208 resultados para Staphyloccocus aureus
OBJECTIVE: Assessment of incidence and behavior of mediastinitis after cardiac transplantation. METHODS: From 1985 to 1999, 214 cardiac transplantations were performed, 12 (5.6%) of the transplanted patients developed confirmed mediastinitis. Patient's ages ranged from 42 to 66 years (mean of 52.3±10.0 years) and 10 (83.3%) patients were males. Seven (58.3%) patients showed sternal stability on palpation, 4 (33.3%) patients had pleural empyema, and 2 (16.7%) patients did not show purulent secretion draining through the wound. RESULTS: Staphylococcus aureus was the infectious agent identified in the wound secretion or in the mediastinum, or both, in 8 (66.7%) patients. Staphylococcus epidermidis was identified in 2 (16.7%) patients, Enterococcus faecalis in 1 (8.3%) patient, and the cause of mediastinitis could not be determined in 1 (8.3%) patient. Surgical treatment was performed on an emergency basis, and the extension of the débridement varied with local conditions. In 2 (16.7%) patients, we chose to leave the surgical wound open and performed daily dressings with granulated sugar. Total sternal resection was performed in only 1 (8.3%) patient. Out of this series, 5 (41.7%) patients died, and the causes of death were related to the infection. Autopsy revealed persistence of mediastinitis in 1 (8.3%) patient. CONCLUSION: Promptness in diagnosing mediastinitis and precocious surgical drainage have changed the natural evolution of this disease. Nevertheless, observance of the basic precepts of prophylaxis of infection is still the best way to treat mediastinitis.
A estimulação cardíaca artificial por meio de marca-passo cardíaco representa uma das alternativas mais promissoras no tratamento das arritmias, entretanto pode ocasionar reações singulares ou complexas, precoces ou tardias. Neste estudo, objetivou-se descrever as evidências científicas sobre o risco de infecção e formação de biofilme associado ao marca-passo cardíaco. Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura. Totalizaram-se 14 publicações classificadas em três categorias temáticas: diagnóstico (microbiológico e/ou clínico), complicações e terapêutica das infecções. Os Staphylococcus epidermidis e os Staphylococcus aureus foram os microrganismos mais frequentemente isolados. Não foi possível determinar a incidência da infecção associada aos marca-passos, uma vez que os estudos eram em geral de prevalência. Em termos de terapêutica destacou-se a remoção completa dos marca-passos, especialmente nos casos de suspeita de biofilme. Ainda é controverso o uso da profilaxia antibiótica sistêmica na redução da incidência da infecção associada ao implante de marca-passo
Healthcare-Associated Infective Endocarditis: a Case Series in a Referral Hospital from 2006 to 2011
Background: Healthcare-associated infective endocarditis (HCA-IE), a severe complication of medical care, shows a growing incidence in literature. Objective: To evaluate epidemiology, etiology, risk factors for acquisition, complications, surgical treatment, and outcome of HCA-IE. Methods: Observational prospective case series study (2006-2011) in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Results: Fifty-three patients with HCA-IE from a total of 151 cases of infective endocarditis (IE) were included. There were 26 (49%) males (mean age of 47 ± 18.7 years), 27 (51%) females (mean age of 42 ± 20.1 years). IE was acute in 37 (70%) cases and subacute in 16 (30%) cases. The mitral valve was affected in 19 (36%) patients and the aortic valve in 12 (36%); prosthetic valves were affected in 23 (43%) patients and native valves in 30 (57%). Deep intravenous access was used in 43 (81%) cases. Negative blood cultures were observed in 11 (21%) patients, Enterococcus faecalis in 10 (19%), Staphylococcus aureus in 9 (17%), and Candida sp. in 7 (13%). Fever was present in 49 (92%) patients, splenomegaly in 12 (23%), new regurgitation murmur in 31 (58%), and elevated C-reactive protein in 44/53 (83%). Echocardiograms showed major criteria in 46 (87%) patients, and 34 (64%) patients were submitted to cardiac surgery. Overall mortality was 17/53 (32%). Conclusion: In Brazil HCA-IE affected young subjects. Patients with prosthetic and native valves were affected in a similar proportion, and non-cardiac surgery was an infrequent predisposing factor, whereas intravenous access was a common one. S. aureus was significantly frequent in native valve HCA-IE, and overall mortality was high.
Foram isolados e identificados microrganismos patogênicos e deterioradores em três diferentes tipos de queijos, a saber, Prato, Minas Frescal e Provolone, adquiridos junto ao comércio de Piracicaba. As análises realizadas foram para Contagem Total, Coliformes Totais, Coliformes Fecais, Staphylococcus, Psicrotróficos, Termófilos, Proteolíticos, Lipolíticos, Enterococos, Salmonella, Fungos e Leveduras. As altas contagens verificadas para Contagem Total, Coliformes Totais, Coliformes Fecais, S. aureus, Enterococos, Proteolíticos, Lipolíticos e Psicrotróficos na maioria das amostras analisadas neste trabalho, e a presença de Salmonella em algumas delas, revelam que as mesmas devem ser consideradas impróprias ao consumo humano, uma vez que, a maioria das contagens de microrganismos patogênicos, está acima dos padrões estabelecidos pela Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos (1978).
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo o isolamento e a caracterização de microrganismos patogênicos e deterioradores em leites desidratados (integral e desnatado) e manteigas (com e sem sal). Amostras comerciais foram tomadas e analisadas para: Contagem Total, Coliformes Totais, Coformes Fecais, Staphylococcus, Psicrotróficos, Termófilos, Proteolíticos, Lipolíticos, Enterococos, Salmonella, Fungos e Leveduras e Esporulados Aeróbicos (somente para as amostras de leites desidratados). As altas contagens verificadas para Contagem Total, Coliformes Totais, Coliformes Fecais, S. aureus, Enterococos, Proteolíticos , Lipolíticos e Psicrotróficos na maioria das amostras de manteigas analisadas neste trabalho, e a presença de Salmonella em algumas delas, revelam que as mesmas devem ser consideradas impróprias ao consumo humano, uma vez que, a maiorias das contagens de microrganismos patogênicos está acima dos padrões estabelecidos pela Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos (1978). Já as amostras de leites desidratados analisadas se enquadram nos padrões nacionais existentes para microrganismos patogênicos.
The new genus Neodrassex is proposed to include two new species of Gnaphosidae from Brazil. Neodrassex aureus sp. nov. is described from Amazonas, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul states, and N. iguatemi sp. nov. is described from Paraná state. Neodrassex gen. nov. is characterized by small size, pale coloration, large anterior median eyes surrounded by black pigmentation, absence of a dorsal abdominal scutum in males and by the cheliceral dentition with 2-3 teeth on the promargin and 2-4 on the retromargin. The new genus is tentatively placed at the Leptodrassex group.
After going through the more important theories on cellular permeability, researches were undertaken with the purpose of proving the actual influence of the various degrees of cellular permeability on the phenomena of organic resistance against infections, and on the production of antibodies. Three groups of substances known to have action on cellular permeability were used; the first consisting of the following permeable substances: testos-terona, acetylcholine, and the spreading-factor of the staphyloccocus. The second group included substances which help in developing low cellular permeability: atropin, adrenalin and calcium. Finally, the third group consisted of a substance which helps to maintain normal permeability: cortin (an extract of the suprarenal cortex). In order to study the process developed by these elements with regard to organic resistance against infections, adult mice were inoculated with the following germs: K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, S. enteriditis and D. pneumoniae, in the smallest possible amount capable of starting a mortal sep infection in approximately 24 hours, exception made of D. pneumonias which causes death in 48 hours. The animals were divided into groups of 10, a before taking the injections containing the germs, they were given the sub lances under observation, through their peritoneum of intramuscularly. T. animals that died were autopsied and blood was taken from their hearts an aseptic process so as not to introduce extraneous organisms. For the purpose of determining the development of antibodies (hem lysins, precipitins and aglutinins), rabbits were used, which had been prep ously immunized by a treatment consisting of 6 intravenous injections of polyvolent antigen made of sheep blood cells, fresh human serum, and of suspension of S. enteriditis. It was concluded that: Cellular permeability plays a very important part in the development infections. Permeable substances help the development of germ infections. Substances helping to develop low permeability proved not to have any influence worth mentioning. Substances helping to maintain normal permeability, such as coffin, it crease resistance against infections. The different substances used which have action on cellular permeability had no influence worth mentioning on the development of certain ant bodies (hemolysins, precipitins and aglutinins). It was admitted that the phenomena under study relative to resistance against infections are closely connected to the dynamics of the cellular elements, which circumstance is basically dependent on the permeability of Citations of cells.
1. Pesquisamos a atividade antibacteriana em 14 amostras de Aspergillus niger da National Collection of Type Cultures. 2. Em meio de Raulin e Mosseray, sete amostras apresentaram atividade total, nunca superior a 1:10, contra Staphylococcus aureus nº 553, sendo que as amostras 1.161 e 2.390 permaneceram ativas por mais de 40 dias. 3. A utilização do meio de Czapek-Dox com 5% de "corn-steep" não melhorou os resultados obtidos com o meio de Raulin e Mosseray. 4. No meio de levedo peptonado, todas as amostras apresentaram-se inativas.
Con el fin de determinar las clases de anticuerpo producido contra el parásito y la cinética de los mismos en relación a la evolución de la infección, se estudiaron los sueros de 133 pacientes infectados con Leishmania del complejo braziliensis. Se utilizó la prueba de inmunofluorescencia indirecta y amastigotas de L. mexicana amazonensis como antígeno. En los sueros obtenidos al momento de consultar para el diagnóstico se encontró IgM en 54 de los sueros absorbidos con Straphylococcus aureus Cowan I y en 5 de los no absorbidos. La IgM sólo se encontro en los sueros de pacientes con tiempo devolución de las lesiones < o = de 2 meses. la IgG se detectó en todos los sueros no absorbidos. Los sueros tomados durante recurrencia y después de cicatrización sólo presentaron IgG. El uso combinado de la prueba de Montenegro y/o título de IgM específico, aumentó el porcentage de pacientes con un diagnóstico inmunológico positivo en aquéllos cuyas lesiones tenían un tiempo de evolución menor de 2 meses. En los sueros de los 10 individuos sanos no se detectó inmunoglobulina específica a Leishmania y ninguno presentó reacción positiva a la prueba de Montenegro. Entre los 16 pacientes con otra etiología, 3 con esporotricosis, mostraron en su suero IgG reactiva con Leishmania pero ninguno incluyendo 2 con menos de dos meses de evolución de las lesiones presentó IgM. concluimos que en pacientes infectados con L. braziliensis la presencia de IgM e IgG específica a Leishmania esta asociado con el tiempo de evolución de las lesiones y el estado primario recurrente de la infección; demás la detección de IgM anti-Leishmania combinada con la respuesta de Mn sería de potencial utilidad en el diagnóstico clínico de la leishmaniasis tegumentaria temprana.
A simple and rapid staphylococcal coagglutination test for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii antigens in mice urine is described. A suspension of protein-A containing Staphylococcus aureus coated with rabbit hyperimmune serum was used as reagent. The sensitivity of the antigen assay was found to be at least 118 ng of the antigen protein per ml. No coagglutination was observed when the reagent was challenged against antigenic solutions of other parasites. The suitability of the method for detecting antigens of T. gondii in urine samples was studied by experimental toxoplasma infection in mice. Before the staphylococcal test, the urine samples were double serially diluted in 0.1 M PBS. From the second day on all samples from infected mice were positive at 1/16 dilution. At this dilution, all samples from non infected mice were negative or did not produce coagglutination. This method might be used in the rapid etiological diagnosis also in human cases of acute toxoplasmosis.
The few studies already published about phagocyte functions in Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) has stated that neutrophils present slow rate of bacterial killing but normally ingest microorganisms. In the present study, both phagocytosis and killing of Staphylococcus aureus were verified to be in neutrophils from two patients with CHS when these functions were simultaneously evaluated by a fluorochrome phagocytosis assay. Electron microscopic examination showed morphologic differences among neutophils from CHS patients and normal neutrophils regarding the cytoplasmic structures and the aspects of the phagolysosomes. It was noteworthy the presence of giant phagolysosomes enclosing bacteria in active proliferation commonly observed in CHS neutrophils after 45 min of phagocytosis, wich corresponded with the impaired bactericidal activity of these leukocytes. The present results suggest that phagocytosis may also be defective in CHS, and point out to the sensitivity of the fluorochrome phagocytosis assay and its application in clinical laboratories.
Pulmonary infection on cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are associated with a limited qualitative number of microorganisms. During the colonization process, Staphylococcus aureus usually preceedes Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This latter is at first non-mucoid, being replaced or associated to a mucoid morphotype which is rare in other diseases. In 1980, Pseudomonas cepacia appeared as an important agent in CF pulmonary infections with a mean frequency of about 6.1% isolations in different parts of the world. The primus colonization mainly occurs in the presence of pre-existent tissue lesions and the clinical progress of the disease is variable. In some patients it can be fulminant; in others it can cause a gradual and slow decrease in their pulmonary functions. The concern with this germ isolation is justified by its antibiotic multiple resistence and the possibility of direct transmission from a colonized patient to a non-colonized one. We reported the first case of P. cepacia infection in a CF patient in our area. The microbiological attendance to this patient had been made from 1986 to 1991 and the first positive culture appeared in 1988. The sensitivity profile showed that the primus colonization strain was sensitive to 9 of 17 tested antibiotics, however in the last culture the strain was resistent to all antibiotics. These data corroborate the need for monitoring the bacterial flora on CF patients respiratory system.
The microflora associated to furuncular lesions, larvae and pupae of Dermatobia hominis, as well as the relationships between parasite, host and microflora associated, as a comprehensive microsystem, has been studied. One hundred and two furuncular myiasis due to D. hominis larvae in several breeds of cattle were studied and the following bacterial species were significant: Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, S. warneri, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Closely related, the microflora associated to 141 samples from first, second, third instar larva and both external surface and larval cavities has been studied. The representative associated microflora to the larvae were: S. aureus, B. subtilis, S. hycus and Moraxella phenylpiruvica, Moerella wisconsiensis, Proteus mirabilis and P. vulgaris, M. phenylpiruvica, M. wisconsiensis, P. mirabilis and P. rettgeri were the representative microflora associated to 64 pupae of D. hominis.
The cases of five patients with unusual manifestations of acute schistosomiasis mansoni are described in this paper. One patient developed skin lesions, three displayed diverse lung involvement, and one presented pyogenic liver abscesses caused by Staphylococcus aureus