189 resultados para Comércio eletrônico: conceito
Mercosur: the dilemma between the customs union and a free trade area. In 2001, the government of Argentina - facing a major economic crisis - took a rather controversial decision and reduced the tariff rates of all capital goods to zero. This became a main source of conflict with Brazil, the only country of Mercosur that produces such goods. This paper discusses two possible scenarios for the resolution of this issue. In the first one, the countries would opt for the maintenance of the customs union. The authors present some suggestions for the rebuilding of the Common External Tariff (CET), by which the countries would take a middle course acceptable to all. The other possible outcome would be a step back in the direction of a free trade area, with no CET at all.
The service sector involves a wide range of activities, each with different product characteristics, process and market organizations. Intending to take into account their specificities, without binding to particularities and exceptions, this paper, through a revision of classic and contemporary authors, proposes a group of contributive elements for a conceptual approach.
This paper analyzes the growth of the firm by foreign trade. The theory of Adrian Wood is revisited for the analysis of growth and profit trade-off and improved to cope with growth by exports. The main outcome of this paper is that low domestic demand can be a very important factor to firm choices growth by foreign market. However, the growth of domestic demand does not necessarily reduce exports.
This paper analyses the effects on Brazil's trade indices of the rising share of industrial products in Brazil's exports in the period from 1964 to 1974. New price and quantity indices of Fisher for Brazil's exports and imports of industrial and non-industrial goods have been especially constructed for this period, in order to obtain methodologically consistent series of indexes from 1964 to 2005. The market-share-constant model was applied to analyze the effects of different groups of products on Brazil's export revenues between 1964 and 1974.
Foreign direct investment flow, competitiveness and technological structure of foreign trade in China in the beginning of the 21st century. China's government introduced open market reforms in 1979, mediated by industrial policies improving the ability of attracting higher quality FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), which helped China's economy developing its technological capabilities. As a result, China's share in international trade rose impressively becoming third-largest trading nation in the world, by 2004, also its export structure is significantly more sophisticated. Facing the importance of understanding the determinants of developing word specialization patterns, this paper focuses on the competitiveness and technological structure of exports and imports by China for 1994-1998 and 2001-2005.
The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.
Theories of international trade: a debate on the relationship between economic growth and foreign market insertion. The paper analyzes the importance accorded to the high technology industry sector in the process of economic growth, in its relation to international trade. Considering at first liberal arguments that disregard productive and commercial specialization as a cause of unequal economic development, the paper discusses then some institutionalist and evolutionist arguments which, since List, stress that high technology specialization matters for the rate of increase of productivity and for the surmount for foreign exchange restrictions to growth.
De-industrialization and foreign trade: recent evidences to Brazil. This paper analyses the behavior of the Brazilian manufacturing sector during the 2000's. We test the hypothesis of early de-industrialization induced by foreign trade. Our results show a mixed picture: although we showed signs of early de-industrialization induced by foreign trade, at the same time, we found evidence that Brazilian entrepreneurs have reduced manufacturing exports during internal market boom between 2004 and 2010. This fact determines the deterioration of trade balance of the manufacturing sector and justifies worries on long-term perspectives for Brazilian economy.
Keynes and the concept of capital: some epistemological observations in regard to the Sraffian premises of the General Theory. This article aims to examine the conception of the nature of capital used by Keynes in the General Theory, to show to what extent this concept is similar to Sraffa's conception, and to highlight the implications related to this concept, in terms of structural instability. So I will study the mechanisms that explain the investment decision in an environment with strong uncertainty, the modalities of aggregation of different generations of capital and the instability of equilibrium. The convergence between the keynesian and the Sraffian approaches comes from this common conception of capital. Finally, i will examine the implications in regard to the structure of the aggregate models.
Complementarity of trade between Brazil and Japan with a view to a free trade agreement. Japan has signed free trade agreements as trade policy since 2002 and three countries have already signed in Latin American. Considering the intention to carry out an agreement with Mercosur, this article aims to analyze the complementarities between Brazil and Japan trade structure by revealed comparative advantages indexes, with World Bank data for the period between 2006 and 2008. The results show a comparative advantage in primary commodities to Brazil and in industrial products to Japan, as well as indicating sectors that may oppose to trade liberalization.
The paper analyzes the contributions of Mário Henrique Simonsen to the construction of the concept of inertial inflation and to its connected literature. Simonsen's curve, in which the idea of inertial inflation was implicit, is analyzed, alongside with the feedback model (modelo de realimentação) and it's shown how Simonsen built a model which considered inflationary inertia, neutralization possibilities and possible problems and costs of stabilization, anticipating many of the issued that guided the debate in the 1980s.
O conceito do trágico está de algum modo liga do à violência. O presente estudo pretende estabelecer a relação essencial vigente entre violência institucional e situação trágica, a situação trágica sendo ao mesmo tempo conseqüência e denúncia da violência institucional. Assim entendido, o trágico é primeiramen te expresso sob forma poética, na arte dramática denominada precisamente tragédia; em seguida , por derivação, sob forma conceitual, na análise da própria realidade histórica. A análise da história atual poderá revelar todo o potencial trágico acumulado na violência do poder.
Este ensaio originalmente foi uma comunicação apresentada na UNICAMP. Foi escrito a propósito da visita de Habermas ao Brasil, esperada para o segundo semestre do ano passado. Seu objetivo imediato era fornecer algumas informações sobre as reflexões habermasianas mais recentes. Para isto, tentou-se inserir historicamente a proposta habermasiana de uma "razão comunicativa" no atual contexto de generalizada irrupção de formas discursivas fragmentárias relativistas e irracionalistas (o "pós-estruturalismo" francês e o "pensiero debole" italiano são os exemplos estudados). Sem pretender esgotar um tema tão complexo, tentou-se também levantar algumas questões sobre as possibilidades crítico-cognoscitivas da "guinada linguística" da filosofia de Habermas e de Apel.
Trata-se aqui de esboçar aspectos do pensamento - em seu sentido conceitual e sistemático - de Stendhal, seu discurso reflexivo, manifesto no estilo narrativo através do romance, sobretudo em Le Rouge et le Noir.