679 resultados para Manoel Calças


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The effectiveness of ecological researches on small mammals strongly depends on trapping techniques to survey communities and populations accurately. The main goal of this study was to assess the efficiency of three types of traps (Sherman, Tomahawk and Pitfall) to capture non-volant small mammals. We installed traps in 22 forest fragments in the southern Brazilian Amazonia. We captured 873 individuals belonging to 21 species; most of the individuals (N = 369) and species (N = 19) were trapped using Pitfalls, followed by Shermans (N = 271 individuals; N = 15 species) and Tomahawks (N = 233 individuals; N = 15 species). Pitfalls trapped a richer community subset of small mammals than the two other types of traps, and a more abundant community subset than Tomahawks. Proechimys sp. was the most abundant species trapped (N = 125) and Tomahawk was the most efficient type of trap to capture this species (N = 97 individuals). Neacomys spinosus and Marmosops bishopi were more trapped in Pitfalls (N = 92 and 100 individuals, respectively) than Shermans and Tomahawks. Monodelphis glirina was more trapped in Shermans and Pitfalls than Tomahawks. Species composition trapped using the three types of traps were distinct. Pitfalls captured a more distinct subset of the small mammal community than the two other live traps. We recommend the association of the three types of traps to reach a more comprehensive sampling of the community of small mammals. Thus, as stated by previous studies, we also recommend the complementary use of Shermans, Tomahawks and Pitfalls to account for a thorough sampling of the whole small mammal community in researches conducted in the tropical forests of Amazonia.


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ABSTRACT The Amazon forest is rich in plant species diversity, among them,Piranhea trifoliata stands out, which is popularly known as piranheira, because their fruits are eaten by fish. Their barks are used as bath composition on uterus inflammation and as tea in malaria treatment. This study aimed to fractionate the dichloromethane and dichloromethane phase from methanolic extract of leaves of Piranhea trifoliata. The leaves were dried, grounded and extracted with dichloromethane, methanol and water. The methanol extract was partitioned with dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. The chromatographic fractionation yielded six pentacyclic triterpenoids: friedelan-3-one, 28-hydroxy-friedelan-3-one, 30-hydroxy-friedelan-3-one, lupeol, α- and β-amyrin mixture, besides the mixture of the steroids: β-sitosterol and stigmasterol. The substances structures were identified by 1H- and13C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis and literature data comparison. This is the first report describing the chemical study of P. trifoliata leaves.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a relação entre características sociodemográficas e taxa de permanência hospitalar, entendida como a razão entre a quantidade total de dias internado e o número total de internações, em 114 pacientes reinternantes em hospital psiquiátrico estadual. MÉTODOS: Os dados demográficos referentes a sexo, idade, estado civil, nível de instrução e cor foram levantados nos prontuários médicos dos pacientes. Já dados sobre os aspectos sociais referentes a situação ocupacional, recebimento de benefício, residência, acompanhantes, visitas e telefonemas durante a internação foram colhidos por meio da aplicação de um questionário aos profissionais do hospital. RESULTADOS: A análise estatística mostrou que os sujeitos que apresentaram maior taxa de permanência hospitalar foram do sexo feminino, entre 40 e 49 anos, viúvos ou divorciados, negros, que residiam com outras pessoas e que não recebiam visitas durante o período em que se encontravam internados. CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados apontam para a existência de relação entre características sociodemográficas e taxa de permanência, sugerindo a importância da rede de apoio social na reabilitação do pacientes com história de internações recorrentes.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar as evidências científicas sobre a influência do grupo familiar na sintomatologia da anorexia nervosa (AN). MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática da literatura no período de 2000 a 2012, utilizando as bases PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Lilacs e os descritores: "transtornos da alimentação", "relações familiares", "relação entre gerações" e "relação mãe-filho". RESULTADOS: Com base nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram selecionadas e analisadas 20 publicações na íntegra. A maior parte dessas publicações focaliza mulheres diagnosticadas com transtornos alimentares (TA) ou com comportamento alimentar de risco, tem delineamento quantitativo e utiliza escalas padronizadas para coleta de dados. Predominou o Nível de Evidência 4, que corresponde a estudos de desenho não experimental, como pesquisa descritiva correlacional e qualitativa, ou estudos de caso. As evidências encontradas indicam que os relacionamentos familiares exercem impacto significativo tanto no desenvolvimento como na manutenção de sintomas de TA. Padrões relacionados à alimentação e ao alimento são transmitidos entre as gerações, bem como aspectos não elaborados do funcionamento psíquico materno. CONCLUSÕES: Os estudos sugerem a necessidade de ampliar o foco da atenção para incluir os familiares no tratamento, bem como incorporar os achados de transmissão psíquica intergeracional como subsídios norteadores do planejamento e qualificação do cuidado oferecido nos TA.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a segurança e exeqüibilidade da ecocardiografia com estresse pela dobutamina associada à atropina (EEDA) em pacientes com doença arterial coronária (DAC) suspeita ou conhecida. MÉTODOS: Estudados 3000 testes consecutivos, pela EEDA, armazenados em formato de banco de dados. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se, como maiores complicações relacionadas ao teste, a ocorrência de 1 caso de infarto agudo do miocárdio, 4 de taquicardia ventricular sustentada e 5 de intoxicação atropínica. Um dos objetivos do teste foi atingido em 95% dos exames. CONCLUSÃO: A EEDA é um método seguro e exeqüível para o diagnóstico de DAC.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a incidência, principais causas, fatores desencadeantes ou de piora da insuficiência cardíaca (IC) no ano de 1995, no Instituto do Coração de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os registros referentes a pacientes internados, obtidos do banco de dados da PRODESP. Analisaram-se nos pacientes com IC os dados: idade, sexo, diagnóstico principal e secundários, procedimentos executados e óbitos. Para fim de análise, construíram-se tabelas de distribuição conforme o sexo, idade e diagnóstico principal. Análise de variância e teste do qui-quadrado foram empregados para verificar diferença entre os grupos estudados. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes internados (903 de 9620) 9,38% apresentaram IC. As idades variaram de 2 dias a 98 (média 52,6) anos e a maioria era do sexo masculino (60,4%). Miocardiopatia isquêmica (32,6%), miocardiopatia dilatada (25,8%) e valvopatias (22,0%) foram as principais causas de IC. Foram submetidos à cirurgia, angioplastia, ou implante de marcapasso, 32,1% dos pacientes, sendo os valvopatas na maioria submetidos à correção de sua cardiopatia de base (63,3%). Houve maior incidência de múltiplos diagnósticos secundários com o aumento da idade. A mortalidade foi maior nos com idade <20 anos e nos >80 anos. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de IC foi de 9,38%, sendo miocardiopatia isquêmica a causa mais freqüente. Foi possível corrigir a causa da IC em 32,1%. A mortalidade foi maior nas crianças provavelmente pela maior complexidade de sua cardiopatia e nos mais idosos devido à maior associação de diagnósticos secundários ou fatores agravantes.


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Over the last two decades the results of randomized clinical studies, which are powerful aids for correctly assessing therapeutical strategies, have consolidated cardiological practice. In addition, scientifically interesting hypotheses have been generated through the results of epidemiological studies. Properly conducted randomized studies without systematic errors and with statistical power adequate for demonstrating moderate and reasonable benefits in relevant clinical outcomes have provided reliable and strong results altering clinical practice, thus providing adequate treatment for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). The dissemination and use of evidence-based medicine in treating coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure (HF), and in prevention will prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths annually in developed and developing countries. CVD is responsible for approximately 12 million deaths annually throughout the world, and approximately 60% of these deaths occur in developing countries. During recent years, an increase in mortality and morbidity rates due to CVD has occurred in developing countries. This increase is an indication that an epidemiological (demographic, economical, and health-related) transition is taking place in developing countries and this transition implies a global epidemic of CVD, which will require wide-ranging and globally effective strategies for prevention. The identification of conventional and emerging risk factors for CVD, as well as their management in high-risk individuals, has contributed to the decrease in the mortality rate due to CVD. Through a national collaboration, several multi-center and multinational randomized and epidemiological studies have been carried out throughout Brazil, thus contributing not only to a generalized scientific growth in different Brazilian hospitals but also to the consolidation of an increasingly evidence-based clinical practice.


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This is the report of a rare case of endomyocardial fibrosis associated with massive calcification of the left ventricle in a male patient with dyspnea on great exertion, which began 5 years earlier and rapidly evolved. Due to lack of information and the absence of clinical signs that could characterize impairment of other organs, the case was initially managed as a disease with a pulmonary origin. With the evolution of the disease and in the presence of radiological images of heterogeneous opacification in the projection of the left ventricle, the diagnostic hypothesis of endomyocardial disease was established. This hypothesis was later confirmed on chest computed tomography. The patient died on the 16th day of the hospital stay, probably because of lack of myocardial reserve, with clinical findings of refractory heart failure, possibly aggravated by pulmonary infection. This shows that a rare disease such as endomyocardial fibrosis associated with massive calcification of the left ventricle may be suspected on a simple chest X-ray and confirmed by computed tomography.


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OBJECTIVE: Parasympathetic dysfunction is an independent risk factor in individuals with coronary artery disease, and cholinergic stimulation is a potential therapeutical option. We determined the effects of pyridostigmine bromide, a reversible anticholinesterase agent, on electrocardiographic variables of healthy individuals. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. We obtained electrocardiographic tracings in 12 simultaneous leads of 10 healthy young individuals at rest before and after oral administration of 45 mg of pyridostigmine or placebo. RESULTS: Pyridostigmine increased RR intervals (before: 886±27 ms vs after: 1054±37 ms) and decreased QTc dispersion (before: 72±9ms vs after: 45±3ms), without changing other electrocardiographic variables (PR segment, QT interval, QTc, and QT dispersion). CONCLUSION: Bradycardia and the reduction in QTc dispersion induced by pyridostigmine may effectively represent a protective mechanism if these results can be reproduced in individuals with cardiovascular diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the in-hospital results, in progressively elderly patients who undergo primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the first 24 hours of AMI. METHODS: The patients were divided into three different age groups (60/69, 70/79, and > or = 80 years) and were treated from 7/95 until 12/99. The primary success rate and the occurrence of major clinical events were analyzed at the end of the in-hospital phase. Coronary stent implantation and abciximab use were employed at the intervencionist discretion. RESULTS: We analyzed 201 patients with age ranging from 60 to 93 years, who underwent primary PCI. Patients with ages above 70 were more often female (p=.015). Those with ages above 80 were treated later with PCI (p=.054), and all of them presented with total occlusion of the infarct-related artery. Coronary stents were implanted in 30% of the patients. Procedural success was lower in > or = 80 year old patients (p=.022), and the death rate was higher in > or = 70 years olds (p=.019). Reinfarction and coronary bypass surgery were uncommon events. A trend occurred toward a higher combined incidence of major in-hospital events according to increased age (p=.064). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients ( > or = 70 years) presented with adverse clinical and angiographic profiles and patients > or = 80 years of age obtained reduced TIMI 3 flow success rates after primary PTCA, and those > or = 70 years had a higher death rate.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between 24-hour ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and the prognosis of patients with advanced congestive heart failure. METHODS: We studied 38 patients with NYHA functional class IV congestive heart failure, and analyzed left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic diameter, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data. RESULTS: Twelve deaths occurred. Left ventricular ejection fraction (35.2±7.3%) and diastolic diameter (72.2±7.8mm) were not correlated with the survival. The mean 24-hour (SBP24), waking (SBPw), and sleeping (SBPs) systolic pressures of the living patients were higher than those of the deceased patients and were significant for predicting survival. Patients with mean SBP24, SBPv, and SBPs > or = 105mmHg had longer survival (p=0.002, p=0.01 and p=0.0007, respectively). Patients with diastolic blood pressure sleep decrements (dip) and patients with mean blood pressure dip <=6mmHg had longer survival (p=0.04 and p=0.01, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, SBPs was the only variable with an odds ratio of 7.61 (CI: 1.56; 3704) (p=0.01). Patients with mean SBP<105mmHg were 7.6 times more likely to die than those with SBP > or = 105 mmHg CONCLUSION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring appears to be a useful method for evaluating patients with congestive heart failure.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of Doppler tissue imaging (DTI) for evaluating the systolic function of chagasic patients with and without electrocardiographic abnormalities, in comparision with echocardiographic study. METHODS: We studied 77 patients divided into 3 groups as follows: group 1 - control; group 2 - chagasic patients with normal electrocardiographic findings; and group 3 - chagasic patients with abnormal electrocardiographic findings. The following parameters were assessed: left ventricular dimensions and ejection fraction, left atrial dimensions and diastolic function on echocardiography. Systolic velocity and regional isovolumic contraction time (IVCTr) of the septal, anterior, lateral, posterior and inferior left ventricular walls were assessed on DTI. RESULTS: Left ventricular cavitary dimensions, ejection fraction and DTI systolic wave showed significant differences between groups 1 and 3 and between groups 2 and 3, which were not found between groups 1 and 2. IVCTr allowed a statistically significant discrimination among the 3 groups. CONCLUSION: DTI allowed discrimination among the different groups assessed, being superior to echocardiography in identifying early abnormalities of contractility, and, therefore, potentially useful for detecting incipient myocardial alterations in chagasic patients with normal electrocardiographic findings.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dilation and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with Chagas' disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 166 consecutive patients with Chagas' disease and no other associated diseases. The patients underwent cardiac assessment with chest radiography and Doppler echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of chest radiography were calculated to detect left ventricular dysfunction and the accuracy of the cardiothoracic ratio in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction with the area below the ROC curve. The cardiothoracic ratio was correlated with the left ventricular ejection fraction and the left ventricular diastolic diameter. RESULTS: The abnormal chest radiogram had a sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 80.5%, and positive and negative predictive values of 51.2% and 79.8%, respectively, in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction. The cardiothoracic ratio showed a weak correlation with left ventricular ejection fraction (r=-0.23) and left ventricular diastolic diameter (r=0.30). The area calculated under the ROC curve was 0.734. CONCLUSION: The radiological study of the thorax is not an accurate indicator of left ventricular dysfunction; its use as a screening method to initially approach the patient with Chagas' disease should be reevaluated.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of skeletal muscle mass on ventilatory and hemodynamic variables during exercise in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Twenty-five male patients underwent maximum cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill with a ramp protocol and measurement of the skeletal muscle mass of their thighs by using magnetic resonance imaging. The clinically stable, noncachectic patients were assessed and compared with 14 healthy individuals (S) paired by age and body mass index, who underwent the same examinations. RESULTS: Similar values of skeletal muscle mass were found in both groups (CHF group: 3863 ± 874 g; S group: 3743 ± 540 g; p = 0.32). Significant correlations of oxygen consumption in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.39; P= 0.02 and S: r = 0.14; P = 0.31) and of oxygen pulse also in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.49; P = 0.01 and S: r =0.12; P = 0.36) were found only in the group of patients with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate that skeletal muscle mass may influence the capacity of patients with CHF to withstand submaximal effort, due to limitations in their physical condition, even maintaining a value similar to that of healthy individuals. This suggests qualitative changes in the musculature.