368 resultados para Leite Humano
A fast and direct method for the determination of Cr in milk and cane sugar suspensions using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman-effect background correction is described. No sample pre-treatment was necessary, minimizing the risk of contamination. The concentration of chromium in cane sugar was evaluated using Cr reference solutions prepared in 1% v/v HNO3 solution. The milk samples were introduced into the furnace with a mixture of amines for avoiding the autosampler blockage and foaming of milk. Chromium determination in milk was based on the standard additions method (SAM). The limit of detection and characteristic mass for cane sugar sample (30 muL) were 0,13 ng/ml and 4,3 pg, and for milk sample (10 muL) were 0,23 ng/ml and 7,8 pg, respectively. The graphite tube lifetime was 300 firings for sugar-cane sample and 100 firings for milk sample. The heating program was implemented in 68 s.
Selenium is both essential and toxic to man and animals, depending on the concentration and the ingested form. Most fruits and vegetables are poor sources of selenium, but coconut can be a good selenium source. Samples were suspended (1 + 4 v/v) in a mixture of tertiary amines soluble in water (10% v/v CFA-C). This simple sample treatment avoided contamination and decreased the analysis time. The standard additions method was adopted for quantification. The action of the autosampler was improved by the presence of the amines mixture in the suspension. A Varian model AA-800 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a graphite furnace and a GTA 100 autosampler was used for selenium determination in coconut water and coconut milk. Background correction was performed by means of the Zeeman effect. Pyrolytically coated graphite tubes were employed. Using Pd as chemical modifier, the pyrolysis and the atomization temperatures were set at 1400 and 2200ºC, respectively. For six samples, the selenium concentration in coconut water varied from 6.5 to 21.0 mug L-1 and in coconut milk from 24.2 to 25.1 mug L-1. The accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and all recovered values are in the 99.5-102.3% range. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be directly applied without sample decomposition.
A preliminary analyses of the possible contamination of superficial and underground water by the active ingredients of the pesticide products used in the surroundings of the urban area of Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso, Brazil, was carried out. A description of the study region and of its environmental characteristics, which can favor the contamination of the local aquatic environment, was presented. The EPA screening criteria, the groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) and the criteria proposed by Goss were used to evaluate which pesticides might contaminate the local waters. Among the active ingredients studied, several present risks to the local aquatic environment.
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used for the determination of twenty minor and trace elements in hair samples from an urban population group (N = 1775), aiming at the establishment of reliable hair reference intervals. Statistical evaluation of the data with respect to age, sex and anatomic region was performed by multivariant analysis and according to recommendations of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC). The results show that mainly age and anatomic region (scalp or pubis) influence significantly the concentration of several elements. Comparison of the here calculated reference intervals with those previously published and used by clinical laboratories for this population showed larger discrepancies and the need for an urgent revision of these data.
A critical review of the most relevant analytical methodologies for quality and authenticity control of dairy products and foods containing milk proteins is presented. Chromatographic, electrophoretic and immunological methods are used for: detection of cow's milk in ewe and goat milks, detection of whey added to milk, detection of caseins and/or whey proteins in non-lactic foods and study compounds resulting from milk proteins degradation. Techniques based on polimerase chain reaction are also suitable for detection of cow's milk on cheeses of ewe and goat milks.
The literature carries many theories about the mechanism of action of local anesthetics (LA). We can highlight those focusing the direct effect of LA on the sodium channel protein and the ones that consider the interaction of anesthetic molecules with the lipid membrane phase. The interaction between local anesthetics and human erythrocyte membranes has been studied by ¹H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was found that lidocaine (LDC) and benzocaine (BZC) bind to the membranes, increase the mobility of the protons of the phospholipid's acyl chains, and decrease the mobility and/or change the structure of the polar head groups. The results indicate that lidocaine molecules are inserted across the polar and liquid interface of the membrane, establishing both electrostatic (charged form) and hydrophobic (neutral form) interactions. Benzocaine locates itself a little deeper in the bilayer, between the interfacial glycerol region and the hydrophobic core. These changes in mobility or conformation of membrane lipids could affect the Na+-channel protein insertion in the bilayer, stabilizing it in the inactivated state, thus causing anesthesia.
European Directive (98/83/CE), compulsory after 2008, states that bromate in drinking water must be controlled at levels below 10 mg L-1. Supporting implementation of the Directive, the European Comission has established project SMT4-CT96 2134, in collaboration with various european institutions, aiming at the identification of the interferents to the current analytical method (Ionic Chromatography with Conductimetric Detection - IC/CD), their removal and the automation of pre-treatment and injection steps, as well as the development of alternative methods. EPAL, responsible for the water supply to a great deal of Portuguese regions, has taken steps to meet these requirements. Although not part of such project, this work (the result of a project conducted under a protocol of collaboration between EPAL SA and FCUL - Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon), reports on studies of usefulness to laboratories planning to monitor bromate in ozone treated waters, in conditions different from those described in EPA 300.1. Simultaneous determination of bromide is justified by its role as bromate precursor.
The aim of the present work was to test the combination of non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) isolation using fumed silicon dioxide with capillary gas-chromatography (C-GC) with splitless injection for the analysis of NEFAs in human plasma. Injection volume, solvent re-condensation and split purge flow-rate were the parameters evaluated for the analysis of fatty acid methyl esters by C-GC. The use of a solvent re-condensation technique, associated with 1.0 µL injection and a split purge flow rate of 80 mL/min resulted in satisfactory analysis of NEFAs. Fourteen fatty acids were identified in plasma samples, ranging from 2.03 to 184.0 µmol/L. The combination of both techniques proved useful for routine analyses of plasma NEFAs.
The alteration in the quality of groundwater in the industrial zone of Brazil's southernmost state was assessed by a hydrogeochemical study. In 70-85% of the studied area, fluoride, nitrate and phosphate in groundwater surpass the maximum limits for human consumption according to Brazilian environmental legislation. The chemical spectrum of contaminants and their spatial distribution show that fertilizer production processes are responsible for groundwater pollution. The natural conditions of the region are not favorable for minimal protection against infiltration of pollutants into the aquifer.
Since the last decade, the combined use of chemometrics and molecular spectroscopic techniques has become a new alternative for direct drug determination, without the need of physical separation. Among the new methodologies developed, the application of PARAFAC in the decomposition of spectrofluorimetric data should be highlighted. The first objective of this article is to describe the theoretical basis of PARAFAC. For this purpose, a discussion about the order of chemometric methods used in multivariate calibration and the development of multi-dimensional methods is presented first. The other objective of this article is to divulge for the Brazilian chemical community the potential of the combination PARAFAC/spectrofluorimetry for the determination of drugs in complex biological matrices. For this purpose, two applications aiming at determining, respectively, doxorrubicine and salicylate in human plasma are presented.
A series of bovine serum albumin-immobilized supports have been prepared and used as restricted access media (RAM) columns. Restricted-access supports combine size-exclusion of proteins and other high-molar-mass matrix components with the simultaneous enrichment of low-molar mass analytes. These characteristics were chromatographically evaluated for the columns. The RAM-BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) columns showed excellent performance for exclusion of human plasma protein with good retention capacity for a series of acidic, basic, and neutral drugs.
The present work shows a method for the determination of chloramphenicol (CAP) antibiotic in milk, powder milk and honey. The solid phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction were applied as a clean-up and pre-concentration strategies followed by LC-ESI/MS/MS analysis. The recovery was studied for different fortification levels from 0.05 to 1.00 µg L-1 in milk, showing values between 91 101% and RSD bellow 8.0%, while honey was spiked with a concentration of 0.20 µg kg-1 yelding a mean recovery of 83% and RSD of 6.5%. The quantification transition 321>152 showed a LOD of 0.52 ng kg-1 and LOQ of 1.85 ng kg-1.
This work presents a little of the history which marked the development of the dairy industry in Brazil and in the world. It shows problems and solutions related to the preservation of milk. In general, it also describes the traditional manufacture of cheese and applications of membrane technology as an auxiliary tool in the processing of some types of cheese.
A micellar electrokinetic chromatographic method (MEKC) is described for determining residues of amphenicols(chloramphenicol,thiamphenicol and florfenicol) in bovine milk. MEKC is conducted by using a separation buffer consisting of 20 mM Na2HPO4, 10 mM Na2B4O7, 50 mM SDS at pH 8.0; UV detection at 210 nm and 10 kV of voltage. The limit of detection ranged from 4.3-5.3 µg L-1. The MEKC method was applied for the simultaneous determination of amphenicols in milk samples spiked with amphenicols at three concentration levels: 10, 30 and 50 µg L-1. Recoveries ranging from 91-105% were obtained by following a simple extraction/preconcentration procedure.