530 resultados para Hemiptera.


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Because of the relative epidemiological significance of Triatoma sordida, T. guasayana and T. patagonica, and the need to resolve doubts about their taxonomic validity, we report here a detailed taxonomic comparison of the three species using multivariate analysis of morphometric measures combined with comparisons of their genitalia and antennal structures. From the 17 metric variables studied, the length of the second segment of the rostrum and the anteocular length provided a discrimination function able to separate without error T. sordida from T. guasayana and T. patagonica. The multivariate discriminant functions classified T. guasayana and T. patagonica with an error of 2.44%. Comparison of the male genitalia of T. guasayana and T. sordida showed that there are minor differences in the articulatory apparatus, the median process of the pygophore, the phallosome support and the vesica, with bigger differences in the endosomal process and the phallosome. However, the already described male genitalia of T. patagonica is very similar to that of T. sordida. Analysis of antennal structure by scanning electron microscope showed that sensilla distribution around the pedicel is slightly different in the three species and sensilla density is highest in T. sordida and lowest in T. patagonica. The study showed that the three species form a closely related group. The results confirm the earlier classification of sordida and guasayana as separate species, but they raise some doubts about the taxonomic status of T. patagonica.


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An aggregation pheromone found in the faeces of 5th instar nymphs and adults of Triatoma mazzottii Usinger, Triatoma longipennis Usinger, Triatoma pallidipennis (Stal), Triatoma barberi Usinger and Rhodnius prolixus (Stal) was studied under laboratory conditions. Bioassays were performed using a 30 cm-diameter arena and wind tunnel. T. longipennis nymphs showed a stronger response than the other triatomine nymphs tested. There were no significant differences in faecal attractiveness to nymphs, but the faeces of T. longipennis and T. pallidipennis were most active. The responses of all species to male and female faeces of T. mazzottii was significantly different, but there was no significant difference in the responses of the development stages to male and female faeces of T. mazzottii. However, male faeces were more active than female faeces. The feeding status of nymphs did not affect the response.


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Rhdnius stali n. sp. was described based on specimens deposited in the Herman Lent Collection of Entomological Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute, until now identified as Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872 and compared with specimens of R. pictipes proceeding from state of Amazonas and Pará, Brazil. R. stali is related to R. pictipes though distinguished by the total length, 15 to 17 mm male and 16,5 to 19 mm female, the anteocular region 2,5 times larger than postocular region and by the shape of phallic strictures known as: phallosoma, struts, gonopore process and endosoma process.


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The authors complement the description of Triatoma matsunoi Fernandez-Loayza, 1989 and present the morphology of the male external genitalia, characterized by the presence of conjuntiva process (PrCj) denticulate, basal plate (Eplb) too long and median process pygophore (PrP) showing the apex streched and the surface rugose and scaled. The specimens examined (holotype [male symbol] and allotype [female symbol]) were deposited in the Collection Herman Lent of Triatomines of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, IOC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872 is a silvatic species with a widespread distribution in South America, found in nine Brazilian states, naturally infected by Trypanosoma cruzi and T. rangeli. The individual rearing of this species under laboratory conditions, allowed the following biological aspects to be observed: incubation time, search for first meal after eclosion or moult, time - lapse between presentation of the blood meal and the beginning of feeding, duration of blood meal, time and place of defecation, number of blood meals, duration of each instar and adult longevity, and time required from egg to adult.


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We tested the attraction of Panstrongylus megistus odor under laboratory conditons, between males and females of this species and by individuals of each sex on recently fed virgin couples. We employed a system of choice boxes both with or without aeration over the stimuli in the tested situations. We also observed a clear trend among the insects to remain in the central box where they had been placed in the beginning of the tests.


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The authors revalidate the genus Mepraia, described in 1940 by Mazza, Gajardo & Jörg. The genus is monotypic and represented by the species M. spinolai (Porter, 1934). Based on the characteres described below the authors considered the separation of the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832 and the return of the genus Mepraia. Strongly alar polymorphism, the abdomen of female with connexivum like in genus Dipetalogaster Usinger 1939, seven testicular follicles, like in Triatoma, however with a different relation of lenghts; external male genitalia showing a big and foliar process of the conjunctiva, vesica with an arch-shape, struts and endosoma process absent.


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Triatoma infestans melanosoma was described in 1987 by Martinez, Olmedo & Carcavallo. In the present work the authors make a redescription, adding new characters, and based on biological and morphological aspects raise up to the level of species and being identified as Triatoma melanosoma. A detailed morphological study of the external male genitalia was made.


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Experimental infections of the phytophagous Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus with different trypanosomatids were studied for up to 55 days by light microscopy while the course of infection with Leptomonas seymouri and the Leptomonas isolate 49/553G.O. was analyzed by electron microscopy. Rates of infection of D. peruvianus varied according to the infecting flagellate. The lower part of the midgut was found to be the preferential site of colonization where most flagellates were found isolated or arranged in clumps or rosettes. Specialized junctional structures with host cells were never observed. Flagellates could also be seen inside midgut cells within a parasitophorous vacuole. Infection of haemocoele and salivary glands was also observed.


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Factors affecting mating behaviour in the bug Triatoma infestans were quantitatively studied in the laboratory. Experimental conditions were established so that the probability of copulation increased with the time elapsed since the first adult meal. Copulatory attempts by males did not vary as a function of time, but rejections by females became significantly less frequent with the post feeding time. Non-receptive females displayed four types of rejection behaviour, i.e. flattening, stridulation, evasion and abdominal movements. The occurrence of stridulation performed by females in a sexual context was observed in a regular fashion and was quantified for the first time in this species.


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The new species resembles B.herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 from which it differs by the following characters: the color pattern, the rostral segments ratio, the shape of the post-ocular region of the head and the general shape of the pronotum, without the conspicuous angle in the lateral side where fore and hind lobes joint.


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This paper describes population structure, spatial distribution and habitat selection of wild and peridomestic populations of Triatoma rubrovaria (Blanchard, 1843). Field studies were carried out at Las Piedras and La Bolsa in the Northern Department of Artigas, Uruguay. A semicircular sampling area, divided in seven or eight triangular sectors was sequentially examined from October 1990 to November 1991. At Las Piedras (typical wild habitat) 1063 T. rubrovaria bugs were collected from 84 of the rocky outcroops ("pedregales"). Abundance varied by season peaking in October-November (spring). Throughout the year, most of the population was made up of third, fourth and fifth instar nymphs; adults were found from October to March. In the peridomestic environment of La Bolsa, however T. rubrovaria was less common and showed a more irregular instar distribution. Colonized ecotopes, were those close to houses. In both sites T. rubrovaria was mainly associated with the geckonid Homonota uruguayensis and the cockroach Blaptica dubia.