229 resultados para GenoType® Mycobacterium CM
The objective of this work was to investigate the genotype-environment interaction in Mato Grosso State, MT. The relative importance of locations, years, sowing dates and cultivars and their interactions was analyzed from data collected in regional yield trials performed in a randomized complete block design with four replications, from 1994-1995 through 1999-2000, in nine locations and two sowing dates. Individual and pooled analyses of variance over years and locations were performed. Complementary analyses of variances partitioned MT State in two main and five smaller regions, respectively: North and South of Cuiabá; and MT-South-A (Pedra Preta area), MT-South-B (Rondonópolis and Itiquira), MT-East (Primavera do Leste and Campo Verde), MT-Central (Nova Mutum, Lucas do Rio Verde and Sorriso) and MT-Parecis (Campo Novo dos Parecis and Sapezal). Locations are relatively more important than years for yield testing soybeans in the MT State, therefore, investment should be made in increasing locations rather than years to improve experimental precision. Partitioning the MT State into regions has little impact on soybean yield testing results and, consequently, on the efficiency of the soybean breeding program in the State. Breeding genotypes with broad adaptation for the MT State is an efficient strategy for cultivar development.
The objective of this work was to assess root traits of 19 common bean genotypes, used in breeding programs for disease resistance. Genotypes DOR 364 and G 19833 were used as deep and shallow basal root checks, respectively. The number of whorls and basal roots were assessed on five-day old seedlings grown in germination paper. Growth pouch studies were conducted to evaluate basal root gravitropism and lateral root length from primary roots, in seven-day old seedlings. The following root gravitropic traits were estimated: basal growth angle, shallow basal root length (localized in the top 2 cm), and relative shallow basal root growth. Number of whorls varied from 1.47 to 3.07, and number of basal roots ranged from 5.67 (genotype TO) to 12.07 (cultivar Jalo MG-65). Cultivars BRS MG Talismã, Carioca, BRS Pioneiro, and Diamante Negro exhibited shallow basal roots, while genotypes Vi-10-2-1, TU, AB 136, and México 54 showed deep basal roots. Cultivar Jalo MG-65 showed more lateral roots from the primary root than the other genotypes. Genotypes used on common bean breeding programs for disease resistance have great variability on basal and primary root traits.
The objectives of this work were to evaluate the genotype x environment (GxE) interaction for popcorn and to compare two multivariate analyses methods. Nine popcorn cultivars were sown on four dates one month apart during each of the agricultural years 1998/1999 and 1999/2000. The experiments were carried out using randomized block designs, with four replicates. The cv. Zélia contributed the least to the GxE interaction. The cv. Viçosa performed similarly to cv. Rosa-claro. Optimization of GxE was obtained for cv. CMS 42 for a favorable mega-environment, and for cv. CMS 43 for an unfavorable environment. Multivariate analysis supported the results from the method of Eberhart & Russell. The graphic analysis of the Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model was simple, allowing conclusions to be made about stability, genotypic performance, genetic divergence between cultivars, and the environments that optimize cultivar performance. The graphic analysis of the Genotype main effects and Genotype x Environment interaction (GGE) method added to AMMI information on environmental stratification, defining mega-environments and the cultivars that optimized performance in those mega-environments. Both methods are adequate to explain the genotype x environment interactions.
The objective of this work was to identify key locations for the establishment of soybean (Glycine max) genetic breeding programs, in the Central Region of Brazil. Grain yield data of three maturity groups of soybean genotypes, from regional trials conducted over three years, at 18 locations in Brazilian Cerrado were used. A key location for the early phases of the breeding program was defined as the site that best classifies the winning genotypes in the region. Key locations for the final phases were defined as those sites that best represent each environmental stratum, in relation to the adaptability of the respective winning genotype. This adaptability was estimated by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model analysis, using the distance between the score of each location in a stratum and the score of the winning genotype, which characterizes such stratum in an AMMI biplot. The locations that best classified the winning genotypes over space and time were Mineiros, Placas and Rio Verde. For the final phases of genotype selection, with data from the three maturity group, the recommended locations were: Buritis, Chapadão do Céu, Iraí, Pamplona, Placas, Planaltina, Rio Verde, Sacramento, Senador Canedo, Uberaba, and Uberlândia.
The objective of this study was to assess genotype by environment interaction for seed yield per plant in rapeseed cultivars grown in Northern Serbia by the AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) model. The study comprised 19 rapeseed genotypes, analyzed in seven years through field trials arranged in a randomized complete block design, with three replicates. Seed yield per plant of the tested cultivars varied from 1.82 to 19.47 g throughout the seven seasons, with an average of 7.41 g. In the variance analysis, 72.49% of the total yield variation was explained by environment, 7.71% by differences between genotypes, and 19.09% by genotype by environment interaction. On the biplot, cultivars with high yield genetic potential had positive correlation with the seasons with optimal growing conditions, while the cultivars with lower yield potential were correlated to the years with unfavorable conditions. Seed yield per plant is highly influenced by environmental factors, which indicates the adaptability of specific genotypes to specific seasons.
The objective of this work was to characterize the resistance of 50 cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotypes to Callosobruchus maculatus. A completely randomized design with five replicates per treatment (genotype) was used. No-choice tests were performed using the 50 cowpea genotypes to evaluate the preference for oviposition and the development of the weevil. The genotypes IT85 F-2687, MN05-841 B-49, MNC99-508-1, MNC99-510-8, TVu 1593, Canapuzinho-1-2, and Sanzi Sambili show non-preference-type resistance (oviposition and feeding). IT81 D-1045 Ereto and IT81 D-1045 Enramador exhibit antibiosis against C. maculatus and descend from resistant genitors, which grants them potential to be used in future crossings to obtain cowpea varieties with higher levels of resistance.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the carbon isotope fractionation as a phenomic facility for cotton selection in contrasting environments and to assess its relationship with yield components. The experiments were carried out in a randomized block design, with four replicates, in the municipalities of Santa Helena de Goiás (SHGO) and Montividiu (MONT), in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The analysis of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was performed in 15 breeding lines and three cultivars. Subsequently, the root growth kinetic and root system architecture from the selected genotypes were determined. In both locations, Δ analyses were suitable to discriminate cotton genotypes. There was a positive correlation between Δ and seed-cotton yield in SHGO, where water deficit was more severe. In this site, the negative correlations found between Δ and fiber percentage indicate an integrative effect of gas exchange on Δ and its association with yield components. As for root robustness and growth kinetic, the GO 05 809 genotype performance contributes to sustain the highest values of Δ found in MONT, where edaphoclimatic conditions were more suitable for cotton. The use of Δ analysis as a phenomic facility can help to select cotton genotypes, in order to obtain plants with higher efficiency for gas exchange and water use.
O umbuzeiro é uma fruteira nativa do Nordeste brasileiro, cujos frutos são usados na alimentação humana, tendo, portanto, grande potencial de exploração agroindustrial. A lenta germinação das sementes limita a produção de mudas, daí a realização deste trabalho que objetivou estudar o efeito dos diferentes estádios de maturação do fruto e tempos de pré-embebição dos endocarpos em água na germinação das sementes de umbu. Os frutos foram despolpados manualmente, e os endocarpos pré-embebidos em água destilada substituída a cada 24 horas. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, em fatorial (4´4´2), sendo os fatores: estádios de maturação dos frutos (verde, de vez, maduro e maturação avançada), tempos de pré-embebição dos endocarpos em água (0, 48, 96 e 144 horas) e tipos de umbuzeiros (azedo e doce), com quatro repetições e dez endocarpos/parcela. Os endocarpos foram semeados em bandejas de isopor contendo Areia Quartzosa Distrófica. Pelos resultados, concluiu-se que o tipo de umbu e o estádio de maturação do fruto influenciaram na germinação. Entretanto, a pré-embebição dos endocarpos em água não influenciou na germinação das sementes de umbuzeiro.
Vários frutos de espécies nativas da região semiárida possuem grande potencial de comercialização, dentre eles destaca-se o umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa, Arr. Câmara). Entretanto, cultivos comerciais desta espécie são limitados pela dificuldade da obtenção de mudas, em função principalmente da dormência de suas sementes. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os métodos de superação de dormência da semente de umbuzeiro, visando a promover incrementos nas taxas de germinação, uniformidade e vigor das plântulas. Foram montados dois experimentos independentes. Os tratamentos do primeiro experimento foram: testemunha, imersão dos pirênios em água por 24 horas, imersão dos pirênios em solução de ácido giberélico com 1.000 mg/L por 24 horas, escarificação dos pirênios com ácido sulfúrico PA por 10 minutos e escarificação mecânica. No segundo experimento, os tratamentos consistiram em se plantar os pirênios com 0; 30; 60; 90; 120; 150; 180 e 210 dias de armazenados em sacos de papel sob condições de laboratório, a uma temperatura média de 22,5C° e umidade relativa do ar média de 65%. No primeiro estudo, constatou-se que houve efeito significativo dos métodos de superação de dormência, sendo que escarificação mecânica foi o que apresentou os melhores resultados, com uma taxa de germinação média aos 60 dias pós-plantio de 26,6%. Já no segundo, as sementes armazenadas influenciaram positivamente na germinação e no vigor da plântula. Os melhores resultados para uniformidade e porcentagem de germinação (83%) foram obtidos entre 120 e 210 dias de armazenamento das sementes, enquanto para o comprimento e massa fresca da radícula e hipocótilo foram entre 120 e 150 dias.
The anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of Campomanesia adamantium fruits extracts were evaluated. Six compounds, identified as flavanones and chalcones were quantified by HPLC-DAD-UV. Promising antitubercular activity was observed with ethyl acetate extract (MIC 62.5 µg/mL) and their fractions (MIC values ranging from 39 to above 250 µg/mL). The better MIC result of 39 µg/mL was associated with two fractions that contain bigger amounts of 5,7-dihydroxy-6, 8-di-C-methylflavanone and 2',4'-dihydroxy-3',5'-dimethyl-6'-methoxychalcone. These compounds exhibited MICs >250 and 62.5 µg/mL, respectively, while their mixtures showed values ranging from 62.5 to 7.8 µg/mL, demonstrating a synergism between them.
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars with a high degree of resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) are not available in Brazil. Despite many studies, a low degree of resistance to Xap continues to exist due to its complex genetic inheritance, which is not well known. The objectives of this research were to complement a common bean genetic map based on the cross between a susceptible genotype 'HAB-52' and a resistant genotype 'BAC-6', and to map and analyze genomic regions (quantitative trait loci – QTLs) related to Xap resistance. Eleven linkage groups were determined using 143 RAPD markers, covering 1,234.5 cM of the genome. This map was used to detect QTLs associated with Xap resistance on leaves and pods. The averages of disease severity on leaves (represented by the transformed disease index – TDI) and pods (represented by the diameter of lesion on pods – DLP) were added to the data of the linkage map. Five TDI QTLs and only one LDP QTL were detected. The TDI QTLs were placed in the A, B, G and J linkage groups, with phenotypic variations ranging from 12.7 to 71.6%. The DLP QTL explained 12.9% of the phenotypic variation and was mapped in a distinct linkage group. These results indicate that there are different genes involved in the control of resistance on leaves and pods.
This paper reports partial results obtained on the variability of Colletotrichum graminicola developed in response to the host diversity generated by three-line combination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes. Nine sorghum lines were used in this study: CMSXS210B, CMSXS112B, CMSXS215B, CMSXS221B, CMSXS169R, CMSXS180R, CMSXS182R, CMSXS227R, and CMSXS116R. A total of 39 treatments on mixtures and pure stands of the component lines were evaluated in the field for the development of anthracnose, as a natural epidemic. Samples of the single spore isolates of the pathogen of each treatment indicated a reduction in the phenotypic diversity and an increase in the frequency of more complex races in genotype mixtures in relation to the pure stands of each genotype.
Paratuberculosis is an important enteritis of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). The disease is officially considered exotic in Brazil, but recent serological surveys and the isolation of the agent suggest it may occur in our herds. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different formulations of Herrold's egg yolk agar with mycobactin J (HEYM) and four faecal culture protocols considering their ability for Map growth as well as cost and ease of application. Three formulations of HEYM were inoculated with two suspensions of Map. Spiked faeces and naturally contaminated faecal samples were treated by the four faecal culture protocols. Centrifugation protocol and HEYM recommended by OIE showed the best results on the recovery of Map.
O diagnóstico presuntivo da tuberculose bovina é baseado na análise da resposta imune celular a antígenos micobacterianos. Procedeu-se à simulação experimental de sensibilização por Mycobacterium bovis e Mycobacterium avium inativados em bovinos a fim de acompanhar a resposta imune a partir do teste cervical comparativo e da evolução da produção específica de interferon-gama, além de identificar a interferência de reações inespecíficas por M. avium nos resultados dos testes. Verificou-se que os animais desencadearam resposta de hipersensibilidade tardia contra os bacilos inativados, e que ambos os testes diagnósticos da tuberculose bovina foram eficientes na identificação dos animais sensibilizados com M. bovis e na discriminação das reações geradas pela inoculação dos bovinos com M. avium.
Blood-sucking diptera are important parasites in bovine production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. An important aspect while studying the variability within a species is the study of the geographic structure of its populations and, attempting to find out the genetic flow of Brazilian populations of horn fly, the RAPD technique, which is suited for this purpose, has been used. The use of molecular markers generated from RAPD made it possible to identify the geographic origin of samples from different Brazilian geographic regions, as well as to estimate the genotypic flow among the different Brazilian populations of the horn fly.