199 resultados para Gaspar de Bono , Beato-Biografies
OBJETIVO: avaliar os efeitos da administração de dois esteroides sintéticos sobre a morfologia do útero e parâmetros reprodutivos de ratas adultas. MÉTODOS: quarenta ratas foram aleatoriamente distribuídas nos grupos experimentais: controle (C; solução fisiológica); tratados com decanoato de nandrolona (DN; 7,5 mg/kg de peso corpóreo); composto de ésteres de testosterona (T; 7,5 mg/kg de peso corpóreo); e, simultaneamente, com DN e T (7,5 mg/kg de peso corpóreo de cada esteroide), em uma única dose/semana, intraperitoneal, durante oito semanas. Cinco fêmeas de cada grupo foram sacrificadas e os cornos uterinos foram coletados, pesados e preparados para avaliação histológica e morfométrica. As ratas restantes foram acasaladas com machos normais para avaliação dos parâmetros reprodutivos, constituindo os grupos tratados durante o período pré-gestacional. Outro grupo de 20 ratas recebeu os tratamentos durante o período gestacional (7º-14º dias). Foi aplicada a análise de variância não paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis, complementada com o teste de Dunn ou de Student-Newman-Kleus para análise dos dados (5% de significância). RESULTADOS: houve aumento significativo no peso corpóreo das fêmeas androgenizadas (DN: 305±50; T: 280±35; DN+T: 275±30 versus C: 255±22 g) (p<0,05). O peso uterino não foi afetado pelos tratamentos esteroidais (DN: 0,6±0,2; T: 0,4±0,04; DN+T: 0,7±0,1 versus C: 0,4±0,09 g). Todas as fêmeas androgenizadas apresentaram aciclicidade estral e endométrio caracterizado pelo revestimento luminal papilífero, estroma edematoso com áreas hemorrágicas e atividade secretora. Houve alterações nos parâmetros morfométricos de espessura do epitélio luminal, miométrio e perimétrio, em função do grupo androgenizado. Nenhuma rata exibiu prenhez quando tratada com os esteroides no período pré-gestacional, e o tratamento durante a organogênese afetou negativamente os parâmetros reprodutivos. CONCLUSÕES: os agentes esteroidais alteram a estrutura uterina e comprometem a fertilidade e os produtos da gestação em ratas.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as relações entre risco gestacional, tipo de parto e suas repercussões maternas e neonatais imediatas. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de coorte em base de dados secundários, em maternidade de hospital universitário. Foram considerados 1606 partos no período de nove meses. Características epidemiológicas, clínicas, obstétricas e neonatais foram comparadas em função da via de parto e do risco gestacional, caracterizado conforme os critérios de elegibilidade de alto risco clínico. A ocorrência de complicações maternas e neonatais durante a internação foi analisada em função do risco gestacional e parto cesariano. Para isto, análise logística univariada e multivariada foram empregadas. RESULTADOS: A taxa global de cesarianas foi de 38,3%. O alto risco gestacional esteve presente em 50,2% dos partos, representado principalmente pelos distúrbios hipertensivos e as malformações fetais. A ocorrência total de cesarianas, cesarianas anteparto ou intraparto foi mais frequente em gestantes de elevado risco gestacional (p<0,001]. A cesariana, isoladamente, não influenciou o resultado materno, mas associou-se ao resultado neonatal desfavorável (OR 3,4; IC95% 2,7-4,4). O alto risco gestacional associou-se ao resultado materno e neonatal desfavorável (OR 3,8; IC95% 1,6-8,7 e OR 17,5; IC95% 11,6-26,3, respectivamente) Na análise multivariada, essas relações de risco se mantiveram, embora o efeito do risco gestacional tenha determinado uma redução no OR do tipo de parto isoladamente de 3,4 (IC95% 2,66-4,4) para 1,99 (IC95% 1,5-2,6) para o resultado neonatal desfavorável. CONCLUSÃO: O risco gestacional foi o principal fator associado ao resultado materno e neonatal desfavorável. A cesariana não influenciou diretamente o resultado materno, mas aumentou as chances de um resultado neonatal desfavorável.
A utilização do soro fetal bovino (SFB), embora bastante disseminada na produção in vitro (PIV) de embriões bovinos, apresenta limitações por ser um meio indefinido e por causar efeitos que prejudicam a qualidade desses embriões. Por esse motivo, nos últimos anos, grande parte das pesquisas relacionadas à PIV está voltada para a substituição do SFB por outros compostos nos meios de cultura. No presente estudo, foram utilizados como compostos protéicos a albumina sérica bovina livre de ácidos graxos (BSA-FAF) e um produto comercial denominado fluido embriônico (FE) de maneira isolada ou em diferentes combinações e concentrações, com objetivo de substituir ou diminuir a concentração do SFB durante a maturação in vitro (MIV). Para isso, oócitos bovinos foram maturados in vitro nos seguintes grupos (G) que foram delineados de acordo com a suplementação protéica recebida: G1 (controle) = 10% de SFB, G2 = 8mg/mL de BSA-FAF, G3 = 10% de FE, G4 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 5% de SFB, G5 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 3,5% de SFB + 1,5% de FE, G6 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 1,5% de SFB + 3,5% de FE, G7 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 5% de FE e G8 = 5% de SFB + 5% de FE. Após 24 horas de MIV, os oócitos foram classificados de acordo com a progressão meiótica e migração dos grânulos corticais (GC). As taxas de maturação foram avaliadas pelo teste do Qui-Quadrado (χ²) ou, quando apropriado, pelo teste exato de Fisher, e para o estudo dos efeitos dos suplementos foram realizados contrastes ortogonais. O grupo suplementado com BSA-FAF (G2) mostrou diminuição na taxa de oócitos que atingiram MII (75%) em comparação aos grupos G1, G4, G5 e G8 (88,9%, 89,6%, 87% e 86,8%, respectivamente), sem diferir do do G3 (79,8%), G6 (82,9%) e G7 (82,9%). Ademais, o G3 também apresentou diminuição na taxa de maturação nuclear quando comparado ao G4. Quanto à maturação citoplasmática, nos grupos G2, G7, G6 e G3, houve redução (p<0,05) das taxas para 43,9%, 43,2%, 43,1% e 36,5%, respectivamente, quando comparadas ao meio controle (G1), que permitiu a obtenção de valores médios de 62,4%. Por outro lado, nos grupos G8, G4 e G5, a taxa de maturação citoplasmática não foi afetada com a redução do SFB, onde 59,3%, 51,3% e 50,8% dos oócitos apresentaram os GC dispostos na periferia, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos pelo teste de contrastes ortogonais complementam os obtidos na avaliação da maturação nuclear e migração de grânulos corticais, mostrando a necessidade do SFB durante a MIV, mesmo que em baixas concentrações, e a possibilidade de diminuir a sua concentração associando-o a BSA-FAF e/ou FE. Dessa forma, conclui-se que é possível reduzir a concentração de SFB no meio de MIV para até 3,5% sem prejuízo significativo aos índices de maturação nuclear e citoplasmática.
Abstract In vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos is not only of great economic importance to the cattle industry, but is also an important model for studying embryo development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histone modification, H3R26me2 during pre-implantation development of IVP bovine embryos cultured with or without serum supplementation and how these in vitro treatments compared to in vivo embryos at the morula stage. After in vitro maturation and fertilization, bovine embryos were cultured with either 0 or 2.5% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Development was evaluated and embryos were collected and fixed at different stages during development (2-, 4-, 8-, 16-cell, morula and blastocyst). Fixed embryos were then used for immunofluorescence utilizing an antibody for H3R26me2. Images of stained embryos were analyzed as a percentage of total DNA. Embryos cultured with 2.5% FBS developed to blastocysts at a greater rate than 0%FBS groups (34.85±5.43% vs. 23.38±2.93%; P<0.05). Levels of H3R26me2 changed for both groups over development. In the 0%FBS group, the greatest amount of H3R26me2 staining was at the 4-cell (P<0.05), 16-cell (P<0.05) and morula (P<0.05) stages. In the 2.5%FBS group, only 4-cell stage embryos were significantly higher than all other stages (P<0.01). Morula stage in vivo embryos had similar levels as the 0%FBS group, and both were significantly higher than the 2.5%FBS group. These results suggest that the histone modification H3R26me2 is regulated during development of pre-implantation bovine embryos, and that culture conditions greatly alter this regulation.
Da identificação funcional da primeira aquaporina de plantas, em 1993, aos dias de hoje, uma grande quantidade de informações sobre a estrutura, a localização e a função dos diferentes membros desta família multigênica de proteínas de membrana foi disponibilizada pela comunidade científica. Inicialmente consideradas como "simples canais de água", as aquaporinas se mostraram capazes de transportar gases e pequenos solutos neutros, como glicerol, uréia e silício, revolucionando o conceito de transporte transmembrana. Devido à redundância dos genes de aquaporinas e à sua distribuição em todos os órgãos e tecidos vegetais, essas proteínas têm sido consideradas essenciais na manutenção de funções vitais, como absorção de água e nutrientes em raízes, germinação de sementes, fotossíntese, transpiração e reprodução. O presente trabalho faz uma revisão sobre a caracterização funcional e molecular das aquaporinas e sua importância no desenvolvimento da planta e na resposta a estresses ambientais. Apesar dos avanços nas pesquisas com aquaporinas de plantas, existem poucos estudos com espécies nativas de regiões tropicais havendo, portanto, vasto campo de pesquisa a ser explorado, tendo em vista as diferenças na disponibilidade de água, a ocorrência de estresses ambientais diversos nos biomas tropicais e os mecanismos empregados pelas plantas dessas regiões para se adaptar à grande variedade de condições ambientais.
Hepatitis viruses belong to different families and have in common a striking hepatotropism and restrictions for propagation in cell culture. The transmissibility of hepatitis is in great part limited to non-human primates. Enterically transmitted hepatitis viruses (hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus) can induce hepatitis in a number of Old World and New World monkey species, while the host range of non-human primates susceptible to hepatitis viruses transmitted by the parenteral route (hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and hepatitis delta virus) is restricted to few species of Old World monkeys, especially the chimpanzee. Experimental studies on non-human primates have provided an invaluable source of information regarding the biology and pathogenesis of these viruses, and represent a still indispensable tool for vaccine and drug testing.
Molecular alterations associated with arylsulfatase A pseudodeficiency (ASA-PD) were characterized by PCR and restriction endonuclease analysis in a sample of healthy individuals from Brazil. ASA activity was also assayed in all subjects. Two individuals homozygous for the N350S and 1524+95A®G mutations were detected, corresponding to a frequency of 1.17% (4 of 324 alleles). The individual frequency of the N350S mutation was 20.7% (71 of 342 alleles) and 7.9% (27 of 342 alleles) for the 1524+95A®G mutation. The frequency of the ASA-PD allele in our population was estimated to be 7.9%. This is the first report of ASA-PD allele frequency in a South American population. In addition, the methods used are effective and suitable for application in countries with limited resources. All patients with low ASA activity should be screened for ASA-PD as part of the diagnostic procotol for metachromatic leukodystrophy.
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) replicates relatively slowly in cell culture without a cytopathic effect, a fact that limits the use of tissue culture assays. The radioimmunofocus assay is the standard method for HAV titration, although it is labor intensive and requires the use of radioisotopes. A simple, rapid and objective infectivity assay based on an in situ enzyme immunoassay (EIA) is described here for a Brazilian cell culture-adapted HAV strain (HAF-203). The assay uses a peroxidase-labeled polyclonal antibody to fixed monolayers as an indicator of infection. EIA may be completed within 7 days using serial 5-fold dilutions of the virus, yielding a titer of 5.024 log 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID50)/ml for HAF-203. This technique had a detection limit of 1.1 log TCID50/ml and the specificity was demonstrated by detecting no reaction on the columns of uninfected wells. The reproducibility (with intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation ranging from 1.9 to 3.8% and from 3.5 to 9.9%, respectively) and quantitation of the assay were demonstrated by close agreement in virus infectivity titers among different assays of the same amount of virus and between assays of different amounts of virus. Furthermore, this assay does not require the use of radiolabeled antibodies. We describe here an efficient EIA that is highly reproducible and that could be used to monitor HAV growth in cell culture and to determine the quantity of HAV antigen needed for diagnostic assays. This is the first report of the infectious titer of the Brazilian cell culture-adapted HAV strain (HAF-203).
The aim of the present study was to characterize the interactions of antagonist G (H-Arg-D-Trp-NmePhe-D-Trp-Leu-Met-NH 2)-targeted sterically stabilized liposomes with the human variant small cell lung cancer (SCLC) H82 cell line and to evaluate the antiproliferative activity of encapsulated doxorubicin against this cell line. Variant SCLC tumors are known to be more resistant to chemotherapy than classic SCLC tumors. The cellular association of antagonist G-targeted (radiolabeled) liposomes was 20-30-fold higher than that of non-targeted liposomes. Our data suggest that a maximum of 12,000 antagonist G-targeted liposomes were internalized/cell during 1-h incubation at 37ºC. Confocal microscopy experiments using pyranine-containing liposomes further confirmed that receptor-mediated endocytosis occurred, specifically in the case of targeted liposomes. In any of the previously mentioned experiments, the binding and endocytosis of non-targeted liposomes have revealed to be negligible. The improved cellular association of antagonist G-targeted liposomes, relative to non-targeted liposomes, resulted in an enhanced nuclear delivery (evaluated by fluorimetry) and cytotoxicity of encapsulated doxorubicin for incubation periods as short as 2 h. For an incubation of 2 h, we report IC50 values for targeted and non-targeted liposomes containing doxorubicin of 5.7 ± 3.7 and higher than 200 µM doxorubicin, respectively. Based on the present data, we may infer that receptors for antagonist G were present in H82 tumor cells and could mediate the internalization of antagonist G-targeted liposomes and the intracellular delivery of their content. Antagonist G covalently coupled to liposomal drugs may be promising for the treatment of this aggressive and highly heterogeneous disease.
The epidemiology of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is shifting from high to intermediate endemicity in Brazil, resulting in increased numbers of susceptible individuals and a greater potential for the emergence of outbreaks. Universal vaccination against HAV has been recommended for children, but updated sero-epidemiological data are necessary to analyze the level of natural immunity and to identify candidates for preventive measures. In addition, more molecular studies are necessary to characterize the genotypes involved in HAV infections and outbreaks. Sera from 299 school children (5-15 years old) and 25 school staff members, collected during an outbreak of HAV at a rural public school in June 2000, were tested for IgM and total anti-HAV antibodies (ELISA). Viral RNA was amplified by RT-PCR from anti-HAV IgM-positive sera and from 19 fecal samples. Direct nucleotide sequencing of the VP1/2A region was carried out on 18 PCR-positive samples. Acute HAV infection was detected by anti-HAV IgM in 93/299 children and in 3/25 adult staff members. The prevalence of total anti-HAV antibodies in IgM-negative children under 5 years of age was only 10.5%. HAV-RNA was detected in 46% IgM-positive serum samples and in 16% stool samples. Sequence analysis showed that half the isolates belonged to subgenotype IA and the other half to IB. On the basis of these data, mass vaccination against HAV is recommended without prevaccination screening, especially for children before they enter school, since nearly 90% of the children under 5 years were susceptible. Molecular characterization indicated the endemic circulation of specific HAV strains belonging to subgenotypes IA and IB.
Because low tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production has been reported in malnourished children, in contrast with high production of TNF-alpha in experimental protein-energy malnutrition, we reevaluated the production of TNF-alpha in whole blood cultures from children with primary malnutrition free from infection, and in healthy sex- and age-matched controls. Mononuclear cells in blood diluted 1:5 in endotoxin-free medium released TNF-alpha for 24 h. Spontaneously released TNF-alpha levels (mean ± SEM), as measured by enzyme immunoassay in the supernatants of unstimulated 24-h cultures, were 10,941 ± 2,591 pg/ml in children with malnutrition (N = 11) and 533 ± 267 pg/ml in controls (N = 18) (P < 0.0001). TNF-alpha production was increased by stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), with maximal production of 67,341 ± 16,580 pg/ml TNF-alpha in malnourished children and 25,198 ± 2,493 pg/ml in controls (P = 0.002). In control subjects, LPS dose-dependently induced TNF-alpha production, with maximal responses obtained at 2000 ng/ml. In contrast, malnourished patients produced significantly more TNF-alpha with 0.02-200 ng/ml LPS, responded maximally at a 10-fold lower LPS concentration (200 ng/ml), and presented high-dose inhibition at 2000 ng/ml. TNF-alpha production a) was significantly influenced by LPS concentration in control subjects, but not in malnourished children, who responded strongly to very low LPS concentrations, and b) presented a significant, negative correlation (r = -0.703, P = 0.023) between spontaneous release and the LPS concentration that elicited maximal responses in malnourished patients. These findings indicate that malnourished children are not deficient in TNF-alpha production, and suggest that their cells are primed for increased TNF-alpha production.
The Northeast region is the location of most cases of acute hepatitis A virus (HAV) in Brazil. In the present study, the genotypes of HAV strains from Pernambuco State, one of most populous states in the Northeast region, were characterized. Blood samples positive for anti-HAV IgM from 145 individuals (mean age = 29.1 years), collected during 2002 and 2003, were submitted to nested RT-PCR for amplification of the 5'non-translated region (5'NTR) and VP1/2A regions of the HAV genome. The VP1/2A and 5'NTR regions were amplified in 39 and 21% of the samples, respectively. Nucleotide sequencing was carried out in 46% of VP1/2A and in 53% of 5'NTR isolates. The identity in nucleotide sequence of the VP1/2A region ranged from 93.6 to 100.0%. Phylogenetic analysis of the VP1/2A sequences showed that 65% belong to sub-genotype IA and 35% to sub-genotype IB. Co-circulation of both sub-genotypes was observed in the two years studied. Distinct clusters of highly related sequences were observed in both sub-genotypes, suggesting endemic circulation of HAV strains in this area. In the 5'NTR isolates, 92.7-99.2% identity was observed and two isolates presented one deletion at position 413. Phylogenetic analysis showed that genotype IA strains cluster in the tree in the same way as genotype IB strains, but one IIIA isolate from Spain clusters with genotype IB strains. These results do not allow us to state that 5'NTR could be used to genotype HAV sequences. This is the first report of co-circulation of sub-genotypes IA and IB in this region, providing additional information about the molecular epidemiology of HAV strains in Brazil.
The amplification of pain long after the initial stimulus may be avoided if the treatment of pain is introduced before its initiation. However, conflicting evidence exists about the efficacy of such preemptive analgesia for the management of postoperative pain. This study compares the efficacy of intraplantar administration of indomethacin (a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase) and MK886 (an inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein), separately or in combination to produce preemptive analgesia in a model of surgical incisional pain in male Wistar rats. All incised rats (5 to 6 rats per group) had allodynia at 2, 6, and 24 h after surgery as evaluated using von Frey filaments. MK886, but not indomethacin (50 to 200 µg/paw), reduced the allodynia when injected either 1 h before or 1 h after surgery. The effect of preoperative MK886 (160 µg/paw) against incisional allodynia had a magnitude apparently similar to that produced by postoperative MK886. Pre-, but not postoperative MK886 (80 µg/paw) reduced the allodynia but the effect was seen only at 6 h after surgery. In contrast, MK886 (40 µg/paw) intensified the allodynia observed 2 h after the incision either injected before or after surgery. MK886 or indomethacin alone did not provide preemptive analgesia in the model of incisional pain. In contrast, the combination of MK886 with indomethacin reduced the allodynia more effectively when used before than after surgery, thus fulfilling the criteria for preemptive analgesia. In conclusion, preoperative inhibition of the local generation of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes by surgical incision may be an alternative to provide preemptive analgesia.
Since there are some concerns about the effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy in developing countries, we compared the initial combination antiretroviral therapy with zidovudine and lamivudine plus either nelfinavir or efavirenz at a university-based outpatient service in Brazil. This was a retrospective comparative cohort study carried out in a tertiary level hospital. A total of 194 patients receiving either nelfinavir or efavirenz were identified through our electronic database search, but only 126 patients met the inclusion criteria. Patients were included if they were older than 18 years old, naive for antiretroviral therapy, and had at least 1 follow-up visit after starting the antiretroviral regimen. Fifty-one of the included patients were receiving a nelfinavir-based regimen and 75 an efavirenz-based regimen as outpatients. Antiretroviral therapy was prescribed to all patients according to current guidelines. By intention-to-treat (missing/switch = failure), after a 12-month period, 65% of the patients in the efavirenz group reached a viral load <400 copies/mL compared to 41% of the patients in the nelfinavir group (P = 0.01). The mean CD4 cell count increase after a 12-month period was also greater in the efavirenz group (195 x 10(6) cells/L) than in the nelfinavir group (119 x 10(6) cells/L; P = 0.002). The efavirenz-based regimen was superior compared to the nelfinavir-based regimen. The low response rate in the nelfinavir group might be partially explained by the difficulty of using a regimen requiring a higher patient compliance (12 vs 3 pills a day) in a developing country.
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) induces an exacerbated type 1 immune response characterized by high spontaneous IFN-γ and TNF-α production. Allergic rhinitis and asthma are associated with the type 2 immune response, with elevated secretion of IL-4 and IL-5. The aim of this study was to characterize the immune response in atopic HTLV-1 carriers. The cytokine profile of atopic HTLV-1 carriers (N = 10; all females) was compared with that of non-atopic HTLV-1 carriers (N = 14; 9 females and 5 males). Mean patient age of atopic and non-atopic groups was 45 ± 8 and 38 ± 11 years, respectively. All atopic HTLV-1 carriers had rhinitis with or without asthma and a skin prick test positive for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus antigen 1 (Derp-1). There was no difference in cytokine levels between the two groups in unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures. In cultures stimulated with Derp-1, IFN-γ levels tended to be higher (P = 0.06) and IL-5 levels were higher (P = 0.02) in atopic HTLV-1 patients than in non-atopic subjects. In contrast, IL-10 was lower (P = 0.004) in atopic than in non-atopic HTLV-1-infected subjects. This study shows that HTLV-1 infection with an exaggerated type 1 immune response does not prevent atopy. In this case, the exacerbated type 1 and type 2 immune responses were due to a lack of IL-10 production, a cytokine that plays an important role in down-modulating type 1 and type 2 immune responses and in preventing the development of chronic inflammatory diseases.