168 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia
We have demonstrated that a synthetic DNA enzyme targeting early growth response factor-1 (Egr-1) can inhibit neointimal hyperplasia following vascular injury. However, the detailed mechanism of this inhibition is not known. Thus, the objective of the present study was to further investigate potential inhibitory mechanisms. Catalytic DNA (ED5) and scrambled control DNA enzyme (ED5SCR) were synthesized and transfected into primary cultures of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). VSMC proliferation and DNA synthesis were analyzed by the MTT method and BrdU staining, respectively. Egr-1, TGF-β1, p53, p21, Bax, and cyclin D1 expression was detected by RT-PCR and Western blot. Apoptosis and cell cycle assays were performed by FACS. Green fluorescence could be seen localized in the cytoplasm of 70.6 ± 1.52 and 72 ± 2.73% VSMCs 24 h after transfection of FITC-labeled ED5 and ED5SCR, respectively. We found that transfection with ED5 significantly inhibited cultured VSMC proliferation in vitro after 24, 48, and 72 h of serum stimulation, and also effectively decreased the uptake of BrdU by VSMC. ED5 specifically reduced serum-induced Egr-1 expression in VSMCs, further down-regulated the expression of cyclin D1 and TGF-β1, and arrested the cells at G0/G1, inhibiting entry into the S phase. FACS analysis indicated that there was no significant difference in the rate of apoptosis between ED5- and ED5SCR-transfected cells. Thus, ED5 can specifically inhibit Egr-1 expression, and probably inhibits VSMC proliferation by down-regulating the expressions of cyclin D1 and TGF-β1. However, ED5 has no effect on VSMC apoptosis.
We collected a series of 136 lung/bronchial and 56 matched lung parenchyma tissue samples from patients who underwent lung/bronchial biopsies and presented invasive carcinoma after lung surgery. The lung/bronchial samples included basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, moderate dysplasia, adenomatous hyperplasia, severe dysplasia, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Matched lung parenchyma tissue samples included 25 squamous cell carcinomas and 31 adenocarcinomas. Immunohistochemistry was performed to analyze for the distribution of hyaluronidase (Hyal)-1 and −3, and hyaluronan synthases (HAS)-1, −2, and −3. Hyal-1 showed significantly higher expression in basal cell hyperplasia than in moderate dysplasia (P=0.01), atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (P=0.0001), or severe dysplasia (P=0.03). Lower expression of Hyal-3 was found in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia than in basal cell hyperplasia (P=0.01) or moderate dysplasia (P=0.02). HAS-2 was significantly higher in severe dysplasia (P=0.002) and in squamous metaplasia (P=0.04) compared with basal cell hyperplasia. HAS-3 was significantly expressed in basal cell hyperplasia compared with atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (P=0.05) and severe dysplasia (P=0.02). Lower expression of HAS-3 was found in severe dysplasia compared with squamous metaplasia (P=0.01) and moderate dysplasia (P=0.01). Epithelial Hyal-1 and −3 and HAS-1, −2, and −3 expressions were significantly higher in pre-neoplastic lesions than in neoplastic lesions. Comparative Cox multivariate analysis controlled by N stage and histologic tumor type showed that patients with high HAS-3 expression in pre-neoplastic cells obtained by lung/bronchial biopsy presented a significantly higher risk of death (HR=1.19; P=0.04). We concluded that localization of Hyal and HAS in lung/bronchial pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions was inversely related to malignancy, which implied that visualizing these factors could be a useful diagnostic procedure for suspected lung cancer. Finalizing this conclusion will require a wider study in a randomized and prospective trial.
INTRODUÇÃO: O vírus Influenza A (H1N1) foi primeiramente descrito em abril de 2009 e, desde então, diversos estudos relataram as características pertinentes à apresentação clínica e ao acometimento pulmonar da doença. Contudo, informações precisas referentes à insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) e às alterações histopatológicas renais nesses pacientes ainda são escassas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os achados histopatológicos renais de seis pacientes comprovadamente infectados pelo H1N1, que desenvolveram IRA e realizaram biópsia renal, correlacionando-os com os aspectos clínicos. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos seis pacientes do Hospital de Clínicas da UFPR com diagnóstico de H1N1 por PCR viral em 2009 que evoluíram com IRA e que foram submetidos à biópsia renal. Foram revisados os seus prontuários e das lâminas da biópsia renal. RESULTADOS: Todos os casos estudados apresentaram dados clínicos e/ou laboratoriais de IRA, sendo que somente um não apresentou oligúria. À biópsia renal, dois pacientes apresentaram alterações glomerulares: um deles, portador de lupus eritematoso sistêmico, apresentou lesões compatíveis com nefrite lúpica classe III A-C da ISN/RPS 2003 e microangiopatia trombótica focal; outro paciente apresentou glomerulosclerose nodular intercapilar, porém, sem comemorativos clínicos ou laboratoriais de diabetes. Todos os pacientes mostraram graus variáveis de alterações degenerativas vacuolares dos túbulos, com focos de oxalose em dois casos. Dois pacientes possuíam arteriosclerose em grau discreto a moderado. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso estudo, todos os pacientes apresentarem graus variáveis de alteração degenerativa vacuolar, contudo, não foram encontrados sinais evidentes de necrose tubular aguda, parecendo existir um componente pré-renal como a causa principal de IRA nestes pacientes.