227 resultados para Construção habitacional


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The construction of a low cost mini sensor containing a bismuth-film electrode (BiFE), as work electrode, a silver electrode as pseudo reference electrode, and copper as counter electrode is proposed. The application of this mini sensor using a low cost electrochemical cell for in loco voltammetric determinations of inorganic and organic analytes is also described.


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Ultraviolet radiation corresponds to a fraction of electromagnetic radiation, covering wavelengths between 1 and 400 nm. Methods based on UV irradiation have become popular because it is possible to treat samples simply by applying energy, avoiding procedures that require the use of toxic substances, thus contributing to the development of Green Chemistry. This study aimed to assess the main applications of UV radiation reported in the literature and thoroughly described the construction of an alternative and low-cost photochemical reactor to be used for the pretreatment of samples in the laboratory. The use of this new photochemical reactor in the clean-up of milk samples for spectrofluorimetric measurements was also reported.


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In this paper, we show the construction of a low-cost, high-quality ball mill for obtaining finely divided powders, with the goal of presenting guidelines for achieving the best results for the milling process. This equipment allows for the adjustment of the size of the mill in order to process different quantities of material. The construction of mechanical and electrical components that provide increased efficiency, the choice of milling medium, and frequent problems experienced with homemade ball mills are discussed.


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This paper presents a proposal for using recycled graphite electrodes obtained from exhausted commercial 1.5 V batteries and its application in electroanalysis. The electrode could be prepared by the students and applied in the simple didactic experiments suggested, such as determination of active electrode area, cyclic voltammetry and useful potential range (also called "potential window"), demonstration and effect of scan rate on cyclic voltammograms. The possibility of using the graphite electrode in quantitative analysis was also demonstrated using the ferricyanide/ferrocyanide reversible redox couple ([Fe(CN)6]3-/[Fe(CN)6]4-) as an electrochemical probe by the dependence of peak current with the analyte concentration and flow injection analysis with amperometric detection.


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The impacts derived from the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) into the atmosphere can have harmful consequences for human health and the environment. In this regard, the present paper proposes the construction of a low-cost cold plasma reactor for the treatment of these compounds. Tests with the prototype were performed to confirm the efficiency for BTEX (benzene, toluene and xylene) samples. Degradation efficiency was confirmed by the gas chromatography method.


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The filling of capillaries via the sol-gel process is growing. Therefore, this technical note focuses on disseminating knowledge acquired in the Group of Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics over seven years working with monolithic stationary phase preparation in fused silica capillaries. We believe that the detailed information presented in this technical note concerning the construction of an alternative high pressurization device, used to fill capillary columns via the sol-gel process, which has promising potential for applications involving capillary electrochromatography and liquid chromatography in nano scale, may be enlightening and motivating for groups interested in developing research activities within this theme.


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The mild anodization (MA) reactor is exemplified for its operational simplicity and its excellent control over the experimental parameters that are involved in the anodization process. This method provides porous anodic alumina films with a regular cell-arrangement structure. This offers a better cost-benefit ratio than the other equipment configurations that are used to fabricate nanoporous structures (i.e., ion beam lithography). Conversely, the hard anodization (HA) reactor produces oxides at a rate that is 25 to 35 times faster than the MA reactor. The produced oxides also have greater layer thicknesses and interpore distance, and with a uniform nanopore spatial order (> 1000). In contrast to MA reactors, the construction of an HA reactor requires special components to maintain anodisation at a high potential regime. Herein, we describe and compare both reactors from a technical viewpoint.


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This research aims to identify the reasons that lead students to pursue a specific course of chemistry teacher training, i.e., their perspectives on the course and the teaching career, and if they are motivated by trainers to become basic education (BE) teachers. It was concluded that most students did not want to be teachers of BE. They identified through the social context of the course that the teachers focused on the area of chemistry teaching sought to motivate them for this career, whereas the teachers of these specific areas of chemistry encouraged them to seek other career opportunities.


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This paper presents results of a content analysis of the formative professional profile of undergraduates within the context of Brazil's expansion of its federal education system and implementing of teacher training policies. The analysis focuses on the conceptions of undergraduates regarding elements of their initial training and professional perspectives, as recorded in narratives, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the relationships identified between the recorded content and the Educational Course Project, we identified three categories of analysis that point to tensions generated during the professional development of chemistry teachers: 1) The relationship between pedagogical knowledge and chemical knowledge; 2) the conceptual aspects of science education, as represented by the different ways that students understand the "ionization process"; and 3) teaching identity, including the elements indicative of the identity construction of future teachers. The results indicate that the educational and professional profile of undergraduates is marked by a particular tension between chemical content knowledge and pedagogical content, as well as a lack of objectivity and focus on the course's original intent. This situation has produced a multifaceted training context in which there is confusion regarding aspects relating to the licensing, teaching modalities, and preparation of the chemistry education professional.


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Estudou-se e discutiu-se os diferentes métodos de preparação de microfios de Pt pura, Pt-Ir (20%, m/m) e Pt-Rh (10%, m/m) a serem empregados na construção dos respectivos microeletrodos. Os fios de Pt e suas ligas foram obtidos empregando fieiras com diferentes diâmetros. Em seguida foi utilizado o procedimento de desgaste eletroquímico em sal fundido (mistura NaNO3/ NaCl 14: a 320oC) para a Pt e em solução 6 molL-1 NaCN + 2 mol L-1 NaOH para a liga de Pt-Ir. Para a caracterização da interface metal-vidro e determinação dos raios geométrico e efetivo foram empregadas as microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura, a voltametria cíclica e a cronoamperometria. A condição de selagem foi verificada através dos gráficos da capacitância aparente Cd, corrigida considerando-se a área dos microeletrodos, e a velocidade de varredura, v.


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Este trabalho descreve a construção de um eletrodo de segunda espécie, Pt|Hg|Hg2Ox|Grafite, sensível ao íon oxalato (Ox). O eletrodo é construído facilmente, apresenta um rápido tempo de resposta, é de baixo custo, e tem um tempo de vida útil superior a 12 meses. O potencial molal padrão do eletrodo a 25ºC é 417,3 ± 1,0 mV. A validação do eletrodo foi conseguida pela determinação do produto de solubilidade,T K PS (I=0), do Hg2C2O4 (T K PS = (2,53 ± 0,21) x 10-13 mol². L-2). Uma característica favorável consiste no fato de que o eletrodo pode ser utilizado para determinar a concentração de íons oxalato livres em sistemas complexos de íons metálicos.


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Neste trabalho procurou-se descrever detalhadamente o procedimento de preparo de um arranjo de eletrodos com geometria em forma de microdiscos (20,2 < r e < 25,7 mim) e estudar o comportamento eletroquímico desse conjunto de microeletrodos. Foram aplicadas diferentes equações descritas na literatura para a condição de estado estacionário e quase-estacionário e equações para a simulação de voltamogramas em regime estacionário. Para baixas velocidades, v <= 0,1 mV s-1, observou-se uma excelente sobreposição dos voltamogramas cíclicos experimental e simulado, entretanto, velocidades desta ordem de grandeza são pouco práticas do ponto de vista experimental. Observou-se, também para todos os microeletrodos estudados, uma transição da condição de corrente estacionária para quase-estacionária, com o aumento dos valores de v. Equações que permitem avaliar a contribuição das correntes radial e difusional, para a corrente total, ajustam-se perfeitamente as curvas I/E em todo o intervalo de raios dos eletrodos e valores de v empregados. Os voltamogramas obtidos para o arranjo de eletrodos operando na condição de curto circuito apresentou um fator de amplificação de 19 vezes, referente ao sinal obtido a partir de um único microeletrodo. Tal fator confirma a condição de ausência de sobreposição das camadas de difusão dos eletrodos e, portanto, reflete a contribuição individual de cada eletrodo para a corrente total.


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Neste artigo são descritas formas simples e de baixo custo de se montar pilhas, empregando-se placas de zinco, magnésio e cobre mergulhadas diretamente nas soluções eletrolíticas. Como soluções eletrolíticas podem ser empregadas suco de frutas cítricas, ou mesmo apenas água de torneira. A tensão e corrente produzidas pelas pilhas montadas são suficientes para acionar dispositivos com baixa demanda de potência, como relógios analógicos e digitais . Os experimentos podem ser explorados como simples demonstração de transformação de energia química em elétrica para alunos do nível fundamental, ou utilizados como práticas interdisciplinares de Física e Química para alunos mais avançados.