237 resultados para Polarization value (Pr)
INTRODUÇÃO: Têm sido relatadas alterações negativas no estado de humor em algumas mulheres durante o ciclo menstrual, sobretudo naquelas que apresentam síndrome pré-menstrual (SPM). No entanto, existe uma lacuna na literatura a respeito das alterações no estado de humor durante o ciclo menstrual em atletas com SPM. OBJETIVO: Investigar o impacto da SPM no estado de humor de atletas ao longo do ciclo menstrual. MÉTODOS: Fizeram parte da amostra 57 atletas de diferentes esportes, de uma cidade do noroeste do Paraná. Utilizou-se um diário de sintomas, baseado nos critérios do American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG), 2000, e o questionário Profile of Mood States (POMS). As atletas utilizaram o diário e responderam ao questionário ao longo de dois ciclos menstruais. Para análise dos dados foram usados os testes de Shapiro Wilk, de Friedman, de Wilcoxon e o teste U de Mann-Whitney, adotando-se P < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que apenas atletas com SPM apresentaram aumento na alteração total de humor da última semana para o último dia, sendo a diferença significativa no primeiro ciclo menstrual (p = 0,019). CONCLUSÃO: A presença de SPM pode afetar o estado de humor de atletas, gerando alterações negativas no período pré-menstrual, especialmente no último dia antes da menstruação.
Objetivo: Investigar as características das vítimas de tentativa de suicídio atendidas em serviço pré-hospitalar e os intervalos de tempo consumidos nessa fase de atendimento. Métodos: Estudo transversal utilizando dados da fase pré-hospitalar de atendimento às vítimas de tentativa de suicídio no município de Arapiraca, no ano de 2011. Para análise dos dados, foram realizados teste exato de Fisher, teste t de Student e regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Foram atendidas 80 vítimas de tentativa de suicídio pelo serviço de atenção pré-hospitalar. As mulheres, com idade superior a dos homens, foram as que mais tentaram suicídio (n = 44, 55%), e a intoxicação por medicamentos foi o método mais utilizado (n = 44, 55%). As tentativas de suicídio ocorreram com maior frequência no outono (n = 29, 36,25%), no dia de domingo (n = 18, 22,5%), principalmente no período vespertino (n = 33, 41,25%). O tempo gasto para o atendimento pré-hospitalar variou entre 34,4 e 40,5 minutos. As variáveis que estiveram associadas às tentativas de suicídio por sexo foram idade (p = 0,03) e tempo de transporte (p = 0,01). Conclusão: Foram encontradas diferenças entre os sexos das vítimas de tentativa de suicídio atendidas pelo serviço de atenção pré-hospitalar. As mulheres apresentaram maior idade que os homens e o tempo de transporte foi maior em vítimas do sexo masculino, sugerindo maior gravidade nas tentativas de suicídio cometidas por esse grupo.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if abnormal laboratory findings are more common in individuals with hypertension and in those with other risk factors, such as obesity, smoking and alcohol ingestion. METHODS: A study was carried out in the general outpatient clinics of a university hospital (145 individuals without previous diagnosis of hypertension) and the following variables were assessed: high blood pressure (as defined by the VI Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - VI JNC), obesity [calculated using body mass index (BMI)], tobacco use, and alcoholic ingestion. The laboratory examinations consisted of the following tests: hemogram, glycemia, uric acid, potassium, total/HDL-fraction cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium and creatinine. RESULTS: High blood pressure was not associated with a higher number of abnormal laboratory tests. Hypertensive individuals with a BMI > or = 25kg/m² or normotensive obese individuals, however, had a higher frequency of diabetes (12X), hypertriglyceridemia (3X), and hypercholesterolemia (2X), as compared with hypertensive individuals with BMI <25kg/m² and preobese/normal weight normotensive individuals. CONCLUSION: High blood pressure is not associated with a higher frequency of abnormal laboratory tests. The association of high blood pressure and obesity, however, increases the detection of diabetes and dyslipidemias.
OBJECTIVE: Risk stratification of patients with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) and chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC). METHODS: Seventy eight patients with CCC and NSVT were consecutively and prospectively studied. All patients underwent to 24-hour Holter monitoring, radioisotopic ventriculography, left ventricular angiography, and electrophysiologic study. With programmed ventricular stimulation. RESULTS: Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) was induced in 25 patients (32%), NSVT in 20 (25.6%) and ventricular fibrillation in 4 (5.1%). In 29 patients (37.2%) no arrhythmia was inducible. During a 55.7-month-follow-up, 22 (28.2%) patients died, 16 due to sudden death, 2 due to nonsudden cardiac death and 4 due to noncardiac death. Logistic regression analysis showed that induction was the independent and main variable that predicted the occurrence of subsequent events and cardiac death (probability of 2.56 and 2.17, respectively). The Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test showed that survival probability was significantly lower in the inducible group than in the noninductible group. The percentage of patients free of events was significantly higher in the noninducible group. CONCLUSION: Induction of SMVT during programmed ventricular stimulation was a predictor of arrhythmia occurrence cardiac death and general mortality in patients with CCC and NSVT.
OBJECTIVE: To determine in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy the value of QT interval dispersion for identifying the induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study or the risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: We assessed QT interval dispersion in the 12-lead electrocardiogram of 26 patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. We analyzed its association with sustained ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death, and in 16 controls similar in age and sex. RESULTS: (mean ± SD). QT interval dispersion: patients = 53.8±14.1ms; control group = 35.0±10.6ms, p=0.001. Patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia: 52.5±13.8ms; without induction of ventricular tachycardia: 57.5±12.8ms, p=0.420. In a mean follow-up period of 41±11 months, five sudden cardiac deaths occurred. QT interval dispersion in this group was 62.0±17.8, and in the others it was 51.9±12.8ms, p=0.852. Using a cutoff > or = 60ms to define an increase in the degree of the QT interval dispersion, we were able to identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac death with a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 57%, and positive and negative predictive values of 25% and 85%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy have a significant increase in the degree of QT interval dispersion when compared with the healthy population. However it, did not identify patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study, showing a very low predictive value for defining the risk of sudden cardiac death in the population studied.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the intraobserver reliability of the information about the history of diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. METHODS: A multidimensional health questionnaire, which was filled out by the interviewees, was applied twice with an interval of 2 weeks, in July '99, to 192 employees of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), stratified by sex, age, and educational level. The intraobserver reliability of the answers provided was estimated by the kappa statistic and by the coefficient of intraclass correlation (CICC). RESULTS: The general kappa (k) statistic was 0.75 (95% CI=0.73-0.77). Reliability was higher among females (k=0.88, 95% CI=0.85-0.91) than among males (k=0.62, 95% CI=0.59-0.65).The reliability was higher among individuals 40 years of age or older (k=0.79; 95% CI=0.73-0.84) than those from 18 to 39 years (k=0.52; 95% CI=0.45-0.57). Finally, the kappa statistic was higher among individuals with a university educational level (k=0.86; 95% CI=0.81-0.91) than among those with high school educational level (k=0.61; 95% CI=0.53-0.70) or those with middle school educational level (k=0.68; 95% CI=0.64-0.72). The coefficient of intraclass correlation estimated by the intraobserver agreement in regard to age at the time of the diagnosis of hypertension was 0.74. A perfect agreement between the 2 answers (k=1.00) was observed for 22 interviewees who reported prior prescription of antihypertensive medication. CONCLUSION: In the population studied, estimates of the reliability of the history of medical diagnosis of hypertension and its treatment ranged from substantial to almost perfect reliability.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the diagnostic value, the characteristics, and feasibility of tilt-table testing in children and adolescents. METHODS - From August 1991 to June 1997, we retrospectively assessed 94 patients under the age of 18 years who had a history of recurring syncope and presyncope of unknown origin and who were referred for tilt-table testing. These patients were divided into 2 groups: group I (children) - 36 patients with ages ranging from 3 to 12 (mean of 9.19±2.31) years; group II (adolescents) - 58 patients with ages ranging from 13 to 18 (mean of 16.05±1.40) years. We compared the positivity rate, the type of hemodynamic response, and the time period required for the test to become positive in the 2 groups. RESULTS - The positivity rates were 41.6 % and 50% for groups I and II, respectively. The pattern of positive hemodynamic response that predominated in both groups was the mixed response. The mean time period required for the test to become positive was shorter in group I (11.0±7.23 min) than in group II (18.44±7.83 min). No patient experienced technical difficulty or complications. CONCLUSION - No difference was observed in regard to feasibility, positivity rate, and pattern of positive response for the tilt-table test in children and adolescents. Pediatric patients had earlier positive responses.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prognostic value of Technetium-99m-labeled single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) in the follow-up of patients who had undergone their first myocardial revascularization. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study of 280 revascularized patients undergoing myocardial scintigraphy under stress (exercise or pharmacological stress with dipyridamole) and at rest according to a 2-day protocol. A set of clinical, stress electrocardiographic and scintigraphic variables was assessed. Cardiac events were classified as "major" (death, infarction, unstable angina) and "any" (major event or coronary angioplasty or new myocardial revascularization surgery). RESULTS: Thirty-six major events occurred as follows: 3 deaths, 11 infarctions, and 22 unstable anginas. In regard to any event, 22 angioplasties and 7 new surgeries occurred in addition to major events, resulting a total of 65 events. The sensitivity of scintigraphy in prognosticating a major event or any event was, respectively, 55% and 58%, showing a negative predictive value of 90% and 83%, respectively. Diabetes mellitus, inconclusive stress electrocardiography, and a scintigraphic visualization of left ventricular enlargement were significant variables for the occurrence of a major event. On multivariate analysis, abnormal myocardial scintigraphy was a predictor of any event. CONCLUSION: Myocardial perfusion tomography with Technetium-99m may be used to identify high-risk patients after their first myocardial revascularization surgery.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dilation and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with Chagas' disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 166 consecutive patients with Chagas' disease and no other associated diseases. The patients underwent cardiac assessment with chest radiography and Doppler echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of chest radiography were calculated to detect left ventricular dysfunction and the accuracy of the cardiothoracic ratio in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction with the area below the ROC curve. The cardiothoracic ratio was correlated with the left ventricular ejection fraction and the left ventricular diastolic diameter. RESULTS: The abnormal chest radiogram had a sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 80.5%, and positive and negative predictive values of 51.2% and 79.8%, respectively, in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction. The cardiothoracic ratio showed a weak correlation with left ventricular ejection fraction (r=-0.23) and left ventricular diastolic diameter (r=0.30). The area calculated under the ROC curve was 0.734. CONCLUSION: The radiological study of the thorax is not an accurate indicator of left ventricular dysfunction; its use as a screening method to initially approach the patient with Chagas' disease should be reevaluated.
OBJETIVO: Estudar, comparativamente, um grupo de fetos de mães com toxoplasmose aguda ou recente e um grupo sem doença sistêmica, analisando-se a presença de alterações da refringência endocárdica. MÉTODOS: Avaliados 91 fetos cujas mães tinham diagnóstico de toxoplasmose aguda ou recente, detectados por soroconversão ou presença de títulos elevados de IgM e IgG, confirmados através do teste de captura e comparados com um grupo controle constituído de 182 fetos, selecionados a partir de uma população de baixo risco, participante de um programa de rastreamento de cardiopatias pré-natais. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre as idades médias gestacionais (29,2±4,6 semanas; 29,2±4,6 semanas) e maternas (25,7±6,7 anos; 26±5,4 anos) nos dois grupos. Áreas de hiperecogenicidade endocárdica observadas em 69 fetos com toxoplasmose materna (75,8%) e em apenas 6 fetos do grupo controle (3,3%) (p<0,001). Em 52 dos casos do grupo de estudo (75,4%) a hiper-refringência endocárdica era difusa e em 17 (24,3%), focal. No grupo controle, uma distribuição focal foi observada em 5 fetos (83,3%). CONCLUSÃO: A imagem ecocardiográfica pré-natal de hiper-refringência endocárdica focal ou difusa é mais prevalente em gestações com toxoplasmose materna do que naquelas normais, existindo associação entre a presença de hiperecogenicidade endocárdica fetal e doença materna.
OBJETIVO: Estudar as anormalidades morfo-funcionais do sistema cardiovascular fetal detectáveis por ultra-sonografia. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos 3.980 fetos de gestantes sem risco obstétrico ou cardiológico, do município de Porto Alegre, de julho/1996 a novembro/2000, ao ecocardiograma de rastreamento para malformações cardiovasculares através dos cortes de quatro câmaras e vias de saída dos ventrículos direito e esquerdo. RESULTADOS: Houve 103 diagnósticos de anormalidades cardiovasculares fetais, correspondendo a 2,5% (103/3.980) da população estudada, ou 25,8/1000, sendo que 47 referiam-se a alterações morfo-funcionais do coração fetal, prevalência global de 11,8/1000 (47/3.980), e 56 exibiam alterações na refringência (golf ball). Três falso-negativos e nenhum falso-positivo elevaram a prevalência global para 12.5/1000 (50/3.980), ou 26,6/1000 (106/3.980), quando incluídas também as alterações de refringência. CONCLUSÃO: A detecção das malformações cardiovasculares ainda no período intra-uterino, visando planejamento perinatal é possível, confirmando a experiência internacional. É sugerida implantação do rastreamento de malformações cardiovasculares, aninhada em rede de atenção rotineira de ultra-sonografia obstétrica.
A anomalia de Ebstein é uma doença rara, embora seja a malformação mais comum da valva tricúspide. A associação com outras síndromes e anomalias extracardíacas é muito incomum e matéria de poucos relatos de caso. Apresenta-se um caso de diagnóstico pré-natal de anomalia de Ebstein em um paciente com síndrome de Down.