261 resultados para componentes epidemiológicos
O conhecimento das correlações genéticas entre os principais caracteres utilizados no melhoramento de plantas serve de base para delinear estratégias otimizadas de seleção. O procedimento da análise de trilha permite refinar essas correlações, desdobrando-as em efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre o caráter principal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desdobrar as correlações genéticas de caracteres relativos ao cacho e à produção de frutos em progênies de meios-irmãos de açaizeiro em efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre a produção total de frutos, a fim de verificar a melhor estratégia de seleção para obtenção de progênies mais produtivas. Foi instalado um experimento com 25 progênies de meios-irmãos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e parcela de cinco plantas. Os dados dos anos agrícolas de 2005, 2006 e 2007 foram analisados pelo enfoque de modelos mistos, e as correlações genéticas, submetidas à análise de trilha. A produção de frutos correlacionou-se ao número de meses em produção, número total de cacho, peso de frutos por cacho e ao número de ráquilas por cacho. No entanto, pela análise de trilha, apenas o peso de frutos por cacho, o número de cachos e o número de ráquilas por cacho mostram-se como os principais determinantes na variação da produção de frutos de açaizeiro. Dentre esses caracteres, o número de ráquilas por cacho é o menos influenciado pelo ambiente e, portanto, mais promissor para obter ganhos indiretos na produção total de frutos.
OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os principais aspectos radiográficos e epidemiológicos das lesões de células gigantes (granulomas centrais de células gigantes e tumores marrons do hiperparatireoidismo). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 26 lesões de células gigantes diagnosticadas em 22 pacientes divididos em dois grupos, um deles composto por 17 pacientes que não tinham hiperparatireoidismo (grupo A) e o outro formado por cinco pacientes portadores de tal distúrbio (grupo B). RESULTADOS: O sexo feminino (72,7%) foi o mais acometido. As lesões ocorreram mais freqüentemente na segunda década de vida, com média de idade de 27 anos. A mandíbula (61,5%) foi o arco mais envolvido. Radiograficamente, 57,7% das lesões eram multiloculares e 42,3% eram uniloculares com limites definidos. Todas as 26 lesões provocaram expansão óssea, 15,4% produziram reabsorção radicular, 50% causaram deslocamento dentário e 11,5% produziram dor. Na mandíbula, 18,7% das lesões cruzavam a linha média. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões na mandíbula e o grupo B mostrou igualdade na distribuição das lesões entre os arcos. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões multiloculares e 33,3%, uniloculares. O grupo B apresentou 62,5% das lesões uniloculares e 37,5%, multiloculares. CONCLUSÃO: As lesões de células gigantes podem manifestar-se, radiograficamente, com um amplo espectro, desde pequenas lesões uniloculares de crescimento lento até extensas lesões multiloculares. Elas apresentam características de benignidade, embora algumas lesões possam demonstrar um comportamento localmente agressivo.
Hexafluoroacetylaceton derivatives of some synthesized components of the guazatine fungicide were prepared, and their separation and identification performed through gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chromatogram obtained from hexafluoroacetylacetone derivative of the commercial guazatine presented 14 major peaks, and 9 of them were identified through both techniques mentioned above.
This paper describes a chromatographic method to fractionate volatile oils and to identify their sesquiterpenic constituents. The fractionation process includes flash chromatography over silica gel and chromatography over silica gel/AgNO3, utilising pentane, CH2Cl2 and/or acetone as eluents. GC chromatograms were obtained in order to get the relative percentage of each constituent in the volatile oils, to get the retention time value of them as well as to analyse and combine the fractions eluted from the columns. Such procedure afford mixtures of sesquiterpenes which are analysed by GC/MS, 13C and ¹H NMR.
A review of heterocyclic compounds in roasted coffee is presented. The contents, precursors and sensorial properties of furans, pyrroles, oxazoles, thiazoles, thiophenes, pyrazines and pyridines are discussed. The impact heterocyclic compounds of coffee aroma are described.
This review is about the aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic compounds (non-heterocyclic compounds) that are present in the volatile fractions of roasted coffees. Herein, the contents, aroma precursors and the sensorial properties of volatile phenols, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, ethers, hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, lactones, amines and sulphur compounds are discussed. Special attention is given to the compounds of these groups that are actually important to the final aroma of roasted coffees.
The ¹H NMR data set of a series of 3-aryl (1,2,4)-oxadiazol-5-carbohydrazide benzylidene derivatives synthesized in our group was analyzed using the chemometric technique of principal component analysis (PCA). Using the original ¹H NMR data PCA allowed identifying some misassignments of the proton aromatic chemical shifts. As a consequence of this multivariate analysis, nuclear Overhauser difference experiments were performed to investigate the ambiguity of other assignments of the ortho and meta aromatic hydrogens for the compound with the bromine substituent. The effect of the 1,2,4-oxadiazol group as an electron acceptor, mainly for the hydrogens 12,13, has been highlighted.
In this paper the current status of fuel cells is described with particular emphasis on high (T > 800 ºC) and intermediate (T < 800 ºC) temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Also the importance of the fuel cell technology is shown. Reviewed are the fundamental features, the basic principles, types of fuel cell, fabrication methods, cell configurations and the development of components (cathodes, anodes, electrolytes, interconnect) and materials.
Minas Gerais is the highest producer of handmade spirits. Research has been carried out aiming to contribute to progress. Thus, the goal of this work is to evaluate the quality of spirits in three different regions of Minas Gerais state. We analyzed ethyl carbamate, alcoholic grade, volatile acidity, higher alcohols, aldehyde, esters, methanol, furfural and copper. The values obtained for ethyl carbamate varied from undetectable to 643.5 µg L-1, with only one region not following the legislation (150 µg L-1). Most of the compounds in the spirits were present within the limits estabilished by the legislation.
The spatial and temporal retention of metals has been studied in water and sediments of the Gavião River, Anagé and Tremedal Reservoirs, located in the semi-arid region, Bahia - Brazil, in order to identify trends in the fluxes of metals from the sediments to the water column. The determination of metals was made by ICP OES and ET AAS. The application of statistical methods showed that this aquatic system presents suitable conditions to move Cd2+ and Pb2+ from the water column to the sediment.
This paper describes an approach for the colour-based classification of RGB (red-green-blue) images, acquired using a common scanner, of commercial carbonated soft drinks. Mean histograms of image colour channels were evaluated for the PCA classification of 29 brands of Guaraná, Cola, and orange flavors. Loadings for principal component axes resulted in different patterns for sample grouping on score plots according to RGB histograms. pH, sorbic acid and sucrose measurements were also correlated to the analyzed brands through PCA score plots of the digitalized images.
The aim of this paper was to evaluate alterations in the quality of the water of the Tibagi River caused by the urban and industrial activities in the region of Ponta Grossa. The study involved the monitoring of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the water body, which were evaluated by a principal components analysis routine. Sample collections were carried out monthly during one year (October of 2005 to September of 2006), at 3 sampling points: upstream and downstream of the industrial district and downstream from the city of Ponta Grossa. The principal components analysis showed the effect of point sources associated with industrial activity, which contribute to the rise of total concentration of amoniacal nitrogen and the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the studied region.
The volatile components of the stem bark of Capsicodendron dinisii were obtained by hydrodistillation using a modified Clevenger-type apparatus. The chemical compounds were identified using the arithmetic index and confirmed by GC-MS. Twenty-three compounds suggest the identified representing almost 90% of the total oil composition. Limonene (68.5%) was the major compound found. The stereochemistry of limonene was determined and was found to be represented by (+)-limonene (94%) and (-)-limonene (6%). The presence of drimenol (0.7%), a drimane sesquiterpenoid, confirmed the volatile components characteristics of the Canellaceae family.
Bulk and supported molybdenum based catalysts, modified by nickel, phosphorous or tungsten were studied by NEXAFS spectroscopy at the Mo L III and L II edges. The techniques of principal component analysis (PCA) together with a linear combination analysis (LCA) allowed the detection and quantification of molybdenum atoms in two different coordination states in the oxide form of the catalysts, namely tetrahedral and octahedral coordination.
This work describes the volatile composition obtained by hidrodistillation of fresh leaves of Siparuna guianensis Aublet collected from Cuiabá (MT), Brazil. The composition of DCM extract of hydrolate was determined by GC-MS analysis and the results showed that the specie present a range of components according to their phenology and period of the leaves were collects. The highest volatile components yield was obtained during the reproductive period and the principal compound was the siparunone.