170 resultados para Histone genes
Physalis species are used in folk medicine for phytotherapeutic properties. The extracts of medicinal plants are known to possess cytotoxic and chemopreventative compounds. In this study we investigated antibacterial, antioxidant, DNA damage preventative properties of Physalis peruviana (golden berry) on leaf and shoot ethanol extracts and their effects on cytotoxicity of HeLa cells and expression of apoptotic pathway genes. Among the tested bacteria for antibacterial activity, maximum inhibition zone was determined in Lactococcus lactis. The phenolic content was found higher in leaf extracts than shoot extracts. The antioxidant activity showed the highest TEAC values of the leaf (2 mg/mL) and the shoot (0.5 mg/mL) extracts as 0.291±0.04 and 0.192±0.015, respectively. In DNA damage prevention assay both leaf and shoot extracts, especially 30 and 20 µg/mL concentrations, exhibited significant protection against DNA damage-induced by hydroxyl radical generated by Fenton reaction. Our results suggest that leaf and shoot extracts possess cytotoxic effect on HeLa cells when applied as 100 µg/mL concentration. Also mRNA expression analysis showed the alteration of antiapoptotic genes, so the results suggest that P. peruviana ethanol extracts induce apoptotic cell death and should be investigated for identification of active compounds and their mechanisms of action.
Staphylococcus spp. can survive in biofilms for long periods of time, and they can be transferred from one point to another and cause environmental contamination in food processing. The aim of this study was to detect Staphylococcus strains isolated from a poultry processing plant by the presence of adhesion genes and the phenotypic production of exopolysaccharide. In the present study, the production of exopolysaccharide and the presence of adhesion genes in 65 strains of Staphylococcus spp. were evaluated. All strains of Staphylococcus spp. produced exopolysaccharide, as confirmed by formation of black and opaque colonies in Congo Red Agar. The variation of sucrose content was critical for the production of exopolysaccharide in Congo Red Agar since at low sucrose concentrations all strains presented a characteristic result, i.e., there was no exopolysaccharide production. The atl gene was found in all strains, and the icaA and icaD genes were found in 97% of them. The data obtained suggest that Staphylococcus spp. isolated from the poultry processing plant evaluated has a potential for biofilm formation. An efficient control of this microorganism in food processing environment is necessary as they may represent a potential risk to consumers.
ResumoIntroduçãoO câncer renal é uma doença oncourológica complexa e multifatorial.Objetivo:Realizar uma meta-análise para investigar a associação do polimorfismo nulo dos genes GSTM1 e GSTT1 no contexto do câncer renal.Método:Estudos em seres humanos, do tipo caso-controle, publicados no período de 1999 a 2013, que investigavam a associação do polimorfismo nulo dos genes GSTM1 e GSTT1 no câncer renal, foram agrupados para a confecção da presente meta-análise.Resultados:Foram selecionados 10 artigos sobre o tema proposto. Não foram encontradas associações entre o polimorfismo nulo dos genes GSTM1 (OR = 1,015; IC95% = 0,897-1,147) e GSTT1 (OR = 1,081; IC95% = 0,791- 1,479) e o câncer renal.Conclusões:Conclui-se que os polimorfismos nulos de GSTM1 e GSTT1 não estão associados ao risco do desenvolvimento de câncer renal, pois apresentam papel limitado, se é que existe alguma contribuição efetiva, no desenvolvimento dos tumores renais.
Alguns trabalhos têm evidenciado a existência de genótipos de soja contrastantes para qualidade fisiológica de semente. Tais diferenças existem em virtude da presença de sementes com total ou parcial impermeabilidade do tegumento à água, o que as tornam menos susceptíveis aos danos mecânicos, as adversidades climáticas e a deterioração por umidade. A característica de tegumento semi-permeável pode ser incorporada às cultivares de alta produção por meio dos programas de melhoramento. No entanto, há necessidade de caracterizar os genes ou as regiões genômicas envolvidas com esta característica. Nesse contexto, ferramentas da biologia molecular, como a técnica de cDNA-AFLP, podem auxiliar a identificação de genes relacionados a qualidade fisiológica de sementes. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a eficácia da técnica de cDNA-AFLP, na obtenção de fragmentos de genes diferencialmente expressos entre tegumentos de sementes de soja com permeabilidade contrastante. Sementes provenientes dos genótipos CD-202 (tegumento amarelo, permeável e susceptível a deterioração) e TP (tegumento preto, semi-permeável e resistente a deterioração) foram cultivadas em casa-de-vegetação, sob condições homogêneas. Realizou-se a coleta das sementes em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (25, 30, 35, 40 e 55 dias após a antese). Procedeu-se à extração do RNA total utilizando-se três métodos, sendo o reagente Pure Link Plant RNA o mais eficiente. Para obtenção do cDNA dupla fita utilizou-se o kit Double Stranded cDNA Synthesis. A partir do cDNA obtido, aplicou-se a técnica de AFLP testando-se um total de 64 combinações de primers. Foram obtidos 47 fragmentos de cDNA diferencialmente expressos entre os tegumentos de sementes dos dois genótipos, os quais poderão ter suas funções reveladas pelo sequenciamento e análise in sílico. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a técnica de cDNA-AFLP demonstra ser uma alternativa promissora para estudos que visem à identificação de genes relacionados a qualidade de sementes.
The objective of this study was to partially characterize some genes involved in the desiccation tolerance of the embryonic axis of Melanoxylon brauna seeds subjected, or not, to oven fast-drying. Seeds were initially dried rapidly in an oven at 40 ºC, 50 ºC, 60 ºC, 70 ºC, and 80 °C, for 24, 48 and 72 h and then subjected to germination tests and moisture content determination. Degenerate primers were designed for 19 genes. The CDNA was used as a template for PCR amplifications using the degenerate primers, and the PCR products obtained were purified, cloned and sequenced. The seeds showed a gradual reduction in percent germination with increasing temperature and drying time. Nucleotide sequences of the cloned fragments related to genes CAT1, SPS1, Abi5, Transk and PM25 were obtained. The similarity analysis with the sequences deposited in databases revealed similarities with genes CAT1, SPS1, Transk and PM25 from other plant species. The nucleotide sequences obtained from the respective genes will be used for designing specific primers for gene expression analyses during seed germination in order to understand the causes for loss of physiological quality of Melanoxylon brauna seeds.