399 resultados para obstrução nasal


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Material colhido do nariz e da boca (saliva e raspado lingual, isoladamente) de 130 indivíduos clinicamente sadios, permitiu caracterizar 47 (36,15%) deles como portadores de S. aureus, sendo 21 portadores exclusivamente bucais e 31 exclusivamente nasais. Tendo sido constatado que o nariz e a boca albergam cepas de diferentes fagotipos, foi verificado que a colheita simultânea de material de dois nichos distintos (saliva e língua, nariz e língua e nariz e saliva) proporcionava a determinação de maior número de portadores. Foi recomendado que, na detecção de portadores de S. aureus, os isolamentos devem ser feitos a partir de materiais colhidos simultaneamente das áreas nasal e bucal (saliva ou língua).


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Foram realizadas culturas bacteriológicas a partir de material colhido na boca e nariz entre 38 pacientes indígenas Suruí e 58 Karitiana, no Estado de Rondônia. Entre os Suruí, foi isolado S. aureus em 10 (26,3%) indivíduos e S. epidermidis em 25 (65,8%). Na população Karitiana, S. aureus foi isolado em 21 (36,2%) pacientes e S. epidermidis em 42 (72,4%). Testes de sensibilidade as drogas foram realizados com todas as cepas de S. aureus isoladas. É discutido o papel de portadores inaparentes desta bactéria nas cavidades oral e nasal, assim como alguns aspectos relacionados à sua transmissão e prevalência de piodermites entre populações indígenas.


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A paracoccidioidomicose (Pbmicose) atinge os pulmões pela via inalatória, onde se estabelece o complexo primário semelhante ao da tuberculose. A traquéia comprometida pela via tubohemolinfática desenvolveria reação inflamatória em processo granulomatoso levando à obstrução estenosante com asíixia. Acompanhou-se um doente, masculino, 32 anos, branco, natural de Sarutaiá (SP), lavrador, que há 8 meses desenvolveu tosse expectorativa branco-amarelada, diária, sem fatores de melhora ou piora e dispnéia inicial discreta. Há 4 meses, anorexia, fraqueza e astenia. Há 1 mês a dispneia se agravou. Perdeu 15 kg. Tabagista e etilista há 16 anos. Exame físico revelou: PA — 10/7 mmHg, FR = 28 bpm, peso 31 kg, hipocratismo digital e hipotrofia muscular Tórax enfisematoso e síndrome obstrutivo aos testes de função pulmonar. Coração: P2 desdobrada e hiperfonética. Hepatesplenomegalia. Desenvolveu cor-pulmonale e insuficiência adrenal à internação, evoluindo após 45 dias para óbito em insuficiência respiratória aguda asfixiante, apesar da terapia antifúngica ter sido completa. A literatura médica revista não mostrou registro de caso semelhante de cor-pulmonale e insuficiência adrenal de evolução subaguda.


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Systematic examination of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts (URDT) was performed in a group of 80 paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patients submitted to post-treatment follow-up ranging from 8 months to 17 years. Mucosae of the URDT had been involved prior to specific treatment in 74 patients, distributed as follows: oropharynx, 50 (41 alone, 7 in association with the larynx, and 2 with the nasal mucosa); larynx, 30 (23 alone and 7 in association); and nasal mucosa, 3(1 alone and 2 in association). Inactive lesions were observed in all the 50 patients with lesions of the oropharynx, 3 of whom with deforming scars (1 with retraction of the tongue and 2 with narrowing of the oral orifice). One case presented a destructive lesion, with perfuration of the palate. Of the other 46 cases, examination showed nacreous white striated scars which were nearly imperceptible in some cases and in others displayed partial retraction of anatomical structures without any alteration of their features. Patients presented a high rate of missing teeth. In 3 patients with involvement of the nasal mucosa, none of whom presented active PCM lesions, 2 still had nasal voices. In 30 patients with lesions of the larynx, 1 suffered a relapse of PCM and 2 developed epidermoid carcinoma. Of the other 27 cases, none of whom had active PCM lesions, 15 presented dysphonia, 3 were tracheotomized, and 9 were asymptomatic.


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The basidiomycosis, fungal infections provoked by basidiomycetes or agaric fungi have been recorded at growing frequencies in the medical literature, especially after the advent of AIDS in 1991. The basidiospores of these fungi, scattered in the atmosphere and transported by winds or air currents, reach the maxillary sinuses through the nasal route, most of the times causing signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Basidiomycetes have also been isolated from sputum, especially Schizophyllum commune. Lesions of the buccal mucosa, brain abscesses, onychomycosis and endocarditis have been described, with a growing interest in this type of deep mycosis on the part of mycologists and infectologists. The present paper reports descriptions of mycetism as well as infectious processes caused by basidiomycetes, such as Schizophyllum commune, Ustilago maydis (= Ustilago zeae) and Coprinus cinereus


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A forty-year-old man underwent an allogeneic BMT from his HLA identical sister. GvHD prophylaxis was done with cyclosporine (CyA), methotrexate and prednisone (PDN). On day +90 extensive GvHD was noted and higher doses of immunosuppressive drugs alternating CyA with PDN were initiated. Patient's follow-up was complicated by intermittent episodes of leukopenia and monthly episodes of sinusitis or pneumonia. One year after BMT, the patient developed hoarseness and nasal voice. No etiologic agent could be identified on a biopsy sample of the vocal chord. Upon tapering the doses of immunosuppressive drugs, the patient had worsening of chronic GvHD and was reintroduced on high doses of cyclosporine alternating with prednisone on day +550. Three months later, GvHD remained out of control and the patient was started on azathioprine. On day +700, hoarseness and nasal voice recurred. Another biopsy of the left vocal chord failed to demonstrate infection. Episodes of sinusitis became more frequent and azathioprine was withheld 3 months after it was started. One month later, the patient had bloody nasal discharge and surgical drainage of maxillary sinuses was performed. Histopathology showed hyphae and cultures grew Scedosporium apiospermum. ltraconazole 800 mg/day was initiated. The patient developed progressive respiratory failure and died 15 days later.


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In order to evaluate the potential allergenicity of Blomia tropicalis (Bt) antigen, IgE production of both specific and non-specific for Bt antigen was monitored in BALB/c mice after exposure to the antigen by nasal route. It was evidenced that B. tropicalis contains a functional allergen in its components. The allergenic components, however, when administered intranasally without any adjuvant, did not function to induce IgE response within a short period. On the other hand, intranasal inoculation of Bt antigens augmented serum IgE responses in mice pretreated by a subcutaneous priming injection of the same antigens. Inoculation of Bt antigen without subcutaneous priming injections induced IgE antibody production only when the antigen was continuously administered for a long period of over 24 weeks. Even when the priming injection was absent, the Bt antigen inoculated with cholera toxin (CT) as a mucosal adjuvant also significantly augmented the Bt antigen-specific IgE responses depending on the dose of CT co-administered. The present study also demonstrated that Bt antigen/CT-inoculated mice showed increased non-specific serum IgE level and peripheral blood eosinophil rates without noticeable elevations of the total leukocyte counts. The immunoblot analysis demonstrated 5 main antigenic components reactive to IgE antibodies induced. These components at about 44-64 kDa position were considered to be an important candidate antigen for diagnosis of the mite-related allergy.


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Bartonellosis or Carrion's disease is endemic in some regions of Peru, classically found in the inter-Andean valleys located between 500 and 3200 meters above sea level. We report the case of a 43 year-old male patient, farmer, who was born in the Pichanaki district (Chanchamayo, Junin), located in the High Forest of Peru. He presented with disseminated, raised, erythematous cutaneous lesions, some of which bled. The distribution of these lesions included the nasal mucosa and penile region. Additionally subcutaneous nodules were distributed over the trunk and extremities. Hematologic exams showed a moderate anemia. Serologic studies for HIV and Treponema pallidum were negative. The histopathologic results of two biopsies were compatible with Peruvian wart. Oral treatment with ciprofloxacin (500 mg BID) was begun. Over 10 days, the patient showed clinical improvement. This is the first report of a confirmed case of bartonellosis in the eruptive phase originating from the Peruvian High Forest, showing the geographical expansion of the Carrion's disease.


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Mycetoma is a pathological process in which eumycotic (fungal) or actinomycotic causative agents from exogenous source produce grains. It is a localized chronic and deforming infectious disease of subcutaneous tissue, skin and bones. We report the first case of eumycetoma of the oral cavity in world literature. CASE REPORT: A 43-year-old male patient, complaining of swelling and fistula in the hard palate. On examination, swelling of the anterior and middle hard palate, with fistula draining a dark liquid was observed. The panoramic radiograph showed extensive radiolucent area involving the region of teeth 21-26 and the computerized tomography showed communication with the nasal cavity, suggesting the diagnosis of periapical cyst. Surgery was performed to remove the lesion. Histopathological examination revealed purulent material with characteristic grain. Gram staining for bacteria was negative and Grocott-Gomori staining for the detection of fungi was positive, concluding the diagnosis of eumycetoma. The patient was treated with ketoconazole for nine months, and was considered cured at the end of treatment. CONCLUSION: Histopathological examination, using histochemical staining, and direct microscopic grains examination can provide the distinction between eumycetoma and actinomycetoma accurately.


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The frequency of viral pathogens causing respiratory infections in children in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Teresópolis was investigated. Nasal swabs from children with acute respiratory illnesses were collected between March 2006 and October 2007. Specimens were tested for viral detection by conventional (RT)-PCR and/or real time PCR. Of the 205 nasal swabs tested, 64 (31.2%) were positive for at least one of the viral pathogens. Single infections were detected in 56 samples, 50 of those were caused by RNA viruses: 33 samples tested positive for rhinovirus, five for influenza A, five for metapneumovirus, four for coronavirus and, three for respiratory syncytial virus. For the DNA viruses, five samples were positive for bocavirus and one for adenovirus. Co-infections with these viruses were detected in eight samples. Our data demonstrate a high frequency of viral respiratory infections, emphasizing the need for a more accurate diagnosis particularly for the emerging respiratory viruses. The fact that the emerging respiratory viruses were present in 9.2% of the tested samples suggests that these viruses could be important respiratory pathogens in the country.


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O Autor faz um amplo estudo comparativo entre o gradiente pressórico portal na esquistossomose hépato-esplênica (casuística pessoal) e os achados hemodinâmicos em indivíduos normais, em portadores de obstrução porta extra-hepática e em pacientes com cirrose hepática. Analisa, em particular, as pressões da veia hepática ocluída e da livre nessas entidades e determina os gradientes entre as pressões esplênica e da veia hepática ocluída em 16 casos e entre as pressões esplênica e hepática transvarietais em 35 casos de esquistossomoe. Em conclusão, o autor sintetiza os seus achados na esquistossomose comparando-os com os da cirrose hepática e da obtrução porta extra_hepática como se pode verificar no quadro VI dêste trabalho.


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São apresentados 31 casos de bacteremia por gram-negativos, assunto que vem merecendo muita atenção dos pesquisadores nos últimos anos. Os organismos etiológicos mais importantes que apareceram em igualdade de freqüência foram Escherichia coli e Klebsiella-Aerobacter, sendo responsáveis por 58% do total das infecções, seguidos por Pseudomonas. A porta de entrada mais freqüente foi o trato urinário em 61,3% dos casos. A infecção foi mais comum no sexo masculino e a faixa etária de 50 a 60 anos predominou. O uso prévio de antibióticos foi um fator predisponente muito importante, seguido pelo uso de esteróides e citostáticos. As principais doenças predisponentes foram diabetes mellitus e neoplasias malignas. Os principais fatores precipitantes foram a manipulação do aparelho urinário, com infecção prévia ou desencadeada, cirurgia do aparelho digestivo, uronatia obstrutiva e obstrução biliar. As principais manifestações clínicas foram a presença de febre, calafrios e hipotensão arterial. A complicação mais freqüente foi o choque bacteriano que incidiu em 58% dos casos, aproximadamente três vêzes aquela relatada na literatura. As outras foram a insuficiência renal aguda, superinfecção e infecção pulmonar metastática. Considerações terapêuticas gerais e esquemas de antibióticos são propostos para estes casos. A mortalidade da bacteremia simples foi de 30,7% e quando associada ao choque elevou-se para 72,2% . As infecções por Pseudomonas foram 100% fatais.


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Uma criança de 2 anos com desnutrição grave e infestação intestinal maciça por Ascaris lumbricoides, apresentou como complicação, documentada em necrópsia, a migração de vermes adultos para a cavidade peritonial e penetração aberrante de dois parasitos através do rim esquerdo. Os Ascaris ficaram alojados no sistema pielo-ureteral, determinando grave infecção purulenta e obstrução ureteral. Esta complicação demonstra a capacidade agressiva de vermes erráticos na cavidade peritonial, com possibilidade de perfurar mesmo uma víscera sólida. São comentados os fatores que facilitaram a migração dos vermes por aqueles órgãos.


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E apresentado um caso de entomoftoromicose cutâneo-mucosa em paciente com 39 anos, tratado e considerado como curado eque cerca de dois anos depois teve recidiva associada à diabete. Apresentou então, além das lesões de mucosa nasal e pele, ulceração e perfuração do palato e, microscopicamente, uma maior freqüência de hifas, na ausência do fenômeno de Hóeppli-Splendore. Os autores comentam acerca do diagnóstico diferencial com a mucormicose.


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A tomografia computadorizada foi utilizada para avaliar o comprometimento abdominal em 25 doentes deparacoccidioidomicose. Existiam lesões intra-abdominais em, respectivamente, 75%e23% dos doentes com asformas aguda ("juvenil") e crônica ( do adulto '). A alteração mais freqüente foi o aumento dos gânglios linfáticos abdominais (12/25 casos); outras lesões foram: calcificação de gânglios linfáticos em 4 casos; obstrução das vias biliares em 5 doentes ictéricos; abscessos ou calcificação esplénica em 3 casos; 2 doentes mostraram lesões incomuns: aumento e irrgularidade do pâncreas em um e múltiplos abscessos nos músculos psoas em outro. Conclui-se que a tomografia computadorizada é procedimento útil na avaliação da disseminação da paracoccidioidomicose ao abdome e no diagnóstico de suas complicações abdominais.