202 resultados para Ribotipagem-PCR
The rickettsia Anaplasma marginale is considered the main agent of bovine anaplasmosis. Due the nonspecific clinical signs of the anaplasmosis, the diagnosis of infection depends of laboratory confirmation. In recent years, molecular diagnostic methods have been used to detect A. marginale in cattle. However, the existence of a large number of assays of different sensitivity and cost makes the choice of an appropriate test difficult. In the present study, a real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based on the msp5 target gene was quantitatively assessed and compared to an end point PCR. Both reactions were subjected to sensitivity and specificity evaluation using plasmid DNA and samples from cattle experimentally infected with A. marginale. A comparative field trial of the tests was carried out using samples of cattle from a stable enzootic area for A. marginale. The real-time PCR showed a higher sensitivity than the end point PCR. This reaction (i.e. real-time PCR) was able to detect one copy of the msp5 gene in 100 ηg of plasmidial DNA, and more than 80% of its results were positive among experimentally infected animals seven days after infection. In addition, based on in silico analysis, the real-time PCR evaluated in the present study appears to be useful for the detection of A. ovis.
Objetivou-se no presente estudo avaliar as técnicas reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e PCR em Tempo Real (qPCR) para detectar Brucella abortus, a partir de tecidos bovinos com lesões sugestivas de brucelose. Para isto, 21 fragmentos de tecidos bovinos coletados em abatedouros de Mato Grosso do Sul foram processados e submetidos ao cultivo microbiológico e extração do DNA genômico para realização das reações de PCR e qPCR. No cultivo microbiológico, oito amostras apresentaram crescimento bacteriano e cinco foram confirmadas como B. abortus por PCR. Diretamente das amostras de tecido, DNA do gênero Brucella (oligonucleotídeos IS711) foi detectado em 13 (61,9%) amostras de tecido e 17 (81%) amostras de homogeneizado. Já com os oligonucleotídeos espécie-específicos BruAb2_0168F e BruAb2_0168R, 14 (66%) amostras de tecido e 18 (85,7%) amostras de homogeneizado foram amplificadas. Seis amostras positivas na PCR espécie-específica foram sequenciadas e o best hit na análise BLASTn foi B. abortus. Na qPCR, 21 (100%) amostras de tecidos e 19 (90,5%) amostras de homogeneizado foram positivas para B. abortus. Dez amostras de DNA de sangue bovino de rebanho certificado livre foram utilizadas como controle negativo nas análises de PCR e qPCR utilizando-se os oligonucleotídeos BruAb2_0168F e BruAb2_0168R. Na PCR nenhuma amostra amplificou, enquanto que na qPCR 2 (20%) amplificaram. Conclui-se que as duas técnicas detectam a presença de B. abortus diretamente de tecidos e homogeneizados, porém a qPCR apresentou maior sensibilidade. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a qPCR pode representar uma alternativa rápida e precisa para a detecção de B. abortus diretamente de tecidos, e ser utilizada em programas de vigilância sanitária, por apresentar sensibilidade e especificidade satisfatórias.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) are the mycoplasma infections of most concern for commercial poultry industry. MG infection is commonly designated as chronic respiratory disease (CRD) of chickens and infections sinusitis of turkeys. MS causes sub clinical upper respiratory infection and tenosynovitis or bursitis in chickens and turkeys. The multiplex PCR was standardized to detect simultaneously the MS, MG field strains and MG F-vaccine strain specific. The generic PCR for detection of any species of Mollicutes Class was performed and compared to the multiplex PCR and to PCR using species-specific primers. A total of 129 avian tracheal swabs were collected from broiler-breeders, layer hens and broilers in seven different farms and were examined by multiplex PCR methods. The system (multiplex PCR) demonstrated to be very rapid, sensitive, and specific. Therefore, the results showed a high prevalence of MS in the flocks examined (27.9%), and indicate that the MS is a recurrent pathogen in Brazilian commercial poultry flocks.
Group A Rotavirus (RVA) is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in humans and several animal species. A SYBR-Green Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed to diagnose RVA from porcine fecal samples, targeting amplification of a 137-bp fragment of nonstructural protein 5 (NSP5) gene using mRNA of bovine NADH-desidrogenase-5 as exogenous internal control. Sixty-five samples were tested (25 tested positive for conventional PCR and genetic sequencing). The overall agreement (kappa) was 0.843, indicating 'very good' concordance between tests, presenting 100% of relative sensitivity (25+ Real Time PCR/25+ Conventional PCR) and 87.5% of relative sensitivity (35- Real Time PCR/40- Conventional PCR). The results also demonstrated high intra- and inter-assay reproducibility (coefficient of variation ≤1.42%); thus, this method proved to be a fast and sensitive approach for the diagnosis of RVA in pigs.
RAPD-PCR molecular markers were used to identify common bean and soybean hybrid plants derived from crosses between closely related progenitors, with no apparent phenotypic differences. Primers OP-F12 and OP-0O3 were used to identify true hybrids derived from crosses between common bean cultivars Rudá (A 285) and AN 910408, and soybean cultivars Cristalina and Bossier, respectively. Each primer generated one polymorphic DNA band which was present in the male progenitor and absent in the female progenitor. As RAPD bands are normally inherited as dominant characters, the presence of these bands in the F1 plants confirmed their status.
The inflammatory response elicited by various stimuli such as microbial products or cytokines is determined by differences in the pattern of cellular gene expression. We have used the differential display RT-PCR (DDRT-PCR) strategy to identify mRNAs that are differentially expressed in various murine cell types stimulated with pro-inflammatory cytokines, microbial products or anti-inflammatory drugs. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were treated with IFNs, TNF, or sodium salicylate. Also, peritoneal macrophages from C3H/Hej mice were stimulated with T. cruzi-derived GPI-mucin and/or IFN-g. After DDRT-PCR, various cDNA fragments that were differentially represented on the sequencing gel were recovered, cloned and sequenced. Here, we describe a summary of several experiments and show that, when 16 of a total of 28 recovered fragments were tested for differential expression, 5 (31%) were found to represent mRNAs whose steady-state levels are indeed modulated by the original stimuli. Some of the identified cDNAs encode for known proteins that were not previously associated with the inflammatory process triggered by the original stimuli. Other cDNA fragments (8 of 21 sequences, or 38%) showed no significant homology with known sequences and represent new mouse genes whose characterization might contribute to our understanding of inflammation. In conclusion, DDRT-PCR has proven to be a potent technology that will allow us to identify genes that are differentially expressed when cells are subjected to changes in culture conditions or isolated from different organs.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the single most important infectious agent affecting recipients of organ transplants. To evaluate the incidence and the clinical importance of CMV infection in renal transplants in Brazil, 37 patients submitted to renal allograft transplants were tested periodically for the presence of cytomegalovirus DNA in urine using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and for the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies against CMV by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). The PCR-amplified products were detected by gel electrophoresis and confirmed by dot-blot hybridization with oligonucleotide probes. Thirty-two of the 37 patients (86.4%) were positive by at least one of the three methods. In six patients, PCR was the only test which detected the probable CMV infection. Ten patients had a positive result by PCR before transplantation. In general, the diagnosis was achieved earlier by PCR than by serologic tests. Active infection occurred more frequently during the first four months after transplantation. Sixteen of the 32 patients (50%) with active CMV infection presented clinical symptoms consistent with CMV infection. Five patients without evidence of active CMV infection by the three tests had only minor clinical manifestations during follow-up. Our results indicate that PCR is a highly sensitive procedure for the early detection of CMV infection and that CMV infection in renal transplant patients is a frequent problem in Brazil.
Vertebrate gap junctions are aggregates of transmembrane channels which are composed of connexin (Cx) proteins encoded by at least fourteen distinct genes in mammals. Since the same Cx type can be expressed in different tissues and more than one Cx type can be expressed by the same cell, the thorough identification of which connexin is in which cell type and how connexin expression changes after experimental manipulation has become quite laborious. Here we describe an efficient, rapid and simple method by which connexin type(s) can be identified in mammalian tissue and cultured cells using endonuclease cleavage of RT-PCR products generated from "multi primers" (sense primer, degenerate oligonucleotide corresponding to a region of the first extracellular domain; antisense primer, degenerate oligonucleotide complementary to the second extracellular domain) that amplify the cytoplasmic loop regions of all known connexins except Cx36. In addition, we provide sequence information on RT-PCR primers used in our laboratory to screen individual connexins and predictions of extension of the "multi primer" method to several human connexins.
To assess the clinical relevance of a semi-quantitative measurement of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA in renal transplant recipients within the typical clinical context of a developing country where virtually 100% of both receptors and donors are seropositive for this virus, we have undertaken HCMV DNA quantification using a simple, semi-quantitative, limiting dilution polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We evaluated this assay prospectively in 52 renal transplant patients from whom a total of 495 serial blood samples were collected. The samples scored HCMV positive by qualitative PCR had the levels of HCMV DNA determined by end-point dilution-PCR. All patients were HCMV DNA positive during the monitoring period and a diagnosis of symptomatic infection was made for 4 of 52 patients. In symptomatic patients the geometric mean of the highest level of HCMV DNAemia was 152,000 copies per 106 leukocytes, while for the asymptomatic group this value was 12,050. Symptomatic patients showed high, protracted HCMV DNA levels, whereas asymptomatic patients demonstrated intermittent low or moderate levels. Using a cut-off value of 100,000 copies per 106 leukocytes, the limiting dilution assay had sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 92%, a positive predictive value of 43% and a negative predictive value of 100% for HCMV disease. In this patient group, there was universal HCMV infection but relatively infrequent symptomatic HCMV disease. The two patient groups were readily distinguished by monitoring with the limiting dilution assay, an extremely simple technology immediately applicable in any clinical laboratory with PCR capability.
A prospective study of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was carried out on 34 renal transplant recipients managed at a General Hospital in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Serologic tests showed that all patients were infected with CMV before renal transplantation. Two nested-PCR techniques with primers that recognize sequences of the glycoprotein B (gB) and H (gH) genes were used for CMV detection in blood and urine samples during the post-transplantation period. CMV was detected more frequently in blood samples than in urine samples (P<0.001). Thirty-three patients had CMV detected at least once in blood and/or urine samples. Seven of these patients (21.2%) were diagnosed as having symptomatic CMV infection and showed a worse clinical outcome, with a higher death rate (P = 0.03). No association between CMV viremia and graft rejection was observed. Nested-PCR was not useful to identify patients at risk for symptomatic CMV infection since only 21.2% of the patients with CMV infection were symptomatic.
In the present study we used a simple and reliable method for HLA-DQA1 allele typing based on the single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) properties of DNA molecules obtained by PCR. The technique consists of PCR amplification of a DNA fragment comprising the second exon of the HLA-DQA1 gene, amplicon denaturation using a low ionic strength solution (LIS), and electrophoresis on a small native polyacrylamide gel, followed by a rapid silver staining procedure. In order to validate the technique and to obtain the allele patterns for the DQA1 gene, 50 cervical samples were typed using this methodology and the commercial Amplitype® HLA DQA1 Amplification and Typing kit. All the alleles detected with the kit were characterized by the LIS-SSCP approach. This procedure proved to be useful for population screening and typing of the DQA1 gene as well as for detecting new alleles or mutations in the donor-recipient molecular matching of HLA class II genes.
IFN-gamma mRNA expression was evaluated in nonstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of HIV-infected and seronegative individuals using quantitative competitive and semiquantitative RT-PCR and the sensitivity of these methods was compared. A significant correlation was found between quantitative competitive and semiquantitative RT-PCR in samples of both HIV-seronegative (P = 0.004) and HIV-infected individuals (P = 0.0004). PBMC from HIV-infected individuals presented a remarkable increase of IFN-gamma mRNA expression, as determined by both types of RT-PCR methods. Semiquantitative RT-PCR even without an internal standard is also acceptable for measuring cytokine mRNA expression, but less reliable if small amounts are quantified. Moreover, we found that increased IFN-gammamRNA expression is independent of CD4+ cell count in AIDS-free HIV-infected patients.
Genotyping techniques are valuable tools for the epidemiologic study of Staphylococcus aureus infections in the hospital setting. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the current method of choice for S. aureus strain typing. However, the method is laborious and requires expensive equipment. In the present study, we evaluated the natural polymorphism of the genomic 16S-23S rRNA region for genotyping purpose, by PCR-based ribotyping. Three primer pairs were tested to determine the size of amplicons produced and to obtain better discrimination with agar gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. The resolution of the typing system was determined using sets of bacteria obtained from clinical specimens from a large tertiary care hospital. These included DNA from three samples obtained from a bacteremic patient, six strains with known and diverse PGFE patterns, and 88 strains collected over a 3-month period in the same hospital. Amplification patterns obtained from samples from the same patient were identical, and PFGE from samples known to be different produced three genotypes. Amplification of DNA from 61 methicillin-resistant isolates produced only one pattern. Methicillin-sensitive strains yielded a diversity of patterns, pointing to a true polyclonal distribution throughout the hospital (22 unique patterns from 27 strains). Computer-based software can be used to differentiate among identifiable strains, given the low number of bands and good characterization of PCR products. PCR-based ribotyping can be a useful technique for genotyping methicillin-sensitive S. aureus strains, but is of limited value for methicillin-resistant strains.
More precise and rapid diagnostic methods for American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) are necessary because of the growing number of cases observed in Brazil, including the northeastern region of the State of São Paulo. We applied PCR to 54 skin or mucosal biopsies from patients with a clinical and/or laboratory diagnosis of ACL using primers 13A and 13B, with positive results being obtained for 82% of the samples. When the PCR results were compared to those of histopathological leishmania detection, PCR showed superior results with 81.5% sensitivity and 95% CI of 68.0-95.1%. The Montenegro skin test (MST) was positive in 88.7% of patients. Since MST cannot be used as a diagnostic tool in endemic areas, the present results strongly suggest the use of PCR for the etiological confirmation of ACL, with emphasis on the mucosal form.
Congenital heart defects are the most common of all human birth defects. Numerous studies have shown that a deletion within chromosome 22q11 is associated with DiGeorge syndrome and certain forms of sporadic congenital cardiovascular disease. We have determined the value of a PCR assay using markers D22S941, D22S944 and D22S264 designed for the screening of 22q11.2 deletion through consecutive homozygosity in an ethnically admixed urban population. The study population comprised 149 unrelated men and women from three different ethnic groups (white, mulatto and black). Test specificity for the overall population was estimated at 98.3%. We found no significant difference when comparing heterozygosity indices and ethnicity (P value = 0.43 (D22S944), 0.22 (D22S264), and 0.58 (D22S941)). There was no significant difference regarding assay specificity between the three different ethnic groups studied. This assay could constitute a cost-effective way to screen a large number of patients at increased risk, since PCR techniques are easily available, are fast, can be automatized, and are significantly less expensive than fluorescence in situ hybridization.