175 resultados para Urban ants


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In this study, I tested the efficacy of ants as secondary seed dispersers of Ricinus communis in southeastern Brazil. In a natural population of 143 individuals, I determined the ballistic dispersal distance for 62 seeds and 100 additional seeds were experimentally offered to ants in groups of ten seeds along a transect of 50 m. Fifty-three seeds were removed by ants, mainly by the leafcutter Atta sexdens (90.4%). The dispersal distance by ants was high, compared to the global average (4.38 m ± 0.74 m vs. 0.96 m), but was lower than the ballistic distance (7.27 m ± 0.13 m). Ants increased the total dispersal distance (8.66 m ± 0.60 m), but the main benefit for the plant was the directed dispersal, with seed deposition on the enriched soil of ant nests.


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Some modifications were made to the methodology of Imai et al. (Jpn. J. Genet. 63: 159-185, 1988) for cytogenetic analysis of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens piriventris and Acromyrmex heyeri (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), shortening preparation time and improving chromosomal preparations. The brain ganglia of prepupae were dissected in a 0.0025% hypotonic solution of colchicine, placed on a glass slide on a cold plate (4 ± 1oC) for 20 min. The material was fixed directly on the cold slide (with cold fixative I), macerated with a histological needle and fixed again with fixative I, followed by fixatives II and III, all of them cold. The slide was flame-dried right after the use of fixative III, and it was allowed to air-dry at room temperature for 2 h. The resulting metaphases presented less contracted chromosomes, with separated and well defined sister chromatids at a high frequency, when the material was processed in the manner described and stained with 3% Giemsa in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for 15 min.


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Drosophila paulistorum populations colonizing the urban area of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, were studied with the objective of characterizing their chromosomal polymorphism in this new environment. Despite being geographically and ecologically marginal and the fact that the colonization of the urban area seems to be a recent event, the populations showed a large number of inversions on all chromosome arms. Differences regarding inversion frequencies and percentage of heterozygosis were found when we compared the samples with respect to geographical, microenvironmental and temporal aspects. Such differences, however, could be attributed to both selective and stochastic factors


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Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex (tribe Attini) are symbiotic with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Leucoagaricus (tribe Leucocoprineae), which they cultivate on vegetable matter inside their nests. We determined the variation of the 28S, 18S, and 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene loci and the rapidly evolving internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) of 15 sympatric and allopatric fungi associated with colonies of 11 species of leafcutter ants living up to 2,600 km apart in Brazil. We found that the fungal rDNA and ITS sequences from different species of ants were identical (or nearly identical) to each other, whereas 10 GenBank Leucoagaricus species showed higher ITS variation. Our findings suggest that Atta and Acromyrmex leafcutters living in geographic sites that are very distant from each other cultivate a single fungal species made up of closely related lineages of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. We discuss the strikingly high similarity in the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the Atta and Acromyrmex symbiotic L. gongylophorus studied by us, in contrast to the lower similarity displayed by their non-symbiotic counterparts. We suggest that the similarity of our L. gongylophorus isolates is an indication of the recent association of the fungus with these ants, and propose that both the intense lateral transmission of fungal material within leafcutter nests and the selection of more adapted fungal strains are involved in the homogenization of the symbiotic fungal stock.


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Psychological depression is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. C-reactive protein has been implicated as a mediator of the effect of psychological depression. Several studies have found that individuals, especially men, who report higher levels of psychological depression also have higher levels of C-reactive protein. The current study was undertaken to replicate these results in a Brazilian population, in which there is a much wider range of variation in both background characteristics (such as socioeconomic status) and coronary artery disease risk factors. A sample of 271 individuals was interviewed using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Fasting blood samples were obtained and evaluated for C-reactive protein (assessed by a turbidimetric immunoassay using a Dade Behring kit) analysis in a subsample (N = 258) of individuals. The mean ± SD C-reactive protein for the entire sample was 0.43 ± 0.44, with 0.42 ± 0.48 for men and 0.43 ± 0.42 mg/L for women. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis, controlling for age, sex, body mass index, socioeconomic status, tobacco use, and both total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Higher reported depressive symptoms were correlated with higher C-reactive protein for men (partial r = 0.298, P = 0.004) and with lower C-reactive protein for women (partial r = -0.154, P = 0.059). The differences in the associations for men and women could be a result of differential effects of sex hormones on stress reactivity and immune response. On the other hand, this difference in the associations may be related to gender differences in the disclosure of emotion and the effect that self-disclosure has on physical health and immune response.


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The mechanisms by which PM2.5 increases cardiovascular mortality are not fully identified. Autonomic alterations are the current main hypotheses. Our objective was to determine if PM2.5 induces acute cardiac polarization alterations in healthy Wistar rats. PM2.5 samples were collected on polycarbonate filters. Solutions containing 10, 20, and 50 µg PM2.5 were administered by tracheal instillation. P wave duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.95 ± 0.06, and 0.96 ± 0.07; P < 0.001), and 50 µg (0.98 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.96 ± 0.08; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution (P < 0.001). PR interval duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.97 ± 0.08) and 50 µg (0.99 ± 0.05, 0.97 ± 0.0, and 0.95 ± 0.05; 60, 90, and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QRS interval duration decreased at 20 and 50 µg in relation to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QT interval duration decreased significantly (P < 0.001) with time in animals receiving 20 µg (0.94 ± 0.12, 0.88 ± 0.14, and 0.88 ± 0.11) and 50 µg (1.00 ± 0.13; 0.97 ± 0.11 and 0.98 ± 0.16; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). PM2.5 induced reduced cardiac conduction time, within a short period, indicating that depolarization occurs more rapidly across ventricular tissue.


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Acute gastroenteritis caused by viruses is one of the leading causes of infantile morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of human caliciviruses of the genera norovirus and sapovirus in children up to 3 years of age with acute gastroenteritis from low-income communities in the city of Salvador, Brazil. This study is an extension of previous work carried out to establish the profile of the most prevalent enteric pathogens present in these communities. In this report, 139 fecal samples, collected from July 2001 to January 2002 were analyzed by RT-PCR and 13 (9%) were positive for human caliciviruses. By sequencing, seven isolates were characterized as norovirus genogroup GII and one as sapovirus genotype GII/1. Sequencing of the previously detected group-A rotaviruses and human astroviruses was also performed and revealed the circulation of rotavirus group A genotypes G1P[8] and G9P[8], and human astrovirus genotypes 6, 7, and 8. No mixed infection was observed. Community-based studies provide geographically representative information on disease burden. However, there are only a few reports in developing countries concerning the genotypes of the most important gastroenteric viruses detected in such communities. The present findings demonstrate the wide diversity of genotypes of the most important viruses responsible for acute gastroenteritis circulating in low-income communities.


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The incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease have been increasing in recent years in developing countries. The aim of this study was to report the results of a general chronic kidney disease awareness program applied to an urban population in a large Brazilian city. From January 2002 to January 2005 a total of 8883 individuals in the city of Curitiba (PR, Brazil) were screened for hypertension, body mass index, hematuria, and proteinuria. A family history and previous medical diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) were also recorded. Of the 8883 individuals assessed, 56% were women, subject median age was 47 years (range: 17-93 years) and more than 90% were Caucasian. Thirty percent had signs of hematuria, 6% had proteinuria, and 3% had hematuria and proteinuria. The median of mean arterial pressure values was 93 mmHg (range: 71-135 mmHg) and 16% of the population screened had a history of hypertension. A significant positive family history of both hypertension or DM was present in 42% (P < 0.0001; chi-square = 83.18) and 7% (P < 0.0001; chi-square = 161.31) of the hypertensive group, respectively. Finally, the prevalence of hypertension and DM was significantly higher in older individuals with proteinuria. In the present study, a higher prevalence of hematuria and proteinuria was found in older individuals with hypertension and diabetes compared to the general population. These data confirm the need for public awareness of renal disease in high-risk individuals.


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O isolamento e a identificação de microrganismos produtores de enzimas de interesse comercial, utilizando tubérculos de jacatupé (Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban), foi o objetivo principal deste trabalho. Isolaram-se microrganismos endofíticos e epifíticos identificados por observação micromorfológica. A avaliação da atividade enzimática das linhagens foi determinada pelo método de difusão em ágar. As sessenta e oito linhagens isoladas dos tubérculos de jacatupé foram cultivadas em meio sólido específico para amilase, lipase, protease e celulase por 96h a 280 C. Os microrganismos epifíticos encontrados foram Pithomyces (7,3%), Aspergillus (19,2%), Fusarium (5,9%) e Trichoderma (5,8%), e os endofíticos foram Mucor (7,3%), Rhizopus (10,3%), Bacillus (19,0%), Staphylococcus (10,3%) e Nocardiopsis (15%). As linhagens de Nocardiopsis sp. apresentaram atividade lipolítica superior à do padrão, porém a atividade amilolítica não apresentou diferença significativa comparada com o padrão. As linhagens de Mucor sp., Pithomyces sp. e Staphylococcus sp. produziram atividade proteolítica abaixo do padrão. Nenhum isolado apresentou atividade celulolítica.


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Várias espécies vegetais nativas produzem sementes que, mesmo vivas, apresentam dificuldades para germinar. Assim, foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o objetivo de identificar métodos para a superação da dormência de sementes de Operculina macrocarpa e para a germinação de sementes de O. macrocarpa e Operculina alata. No primeiro, sementes de O. macrocarpa foram submetidas a oito tratamentos visando a superação de dormência: frio seco, calor úmido, imersão em água oxigenada, água quente e em ácido sulfúrico, frio úmido, escarificação mecânica, embebição em nitrato de potássio, além da testemunha, determinando-se os percentuais de germinação, de sementes duras e de mortas. No segundo ensaio, sementes de O. macrocarpa e O. alata, após escarificadas, foram semeadas em substratos de areia e de papel e colocadas para germinar sob cinco combinações de luz e temperatura: luz contínua a 25ºC constante; luz contínua com temperaturas alternadas (20ºC/16h-35ºC/8h); escuro contínuo a 25ºC constante; escuro contínuo com temperaturas alternadas (20ºC/16h-35ºC/8h) e alternância de luz e temperaturas (luz/35ºC/8h-escuro/20ºC/16h). Determinaram-se o percentual e o índice de velocidade de germinação. Concluiu-se que Operculina macrocarpa apresenta sementes dormentes, destacando-se a escarificação mecânica como o método mais eficiente para a sua superação; o substrato papel, associado à temperatura de 20-35ºC e em ausência de luz, é o mais indicado para a germinação de sementes de Operculina macrocarpa e Operculina alata.