177 resultados para Taxa de retorno
This article compares the determinants of electoral success in two consecutive Brazilian legislative elections, 1998 and 2002. There is a clear difference between both periods that renders the comparison especially interesting. In 1998 the incumbent president was running for reelection whereas in 2002 it was an open seat contest. We hypothesize that in 1998 the proximity of the Federal Deputy with the president and the allocation of federal monies controlled by the Executive Branch played a more significant role in affecting reelection success than in 2002. Hence, if the President is himself running for reelection is an important intervening contextual variable in understanding reelection success of Federal Deputies.
Celso Furtado, the return to the basic controversy. A reading of the work of Celso Furtado in its completion opens an enriching view of the interaction between theoretical thinking and the unveiling of Latin-America history. Starting from an appraisal of the pre-Classic and Classic authors, Furtado outlined an approach of surplus theory. That would enable development theory to deal with the unevenly industrialized economies like Brazil. His thorough analysis of development and underdevelopment processes broke away from the initial ECLA experiences to build a planning proposal the uprising country. The French roots of his academic profile helped him to keep an orderly explanation of capital demand that kept him siding with Wicksell against the subjective theory of Schumpeter.
Real exchange rate and economic growth: a comparison between emerging and developed economies. This paper presents a discussion on the relationship between economic growth and real exchange rate. The article presents the results generated by a dynamic panel that tested the relationship of economic growth with the level of the exchange rate, exchange rate volatility and the choice of exchange rate regime from 26 countries, 13 emerging and 13 developed. The results suggest that the level of the exchange rate and volatility are relevant for growth. Finally, the paper stresses that there are important differences when comparing developed and emerging economies.
Real exchange rate, exchange rate misalignment and economic growth in Brazil: 1994-2007. In this article we argue that the Brazilian economy presented in the period 1994-2007 a tendency of real exchange rate appreciation with respect to its equilibrium value, mainly from 2005. This exchange rate misalignment has worked to reduce the growth of Brazilian economy and is the root of the re-emergence of current account deficits.
Inflation target, real exchange rate and external crisis in a Kaleckian model. Which role should the real exchange rate play in an inflation target regime? In this paper this point is discussed from the point of view of the conditions required for avoiding an external crisis. With this objective, a dynamic Kaleckian model is presented focusing on the stability of the external debt to capital ratio. The main conclusion is that policy makers should monitor closely the evolution of the real exchange rate in order to make compatible the inflation target regime with external stability.
Estimating the return to education the Brazilian legislation of education as an instrument considering. This paper aims to estimate the impact of education on wages in Brazil. GDP, Population, and the number of schools in the state and year when the individual was born as instruments for his education level were used. In this context, the paper consider other instrument, the Brazilian education Law 5692 of 1971. The results show that the Law 5692 of 1971 and the number of schools in the individual's year of birth bears a positive relationship with his education, and the returns to education decrease quite substantially when the method of instrumental variables is used.
This paper investigates a topic of the agenda about growth models, emphasizing the elaboration of an external constrained model with endogenous elasticity, with an emphasis on real exchange rate level as main tool for the economic development. The model is anchored in Kaldor, Thirlwall and Barbosa Filho's models and it will demonstrate that external constraint changes in the course of time.
This paper investigates the hypothesis of Dutch disease in Brazil by the existence of a negative relationship between commodity exports and the real exchange rate, and the effects of export specialization in commodities on the Brazilian economic growth from 1999 to 2010 based on VAR model. The evidences suggested an expressive importance of commodities exports in explaining the real exchange rate changes. Moreover, commodities exports shocks were relevant to explain Brazilian economic growth rate changes, which supports the "curse" of natural resources literature.
Financial conventions and basic interest rate in Brazil. This article discusses the thesis that the Brazilian interest rate is a convention, focusing on the basic interest rate under the inflation targeting regime. On the one hand, there are some complications involved in this debate. In order to show this, we consider the theoretical works that have been references for the Brazilian economists who see an interest rate convention in the country. On the other hand, despite the difficulties, it is possible to find signs of conventionality in the determination of the Brazilian basic rate, by analyzing two properties of conventions: conformity of some with the conformity of others; and arbitrariness.
Este trabalho desenvolve a hipótese de que a taxa de juros brasileira é alta como resultado de mecanismos de transmissão monetária parcialmente obstruídos. Surgem falhas de transmissão devido às seguintes características da economia brasileira: (i) segmentação do mercado de crédito; (ii) baixa penetração do crédito livre dentro do processo de determinação de renda; (iii) truncada estrutura a termo da taxas de juros; (iv) a participação das LFT na composição da dívida pública; (v) a participação dos preços administrados no índice de preços ao consumidor. Para alcançar este resultado, o trabalho explora o modelo BMW e fornece algumas evidências preliminares.
A elaboração de uma ontologia fenomenológica era uma possibilidade inscrita no próprio projeto filosófico husserliano. Em que sentido, no entanto, o espírito da máxima da "volta às coisas mesmas" serviu de inspiração ao retorno à questão do ser? Em que medida as elaborações ontológicas que se atribuíram o título de fenomenológicas permaneceram fiéis ao espírito geral e às diretrizes formais do pensamento de Husserl? É na tentativa de responder a essas questões que nos propomos examinar a posição especial de Heidegger face ao problema da articulação da ontologia com a fenomenologia. Nossa preferência é ditada pela própria originalidade do emprego da fenomenologia, no autor de Ser e Tempo. O exame do sentido que assume a fenomenologia enquanto ontologia da compreensão, cujo instrumento é a hermenêutica da existência fáctica do homem, exige previamente o delineamento do projeto filosófico fundamental heideggeriano.