379 resultados para Imunoglobulinas G e M (IgG e IgM)
Foi estudada a evolução das imunoglobulinas envolvidas na resposta imune de camundongos ao Schistosoma mansoni durante oito semanas de infecção, utilizando soros pluri-específicos como reativos biológicos e a técnica da imunoeletroforese bidimensional. Os resultados expressaram modulação da resposta imune humoral, tanto em soros de animais parasitados (I) como nos normais, tomados como controle (C). Aumentos relativos dos níveis de imunoglobulinas entre estes dois grupos foram constatados pela relação I/C. Foi possível verificar o aparecimento de uma resposta primária, ocorrida entre o início da doença e a segunda semana de infecção, constituída de IgM e IgA, e uma secundária, iniciada na sexta semana de infecção, constituída pelas IgA; IgG1 e IgM, com aumentos relativos de 4.5; 3 e 2 vezes normal.
The aim of the study is an historical analysis of the work undertaken by the Public Health organizations dedicated to the combat of the Aedes aegypti, as well as an epidemiolocal study of persons with unexplained fever, with a view to evaluating the ocurrence of dengue within the population. The Mac-Elisa, Gac-Elisa, hemaglutination inhibition, isolation and typage tests were used. Organophosphate intoxication in agricultural workers was also assessed by measuring concentrations of serie cholinesterase. A sera samples of 2,094 were collected in 23 towns, and the type 1 dengue virus was detected in 17 towns and autochthony was confirmed in 12 of them. The cholinesterase was measured in 2,391 sera samples of which 53 cases had abnormal levels. Poisoning was confirmed in 3 cases. Results reveal an epidemic the gravity of which was not officially know. The relationshipe between levels of IgM and IgG antibodies indicates the outbreak tendency. The widespread distribution of the vector is troubling because of the possibility of the urbanization of wild yellow fever, whereas the absence of A. aegypti in 2 towns with autochthony suggests the existence of another vector. Since there is no vaccine against dengue, the combat of the vector is the most efficient measure for preventing outbreaks. The eradication of the vector depends on government decisions which depend, for their execution, on the organization of the Health System and the propagation of information concerning the prevention of the disease using all possible means because short and long term results depend on the education and the active participation of the entire population.
Com base na literatura, foi feita revisão sobre as recomendações para uso de vacinas e imunoglobulinas em indivíduos que apresentam comprometimento total ou parcial da imunidade, sobretudo relativa à decada de noventa. A análise de 75 referências permite chegar às principais conclusões: as vacinas contendo agentes vivos, geralmente são contra-indicadas para indivíduos que apresentam condições que determinam acentuado comprometimento da imunidade; as vacinas que contêm agentes mortos ou apenas frações antigênicas, apesar de serem menos imunogênicas e conferirem menores taxas de proteção aos imunodeprimidos, quando comparadas aos normais, são seguras e devem ser administradas a esses indivíduos. A imunização passiva é indicada nas mesmas doses para indivíduos imunodeprimidos e pessoas normais, com exceção da imunoglobulina contra o sarampo, que deve ser administrada aos imunodeprimidos no dobro das doses habituais, sempre que tiverem contato com sarampo, independentemente de sua situação vacinal anterior. Para aumentar a proteção dos imunodeprimidos contra a varicela e a influenza, recomenda-se vacinar contra essas doenças os familiares e os profissionais que atendam esses indivíduos.
OBJETIVES: To detect anti-Giardia lamblia serum antibodies in healthy children attending public day care centers and to assess serological tests as tools for estimating the prevalence of G. lamblia in endemic areas. METHODS: Three separate stool specimens and filter paper blood samples were collected from 147 children ranging from 0 to 6 years old. Each stool sample was processed using spontaneous sedimentation and zinc sulfate flotation methods. Blood samples were tested by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Giardia IgG. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Of 147 individuals tested, 93 (63.3%) showed Giardia cysts in their feces. Using IIF and ELISA, serum antibodies were detected in 93 (63.3%) and 100 (68%) samples , respectively. Sensitivity of IIF and ELISA was 82% and 72%, respectively. However, ELISA revealed to be less specific (39%) than IIF (70%). IIF also showed a higher concordance with microscopic examination than ELISA.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a transmissão de dengue em uma instituição correcional de adolescentes localizada em Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um inquérito sorológico e virológico da população de internos e funcionários de uma instituição correcional de adolescentes infratores localizada em Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. A população de estudo consistiu em 105 menores e 91 funcionários que representavam 89% do total de pessoas expostas. O sangue coletado da população estudada foi armazenado e processado para avaliação pelas técnicas de MAC-Elisa e de isolamento viral. Cada participante respondeu a um questionário aplicado na ocasião da coleta de sangue. RESULTADOS: Do total de amostras de sangue coletadas (n=196), 42 (21,4%) foram positivas para anticorpos da classe IgM, e 43 (21,9%), para anticorpo IgG; destes, 15 com IgM e IgG positivas e 28 (14,3%) com apenas IgG positiva. Em cinco amostras, foram isolados vírus da dengue, sorotipo 1. Dos 42 casos com IgM positiva, 14 (33,4%) não relataram sintomas característico de dengue. A incidência entre os internos foi de 23,8% e, entre funcionários, de 18,6%. Os primeiros casos foram notificados em fevereiro de 1997, e os últimos, em março do mesmo ano, embora os resultados mostrem a possibilidade de a transmissão ter se iniciado bem antes de ser detectada. CONCLUSÕES: A alta incidência observada pode ser explicada pela grande densidade populacional na instituição, alta infestação do vetor Aedes aegypti, alta taxa de assintomáticos e transmissão favorecida pelo fato de a comunidade ser fechada.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of reagent serology for suspected acute toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and to describe clinical, laboratory and therapeutic profiles of mothers and their children. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted with IgM-anti-Toxoplasma gondii-reagent pregnant women and their children who attended the public health system in the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil, from January 2001 to December 2003. Information were obtained from clinical, laboratory (ELISA IgM/IgG) and ultrasonographic data and from interviews with the mothers. To test the homogeneity of the IgM indices in relation to the treatment used, the Pearson's Chi-square test was applied. Comparisons were considered significant at a 5% level. RESULTS: Two hundred and ninety (1.0%) cases of suspected IgM-reagent infection were documented, with a prevalence of 10.7 IgM-reagent women per 1,000 births. Prenatal care started within the first 12 weeks for 214/290; 146/204 were asymptomatic. Frequent complaints included headaches, visual disturbance and myalgia. Ultrasonography revealed abnormalities in 13 of 204 pregnancies. Chemoprophylaxis was administered to 112/227; a single ELISA test supported most decisions to begin treatment. Pregnant women with IgM indices =2.000 tended to be treated more often. Among exposed children, 44/208 were serologically followed up and all were IgG-reagent, and three IgM-reagent cases showed clinical symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The existence of pregnant women with laboratorially suspected acute toxoplasmosis who were not properly followed up, and of fetuses that were not adequately monitored, shows that basic aspects of the prenatal care are not being systematically observed. There is need of implementing a surveillance system of pregnant women and their children exposed to T. gondii.
OBJETIVO: A doença pneumocócica invasiva é importante causa de morbi-mortalidade em crianças infectadas pelo HIV. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar quantitativamente a resposta com anticorpos aos sete sorotipos pneumocócicos da vacina em um grupo de crianças infectadas pelo HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado com 40 crianças infectadas pelo HIV, com idade entre 2 e 9 anos, em seguimento em ambulatório especializado no município de São Paulo, em 2002-2003. A dosagem de anticorpos IgG contra os polissacarídeos da cápsula pneumocócica foi realizada por meio de ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). Os anticorpos foram dosados imediatamente antes e um mês após a aplicação da segunda dose da vacina. Utilizaram-se dois critérios para avaliar a resposta à vacina: títulos de anticorpos >1,3 µg/mL na sorologia pós-imunização e aumento >4 vezes nos títulos da sorologia pós em relação à pré-imunização. RESULTADOS: Para o primeiro critério (>1,3 µg/mL), 26 (65%) crianças obtiveram resposta sorológica à vacina, 12 (30%) delas apresentaram títulos de IgG pós-imunização em níveis de pelo menos 1,3 µg/mL para todos os sorotipos. Para o segundo critério (incremento >4 vezes nos títulos para quatro sorotipos ou mais), obteve-se resposta sorológica para 15 (37,5%) crianças. CONCLUSÕES: A resposta à vacina foi considerada satisfatória, com aumento estatisticamente significante dos títulos geométricos médios pós-vacinais em relação aos pré-vacinais para todos os sorotipos estudados.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in patients infected with HIV/AIDS and the association of demographic and social variables. METHODS Descriptive cross-sectional study that included the analysis of sociodemographic data and laboratory findings of 200 patients infected with HIV/AIDS treated in a laboratory unit in Maputo, Mozambique, in 2010. Individual data for all participants were collected with a self-administered questionnaire. Plasma samples were tested for IgG testing of anti- T. gondii using hemagglutination for the analysis of antibodies. RESULTS The seroprevalence of IgG anti- T. gondii was 46.0% (95%CI 39.2;52.9), 39.3% (95%CI 29.5;50.0) in men and 50.9% (95%CI 41.9;59.8) in women, with no difference between sex (OR 1.30; 95%CI 0.95;1.77; p = 0.12). Ages ranged from 10 to 60 years, with a higher prevalence of infection in older age groups, but with no significant difference between them. Regularly consuming cattle meat (OR 1.74; 95%CI 1.04;2.89, p = 0.05), breeding cats/dogs (OR 6.18; 95%CI 3.60;10.62, p < 0.000) and having regular contact with soil (OR 3.38; 95%CI 2.19;5.21; p < 0.000) were significantly associated with risk of latent infection. CONCLUSIONS Toxoplasmosis is an infection with high prevalence in Mozambique. Cultural and behavioral aspects increase the risk. Toxoplasmosis can be responsible in our environment by the great burden of morbidity and mortality associated with meningoencephalic injuries in patients with HIV/AIDS.
C3H/He and C57B1/6 mice were inoculated with 500 Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes (Strain Y). During the acute phase infected mice presented parasitemia and enlargement of lymph nodes and spleens and intracellular parasites were observed in the heart. Examinations of cells derived from spleen and lymph nodes showed increased numbers of IgM and IgG-bearing cells. During the peak of splenomegaly, about day 17 post-infections, splenic lymphocytes showed a marked decrease in responsiveness to T and B-cell mitogens, parasite antigens and plaque forming cells (PFC) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Unfractionated or plastic adherent splenic cells from mice, obtained during the acute phase were able to suppress the response to mitogens by lymphocytes from uninfected mice. During the chronic phase. Disappearance of parasitemia and intracellular parasites in the hearts as well as a decrease in spleen size, was observed. These changes preceded the complete recovery of responsiveness to mitogens and T. cruzi antigens by C57B1/6 splenic lymphocytes. However, this recovery was only partial in the C3H/He mice, known to be more sensitive to T. cruzi infection. Partial recovery of humoral immune response also occurred in both strains of mice during the chronic phase.
Right ventricular endomyocardial biopsies were studied in 30 patients, 15 with myocardiopathy from chronic Chagas'disease and 15 with idiopathic congestive myocardiopathy; five other myocardial samples were taken at necropsies of patients with chronic Chagas' disease. The authors tried to establish by means of direct immunofluorescence techniques whether there were immunoglobulins G, A and M, fibrinogen and C3 complement deposition in the myocardium; only one of these 30 patients exhibited a positive reaction to IgG, it was a patient with idiopathic congestive myocardiopathy. All fragments from patients with Chagas' disease showed no response to any of the fluorescent conjugates. These findings do not support the idea that anti-myoeardial antibodies have pathogenic importance in the evolution of dilated or chagasic myocardiopathies.
O efeito de concentrações subinibitórias de penicilina sobre a produção do antígeno grupo-específico e da hialuronidase extracelular foi avaliado em uma amostra de estreptococo pertencente ao grupo G de Lancefield. Em todas as concentrações uma maior quantidade de antígeno grupo-específico foi extraída das células e a atividade específica de hialuronidase se mostrou aumentada em até 1400% nos sobrenadantes das culturas. O maior aumento na expressão de ambos os antígenos foi observado em 1/2 da CMI.
Sixty skin biopsies of fifty-eight non-treated patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from Nicaragua were studied. Biopsies were classified according to Ridley's histopathologic groups: 36 (60%) were included in group B (diffuse necrosis), 14 in group C (focal necrosis), 7 (11.6%) in group D (reactive tuberculoid). Only three biopsies remained unclassified. None of our cases could be included in groups A and E. Immunohistochemistry disclosed in 17 cases Russel's bodies secreting IgM and only one IgG positive. There was no correlation between the histopathologic groups and the presence of Russel's bodies. However, we believe the presence of Russel's bodies help the diagnosis of leishmaniasis. Correlation between morphological patterns and the different leishmania species was also considered.
Lectins were labeled with fluorescein and tried as conjugates in the immunofluorescence (IP) test for the detection of IgM antibodies to T. gondii, in the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. This approach was an attempt to find alternative reagents for anti-human IgM fluorescent conjugates (AHIgMFC), which contain quite frequently anaibcdies to toxoplasma, as contaminants, due to natural T. gondii infections among animals used for imunization. Lentil (Lens culinaris) lectin fluorescence conjugates (LcFC) provided most satisfactory results. The evaluation of LcFC carried out in a total of 179 sera from patients with acute and chronic toxoplasmosis, with non-related infections or healthy subjects, gave high values of relative efficiency, co-positivity and co-negativity indices, respectively 0.989, 0.969 and 1.000, in reference to the conventional AHIgMFC. Moreover, three batches of LcFC successively prepared gave reproducible test results. The advantage of LcFC as an alternative reagent for the serodiagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis is supported by practical aspects of its preparation.
Foi avaliado o teste imunoenzimático (ELISA), para detecção de anticorpos da classe IgM na leptospirose humana. Nas amostras de soros analisadas, o teste ELISA demonstrou ser mais sensível, específico e precoce, quando comparado ao teste de soroaglutinação microscópica. A análise dos resultados obtidos nesta avaliação demonstra que o teste ELISA permite detectar níveis baixos de anticorpos circulantes, e também anticorpos não aglutinantes. não detectáveis através do teste de soroaglutinação microscópica.