209 resultados para Co Hydrogenation
Foi estudada a virulência de 681 isolados de Magnaporthe grisea provenientes de oito lavouras de arroz de terras altas, quatro da cv. BRS Bonança e quatro da cv. Primavera, localizadas em cinco municípios no Estado de Goiás. Foram avaliados 321 isolados de M. grisea de folha e de panícula obtidos da cv. BRS Bonança e 360 da cv. Primavera. Para diferenciar a virulência dos isolados foram utilizados nove cultivares diferenciadoras japonesas, seis linhagens quase-isogências (NIL's) da cv. IAC-25, cinco linhagens quase-isogênicas da cv. CO-39, e as cultivares Primavera, BRS Bonança, IAC-25 e CO-39. Os isolados de M. grisea provenientes da cv. BRS Bonança foram mais virulentos nas NIL's de IAC-25 do que isolados da cv. Primavera. A maioria das subpopulações de M. grisea provenientes de folhas e panícula, de ambas as cultivares, foram avirulentos à linhagem quase-isogênica CNA-8212. A virulência, em baixa freqüência, foi observada nos isolados de M. grisea provenientes de BRS Bonança aos genes Pi-z t (Toride-1) e de Primavera aos genes Pi-z (Fukunishiki). Uma baixa freqüência de isolados virulentos foram virulentos nas NIL's C101 LAC (Pi-1) e C101 A 51(Pi-2). Considerando as reações compatíveis e incompatíveis das NIL's de IAC-25 à população de M. grisea de BRS Bonança, o dendrograma mostrou um grupo (90% de similaridade), diferindo do parental recorrente. Por outro lado, a população de 'Primavera', com exceção da CNA-8199, formou um grupo (93% de similaridade), incluindo o parental recorrente. Os genes de resistência Pi-z e Pi-z t das cultivares Fukunishiki e Toride-1, respectivamente, os genes Pi-1 e Pi-2 das NIL's de CO-39 e os genes desconhecidos das NIL's IAC-25, que apresentaram maior espectro de resistência às populações estudadas podem ser utilizados no programa de melhoramento, para desenvolvimento de linhas isogênicas de BRS Bonança e Primavera.
ABSTRACT This study investigates the flowering and pollinators of the floral morphs of three co-occurring distylous species, Psychotria conjugens Müll, P. hastisepala Müll. Arg. and P. sessilis Vell., in two consecutive flowering seasons in an Atlantic Forest fragment in southeastern Brazil. The species have diurnal, cream-colored, tubular, nectariferous flowers and their flowering occurs in the rainy season, from September to April, with little or no overlapping between species, characterizing a staggered flowering. The flowering of the long-and short-styled floral morphs of each species was synchronous, but the number of open flowers per day per morph tended to vary in each flowering season. These numbers were higher in P. sessilis and P. conjugens and, probably, resulted in higher total numbers of visits on its flowers (up to 1084 visits in P. sessilis and 756 in P. conjugens), compared to that observed in P. hastisepala (up to 71). There was a higher frequency of visits to long-styled flowers of all species. The bee Ariphanarthra palpalis was a common pollinator to all species. This bee is native to Brazil, solitary, considered relatively rare and its host plants were unknown. Other native bees (Melipona spp.) also visited the flowers of the Psychotria species. The availability of flowers with similar floral features over eight months, the staggered flowering and common pollinators appear to be part of a strategy to attract floral visitors, minimizing the competition for pollinators and then favoring the legitimate pollination of these plants.
The objective of this research was to study the influence of factors related to the proper management of pig manure (lower dilution) and the season of the year in the progress of the co-composting of pig manure with wood shavings and in the final quality of the compost resulting from the treatments. In the first experiment, two types of swine manure were used: a diluted one (2% Dry Matter - DM), typical from the management usually used in Brazil, and a more concentrated one (6% DM). The manures were incorporated into the wood shavings (6L:1kg) over the course of four weeks. The development of composting was accompanied by monitoring of temperatures inside the piles and the emission of CO2 and CH4 gases during 65 days, including the period of incorporation. The results showed that the diluted manure does not provide the minimum conditions for starting the process. After the incorporation period, any biomass heating was observed and neither the aerobic or anaerobic respiration of the microorganisms, resulting in a compost with low quality. In the second experiment, which evaluated composting in winter and summer during 85 days, it was found that the heat exchange with the environment influences the temperature generated within the piles. The lower temperatures significantly reduced the methanogenesis on the biomass.
The Brazil's Biodiesel Production and Use Program introduces biodiesel in the Brazilian energy matrix, bringing along the perspective of a growth of the glycerin offer, co-product generated in the proportion of 10 kg for each 100 L of biodiesel. The aim of this study was to evaluate the addition of crude glycerin in the anaerobic digestion of cassava starch industry effluent (cassava wastewater), in a horizontal semi-continuous flow reactor of one phase in laboratory scale. It was used a reactor with a 8.77 L of useful volume, a medium support for corrugated conduit of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), temperature of 261 ºC, fed with cassava wastewater and glycerin, with hydraulic detention times of 4 and 5 days and increasing volumetric organic load of 3.05; 9.32; 14.83 and 13.59 g COD L-1 d-1, obtained with the addition of glycerin at 0; 2; 3 and 2% (v/v), respectively. The average removal efficiencies of TS and TVS were decreasing from the addition of glycerin to the cassava wastewater, averaging 81.19 to 55.58% for TS and 90.21 to 61.45% for TVS. The addition of glycerin at 2% increased the biogas production compared to the control treatment, reaching 1.979 L L-1 d-1. The biogas production as a function of the consumed COD was higher for the control treatment than for the treatments with addition of glycerin, which indicates lower conversion of organic matter into biogas.
O tratamento e a morbimortalidade dos pacientes com traumatismo hepático dependem do mecanismo da lesão e da conduta terapêutica, que inclui acompanhamento clínico, hepatorrafia, omentoplastia e próteses. O presente trabalho avaliou a recuperação hepática em presença de omentoplastia após lesão cortante do fígado de cão. Foram utilizados 15 cães machos, mestiços, com peso variando entre 7kg e 12kg, anestesiados com pentabarbitúrico endovenoso e submetidos a corte longitudinal no lobo esquerdo, medindo 2,5cm de profundidade e 8cm de comprimento. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos (n=5): I- sem sutura (controle); II- sutura hepática apenas; III- sutura hepática com omentoplastia. O fio utilizado foi o categute cromado 4-0. Todos os animais do grupo I morreram no pós-operatório imediato, enquanto os cães dos grupos II e III suportaram bem os 28 dias de acompanhamento. À relaparotomia dos grupos II e III, encontraram-se múltiplas aderências ao fígado, que apresentou aspecto normal. No grupo III, o omento introduzido no ferimento hepático havia sido expulso e estava apenas aderido à cápsula do fígado macroscopicamente normal. À microscopia houve descontinuidade vascular e biliar entre os segmentos proximal e distal à hepatotomia. Os fenômenos cicatriciais foram mais exuberantes no grupo III, no qual se encontraram pequenas áreas do parênquima contendo fragmentos de omento. Concluindo, a omentoplastia facilitou o procedimento de reparo hepático, que, entretanto, não restabeleceu a contigüidade de vasos e ductos biliares.
OBJETIVO: A morbimortalidade do tratamento conservador do baço após trauma desse órgão depende da extensão da lesão e da experiência da equipe cirúrgica com trauma esplênico. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar experimentalmente a recuperação esplênica após lesão cortante tratada conservadoramente. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 20 cães machos, mestiços, com peso variando entre 7kg e 12kg. Sob anestesia com pentabarbitúrico sódico endovenoso, provocou-se uma lesão cortante longitudinal no baço, em uma extensão de 5 cm e profundidade de 3 cm. Em seguida, os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente, de acordo com a conduta com a ferida esplênica, em três grupos: Grupo 1 (n=10) - sem reparo cirúrgico; Grupo 2 (n=5) - sutura esplênica contínua com fio de categute cromado 5-0; Grupo 3 (n=5) - introdução de um segmento de omento maior na ferida esplênica e sutura contínua do baço com o omento, utilizando fio categute cromado 5-0. Os cães foram acompanhados durante cinco (Grupo 1A) ou 28 (Grupo 1B, 2 e 3) dias. RESULTADOS: Todos os animais sobreviveram ao pós-operatório e não foram percebidas adversidades decorrentes da operação durante esse período. Não foi encontrada diferença no aspecto macroscópico dos baços retirados de todos os grupos. À microscopia, percebeu-se fragmento de omento dentro da cicatriz esplênica nos animais do Grupo 3. CONCLUSÕES: A lesão cortante de baço canino pode ser tratada pelos métodos conservadores. Caso se opte pelo tratamento cirúrgico, a sutura com e sem auxílio do omento são eficazes.
Objetivos: determinar se o dia da transferência ou o estágio em que o embrião é transferido interferem nas taxas de gravidez e implantação. Métodos: cento e sete pacientes tiveram seus oócitos aspirados e submetidos à fertilização in vitro. Os embriões foram co-cultivados em células Vero e transferidos no dia 3 ou dia 5 pós-fertilização, após avaliação morfológica. Resultados: a taxa de implantação dos embriões transferidos no dia 5 foi significativamente maior que quando os embriões eram transferidos no dia 3, mas as taxas de gravidez não variaram. Observou-se uma diferença significativa nas taxas de gravidez quando se comparou o estágio em que o embrião era transferido, obtendo-se 70,6% de gravidez quando se transferiam blastocistos expandidos e 20,0% e 10,5% quando eram transferidos blastocistos iniciais ou mórulas, respectivamente. Conclusões: as taxas de implantação e gravidez são significativamente aumentadas quando se transferem embriões em estágio de blastocisto expandido, mas os meios e condições de cultura de que dispomos no momento ainda são insuficientes para nos fornecer uma taxa satisfatória de embriões neste estágio.
Objetivos: comparar o desenvolvimento embrionário com o uso de dois métodos diferentes de cultura (meio seqüencial ou co-cultura em células Vero). Métodos: foram incluídas 110 pacientes que tiveram ovócitos aspirados e submetidos à fertilização in vitro. Metade das pacientes teve seus embriões cultivados juntamente com células Vero e a outra metade em meio seqüencial G1:2/G2:2. Os embriões foram transferidos no dia 5 pós-fertilização, após avaliação morfológica, verificando-se a taxa de blastulação. A gravidez foi definida por meio de ultra-sonografia, verificando-se batimento cardíaco após a 13ª semana pós-transferência. Resultados: a taxa de blastocistos expandidos encontrada em nosso estudo foi de 15,9% e 14% com células Vero e G1:2/G2:2, respectivamente. Com células Vero 36,0% das pacientes engravidaram com taxa de implantação de 18,9%. Quando se utilizou G1:2/G2:2 as taxas de gravidez e implantação foram 28,9% e 14,9%, respectivamente. Em apenas 17 casos obtiveram-se blastocistos após co-cultivo em células Vero, apresentando 76,5% de taxa de gravidez e 63,0% de implantação. Quando o cultivo foi em G1/G2 21 pacientes apresentaram blastocistos e as taxas de gravidez e implantação foram de 57,1 e 76,0%, respectivamente. Conclusão: não houve diferença significativa entre as taxas de gravidez ou implantação nos 2 tipos de cultivo. Nos casos em que blastocistos expandidos foram transferidos, as taxas de implantação e gravidez aumentaram com ambos os tipos de cultivo. Nestas pacientes, independente do tipo de cultivo utilizado, um número maior de ovócitos foi obtido, o que nos leva a pensar que não apenas as condições de cultura influenciam as taxas de implantação e gravidez, mas a qualidade dos óvulos também é importante, pois as "boas respondedoras" tiveram melhores resultados.
Porcine circovirus types 1 and 2 (PCV1, PCV2) and porcine parvovirus (PPV) are widespread in pig populations around the world. Nevertheless, only PCV2 has been associated with different clinical syndromes, thus representing a major problem to the pig industry. The association of cases of swine abortions and stillborns with PCV1 and PCV2 and PPV was studied retrospectively (2005-2007). Additional pathogens were also investigated in lesioned fetuses. The studied litters included stillborn piglets and several mummified fetuses of varied sizes. Ventricular dilatation, myocardial pale areas, and mesocolic edema were the gross lesions. Escherichia coli was detected as co-infecting with PCV2 the cases in which mesocolic edema was seen. Microscopic lesions included non-suppurative myocarditis, myocardial necrosis and fibrosis, mineralization foci and intranuclear inclusion bodies in cardiomyocytes, and interstitial mononuclear pneumonia. Samples from 7 (5.78 per cent) of 121 aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets had lesions consistent with a viral cause and showed both positive anti-PCV2 immunostaining as well as PCV2-PCR. In samples from 3 (2.47 per cent) of these 7 fetuses, co-infection with PPV was confirmed by Nested-PCR. Both viruses were detected in fetuses at different stages of gestation. Viral antigens of PCV2 were detected by immunohistochemistry mainly in macrophages and myocytes. PCV1 individually was not detected in any of these affected fetuses, but it was associated with PCV2 and/or PPV in some of them. These findings indicate that PCV2 alone or in association with PPV should be kept in mind when investigating causes of infectious abortion in pigs in Brazil.
Efficacy of the d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen association against mites in naturally co-infested rabbits
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of the d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen association against Psoroptes ovis, Cheyletiella parasitivorax, and Leporacarus gibbus infestations in naturally co-infested rabbits. Twenty crossbreed (New Zealand White x California) rabbits concurrently infested by the three mite species were randomly divided in two groups. All rabbits presented with hyperemia, erythema and formation of crusts in the ear canals caused by P. ovis. Infestations by both C. parasitivorax and L. gibbus were considered asymptomatic in all animals.Ten animals were treated with a 4.4% d-phenothrin and 0.148% pyriproxyfen spray formulation until have their body surface uniformly sprayed, including external ear canals. The other ten rabbits remained untreated, serving as control group. Observations were done on days +7, +14, +21, +28, and +35 post-treatment. The d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen association showed 100% efficacy against the three mite species and was responsible for the remission of psoroptic mange lesions on treated animals. No signs of intoxication were observed. The results indicate that d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen spray formulation in a single application is an effective and clinically safe option for the control of different mite infestations in rabbits.
Abstract: Tritrichomonas foetus, a parasite well known for its significance as a venereally transmitted pathogen in cattle, has been identified as a cause of chronic large bowel diarrhea in domestic cats in many countries of the world. In Brazil, several studies on the diagnosis of bovine trichomoniasis have been performed, but until now, no study was made regarding feline trichomoniasis. Thus, this is the first study to report the occurrence of T. foetus and Pentatrichomonas hominis in cats using morphological and molecular analysis. Feces from 77 cats were examined, four of which (5.2%) were positive for the presence of parabasalids. Morphological analysis of stained smears revealed piriform trophozoites showing the three anterior flagella, elongated nucleus and axostyle ending abruptly in fillet, characteristic of T. foetus. In scanning and transmission electron microscopy, identification characters similar to those previously reported for T. foetus were observed. The cultures containing trophozoites were submitted for molecular analysis, which resulted positive for T. foetus DNA using specific primers (TFR3 and TFR4), and all samples were positive and subjected to sequencing in which they showed 99.7-100% similarity with another isolate sequencing of T. foetus (JX960422). Although no trophozoite with consistent morphology of P. hominis has been visualized in the samples, differential diagnosis was performed using specific primers for P. hominis (TH3 and TH5) amplicon. In three of the four samples (3.89%) sequencing revealed 100% similarity when compared with another sequence of P. hominis deposited in Genbank (KC623939). Therefore, the present study revealed through the diagnostic techniques employed the simultaneous infection by T. foetus and P. hominis in the feces of cats. However, it was necessary to use more than one technique for the diagnosis of the co-infection. These results demonstrate the importance of a correct diagnosis to allow an appropriate treatment by the veterinarian.
The flow structure of cold and ignited jets issuing into a co-flowing air stream was experimentally studied using a laser Doppler velocimeter. Methane was employed as the jet fluid discharging from circular and elliptic nozzles with aspect ratios varying from 1.29 to 1.60. The diameter of the circular nozzle was 4.6 mm and the elliptic nozzles had approximately the same exit area as that of the circular nozzle. These non-circular nozzles were employed in order to increase the stability of attached jet diffusion flames. The time-averaged velocity and r.m.s. value of the velocity fluctuation in the streamwise and transverse directions were measured over the range of co-flowing stream velocities corresponding to different modes of flame blowout that are identified as either lifted or attached flames. On the basis of these measurements, attempts were made to explain the existence of an apparent optimum aspect ratio for the blowout of attached flames observed at higher values of co-flowing stream velocities. The insensitivity of the blowout limits of lifted flames to nozzle geometry observed in our previous work at low co-flowing stream velocities was also explained. Measurements of the fuel concentration at the jet centerline indicated that the mixing process was enhanced with the 1.38 aspect ratio jet compared with the 1.60 aspect ratio jet. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, it was suggested that the higher blowout limits of attached flames for an elliptic jet of 1.38 aspect ratio was due to higher entrainment rates.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as populações com suspeita de ocorrência de biótipos resistentes de Digitaria ciliaris aos herbicidas inibidores da AcetilCoA Carboxilase (ACCase), por meio de curvas de dose-resposta, bem como estabelecer o grau de resistência cruzada aos herbicidas cicloexanodionas (CHD) e ariloxifenoxipropionatos (APP) desses biótipos. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se quatro populações com suspeita de resistência (R1, R2, R3 e R4) e uma população suscetível (S). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos resultado da interação fatorial entre cinco populações, três herbicidas (fluazifop-p-butil, sethoxydim e tepraloxydim) e oito doses de herbicidas (0C, 0,06C, 0,125C, 0,5C, 1C, 2C, 4C e 10C), em que C é a dose comercial recomendada para cada produto. Foram realizadas avaliações de porcentagem de controle aos 28 dias após a aplicação (DAA). A partir dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que as populações R1, R2, R3 e R4 apresentaram-se como biótipos resistentes aos herbicidas inibidores da ACCase, com diferentes níveis de resistência cruzada aos herbicidas com esse mecanismo de ação.
Successful vaccine application means maximum protection with minimal number of administrations. A rational development of vaccines involves studies of the nature of the antigen as well as of the adjuvant to be used to improve the immune responses. This has provided the impetus for studies to design the degradable devices and for different approaches to antigen delivery by different routes of administration. The development of controlled release systems based on polymeric devices that permit a sustained or pulsed release of encapsulated antigens has attracted much interest. Polymeric delivery systems consist of polymers that release their content continuously in a controlled manner over a period of time. The development of a biocompatible delivery system for parenteral administration offers several advantages in terms of immunoadjuvanticity over other compounds. It was found that, in contrast to other carriers, microspheres are more stable, thus permitting administration by the oral or parenteral route. In the present study, we describe the main characteristics and potentialities of this new immunoadjuvant for oral and parenteral administration.
Intercellular communication may be regulated by the differential expression of subunit gap junction proteins (connexins) which form channels with differing gating and permeability properties. Endothelial cells express three different connexins (connexin37, connexin40, and connexin43) in vivo. To study the differential regulation of expression and synthesis of connexin37 and connexin43, we used cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells which contain these two connexins in vitro. RNA blots demonstrated discordant expression of these two connexins during growth to confluency. RNA blots and immunoblots showed that levels of these connexins were modulated by treatment of cultures with transforming growth factor-ß1. To examine the potential ability of these connexins to form heteromeric channels (containing different connexins within the same hemi-channel), we stably transfected connexin43-containing normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with connexin37 or connexin40. In the transfected cells, both connexin proteins were abundantly produced and localized in identical distributions as detected by immunofluorescence. Double whole-cell patch-clamp studies showed that co-expressing cells exhibited unitary channel conductances and gating characteristics that could not be explained by hemi-channels formed of either connexin alone. These observations suggest that these connexins can readily mix with connexin43 to form heteromeric channels and that the intercellular communication between cells is determined not only by the properties of individual connexins, but also by the interactions of those connexins to form heteromeric channels with novel properties. Furthermore, modulation of levels of the co-expressed connexins during cell proliferation or by cytokines may alter the relative abundance of different heteromeric combinations.