223 resultados para CEOs brasileiros
Chemistry is a experimental science and should be taught emphasizing the experimental work at laboratories. Brazilian teachers either in secondary level teaching as well at University gave minor attention in laboratory experiments as a tool to improve the quality of the teaching. Adelino Leal published a monograph in 1926 which emphasizes the experimental work in the teaching of Chemistry. The French chemist Jungfleisch had a important influence in the Adelino Leal's work and was the main reference for both his work and published books.
Phosphates have been used for lead immobilization in soils but the influence of soil type is not fully understood. In this work, lead chemical behaviour in two Brazilian latosoils (LA and LV) was studied via treatment with phosphates. The Pb concentration in Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) solutions was decreased in all treatments. After treatment with H3PO4 the Pb concentration in the LA remained within the regulatory limit established by EPA. The ecotoxicological results with Daphnia pulex showed that this treatment reduced the lead bioavailability. Sequential extraction analyses showed that the lead was transferred from the most available to the residual fraction. Relevant decrease of soluble lead was observed in all phosphate treatments.
A method for determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in cement and cement-related materials was studied. Molecular absorption spectrophotometry based on 1,5-diphenylcarbazide as chromogenic reagent was used for determination of Cr(VI) after alkaline extraction. The total chromium concentration was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) after complete sample decomposition by fusion. The quantification of Cr(III) was accomplished by subtracting the Cr(VI) concentration from the total chromium concentration. The concentration of Cr(III) in the samples ranged from 10.9 to 88.0 mg kg-1, whereas only in few samples the Cr(VI) concentration was higher than the value established by the European Community to this type of sample [2 mg kg-1 Cr(VI)].
Soil organic matter is the main sorptive soil compartment for atrazine in soils, followed in a minor scale by the inorganic fraction. In this study, the soil organic matter quality and atrazine sorption were investigated in four different soil types. The pedogenic environment affected the humification and therefore the chemical composition of the organic matter. The organic matter contribution to atrazine sorption was larger (60-83%) than that of the inorganic fraction. The organic matter capacity in retaining the herbicide was favoured by a higher decomposition degree and a smaller carboxylic substitution of the aliphatic chains.
Samples of Kaolin from different regions in Brazil were characterized by XRD, SEM and chemical analysis. A chemical bleaching study with pH adjustment was accomplished with the fractions below 37 μm, after classification by screening. The main objective was to evaluate the conditions of chemical bleaching that most increase the brightness of these kaolin's samples. Increases between 2.63 and 2.98% in the brightness (ISO) were observed after the chemical bleaching. We could say that the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ during the chemical bleaching promoted an increase in the brightness, based on the Pourbaix Diagrams.
Aromatic compounds are still poorly evaluated in geochemical studies of Brazilian oil samples. For this reason, the objective of this work was to analyze and evaluate 26 oil samples from four Brazilian sedimentary basins. Aromatic hydrocarbon fractions have been analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The results were also compared with previously evaluated saturated hydrocarbon data. Maturation parameters obtained using the 4- and 1-methyl-dibenzothiophenes and trimethyl-dibenzothiophenes led to the best results because a better grouping was observed. For this correlation, the samples were grouped by maturity degree enabling the routine use of these parameters to evaluate oil maturity levels.
This work shows the results of a Proficiency Testing performed by a partnership between INMETRO and ANP. The performance of 49 Brazilian laboratories (using the z-score statistical test) in determining 10 quality parameters of ethanol fuel and biodiesel was evaluated. The certified reference values were provided by INMETRO, allowing a more rigorous assessment of the laboratories. For hydrous ethanol, the acidity parameter showed the lowest number of laboratories with satisfactory results (48%), while 85% of the laboratories presented satisfactory results for ethanol content. For biodiesel, the percentage of laboratories with satisfactory results ranged from 46% (kinematic viscosity) to 92% (acid number).
Commercial Brazilian regular and decaffeinated instant coffees (33 brands) were studied. The levels ranged from 0.47 to 2.15 g 100 g-1 for trigonelline, 0.38 to 2.66 g 100 g-1 for 5-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA), 0.24 to 4.08 g 100 g-1 for caffeine, and 0.253 to 0.476 (420 nm) for melanoidins. Variations in bioactive compound levels among batches were observed. There was no relationship between the drying process and the composition of the products. In general, Gourmet and decaffeinated coffees had higher trigonelline and 5-CQA but lower caffeine and melanoidin content than regular products.
Biological production of hydrogen through anaerobic fermentation has received increasing attention and offers a great potential as an alternative process for clean fuel production in the future. Considering biological systems for H2 production, anaerobic fermentation stands out, primarily due to its higher production of H2 compared with other biological processes. In addition the possibility of using different agro-industrial wastes as substrates opens up infinite possibilities. The development and implementation of sustainable processes for converting renewable materials into different value-added products is essential for the full exploitation of Brazilian agro-industrial wastes.
This paper deals with the Brazilian textbooks of Chemistry from the XIX century to 1930. After presenting the science and its teaching contexts in Imperial Brazil and describing the first Chemistry textbook written by a Brazilian, the state of knowledge about these prime Brazilian books is presented. These works show the texts had strengths overlooked by current materials, a fact confirmed by analyzing textbooks from three authors from the period. The study concludes by compiling a list of 50 titles of early Chemistry books to help guide future research.
A complete analysis of oils and their fractions allows correlations to be defined between their composition and derivatives or related geological materials. This work focused on optimization and implementation of a method for separation and quantification of n-alkanes in Brazilian oil samples by urea adduction and GC-FID techniques. Ten samples with different ºAPI were analyzed in triplicate to quantify individual n-alkanes and cyclic/branched alkane fraction. For individual quantification of n-alkanes, internal standardization with deuterated n-tetracosane was used. The use of urea adduction for the separation and quantification of n-alkanes was highly effective, with recovery values of above 80%.
Efetuou-se a clonagem e seqüenciamento do gene que codifica a proteína capsidial de dois isolados do vírus do mosaico da alface (Lettuce mosaic virus, LMV) provenientes do estado de São Paulo, previamente caracterizados como pertencentes aos patótipos II (AF198, incapaz de infetar cultivares com os genes de resistência mo1¹ ou mo1²) e IV (AF199, capaz de quebrar a resistência propiciada pelos genes mo1¹ e mo1²), com base na virulência em cultivares diferenciadoras. Análise comparativa das seqüências de nucleotídeos de isolados provenientes da Europa, América do Norte, Oriente Médio e os dois isolados brasileiros não permitiu sua separação em estirpes, pois as porcentagens de homologia foram sempre superiores a 95%. Entretanto, análise filogenética dos isolados sugere uma origem comum entre o isolado AF-198 e os isolados LMV-R e LMV-0 (patótipo II, provenientes dos Estados Unidos e da França, respectivamente). O isolado AF199 apresentou uma alta homologia de seqüência com os isolados LMV-Aud e LMV-13, ambos provenientes da França. Esses isolados também são relacionados a isolados provenientes do Chile, embora uma origem comum não seja proposta. Eventos independentes de mutação podem estar ocorrendo em diferentes partes do mundo, propiciando o surgimento de novas estirpes de LMV capazes de quebrar a resistência conferida pelos genes mo1¹ e mo1².
Neste trabalho, o autor estuda os Engraulídeos do gênero Anchoa ocorrentes no Brasil. Depois de se referir a questões de ordem nomenclatural, chama a atenção para o fato de existirem divergências quanto à caracterização de espécies pertencentes a diversos gêneros, como, por exemplo, Anchoa e Anchoviella. Tendo examinado grande número de exemplares encaminhados, para estudo, ao Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia, o autor, baseado em estudos feitos, em 1948, sob a direção do falecido Dr. SAMUEL F. HILDEBRAND, ictiologista do U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, de Washington, organizou uma chave para identificação das espécies de Anchoa ocorrentes em águas brasileiras. Após ter discutido a significação do termo "manjuba", demonstra o autor a importância econômica desses peixes, sobretudo no E. de S. Paulo onde grandes quantidades de Anchoa nasuta Hildebrand & Carvalho, de Engtaulis anchoita Hubbs & Marini e de Anchoa januaria (Steindachner) são utilizadas na indústria. Condena, aliás, o autor a maneira pouco lógica pela qual vem o produto sendo trabalhado, acrescentando que a mesma está longe de corresponder ao que dela se espera. Apresentando alguns dados biológicos sobre Anchoa januaria A. hepsetus hepsetus e A. tricolor, o autor dá os caracteres de 10 espécimes frequentadores do litoral brasileiro, com os desenhos correspondentes a cada uma delas, figurando em duas estampas.
Nos anos de 1948-49, o autor teve ocasião de estudar os representantes da família Engraulidae que frequentam a costa brasileira, pesquisa essa supervisionada gentilmente pelo Dr. Samuel F. Hildebrand, ictiólogo do U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, de Washington. Dessa investigação resultou a conveniência de se identificar e redescrever as espécies que fazem parte das coleções do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia. O presente trabalho é, pois, baseado na revisão das manjubas americanas publicada pelo Dr. Hildebrand em 1943 e no trabalho em que figurou como co-autor: "Notes on some Brazilian anchovies (Family Engraulidae) with description of four new species" (1948). Graças à gentileza do Dr. Hildebrand, foi examinada uma coleção extensa do Museu Nacional dos Estados Unidos. De inestimável valor foi a manipulação de exemplares constantes da coleção do Dr. W. C. Schroeder, do Museu de Zoologia Comparada, especialmente rica em exemplares do Brasil. O autor muito deve ao Dr. Hildebrand pelo trabalho enorme desenvolvido nesse sentido. No texto, obedeceu-se a seqüência sempre uniforme quanto aos caractéres peculiares a cada espécie, de modo a facilitar o estudo, por parte de outras pessoas interessadas no grupo. A distribuição geográfica dos espécimes aqui considerados figura no Mapa n.º 1.