361 resultados para Calibração de parâmetros
OBJETIVO: Configurar equipamento que permita avaliação videofluoroscópica da deglutição e suas desordens sem a necessidade de colaboração dos indivíduos na obtenção das posições requeridas, com reprodutibilidade das incidências, posturas e manobras necessárias ao exame, independente das limitações impostas pelas doenças associadas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Utilizamos como base um arco em C Philips BV-22. Implementamos adaptações que permitem o registro simultâneo das imagens, em mídia analógica e digital. Cadeiras, principal e secundária, acopladas ao equipamento radiológico foram desenvolvidas. RESULTADOS: Foi possível acomodar adultos e crianças, obtendo-se todas as incidências radiológicas necessárias sem que os voluntários tivessem que se posicionar de modo ativo. Em adição, desenvolvemos sistema de calibração que permite a inserção de parâmetros dimensionais, tornando possível a quantificação dos fenômenos registrados. CONCLUSÃO: Pudemos ampliar o espectro de utilização da videofluoroscopia a indivíduos inquietos e de comportamento semelhante a lesionados neuromotores, com maior efetividade e consequente necessidade de menor tempo de exposição à radiação.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho de parâmetros morfométricos, calculados a partir do contorno de lesões de mama em ultrassonografias, na quantificação de suas características morfológicas e na distinção das categorias 2, 3, 4 e 5 do sistema de classificação ecográfica BI-RADS. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A casuística é composta por 40 casos com registro ortogonal de pacientes submetidas à cirurgia. A partir das lesões segmentadas, foram calculados cinco parâmetros morfométricos para quantificar o contorno e a forma das lesões: razão de área, razão de superposição, valor residual normalizado, circularidade e razão entre largura e profundidade. A análise discriminante linear foi usada para selecionar os parâmetros mais significativos na distinção das características morfológicas das lesões, usando como figura de mérito a curva ROC. RESULTADOS: A razão de superposição foi capaz de diferenciar estatisticamente as lesões classificadas como BI-RADS 3 daquelas classificadas como BI-RADS 4 (a = 5%; p = 0,015), sendo, também, o parâmetro morfométrico que apresentou melhor desempenho na diferenciação entre lesões malignas e benignas. CONCLUSÃO: Este resultado indica que a análise morfométrica de lesões de mama em ultrassonografias tem potencial para auxiliar na distinção de pacientes que deveriam ser submetidas à biópsia, daquelas que poderiam manter controle por métodos de imagem.
This work presents a new methodology for searching the present state of chemical evolution for different taxa, grouping five classes of secondary metabolites. Ocurrences of 10370 natural products isolated from Asteraceae were used to exemplify the method. Relationships among tribes are discussed.
Calibração multivariada para sistemas com bandas sobrepostas através da análise da fatores do tipo Q
A multivariate calibration method to determine chemical compositions of systems with severely overlapped bands is proposed. Q mode factors are determined from the spectral data and subsequently rotated using the varimax and oblique transformation of Imbrie. The method is applied to two sets of simulated data to test the sensitivity of analytical results to random experimental error. The chemical concentrations of alanine and threonine mixture are determined from spectral data of the 302,5 - 548,5 nm region.
NMR is now frequently the technique of choice for determination of chemical structure in solution. Its uses also span structure in solids and mobility at the molecular level in all phases. The research literature in the subject is vast and ever-increasing. Unfortunately, many articles do not contain sufficient information for experiments to be repeated elsewhere, and there are many variations in the usage of symbols for the same physical quantity. It is the aim of the present recommendations to provide simple check-lists that will enable such problems to be minimised in a way that is consistent with general IUPAC formulation. The area of medical NMR and imaging is not specifically addressed in these recommendations, which are principally aimed at mainstream use of NMR by chemists (of all sub-disciplines) and by many physicists, biologists, material scientists and geologists etc. working with NMR.
The aim of this work is to present a tutorial on Multivariate Calibration, a tool which is nowadays necessary in basically most laboratories but very often misused. The basic concepts of preprocessing, principal component analysis (PCA), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) are given. The two basic steps on any calibration procedure: model building and validation are fully discussed. The concepts of cross validation (to determine the number of factors to be used in the model), leverage and studentized residuals (to detect outliers) for the validation step are given. The whole calibration procedure is illustrated using spectra recorded for ternary mixtures of 2,4,6 trinitrophenolate, 2,4 dinitrophenolate and 2,5 dinitrophenolate followed by the concentration prediction of these three chemical species during a diffusion experiment through a hydrophobic liquid membrane. MATLAB software is used for numerical calculations. Most of the commands for the analysis are provided in order to allow a non-specialist to follow step by step the analysis.
Substâncias húmicas de turfa: estudo dos parâmetros que influenciam no processo de extração alcalina
This study reports the parameters which influence on extraction of humic substances (HS) from peat. The yield, organic and inorganic contend, E4/E6 ratio and elemental composition (C,H,N) of the extracted HS have been determined. The functional groups were identified by Fourier-transform infrared espectroscopy. The results showed influence of the extractor type, concentration, time, temperature and granular texture of the sample in the extraction. This work contributes to better understanding of the extraction process showing the necessity of the standard method to extract humic substances from soil
By using thermochemical data reported for a series of chelates of the type [Ln(thd)3], thd = 2, 2, 6, 6 tetramethyl- 3,5-heptanedione and Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb, empirical correlations were found involving thermochemical parameters (e.g. dissociation enthalpy) and the thermodynamic temperatures of the beginning of thermal degradation of the chelates, t i. It is shown that t i values are of capital importance in the study of this all class of coordination compounds. Among others, the empirical equation is obtained: r3+ = (-0,013.Z + 1,36)/0,005, that relates the lanthanide cation radius (pm) with the atomic number of the element. The remarkable fact is that this equation is achieved by using thermogravimetric and calorimetric parameters. Is also shown that t i values are related with the P(M) function values, which are very close related with the energy difference, deltaE, between the lowest electronic energy level of the f n s²d¹ configuration and the lowest energy level of the f n+1s² configuration in the neutral gaseous atoms.
Water Quality Index (WQI) was used during summer and winter of 1994 and 1995 in the final section of Onça and Feijão streams, downstream Broa Reservoir (São Carlos/SP) to evaluate agricultural and catlleman effects. In Onça stream water quality was "acceptable" in winter and "inappropriate to conventional treatment" in the summer. In Feijão stream the water had an "excellent" quality in winter and "good" in the summer. A MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) has used to discriminate seasons and streams. Correlation (p<0,05) among the variables was tested. Water temperature, turbidity, pH and fecal bacteria are highly correlated and can be one of the factors that cause WQI change by seasons.
Neural Networks are a set of mathematical methods and computer programs designed to simulate the information process and the knowledge acquisition of the human brain. In last years its application in chemistry is increasing significantly, due the special characteristics for model complex systems. The basic principles of two types of neural networks, the multi-layer perceptrons and radial basis functions, are introduced, as well as, a pruning approach to architecture optimization. Two analytical applications based on near infrared spectroscopy are presented, the first one for determination of nitrogen content in wheat leaves using multi-layer perceptrons networks and second one for determination of BRIX in sugar cane juices using radial basis functions networks.
The implementation of a quality assurance program in chemical analytical laboratories, that can aid in demonstrate the quality of their results, is an issue of great concern. As a consequence, it is mandatory to give an estimate of the confidence that can be placed on the obtained results. An useful measure of this confidence is the measurement uncertainty and, nowadays, a result without the corresponding uncertainty statement cannot be considered reliable. This paper presents a summary of the most important mechanisms for the evaluation and reporting of the measurement uncertainty. In implementing these principles, it is described the measurement uncertainty estimation associated with the preparation of a uranium elemental reference solution at 2.4 mg.kg-1 from the corresponding certified reference material (in this example at 1003 mg.kg-1).
A series of experiments were performed in order to demonstrate to undergraduate students or users of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), that several factors can influence the qualitative and quantitative aspects of DSC results. Saccharin, an artificial sweetner, was used as a probe and its thermal behavior is also discussed on the basis of thermogravimetric (TG) and DSC curves.
This paper is a translation from IUPAC nomenclature document by K. Danzer and L. A. Currie (Pure Appl. Chem., 1998, 70(4), 993-1014). Its goal is to establish an uniform and meaningful approach to terminology (in Portuguese), notation, and formulation for calibation in analytical chemistry. In this first part, general fundamentals of calibration are presented, namely for both relationships of qualitative and quantitative variables (relations between variables characterizing certain types analytes of the measured function on the other hand and between variables characterizing the amount or concentration of the chemical species and the intensities of the measured signals, on the other hand). On this basis, the fundamentals of the common single component calibration (Univariate Calibration) which models the relationship y = f(x) between the signal intensities y and the amounts or concentrations x of the analyte under given conditions are represented. Additional papers will be prepared dealing with extensive relationships between several intensities and analyte contents, namely with multivariate calibrations and with optimization and experimental design.
A methodology is presented to obtain force field parameters to be used in molecular mechanics. The case of Ru(II) is investigated and the parameters obtained, specially its covalent radii, are employed to model Ru(II) coordination compound. The combined use of molecular mechanics with ab initio methods allowed us to predict the metal-ligand stretching force constant for Ru(II) coordination compounds.