195 resultados para Mycobacterium tuberculosis
The authors reports two patients with operated from enteric tuberculosis. Tuberculosis involving the intestinal tract may be due to either Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis. In the former situation, the disease is primary to the lungs and is carried to the intestinal tract by swallowing sputum. The latter organism produces infection associated with swallowed nonpasteurized milk. This condition is extremely unusual in most western countries, since pasteurization of milk is standardized. The diagnosis was performed through laparotomy because of symptoms suggestive of intestine obstruction. Inflammatory reactions were observed on the small intestine (jejunum-ileum) in both cases. The presence of tuberculosis of the lungs was observed in one patient. The chemotherapic treatment was estabilished after the histopathologic diagnosis. The distinction between tuberculosis and Crohn's disease may not be possible by radiography or endoscopy. Videolaparoscopy has been found to be an useful procedure for the early diagnosis of Enteric Tuberculosis. In spite of the epidemiology knowledge, clinical control and improvement in treatment, extra pulmonary tuberculosis rate from concealed focus has been increased, due to AIDS poverty in certain populational groups and immigration from Asia to wertern countries. Compared with immunocompetent patients, the proportion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is much higher in patients with AIDS, justfying the increased frequency of reports of intestinal tuberculosis in these patients.
Tuberculosis is an extremely common chronic disease in developing countries, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The principal target organ is the lung, causing focal necrosis and destruction. In about 12% of cases, extrapulmonary dissemination involving the gastrointestinal system occurs. The pancreas is involved in about 0,25% of all cases of disseminated tuberculosis, but its isolated involvement is a medical curiosity. In the last years, with the advent of AIDS, extrapulmonary dissemination and atypical abdominal presentation has increased. We report a case of pancreatic tuberculosis in a 66-year-old patient, with no previous history of pulmonary tuberculosis or immunocompromised state in whom the diagnosis was made by CT-guided skin needle biopsy. After clinical treatment with current antibiotic therapy, the patient recovered well.
Acreditou-se durante muito tempo que a espécie caprina era resistente à infecção por Mycobacterium bovis, porém tal hipótese foi desconsiderada quando relatos da enfermidade surgiram em vários países. No entanto, ainda permanecem desconhecidas certas características da tuberculose em caprinos e suas implicações na saúde pública e caprinocultura nacional. Objetivou-se com este trabalho descrever os aspectos nosológicos, radiológicos, anátomo-histopatológicos, baciloscópicos e biomoleculares da tuberculose em caprinos leiteiros com doença respiratória, naturalmente infectados e procedentes do estado de Pernambuco. Para isso foram tuberculinizadas 442 cabras com sintomas respiratórios e, destas, 3,4% (15/442) foram consideradas positivas ao teste. Dos animais positivos, sete foram monitorados clinicamente durante 12 meses, descrevendo-se os achados obtidos. O agente etiológico foi identificado através da reação em cadeia da polimerase, por amplificação de sequências genômicas do Complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis e posteriormente de Mycobacterium bovis. Este é o primeiro diagnóstico molecular com caracterização do envolvimento do Mycobacterium bovis na tuberculose caprina no Brasil.
Mycobacterium sp. induz inflamação granuloma-tosa em diferentes espécies animais. Mycobacterium bovis e o complexo Mycobacterium avium são importantes patógenos de bovinos e suínos e podem causar infecção em humanos, principalmente imunossuprimidos. Perdas na produção, barreiras comerciais e prejuízos por condenação de carcaças em abatedouro/frigorífico estão atrelados à ocorrência dessas infecções, com prejuízos econômicos significativos. Foi realizado um estudo de casos diagnosticados como tuberculose em bovinos e linfadenite granulomatosa em suínos no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2011. Dados referentes à raça, ao sexo, à idade e ao histórico clínico foram compilados dos livros de registro e analisados. As características histológicas das lesões em linfonodos e pulmões foram avaliadas em Hematoxilina-Eosina, com predomínio de células gigantes nas lesões de tuberculose bovina e de macrófagos epitelioides em suínos. As técnicas histoquímicas de Ziehl-Neelsen e Tricrômico de Masson foram utilizadas para evidenciar, respectivamente, bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes e tecido conjuntivo fibroso nas lesões. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica foi utilizada em aproximadamente 30% dos casos estudados de cada espécie, selecionados aleatoriamente, para a caracterização do infiltrado linfocítico. Foram utilizados os anticorpos anti-CD3 para a marcação de linfócitos T e anti-CD79αcy para a marcação de linfócitos B. Linfócitos T predominaram nas lesões em ambas as espécies, com diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as médias dos linfócitos T e linfócitos B. Foi usado o teste t pareado, com t=5,501 (p<0,001) nas lesões dos bovinos e t=5,826 (p<0,001) para as lesões de linfadenite dos suínos. Adicionalmente foram marcados macrófagos com o uso do anticorpo anti-CD68 para bovinos e anti-Lisozima para suínos. Além desses, o anticorpo policlonal anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis foi utilizado para a detecção de bactérias do gênero Mycobacterium, com imunomarcação positiva em todos os casos e, nos casos dos suínos, houve marcação anti-Mycobacterium avium.
Several primary immunodeficiency diseases affecting the interleukin 12/interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) pathway have been identified, most of them characterized by recurrent and protracted infections produced by intracellular microorganisms, particularly by several species of mycobacteria. In the present study we analyzed the expression of IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gammaR) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT-1) in 4 children with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of uncommon clinical presentation. These molecules were evaluated by flow cytometry and Western blotting in B cells transformed with Epstein-Barr virus and mutations were scanned by single-strand conformational polymorphisms and DNA sequencing. The expression of IFN-gammaR1 was normal in all 4 patients. The genetic analysis of IFN-gammaR1 and IFN-gammaR2 coding sequences did not reveal any mutation. The expression of the STAT-1 molecule was similar in patients and healthy controls; however, when the phosphorylation of this transcription factor in response to IFN-gamma activation was evaluated by Western blot, a significant lower signal was evident in one patient. These data indicate that there are no alterations in the expression or function of the IFN-gammaR chains in these patients. However, the low level of STAT-1 phosphorylation found in one of these patients might be explained by a defect in one of the molecules involved in the signal transduction pathway after IFN-gamma interacts with its receptor. In the other three patients the inability to eliminate the mycobacteria may be due to a defect in another effector mechanism of the mononuclear phagocytes.
New methodologies were developed for the identification of Nocardia but the initial diagnosis still requires a fast and accurate method, mainly due to the similarity to Mycobacterium, both clinical and bacteriologically. Growth on Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium, presence of acid-fast bacilli through Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and colony morphology can be confusing aspects between Nocardia and Mycobacterium. This study describes the occurrence of Nocardia spp. in a mycobacterial-reference laboratory, observing the main difficulties in differentiating Nocardia spp. from Mycobacterium spp., and correlating isolates with nocardiosis cases. Laboratory records for the period between 2008 and 2012 were analyzed, and the isolates identified as Nocardia sp. or as non-acid-fast filamentous bacilli were selected. Epidemiological and bacteriological data were analyzed as well. Thirty-three isolates identified as Nocardia sp. and 22 as non-acid-fast bacilli were selected for this study, and represented 0.12% of isolates during the study period. The presumptive identification was based on macroscopic and microscopic morphology, resistance to lysozyme and restriction profiles using the PRA-hsp65 method. Nocardia spp. can grow on media for mycobacteria isolation (LJ and BBL MGIT™) and microscopy and colony morphology are very similar to some mycobacteria species. Seventeen patients (54.8%) were reported and treated for tuberculosis, but presented signs and symptoms of nocardiosis. It was concluded that the occurrence of Nocardia sp. during the study period was 0.12%. Isolates with characteristics of filamentous bacilli, forming aerial hyphae, with colonies that may be pigmented, rough and without the BstEII digestion pattern in PRA-hsp65 method are suggestive of Nocardia spp. For a mycobacterial routine laboratory, a flow for the presumptive identification of Nocardia is essential, allowing the use of more accurate techniques for the correct identification, proper treatment and better quality of life for patients.
In this study, we compared the level of TNF-alpha secretion induced in monocytic THP-1 cells after phagocytosis of Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy, and M. bovis BCG, an attenuated strain used as a vaccine against leprosy and tuberculosis. The presence of M. leprae and BCG was observed in more than 80% of the cells after 24 h of exposure. However, BCG but not M. leprae was able to induce TNF-alpha secretion in these cells. Moreover, THP-1 cells treated simultaneously with BCG and M. leprae secreted lower levels of TNF-alpha compared to cells incubated with BCG alone. M. leprae was able, however, to induce TNF-alpha secretion both in blood-derived monocytes as well as in THP-1 cells pretreated with phorbol myristate acetate. The inclusion of streptomycin in our cultures, together with the fact that the use of both gamma-irradiated M. leprae and heat-killed BCG gave similar results, indicate that the differences observed were not due to differences in viability but in intrinsic properties between M. leprae and BCG. These data suggest that the capacity of M. leprae to induce TNF-alpha is dependent on the stage of cell maturation and emphasize the potential of this model to explore differences in the effects triggered by vaccine strain versus pathogenic species of mycobacteria on the host cell physiology and metabolism.
Mycobacterium kansasii is the most common cause of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria infection and classical identification of this pathogen needs a time consuming phenotypic tests. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment lenght polymorphism analysis (PRA) of the gene enconding for the 65kDa heat shock (hsp65) protein offers an easy, rapid, and inexpensive procedure to identify and subtype M. kansasii isolates. In the present study, we performed a retrospective analysis of patients who had mycobacteria identified on the basis of phenotypic tests by means of a review of database at Mycobacteria Laboratory of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz in the period 1995-1998. A total of 9381 clinical isolates were analyzed of which 7777 (82.9%) were identified as M. tuberculosis complex and 1604 (17.1%) as nontuberculous mycobacteria. Of the 296 M. kansasii isolates, 189 (63.8%) isolates obtained from 119 patients were viable and were analyzed by PRA-hsp65. Hundred eight two (98.9%) were classified as M. kansasii type I. Two isolates were classified as type II and III and five isolates were characterized as other Mycobacterium species. Clinical isolates of M. kansasii in the state of São Paulo was almost exclusively subtype I regardless of HIV status.
Transmission of Mycobacterium bovis from cattle to humans has been reported and can cause tuberculosis (Tb) and a problem in certain risk populations. Therefore, knowledge of resistance of M. bovis towards antibiotics used for therapy of human Tb could help avoiding cure delay and treatment cost increase when dealing with drug resistant organisms. We therefore evaluated the susceptibility of M. bovis isolates towards streptomycin, isoniazide, rifampicin, ethambutol, and ethionamide, the first line antibiotics for human Tb. Therefore, 185 clinical samples from cattle with clinical signs of tuberculosis were processed and submitted to culturing and bacterial isolates to identification and drug susceptibility testing using the proportion method. Among 89 mycobacterial strains, 65 were identified as M. bovis and none were resistant to any of the antibiotics used. Confirmation of present results by future studies, enrolling a large number of isolates and designed to properly represent Brazilian regions, may favor the idea of using isoniazide preventive therapy as part of a Tb control strategy in special situations. Also, nucleic acids from bacterial isolates were submitted to rifoligotyping, a recently described reverse hybridization assay for detection of mutations causing resistance towards rifampicin. Concordance between the conventional and the molecular test was 100%, demonstrating the use of such methodology for rapid evaluation of drug susceptibility in M. bovis.
The presence of Mycobacterium bovis in bovine carcasses with lesions suggestive of tuberculosis was evaluated. Seventy-two carcass samples were selected during slaughter inspection procedures in abattoirs in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Seventeen (23.6%) of samples showed colonies suggestive of mycobacteria that were confirmed to be acid-fast bacilli by Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific for M. bovis identified M. bovis in 13 (76.5%) isolates. The PCR-restriction enzyme pattern analysis using gene encoding for the 65-kDa protein and two restriction enzymes identified the remaining four isolates that were represented by two M. tuberculosis complex and two nontuberculous mycobacteria. The results are indicative of infection of slaughter cattle by M. bovis and other mycobacteria in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Determination of seric levels of adenosine deaminase (ADA), an enzyme produced by monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes, has been used in the diagnosis of human tuberculosis (TB). In the present study, ADA seric activity was evaluated comparatively to the comparative tuberculin test in the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis. Two hundred fifty-six cattle were classified by origin and by the comparative tuberculin test as TB-positive animals (n = 52, from herds where the Mycobacterium bovis had previously been isolated), and TB-negative animals (n = 204, TB-free herds). The mean ADA seric value from the TB-positive group (4.45 ± 2.33 U/L) was significantly lower (p = 0.008) than that observed in sera from the TB-negative group (6.12 ± 4.47 U/L). When animals from a herd with clinical cases of enzootic bovine leukosis of TB-negative group were withdrawn from analysis, the mean ADA seric values of TB-negative group (5.12 ± 3.75 U/L) was not significantly different anymore from that of the TB-positive group (p = 0.28). There was no agreement in the diagnosis of bovine TB between comparative tuberculin test and determination of ADA seric values, using two different cutoff points, being 6.12 U/L and 15.0 U/L, (kappa = -0.086 and kappa = -0.082, respectively). In conclusion, the determination of ADA seric activity was not a good auxiliary test for bovine TB, because it was not able to distinguish between TB-positive and TB-negative animals.
Mycobacterium was verified in animals from a Brazilian dairy herd, a total of 42 samples from 30 cows were submitted to culture and the isolated strains were analyzed by two polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the first specific for species belonging to the Mycobacterium complex (MTBC) and the other for differentiating M. tuberculosis from M. bovis. Twenty seven samples (64.3%) from 18 animals (60%) were positive for mycobacteria by culture, including samples from 15 retrofaryngeal lymphnodes (55.5%), 9 prescapular lymphnodes (33.3%), 2 lungs (7.4%), and 1 liver (3.7%). All isolated colonies were confirmed by PCR to contain MTBC organisms, and were identified as M. bovis by the same methodology.
The most frequent mutations associated with rifampin and isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium are the substitutions at codons 531 and 315 in the rpoB and katG genes, respectively. Hence, the aim of this study was to characterize these mutations in Mycobacterium isolates from patients suspected to be infected with drug-resistant (DR) pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in Veracruz, Mexico. Drug susceptibility testing of 25 clinical isolates revealed that five were susceptible while 20 (80%) were DR (15% of the annual prevalence for Veracruz). Of the DR isolates, 15 (75%) were resistant to rifampin, 17 (85%) to isoniazid and 15 (75%) were resistant to both drugs (MDR). Sequencing analysis performed in the isolates showed that 14 (93%) had mutations in the rpoB gene; seven of these (47%) exhibited a mutation at 531 (S[L). Ten (58%) of the 20 resistant isolates showed mutations in katG; nine (52%) of these 10 exhibited a mutation at 315 (S[T). In conclusion, the DR profile of the isolates suggests a significant number of different DR-TB strains with a low frequency of mutation at codons 531 and 315 in rpoB and katG, respectively. This result leads us to consider different regions of the same genes, as well as other genes for further analysis, which is important if a genetic-based diagnosis of DR-TB is to be developed for this region.
The presence of intestinal helminths can down-regulate the immune response required to control mycobacterial infection. BALB/c mice infected with Mycobacterium bovis following an infection with the intestinal helminth Strongyloides venezuelensis showed reduced interleukin-17A production by lung cells and increased bacterial burden. Also, small granulomas and a high accumulation of cells expressing the inhibitory molecule CTLA-4 were observed in the lung. These data suggest that intestinal helminth infection could have a detrimental effect on the control of tuberculosis (TB) and render coinfected individuals more susceptible to the development of TB.
We performed spoligotyping and 12-mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTRs) typing to characterise Mycobacterium bovis isolates collected from tissue samples of bovines with lesions suggestive for tuberculosis during slaughter inspection procedures in abattoirs in Brazil. High-quality genotypes were obtained with both procedures for 61 isolates that were obtained from 185 bovine tissue samples and all of these isolates were identified as M. bovis by conventional identification procedures. On the basis of the spoligotyping, 53 isolates were grouped into nine clusters and the remaining eight isolates were unique types, resulting in 17 spoligotypes. The majority of the Brazilian M. bovis isolates displayed spoligotype patterns that have been previously observed in strains isolated from cattle in other countries. MIRU-VNTR typing produced 16 distinct genotypes, with 53 isolates forming eight of the groups, and individual isolates with unique VNTR profiles forming the remaining eight groups. The allelic diversity of each VNTR locus was calculated and only two of the 12-MIRU-VNTR loci presented scores with either a moderate (0.4, MIRU16) or high (0.6, MIRU26) discriminatory index (h). Both typing methods produced similar discriminatory indexes (spoligotyping h = 0.85; MIRU-VNTR h = 0.86) and the combination of the two methods increased the h value to 0.94, resulting in 29 distinct patterns. These results confirm that spoligotyping and VNTR analysis are valuable tools for studying the molecular epidemiology of M. bovis infections in Brazil.