190 resultados para Immunocomprised host
ABSTRACT This work has the objective to catalogue the information of Chrysodeixis includens (Walker, [1858]) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) host plants. The list of plants comprehends new reports of host plants in Brazil and information from literature review around the world. It is listed 174 plants which are from 39 botanic families. The higher number of host plants of C. includens are in Asteraceae (29), Solanaceae (21), Fabaceae (18) and Lamiaceae (12).
A resistência a diversas moléstias fúngicas do trigo tem sido transferida de espécies perenes da tribo Triticeae, mas o híbrido produzido pelo cruzamento intergenérico apresenta embrião abortivo. Embora a técnica de resgate e cultivo in vitro destes embriões já seja amplamente utilizada, sua eficiência ainda é muito baixa. Este trabalho objetivou a obtenção de progênies de retrocruzamentos em híbrido F1 (2n=56), proveniente do cruzamento de trigo (Triticum aestivum) (2n=42) com Agropyron elongatum (2n=70), utilizando-se a técnica de cultivo in vitro dos embriões imaturos. Partindo-se do material perene na geração F1, utilizou-se o trigo como parental recorrente nos retrocruzamentos. A eficiência da polinização foi de 6% no primeiro retrocruzamento (RC1) e de 12,4% no segundo (RC2). As plantas do RC1 foram viabilizadas pelo resgate e cultivo in vitro dos embriões imaturos utilizando- se o meio batata-regeneração, com adição de vitaminas. De 22 sementes, 18 embriões foram resgatados e cultivados in vitro, originando 12 plântulas. Desses embriões, 50% foram normais, 27,8% apresentaram tamanho reduzido, 16,7% foram deformados e 5,5% apresentaram desenvolvimento retardado. A eficiência do cultivo dos embriões na regeneração de plântulas foi de 66,6%. Tal resultado indica que a técnica de resgate e o meio de cultura utilizados foram eficientes para o cultivo e regeneração dos embriões híbridos, obtendo progênies viáveis de retrocruzamentos a partir de híbridos intergenéricos, nas condições realizadas.
A bioassay-guided fractionation of culture filtrates of the fungus Alternaria euphorbiicola, a pathogen of the weed Euphorbia heterophylla, led to the isolation of anhydromevalonolactone (1), tyrosol (2), (R)-( - )-mevalonolactone (3), and cycloglycylproline (4). When tested on the punctured leaves of the host plant, these compounds produced bleached lesions with dark brown margins at concentrations as low as 80 µM. When tested on the leaves of other relevant weeds, only cycloglycylproline showed selective activity against E. heterophylla. This is the first report on the isolation of phytotoxins from A. euphorbiicola and on the phytotoxicity of anhydromevalonolactone, (R)-( - )-mevalonolactone, and cycloglycylproline.
Mango branch blight disease, caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata, is endemic to the municipality of São Fidelis in northern Rio de Janeiro State. In addition to mango, C. fimbriata was found associated with sugar apple trees (Annona squamosa) showing symptoms of branch blight in São Fidelis. Sugar apple and mango isolates from the same region had the same morphology and showed similar ITS-rDNA sequences. These sequences were also similar to other Brazilian isolates of C. fimbriata sensu stricto. Cross inoculation of such isolates obtained from diseased sugar apple and mango resulted in diseased symptoms on both plant species. This is the first record of A. squamosa as a host for C. fimbriata.
Two Lettuce mosaic virus isolates capable of overcoming the resistance afforded by the resistance gene mo1² in lettuce, LMV-AF199 from Brazil, and LMV-E, an European isolate, were evaluated for the rapidity and severity of symptoms induced on the lettuce variety Salinas 88 (mo1²). The mosaic symptoms on Salinas 88 plants inoculated with LMV-AF199 appeared 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) and 15 dpi for LMV-E. The symptoms induced by LMV-AF199 in this cultivar were also more severe than those induced by LMV-E. In order to identify the region of the viral genome responsible for this phenotype, recombinant viruses were constructed between these isolates and the phenotype of each recombinant was analysed. The region encoding proteins P1 and HcPro from LMV-AF199 was associated with the increased virulence in Salinas 88.
ABSTRACTThe composition and structure of the low-trunk epiphytic herb assembly as well as its vertical distribution were studied. DBH of host tree and bark type influence species richness and abundance in a nonlooded lowland tropical rainforest in Eastern Amazonia (1º57’36"S 51º36’55"W). A total of 37 epiphytic herb species were identified, among which 60% were Araceae. Species richness and abundance of epiphytic herbs showed tendency of positive correlation with host tree size and no relationships with bark type. Low positive correlation may be a by-product of the predominance of trees with smaller diameter in our sample rather than a reflection of neutral relationship. The absence of relationships with bark type may be partially explained by the large number of secondary, generalist, hemi-epiphytes and also may reflect the absence of suitable substrate in trees with smaller diameter.
The irrigated rice production can be limited by various phytopathogenic agents, including root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). Thus, the aim of this research was to check the host suitability of plant species most often found off-season and during rice cultivation, to root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola, under two irrigation managements. Two experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design. In the first experiment seven plant species that occur in an area of rice cultivation, in fallow, off-season were evaluated. For the second experiment nine weed species infesting the irrigated rice culture were tested in rainfed and flooding conditions. The sixteen species, kept individually in pots with sterilized substrate, were inoculated with 5,000 eggs and second stage juveniles (J2) of nematode. BRS 410 IRGA rice plants inoculated with M.graminicola were used as control. Two months after inoculation, the root system of each plant was evaluated for number of galls and nematode reproduction factor. It was verified that the species of off-season of rice cultivation Sida rhombifolia, Raphanus raphanistrum, Spergula arvensis, Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium repens, and, during the cycle of rice cultivation, Aeschynomene denticulata, Leersia hexandra, are immune to nematode. The plant species off-season, Avena strigosa and Lolium multiflorum and of cultivation, Alternanthera philoxeroides, red rice, Echinochloa crusgalli, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus iria and Fimbristylis miliacea would behave as hosts of M.graminicola, mostly under rainfed conditions.
The influence of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and maize (Zea mays L.) on the development and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from an agrosystem was investigated. Soil collected from an agricultural field where maize had been grown was inserted into sowing holes, under the seeds of peanut, sorghum and maize those were subsequently grown in sterilised quartz sand separately in plastic boxes for five months. After this period, collections of roots and rhizospheric soil were made to evaluate the percentages of root colonization (RC), number of spores (NS) and species of AMF. Peanut showed the highest average values for RC and NS: 24.5% and 547.8/100 g of soil, respectively. Maize had an average RC of 19.7% and 415.2 spores/100g soil. Sorghum showed the lowest values: 15.9% for average RC and 349.8 spores/100 g soil. A total of fourteen species of AMF were identified. Seven species were identified from peanut rhizospheres, Entrophospora colombiana being the most abundant and frequent. In sorghum rhizospheres, twelve species were found, Glomus geosporum was the dominant taxon in terms of number of spores and frequency. Ten species were detected in maize with Acaulospora longula being the most abundant and the most frequent. It was observed that peanut was the best plant for promoting the sporulation of AMF, while sorghum favoured the establishment of most AMF species, followed by maize.
Nine isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana were inoculated on three cultivars of wheat plants (susceptible, moderately resistant, resistant). Eight days after the inoculation, the isolates were recovered (27 isolates) and the following isozymatic patterns were analyzed: esterase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, malate dehydrogenase, and superoxide dismutase. The esterase system was the most polymorphic, and the isolates recovered from the susceptible cultivar showed the highest variability. This is evidence that this cultivar exerts low selection pressure on the pathogen
In this communication we review the results obtained with the confocal laser scanning microscope to characterize the interaction of epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi and tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii with host cells. Early events of the interaction process were studied by the simultaneous localization of sites of protein phosphorylation, revealed by immunocytochemistry, and sites of actin assembly, revealed by the use of labeled phaloidin. The results obtained show that proteins localized in the interaction sites are phosphorylated. The process of formation of the parasitophorous vacuole was monitored by labeling the host cell surface with fluorescent probes for lipids (PKH26), proteins (DTAF) and sialic acid (FITC-thiosemicarbazide) before interaction with the parasites. Evidence was obtained indicating transfer of components of the host cell surface to the parasite surface in the beginning of the interaction process. We also analyzed the distribution of cytoskeletal structures (microtubules and microfilaments visualized with specific antibodies), mitochondria (visualized with rhodamine 123), the Golgi complex (visualized with C6-NBD-ceramide) and the endoplasmic reticulum (visualized with anti-reticulin antibodies and DIOC6) during the evolution of intracellular parasitism. The results obtained show that some, but not all, structures change their position during evolution of the intracellular parasitism.