199 resultados para Bernardo de Cabrera


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Abstract Background: BNP has been extensively evaluated to determine short- and intermediate-term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome, but its role in long-term mortality is not known. Objective: To determine the very long-term prognostic role of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) for all-cause mortality in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS). Methods: A cohort of 224 consecutive patients with NSTEACS, prospectively seen in the Emergency Department, had BNP measured on arrival to establish prognosis, and underwent a median 9.34-year follow-up for all-cause mortality. Results: Unstable angina was diagnosed in 52.2%, and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, in 47.8%. Median admission BNP was 81.9 pg/mL (IQ range = 22.2; 225) and mortality rate was correlated with increasing BNP quartiles: 14.3; 16.1; 48.2; and 73.2% (p < 0.0001). ROC curve disclosed 100 pg/mL as the best BNP cut-off value for mortality prediction (area under the curve = 0.789, 95% CI= 0.723-0.854), being a strong predictor of late mortality: BNP < 100 = 17.3% vs. BNP ≥ 100 = 65.0%, RR = 3.76 (95% CI = 2.49-5.63, p < 0.001). On logistic regression analysis, age >72 years (OR = 3.79, 95% CI = 1.62-8.86, p = 0.002), BNP ≥ 100 pg/mL (OR = 6.24, 95% CI = 2.95-13.23, p < 0.001) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (OR = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.97-0.99, p = 0.049) were independent late-mortality predictors. Conclusions: BNP measured at hospital admission in patients with NSTEACS is a strong, independent predictor of very long-term all-cause mortality. This study allows raising the hypothesis that BNP should be measured in all patients with NSTEACS at the index event for long-term risk stratification.


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Quatro perfis de Latossol Vermelho Amarelo - textura média (LVA-m) (Quartzipsamment Haplortox) e um de Aluvio (Tropic Fluvaquent) localizados em uma topossequência da região de São Manuel, Estado de São Paulo, foram estudados em suas características morfológicas, granulométricas, químicas e mineralógicas. Os perfis do LVA-m são caracterizados por serem profundos, homogêneos, de textura barro arenosa, lixiviados, ácidos, distróficos, com elevada saturação de alumínio, predominantemente caulinítico ou caulinítico-gibbsítico e com baixíssimo teor de ferro livre. Tais perfis se localizam em três superfícies fisiográficas distintas. Apesar do material de origem ser aparentemente homogêneo ele sofreu diversos retrabalhamentos caracterizados pelas linhas de pedras e pelo teor de gibbsita. Constatou-se a transformação caulinita para gibbsita através da dessilicatização O alúvio, caracterizado pela heterogeneidade de suas camadas, apresenta entretanto uma textura semelhante ao do LVA-m. Devida as características de excesso de água, drenagem lenta e posição de ocorrência, há um acumulo de bases e sílica neste solo. A transformação gibbsita para caulinita foi sugerida.


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The plastral spotting variation in the chelid turtle Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835) in relation to sex, size, and geographic procedence of individuals was analyzed. States for qualitative characters were analyzed using non-parametric tests. Quantitative characters (shell and scute measurements) were standardized for body size by linear regression against carapace length, and were subjected to principal components analysis and canonical discriminant function analysis. Results suggest that increased plastral spotting is a polymorphic ontogenetic trait in P. hilarii. Neither hatchlings nor juveniles have plastral pattern moderately or heavily pigmented. The simplest pattern, however, may persist without changes in some adults. There are no differences between sexes. The spatial distribution of the plastral pattern is not ordered latitudinally or longitudinally, showing no relationship with gradients of elevation, temperature, or precipitation. This pattern trait lacks of taxonomic significance. The morphometric analysis failed to reveal any character of diagnostic utility in the plastron to support the possibility that these patterns correspond to different sympatric taxa.


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A larva de Idiataphe longipes (Hagen, 1861) é descrita com base em cinco exúvias associadas aos respectivos adultos emergidos, coletadas no Açude da Concórdia, Valença, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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The bufonid toad Chaunus achavali, a recently described species known only from Uruguay, is recorded for Brazil. This species is morphologically similar to C. ictericus and C. arenarum, and several individuals were labeled in Brazilian scientific collections under these taxa. A lectotype of C. arenarum is designated. Additional field notes on C. achavali and a key for the identification of the species in the Chaunus marinus group are presented.


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We analyzed the alimentary tract of 66 specimens of Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1969 from the Serra do Sudeste, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Forty specimens (60.6%) had prey items in their gut. The diet consisted mainly of small invertebrate prey, such as termites, insect larvae and ants. The most abundant prey item was termites, found in 62.5% of the non empty stomachs. The high number of individual prey items in the majority of stomachs, the small size of the regular prey items, and the absence of gut content in specimens of A. munoai kept alive for about two days, indicate that this species forages very frequently. The predominance of fossorial prey items and the occasional records of nomadic ants lead us to suggest that A. munoai usually feeds underground, and occasionally forages on the surface.


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We studied the reproductive biology of a population of Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858 from Reserva Biológica do Lami (30º 15' S; 51º 05' W), Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. We assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of individuals (males, females, juveniles) and explored potential relationships with environmental variables. Field activities encompassed bimonthly surveys in three semi-permanent ponds, each one during approximately two days and two nights, from August 2004 to July 2005. We recorded differences in the sites used by males, females and juveniles, with males occupying deeper and more distant places from the border. The temporal distributions of individuals, calling sites and amplectant pairs indicated that the reproductive activity of P. minuta is related to some of the studied abiotic factors. Calling males presented statistical differences in relation to non-calling males for all daily abiotic variables analyzed (air temperature, water temperature, relative humidity and rainfall), as well as to monthly temperature and rainfall. The number of active males, females and juveniles was influenced by at least one of the daily or monthly environmental variables analyzed. We conclude that the reproduction in this species is seasonal and may be partially determined by abiotic factors.


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Human interventions in natural environments are the main cause of biodiversity loss worldwide. The situation is not different in southern Brazil, home of five primate species. Although some earlier studies exist, studies on the primates of this region began to be consistently carried out in the 1980s and have continued since then. In addition to important initiatives to study and protect the highly endangered Leontopithecus caissara Lorrini & Persson, 1990 and Brachyteles arachnoides E. Geoffroy, 1806, other species, including locally threatened ones, have been the focus of research, management, and protection initiatives. Since 1993, the urban monkeys program (PMU, Programa Macacos Urbanos) has surveyed the distribution and assessed threats to populations of Alouatta guariba clamitans (Cabrera, 1940) in Porto Alegre and vicinity. PMU has developed conservation strategies on four fronts: (1) scientific research on biology and ecology, providing basic knowledge to support all other activities of the group; (2) conservation education, which emphasizes educational presentations and long-term projects in schools near howler populations, based on the flagship species approach; (3) management, analyzing conflicts involving howlers and human communities, focusing on mitigating these problems and on appropriate relocation of injured or at-risk individuals; and finally, (4) Public Policies aimed at reducing and/or preventing the impact of urban expansion, contributing to create protected areas and to strengthen environmental laws. These different approaches have contributed to protect howler monkey populations over the short term, indicating that working collectively and acting on diversified and interrelated fronts are essential to achieve conservation goals. The synergistic results of these approaches and their relationship to the prospects for primatology in southern Brazil are presented in this review.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a densidade e o tamanho populacional de quatro espécies de primatas [Alouatta clamitans Cabrera, 1940; Callicebus nigrifrons (Spix, 1823); Callithrix aurita (É. Geoffroy, 1812); Cebus nigritus (Goldfuss, 1809)] que ocorrem em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica de aproximadamente 350 ha, localizado no município de Pouso Alegre, estado de Minas Gerais e reunir subsídios para a conservação dessas espécies na região. O levantamento populacional foi realizado através do método de amostragem de distâncias em transecções lineares (Distance Sampling). Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de abril e agosto de 2008 a partir de quatro transecções implantadas na área de estudo. Os cálculos de densidade e tamanho populacional foram realizados empregando-se o programa Distance 5.0. As densidades foram estimadas em 23,83 ± 9,78 ind./km² para Callicebus nigrifrons, 14,76 ± 5,92 ind./km² para Callithrix aurita e 7,71 ± 2,13 ind./km² para Cebus nigritus. O tamanho populacional foi estimado em 83,0 ± 34,0 indivíduos para C. nigrifrons, 52,0 ± 20,8 indivíduos para Callithrix aurita e 27,0 ± 7,4 indivíduos para Cebus nigritus. Com relação ao bugio (A. guariba clamitans), constatou-se que apenas um grupo com seis indivíduos sobrevive na área. Conclui-se que, no caso de continuarem isoladas, essas populações têm poucas chances de sobrevivência no futuro frente aos riscos de eventos estocásticos. A criação de corredores ecológicos conectando a área de estudo aos outros fragmentos em seu entorno e a translocação de indivíduos de outras áreas da Mata Atlântica para esta região poderão constituir alternativas para garantir a viabilidade dessas populações em longo prazo. Para tanto, é necessário que se consolide uma política pública no município de Pouso Alegre voltada à criação, ampliação e gestão de Unidades de Conservação, e ao incentivo para a adoção de práticas produtivas sob critérios de sustentabilidade no entorno dessas áreas de interesse ecológico.


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ABSTRACT Quantitative evaluations of species distributional congruence allow evaluating previously proposed biogeographic regionalization and even identify undetected areas of endemism. The geographic scenery of Northwestern Argentina offers ideal conditions for the study of distributional patterns of species since the boundaries of a diverse group of biomes converge in a relatively small region, which also includes a diverse fauna of mammals. In this paper we applied a grid-based explicit method in order to recognize Patterns of Distributional Congruence (PDCs) and Areas of Endemism (AEs), and the species (native but non-endemic and endemic, respectively) that determine them. Also, we relate these distributional patterns to traditional biogeographic divisions of the study region and with a very recent phytogeographic study and we reconsider what previously rejected as 'spurious' areas. Finally, we assessed the generality of the patterns found. The analysis resulted in 165 consensus areas, characterized by seven species of marsupials, 28 species of bats, and 63 species of rodents, which represents a large percentage of the total species (10, 41, and 73, respectively). Twenty-five percent of the species that characterize consensus areas are endemic to the study region and define six AEs in strict sense while 12 PDCs are mainly defined by widely distributed species. While detailed quantitative analyses of plant species distribution data made by other authors does not result in units that correspond to Cabrera's phytogeographic divisions at this spatial scale, analyses of animal species distribution data does. We were able to identify previously unknown meaningful faunal patterns and more accurately define those already identified. We identify PDCs and AEs that conform Eastern Andean Slopes Patterns, Western High Andes Patterns, and Merged Eastern and Western Andean Slopes Patterns, some of which are re-interpreted at the light of known patterns of the endemic vascular flora. Endemism do not declines towards the south, but do declines towards the west of the study region. Peaks of endemism are found in the eastern Andean slopes in Jujuy and Tucumán/Catamarca, and in the western Andean biomes in Tucumán/Catamarca. The principal habitat types for endemic small mammal species are the eastern humid Andean slopes. Notwithstanding, arid/semi-arid biomes and humid landscapes are represented by the same number of AEs. Rodent species define 15 of the 18 General Patterns, and only in one they have no participation at all. Clearly, at this spatial scale, non-flying mammals, particularly rodents, are biogeographically more valuable species than flying mammals (bat species).


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Os autores dividem o trabalho em quatro capítulos: Capítulo I - Tratam das origens da esquistossomose no Brasil. Procuram evidenciar que os argumentos exitentes a favos da origem africana da moléstia são falhos. Põem em dúvida esta procedência e levantam a hipótese da natureza autóctone da moléstia. Publicam um mapa epidemiológico do Estado de Minas Gerais. Capítulo II - Citam 176 trabalhos brasileiros sôbre a moléstia, visando facilitar os nacionais que, em futuro, se interessam por uma ou outra face do problema. Capítulo III - Focalizam os casos de morte determinadas pelos antimoniais na terapêutica da parasitose de Manson. Estudam as ações do antimônio sôbre os diversos órgãos e aparelhos e, em especial, sôbre o coração e vasos. Dão os resultados obtidos no curso de 7 experiências em cães com doses tõxicas e 27 observação humanas com doses terapêuticas. Concluem que o antimônio tem ação vaso-dilatadoura. Esta, ao nível do coração, é extensa e intensa e dá lugar, possivelmente por diminuição do sangue circulante, que por sua vez diminue a oxigenação, a fenômenos de sofrimento miocárdicos, revelados electrocardiogràficamente. Ilustram o trabalho com seis microfotografias. Capítulo IV - Estudam a localização miocárdica do ovo do parasito, discutindo a possibilidade de existir uma forma cardíaca da doença. Seus argumentos se fundamentam em 43 indivíduos examinados clínica e elecetrocardiogràficamente e na revisão de 22 necropsias. Concluem em Belo Horizonte nada foi encontrada, para o lada do aparelho circulatório.


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Os A.A. mostram electrocardiogramas de um portador de fórma cardíaca crônica da doença de Chagas. O ecg variava, de tempos a tempos, evidenciando, ora um bloqueio auriculo-ventricular total, ora um bloqueio auriculo-ventricular do tipo 2 : 1, ora rítmo normal, etc. Além disso foram registradas variaçãoes em um mesmo ecg. Foram levantadas duas hipóteses para interpretação dêstes achados: uma, em que as toxinas seriam responsáveis; outra, em que houvesse aumetno do período refratário ventricular.


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Em 1944, MAGALHÃES & DIAS estudaram, no cão e no homem, a ação do tártaro emético, em doses tóxicas e terapêuticas, respectivamente, sôbre o eletrocardiograma. Concluiram que havia sinais de sofrimento miocárdico, que "deviam relacionar-se a um "deficit" de oxigenação, determinado pela diminuição do sangue circulante. Êste, por sua vez, deve estar ligado à estase, função da vaso-dilatação". O presente trabalho é um complemento do anterior. Empregaram-se nas experiências corações isolados de cães em aparelho de Hérlitzka, sôbre os quais passavam soluções de tártaro emético em concentrações variadas. Mostrou o tártaro emético ter as seguintes ações: I - Diminúe a contrabilidade. II - Diminúe a condutividade. III - Aumenta a excitabilidade. IV - Produz a síncope imediata, reversivel, expontânea. V - Êstes fenômenos tóxicos são reversíveis, depois de substituir a solução de tártaro emético em Locke, por Locke puro.


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Circulating antigens were detected in sera of mice experimentally infected with a high close of Trypanosoma cruzi by reaction with sera from chronically infected mice. The immunodiffusion reaction between homologous acute and chronic sera produced four precipitation lines. By reaction with chronic mouse serum, circulating antingens were detected in sera from heavily infected hamsters, dogs, rabbits and in sera from chagasic patients. A reaction was also found in urine from acutely infected mice and dogs. Trypanosoma cruzi exoantigen was detected in trypanosome culture medium and in the supernatant of infected cell cultures. Attempts to isolate the antigens are described.