172 resultados para Modelagem estrutural interpretativa
It is discussed the recent Irish experience of sustained economic growth, in which a social pact, the entry in the European Union and the opening of the economy have all played a paramount role. Some remarks on the sustainability of such an experience are also made.
Diversification or specialization: an analysis of the process of structural change of the Brazilian industry. Based on findings by Imbs and Wacziarg (2003), whose empirical study has established the existence of a U-shaped pattern in the evolution of industrial specialization relative to per capita income, this paper aimed at determining the path of structural change followed by the Brazilian industry in the last decades and at comparing it with the evidence for other countries. The conclusion is that the stage of diversification of the Brazilian industrial structure has ended at a relatively low level of per capita income.
Harrod under analysis: path-dependence, historic time and endogenous structural change. The article aims to demonstrate how the Harrod's approach (1937, 1938, 1948) can offer theoretical elements to form a complex, historicists and non-determinist view of the economic system. The relaxation of the constant warranty rate hypothesis make possible the system suffers endogenous qualitative change. It results in the notion of path-dependence and historic time. By the endogenization of the expectations and the existence of turn-points mechanisms, this approach allows a synthesis between non-convergency and economic regulation.
Exchange rate regime and structural changes in the Brazilian manufacturing industry. This article proposes an analysis of the relationship between exchange rate regime and evolution of the Brazilian manufacturing industry during the period 1980-2008. Its main purpose is to detect the direction of the structural changes imposed by the new form of international insertion consolidated throughout the 1990s. The work also provides new empirical evidence regarding the assumptions of deindustrialization and "Dutch disease", which mark the current debate on the effects of the appreciation of real exchange rate in the Brazilian economy.
Structural changes and labor market in Brazil. In the present article, we attempt to identify the sources of the changes in the labor schooling level in the three main sectors of the Brazilian economy: manufacturing, services and agriculture. It was verified that, despite the changes in the product and employment among sectors, mainly in the 1990s, the relative demands for qualified workers has not experimented significant changes. Moreover, in the periods in which schooling has increased more, the workers' wage has decreased more. This fact suggests that the increase in labor qualification was mainly due to the increase of this factor supply. The structural changes had contributed, in general, in a marginal and negative way to labor force level of qualification demand in all the three sectors.
O objetivo deste artigo é proporcionar uma reconstrução racional do programa de pesquisa do racionalismo neoclássico como um substituto para o programa do racionalismo clássico. O programa do racionalismo neoclássico se desenvolve pela elaboração de uma nova concepção de ciência que a demarque da metafísica, com a definição da ciência como representação em lugar de explicação. Esse programa é constituído de três subprogramas: o convencionalismo/pragmatismo de Poincaré, o realismo convergentista de Duhem e o empirismo lógico.
O texto trata da relação entre esfera pública e meios de comunicação de massa, no corpus bibliográfico de Jürgen Habermas, nestes 50 anos que nos separam de Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit (1962). O objetivo do texto é mostrar que, diferente de alguns estudos críticos, não se trata de uma lacuna investigativa - ausência, abandono ou não exploração do tema - , mas de uma abordagem secundária, implícita; que a abordagem secundária do tema está relacionada com a posição pessimista original de Habermas acerca da influência negativa dos meios de comunicação de massa, na despolitização da esfera pública; que o pessimismo de Habermas sobre os efeitos negativos dos meios de comunicação de massa mantém uma conexão interna com a orientação original da crítica da cultura de massa de Adorno. Isso significa que, apesar das reformulações e novos diagnósticos, a posição cética de Habermas quanto ao potencial democrático dos meios de comunicação de massa na repolitização da esfera pública parece não ter mudado em seus fundamentos, nestes 50 anos.