by cine-coronary arteriography, and it was considered as positive if lesions existed that caused > or = 50% obstruction of the lumen. Patients underwent 24h Holter monitoring, thallium scintigraphy, a treadmill stress test, and dobutamine stress echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were determined in percentages for each method, as compared with the cine-coronary arteriography results. RESULTS: Allograft vascular disease was found in 15 (38%) patients. The Holter test showed 15.4% sensitivity, 95.5% specificity. For the treadmill stress test, sensitivity was 10%, specificity was 100%. When thallium scintigraphy was used, sensitivity was 40%, specificity 95.8%. On echocardiography with dobutamine, we found a 63.6% sensitivity, 91.3% specificity. When the dobutamine echocardiogram was associated with scintigraphy, sensitivity was 71.4%, specificity was 87%. CONCLUSION: In this group of patients, the combination of two noninvasive methods (dobutamine echocardiography and thallium scintigraphy) may be a good alternative for the detection of allograft vascular disease in asymptomatic patients with normal ventricular function.


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Syncope in children is primarily related to vagal hyperreactivity, but ventricular tachycardia (VT) way rarely be seen. Catecholaminergic polymorphic VT is a rare entity that can occur in children without heart disease and with a normal QT interval, which may cause syncope and sudden cardiac death. In this report, we describe the clinical features, treatment, and clinical follow-up of three children with syncope associated with physical effort or emotion and cathecolaminergic polymorphic VT. Symptoms were controlled with beta-blockers, but one patient died suddenly in the fourth year of follow-up. Despite the rare occurrence, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT is an important cause of syncope and sudden death in children with no identified heart disease and normal QT interval.


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OBJECTIVE: To report the pattern of occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension in a female nursing staff of an emergency hospital. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study that included interviews and blood pressure measurements of 494 nursing professionals at an emergency hospital in the city of Salvador, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We considered hypertensive all individual with blood pressure > or = 140/90 mmHg or normal pressure if on regular treatment. RESULTS: We found a prevalence of hypertension of 36.4%. Only 18.3% of the individuals ignored their hypertensive condition, and 64.2% admitted not being having regular treatment. Of those individuals who were having treatment, 69.4% had elevated blood pressure on examination. The major reasons for not being on treatment was the occasional elevation of blood pressure (22.2%) and medical counseling (20.0%). CONCLUSION: The results point to the need to introduce hypertension control measures in this occupational group, because of the magnitude of the disease and the potential impact on diffusion of knowledge and measures to control hypertension.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the intraobserver reliability of the information about the history of diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. METHODS: A multidimensional health questionnaire, which was filled out by the interviewees, was applied twice with an interval of 2 weeks, in July '99, to 192 employees of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), stratified by sex, age, and educational level. The intraobserver reliability of the answers provided was estimated by the kappa statistic and by the coefficient of intraclass correlation (CICC). RESULTS: The general kappa (k) statistic was 0.75 (95% CI=0.73-0.77). Reliability was higher among females (k=0.88, 95% CI=0.85-0.91) than among males (k=0.62, 95% CI=0.59-0.65).The reliability was higher among individuals 40 years of age or older (k=0.79; 95% CI=0.73-0.84) than those from 18 to 39 years (k=0.52; 95% CI=0.45-0.57). Finally, the kappa statistic was higher among individuals with a university educational level (k=0.86; 95% CI=0.81-0.91) than among those with high school educational level (k=0.61; 95% CI=0.53-0.70) or those with middle school educational level (k=0.68; 95% CI=0.64-0.72). The coefficient of intraclass correlation estimated by the intraobserver agreement in regard to age at the time of the diagnosis of hypertension was 0.74. A perfect agreement between the 2 answers (k=1.00) was observed for 22 interviewees who reported prior prescription of antihypertensive medication. CONCLUSION: In the population studied, estimates of the reliability of the history of medical diagnosis of hypertension and its treatment ranged from substantial to almost perfect reliability.


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This is a case report of a double-outlet left ventricle associated with tricuspid atresia and hypoplasia of the right ventricle, diagnosed during echocardiography with color-flow imaging, in a three-month-old child who presented with fatigue and cyanosis. The child underwent palliative pulmonary arterial banding without an invasive procedure, and showed sustained improvement during follow-up.


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We report 2 cases of transposition of the great arteries associated with anomalous pulmonary venous connection emphasizing the clinical findings, the diagnosis, and the evolution of the association. One of the patients had the anomalous pulmonary venous connection in its total infradiaphragmatic form, in the portal system, and the other patient had a partial form, in which an anomalous connection of the left superior lobar vein with the innominate vein existed. At the time of hospital admission, the patients had cyanosis and respiratory distress with clinical findings suggesting transposition of the great arteries. The diagnosis in 1 of the cases, in which the anomalous connection was partial, was established only with echocardiography, without invasive procedures that would represent risk for the patient; in the other case, in which the anomalous connection was total, the malformation was only evidenced with catheterization. The patients underwent surgery for anatomical correction of the heart disease. Only 1 patient had a good outcome.


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We report the case of an 8-month-old female infant with Uhl's anomaly, who underwent successful cardiac transplantation. The clinical findings, complementary laboratory tests, anatomic findings, and differential diagnosis of the anomaly are discussed.


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We report the case of a 3-year-old female patient, who, since birth, had cyanosis difficult to explain with usual diagnostic tests. The only findings on physical examination were cyanosis and clubbing of her fingers. Chest computerized tomography showed images of excessive attenuation in the right lung, which resembled arteriovenous fistulae that were later confirmed on cardiac catheterization. The fistulous trajectories were then embolized with 7 Gianturco coils, which resulted in an immediate increase in the arterial saturation of blood oxygen.