186 resultados para Subtropical grasslands


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We studied the flora of vegetation islands on rock outcrops on the Itatiaia Plateau (22°21'S and 44°40'W), at 2,400 m.a.s.l. A total of 114 vascular plant species, which correspond to ca. 20%-25% of the currently inventoried flora of the plateau, were sampled in 197 small vegetation islands (total area of 0.034 ha). Xerophytes and hydrophytes were often found side by side due to environmental heterogeneity at a small scale, explaining in part the high species diversity. Rock outcrops may support floras quite distinct from those in neighbouring habitats, due to the action of strong environmental filters, but in Itatiaia the geographic distribution patterns among rupicolous plants appear to mimic those described for the whole flora around it, with 15.1% of narrow endemic species and six strictly rupicolous plants. Underlining the "temperate" nature of the high elevation climate in Itatiaia, the sampled flora was dominated by species of the families Asteraceae and Poaceae, and the number of CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) species was very low. A few endemic species of tropical origin - Pleurostima gounelleana (Beauv.) Men. (Velloziaceae) and Fernseea itatiaiae (Wawra) Baker (Bromeliaceae) - play a crucial role in this vegetation, as pioneer mat-formers facilitating later establishment of numerous other species. Hemicryptophytes prevail in the sampled flora, while therophytes are exceptionally rare and mainly consist of opportunistic species associated with disturbances. Numerous microhabitats and strong environmental gradients in these high elevation rock outcrops afford opportunities for establishment of a highly diversified flora. These island-like environments may represent an important refuge for grassland species from fire and other disturbances in the surrounding grasslands.


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Leiothrix is endemic of South America and includes 37 species, 25 of which occur in the state of Minas Gerais. Nineteen of those occur in the "Serra do Cipó", a mountain chain, located in the southern portion of the Espinhaço mountain range. This study examines vegetative propagation strategies of four species of Leiothrix, endemic to the Minas Gerais portion of the Espinhaço mountain range. For each species we established permanent plots, where we marked 30 to 51 rosettes or clones, and then took morphological and phenological measurements. Leiothrix crassifolia (Bong.) Ruhland and L. curvifolia var. lanuginosa (Bong.) Ruhland are rhizomatous, forming compact clones. Leiothrix vivipara (Bong.) Ruhland does not produce rhizomes, but is pseudoviviparous, i.e., produces numerous ramets originating from inflorescences. These ramets are formed precociously, and the flower heads do not touch the ground. In Leiothrix spiralis (Bong.) Ruhland both of these strategies are seen: it is both rhizomatous and pseudoviviparous. In this species, the ramets are formed late, only after the flower head has touched the ground. One of the typical conditions of the rupestrian grasslands is soil water shortage in some periods of the year and nutrient scarcity all year round. These conditions might have created an ideal ecological scenario for the evolution of both pseudovivipary and rhizomatous clonal growth in Leiothrix.


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The paper proposed Cyanoaggregatum brasiliense, a new genus and species from the plankton of a subtropical brackish coastal lagoon from Rio Grande do Sul State, South Brazil. It differs from all other members of Chroococcales by its characteristic arrangement of cells in irregular groups distributed in a single, flat or slightly curved layer, on irregular rows, slightly distant from each other, forming a mosaic-like pattern slightly below the surface of the mucilaginous colonial envelope. The cell division in one plane perpendicular to the long axis and the lack of pseudo-filaments indicate its classification in the family Synechococcaceae, sub-family Aphanothecoideae. The general characteristics, the diagnostic criteria and the taxonomic position are discussed, and a comparison between Cyanoaggregatum and its most closely related genera is presented. Physical and chemical data on the studied lagoon and geographical distribution are presented.


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Considerando a carência de estudos enfocando comunidades de macroalgas de ambientes lóticos em regiões subtropicais, o presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de investigar o padrão de distribuição destas comunidades em uma região de floresta ombrófila densa bem preservada. Oito pontos de amostragem foram amostrados em duas estações contrastantes (inverno e verão) na Serra da Prata (Parque Nacional Saint-Hilaire/Lange), localizada na porção leste do Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. A Análise dos Componentes Principais (PCA) mostrou que as variáveis ambientais dos riachos analisados tiveram um padrão temporal claro, com uma distinção evidente entre inverno e verão. De modo contrário, a Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada (DCA), baseada na presença/ausência de espécies, não revelou nenhum padrão temporal ou diferenças entre a composição florística do inverno e do verão. Um padrão mostrado na DCA foi a separação dos pontos de amostragem pela intensidade do sombreamento da vegetação ripária. De maneira geral, a região estudada apresentou baixos valores de riqueza e abundância, e a maioria dos táxons foi restrita a um único ponto ou época de amostragem. Deste modo, os resultados sugerem que a estruturação das comunidades de macroalgas estudadas parecem responder à combinação das variáveis ambientais que se alteram continuamente no tempo e no espaço, enfatizando, entre outras, a importância das variações em pequena escala (microhabitat). Por outro lado, os resultados também indicaram que, em escala global, a distribuição das macroalgas dos ambientes lóticos da região de estudo, aparentemente, pode ser limitada pelo grau de sombreamento imposto pela vegetação marginal.


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Espírito Santo State lies in the transition region (18°-21° S) between the tropical and subtropical marine-algal provinces and is considered the richest area of the Brazilian flora. The subtidal substratum presents extensive areas of rhodoliths associated with a diversified marine biota. A detailed exploration using Scuba diving technique has revealed many little-known and previously unreported taxa that are new to the Brazilian coast. Among the algae recently discovered, Reticulocaulis mucosissimus I. A. Abbott was found at a depth of 25 meters, thus consisting of the second member of the infrequently encountered family Naccariaceae growing in the same region. This work has revealed additional distribution records of this species not yet reported from the western Atlantic. Description of the morphological and reproductive features of the species as well as illustrations and comments are presented.


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Twenty areas from eight Brazilian states were compared according to a list of 224 species of Poaceae. In order to determinate affinity patterns between the areas, a binary matrix was submitted to cluster and ordination analysis. The patterns found were then faced to climate and geographic position. The scores corresponding to the areas obtained from the cluster analysis showed a strong correlation to temperature. The scores corresponding to the species suggest a gradient that associates distribution patterns to the photosynthetic pathway (C3 or C4). The current results suggest that the traditional classification of the Southern American grasslands might require some modification in order to be broadly applicable in the Brazilian context.


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Above-ground litter production is one of the most accessible ways to estimate ecosystem productivity, nutrient fluxes and carbon transfers. Phenological patterns and climatic conditions are still not fully explained well for tropical and subtropical forests under less pronounced dry season and non-seasonal climates, as well as the interaction of these patterns with successional dynamics. Monthly litterfall was estimated for two years in a 9 to 10 year old secondary alluvial Atlantic Rain forest. Total litterfall was higher in the site with more developed vegetation (6.4 ± 1.2 ton ha-1 year-1; 95% confidence interval) as compared to the site with less developed vegetation (3.0 ± 1.0 ton ha-1 year-1). The monthly production of 11 litter fractions (eight fractions comprising the leaf litter of the seven main species of the community and other species; reproductive parts, twigs £ 2 cm diameter, and miscellaneous material) were correlated with meteorological variables making possible to identify three patterns of deposition. The main pattern, dominated by leaf-exchanging species, consisted of a cycle with the highest litterfall at the beginning of the rainy season, preceding by basically three months the peaks of the annual cycles of rainfall and temperatures. Other two patterns, dominated by brevi-deciduous species, peaked at the end of the rainy season and at the end of the non-rainy season. Tropical and subtropical dry forests that present the highest leaf fall gradually earlier than rain forests (as the studied sites) are possibly related to the start of senescence process. It seems that such process is triggered earlier by a more severe hydric stress, besides other factors linked to a minor physiological activity of plants that result in abscission.


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Tropical high altitude grasslands present several species with both microphyllous and highly sclerophyllous leaves, and co-occur in specific soil patches, thus exposed to identical environments. In this article we describe herbivory among co-occurring microphyllous species in a tropical high altitude grassland ecosystem of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais state, and we tested the effect of variable anatomic traits on leaf herbivory patterns. Leaf anatomical traits were investigated for Baccharis imbricata Heering , Lavoisiera imbricata DC. and L. subulata Triana (focal species). Herbivory was measured from branches and leaves of individual plants and compared among co-occurring species within one multispecific shrub patch and among L. subulata individuals from this patch and an adjacent monospecific patch. For all present plant species and individuals we estimated the proportion of leaves with different levels of area lost. For the focal species, six leaves were sorted and taken for histological sectioning, in order to allow precise measures of defensive structures. Relative mean leaf area lost differed significantly among the six species found in the multispecific patch. Lavoisiera subulata individuals were more attacked in the multispecific than in the monospecific patch. Leaf margin protection traits in both B. imbricata and L. imbricata showed significant effect against herbivory. Data suggest that some anatomic traits have direct effect against herbivory but their effect are not clearly perceptible among branches within individual plants or among plants within the same species.


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O estudo da família Eunotiaceae em diferentes ambientes (lagoas, banhados e açude) na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul foi realizado no outono e primavera de 2003. Foram identificados 26 táxons específicos e infra-específicos, um pertencente ao gênero Actinella e 25 a Eunotia. A maior riqueza de espécies de Eunotia foi registrada nos banhados, onde a vegetação marginal foi mais abundante e as águas mais ácidas (pH 4,3 e 5,4). Eunotia bilunaris (Ehr.) Souza, E. tridentula Ehr. var. tridentula, E. vumbae Choln., E. yberai Freng. e E. zygodon Ehr. tratam-se de primeiras citações para a Planície Costeira do sul do Brasil. As espécies são descritas, comentadas e ilustradas em microscopio óptico (MO) e/ou em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV).


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The recently described scytonematoid cyanobacterial genus Brasilonema is known mainly from tropical and subtropical rain forests (Mata Atlântica) of southeastern Brazil, where it occurs in aerophytic wooden, stony and iron substrates. This genus was defined according to both molecular and morphological criteria. The type species B. bromeliae was described from the specialized habitat: it grows in phytothelmes, epiphytic on both living and died leaves within the rosettes of large bromeliad plants slightly above or in the zone of the water level. The genus Brasilonema is evidently widely distributed in coastal forests of São Paulo State, where it occurs also in remarkable diversity. According to our results, this genus currently comprises seven taxa, which are distinct by different morphology and ecological characteristics.


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Alien plants are known to occur in Brazil since the 18th century when African grasses started to be recorded in pastures near Rio de Janeiro. In the beginning of the 19th century two royal decrees (July, 1809 and July, 1810) offered grants and tax exemption to everyone who would introduce plants of economic value. Nowadays, there are 117 plant species recognized as invasive or established and with invasive potential in Brazil and an unknown number of introduced plant species. Some of the most pervasive invasive species are Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. and Hedychium coronarium König in tropical ombrophilous forest, Hovenia dulcis Thunb. in subtropical ombrophilous forest and subtropical semi-deciduous forest, Pinus taeda L. and Pinus elliottii Engelm. in subtropical ombrophilous forest and steppe, Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. in stepic-savanna, Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth in tropical and subtropical semi-deciduous forest, Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv. in the Brazilian savannas, and Eragrostis plana Nees in the steppe. The purpose of this article is to fill a knowledge gap on alien species that are invasive in Brazil and where they are invading by summarizing data obtained by joint efforts of the Hórus Institute for Environmental Conservation and Development, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) invasive species thematic network (I3N), and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) in the last six years.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer a composição do fitoplâncton no Lago das Tartarugas, situado no Jardim Botânico da cidade de Porto Alegre, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As amostragens foram realizadas mensalmente, no período de junho de 2007 a maio de 2008, em uma estação em três diferentes níveis de profundidade, na zona pelágica. Um total de 49 táxons específicos e infraespecíficos pertencentes a sete classes foram registrados. Cyanobacteria apresentou maior número de táxons (35% dos táxons identificados) seguida de Bacillariophyceae (33%) e Euglenophyceae (16,3%). São apresentadas descrições, medidas e ilustrações dos táxons, assim como a distribuição dos mesmos durante o ciclo anual.


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The Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest is a highly heterogeneous ecosystem comprising large numbers of tropical and subtropical habitats favorable to the development of cyanobacteria. Studies on cyanobacteria in this ecosystem are still rare, however, especially those involving unicellular and colonial types. The high biodiversity and endemism of this biome has been extremely impacted and fragmented, and less than 10% of its original vegetation cover remains today. We describe here a new species of a colonial cyanobacteria, Lemmermanniella terrestris, found on dry soils in a subtropical region of the Atlantic Rainforest in the municipality of Cananéia in southern São Paulo State, Brazil. This new taxon demonstrated all of the diacritical features of the genus Lemmermanniella but, unlike the other species of the genus, it was growing on the soil surface and not in an aquatic environment. A set of morphological features, including colonies composed of subcolonies, and cell dimensions, shapes and contents distinguish it from other species of the genus. Considering that species of Lemmermanniella are found in very distinct habitats (such as thermal and brackish waters) and that they maintain the same life cycle described for the genus in all of those environments, the morphological structures of the colonies can be used as reliable markers for identifying the genus, and its species differ primarily in relation to the habitats they occupy.


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To establish the incidence of type 1 diabetes among children (infants to 14 years of age) in the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (population under 15 years = 50,098), during the period of January to December 1996, a retrospective and prospective population-based registry was established, using physician reports of newly diagnosed patients under 15 years of age with type 1 diabetes as the primary source of case identification. Primary and nursery schools and a general call through the media (newspapers, radio and television) was the secondary source. Data were calculated according to the methods recommended by the WHO (1990). Six new cases were identified. Case ascertainment was estimated at 100%. The incidence of type 1 diabetes in the year 1996 was 12/100,000 inhabitants. These data indicate that the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in a subtropical region in the Southern part of Brazil was similar to that observed in developed countries throughout the world. The inability to demonstrate the North-South gradient is probably due to the European origin of inhabitants of the city.


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An increase in daily mortality from myocardial infarction has been observed in association with meteorological factors and air pollution in several cities in the world, mainly in the northern hemisphere. The objective of the present study was to analyze the independent effects of environmental variables on daily counts of death from myocardial infarction in a subtropical region in South America. We used the robust Poisson regression to investigate associations between weather (temperature, humidity and barometric pressure), air pollution (sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and inhalable particulate), and the daily death counts attributed to myocardial infarction in the city of São Paulo in Brazil, where 12,007 fatal events were observed from 1996 to 1998. The model was adjusted in a linear fashion for relative humidity and day-of-week, while nonparametric smoothing factors were used for seasonal trend and temperature. We found a significant association of daily temperature with deaths due to myocardial infarction (P < 0.001), with the lowest mortality being observed at temperatures between 21.6 and 22.6ºC. Relative humidity appeared to exert a protective effect. Sulfur dioxide concentrations correlated linearly with myocardial infarction deaths, increasing the number of fatal events by 3.4% (relative risk of 1.03; 95% confidence interval = 1.02-1.05) for each 10 µg/m³ increase. In conclusion, this study provides evidence of important associations between daily temperature and air pollution and mortality from myocardial infarction in a subtropical region, even after a comprehensive control for confounding factors.