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In this 2nd note upon the possibility of transmission of human leprosy by ticks, the A. relates his stepps to obtain the collaboration of his colleagues working in leprosaria in various States of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay in such studies. Firstly the A. describes the positive results of examination of sediment of ticks, the cattle tick Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1888), received from Paraná (Leprosário São Roque) , which were put on active lepers, two of them sucking during 9 days and one during 7 days. Two out of three were killed for examination and were very strongly positive for acid-fast bacilli. A series of tubes of Loewenstein medium was smeared with the sediment of such ticks. Secondly the A. relates his personnal experiment, carried out in Rio de Janeiro, trying to infect normal ticks in lepers. The experiment with Boophilus microplus was negative and was twicely positive the experiment with Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius, 1794. The experiment is being in progress and will be continued in other places of Brazil. Finally, after being given the general characteristics of Boophilus microplus, the A. describes the non-chromogenic culture of a acid-fast bacillus isolated by him from sediment of ticks (Amblyomma cajennense) captured in lepers from Colônia Santa Isabel (Minas gerais), which parasitism was spontaneous. The first isolation was obtained in Loewenstein medium after 62 days incubation at 37°C. The culture is pure and the bacillus is permanent acid-fast. The plate1, in full color, represents this culture in its four generations. The colonies are pearl-white in color, dry, elevated and rough, developing slowly and beginning as white pinhead points scattered upon the surface of the medium. The culture is not yet rich enough to be inoculated into laboratory animals, which will be done when possible.
1. Cultura cromogênica de um bacilo ácido-álcool-acetona resistente isolado de mosquito Culicíno, capturado em condições naturais, sôbre um enfêrmo lepromatoso L3. 2. Retro-cultura obtida em meio de Loewenstein do pus de abscesso dum rato branco, formado em 35 dias (ponto de inoculação, axila direita). O exame microscópico revelou abundantes globias e glóbulos brancos polinucleares fagocitando massas de bacilos ácido-álcool resistentes. 3. No próximo verão prosseguiremos nossos estudos, trabalhando em diferentes leprocômios do brasil, para confirmar o presente trabalho e poder chegar ás suas conclusões definitivas.