281 resultados para BLOOD-STREAM
Pimelodella taenioptera Miranda Ribeiro, 1914 and Imparfinis schubarti (Gomes, 1956) are two of the most common fish species in Bodoquena Plateau streams, Paraguay basin. These species have benthic habits and subaquatical observations suggested that they present differentiation in their preference for mesohabitat types. Pimelodella taenioptera shows preference for slow waters, such as pools, while I. schubarti is associated to riffles. In this study we investigated if the known patterns of mesohabitat use of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti can be predict by their ecomorphological and trophic traits. We described the dietary habits and ecomorphological attributes of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti individuals, captured in the Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena (PNSB), Mato Grosso do Sul state, central Brazil. Pimelodella taenioptera presented a more generalist diet, consuming a total of 23 different food items. Imparfinis schubarti have a diet based exclusively on aquatic insects. The ecomorphological analysis revealed that the species differed in relation to five morphological traits associated to habitat use (p <0.01). The results of this study reveal a clear functional dissimilarity between P. taenioptera and I. shubarti. The observed trophic and ecomorphological patterns are congruent with the known habitat use for these species and probably reflect the spatial and temporal variability on conditions and resources present in riffles and pools. Therefore, as expected, the morphological and feeding attributes represent predictive information related to mesohabitat use.
ABSTRACT One of the most important effects derived from the intensive land use is the increase of nutrient concentration in the aquatic systems due to superficial drainage. Besides, the increment of precipitations in South America connected to the global climate change could intensify these anthropic impacts due to the changes in the runoff pattern and a greater discharge of water in the streams and rivers. The pampean streams are singular environments with high natural nutrient concentrations which could be increased even more if the predictions of global climate change for the area are met. In this context, the effect of experimental nutrient addition on macroinvertebrates in a lowland stream is studied. Samplings were carried out from March 2007 to February 2009 in two reaches (fertilized and unfertilized), upstream and downstream from the input of nutrients. The addition of nutrients caused an increase in the phosphorus concentration in the fertilized reach which was not observed for nitrogen concentration. From all macroinvertebrates studied only two taxa had significant differences in their abundance after fertilization: Corbicula fluminea and Ostracoda. Our results reveal that the disturbance caused by the increase of nutrients on the benthic community depends on basal nutrients concentration. The weak response of macroinvertebrates to fertilization in the pampean streams could be due to their tolerance to high concentrations of nutrients in relation to their evolutionary history in streams naturally enriched with nutrients. Further research concerning the thresholds of nutrients affecting macroinvertebrates and about the adaptive advantages of taxa in naturally eutrophic environments is still needed. This information will allow for a better understanding of the processes of nutrient cycling and for the construction of restoration measures in natural eutrophic ecosystems.
Fígado, veneno e sôro sanguíneo de "Bothrops jararaca" foram estudados por meio da eletroforese em papel e determinação de atividades enzimáticas. Xantina oxidase e deshidrogenase foram encontradas sòmente no fígado das cobras. A análise espectrográfica do veneno e do sôro confirmam os resultados negativos obtidos para xantina oxidase uma vez que não foi encontrado molibdêneo. L-amino ácido oxidase foi determinada no fígado, sÔro e veneno. A eletroforese em papel do sôro sanguíneo mostrou que existem 7 frações proteicas, sendo que duas apresentam fluorescência característica de flavinas, quando expostas à luz ultra-violeta. Em vista dos resultados obtidos é concluido que as flavinas do sôro e do veneno de Bothrops jararaca estão na maior parte ligadas às proteínas. Estas flavinas combinadas parecem estar sob a forma de FAD (flavina adenina dinucleotídeo) fazendo parte do grupo prostético da L-amino ácido oxidase, uma vez que não foi encontrada nenhuma atividade de xantina oxidase.
A total of 3.449 birds, representing 195 species of 33 families from three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil, were examined for hematozoa during the period 1967-1972. Only 268 birds (7.8%) of 21 families harbored a blood parasite, which represented by species of Haemoproteus (3.5%), microfilaria (2.6%), Plasmodium (1.8%), Trypanosoma (0.8%) and Leucocytozoon (0.06%). The prevalence was similar in each of the six years of the study but a marked decrease in prevalence was noted in February and June of each year. The prevalence of parasitism was significantly different in each of the three areas sampled.
The in vitro growth and multiplication of the erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum within Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey) red blood cells have been studied. Various parameters, such as the origin of the red blood cells and serum supplement, nature of the buffer, influence of the final pH of the medium, role of proteose peptone and glucose addition, were investigated. The selection of the best culture conditions led to the obtention of a reproducible in vitro growth of two parasite cycles in Saimiri erythrocytes, which is an useful achievement for in vitro studies. Our failure to establish a continuous culture line for longer than 19 days, could be explained by a dramatic increasing of osmotic fragility of the Saimiri red blood cells related to their small size.
Blood form trypomastigotes of the Y strain of T. cruzi, produced a strong inhibition of the blastogenic response to T and B cell mitogens, of the C3H/He, C57BLand BALB/cJ strains of mice, while culture epimastigotes of the Y strain kept in a medium that allows parasite growth at 26°. 30° and 37°C produced a strong stimulatory effect that was even higher than the effect of the mitogens alone. Both the inhibitory or the stimulatory effects were dose-dependent. The stimulatory effect of epimastigotes was also temperature-dependent producing increasedstimulation indexes as the temperature of parasite cultures was raised. Metabolically active,living parasites seemed to be necessary for an improved lymphocyte stimulation suggesting a potential role of secreted metabolites as polyclonal activators of mouse lymphocytes.
Many blood feeders use adenine nucleotides as cues for locating blood meal. Structure-activity relationship of adenine nucleotides as phagostimulants varies between closely-related species of blood feeders. It is suggested that a preexisting diverse pool of nucleotide-binding proteins present in all living cells, serves as a source of receptor proteins for the gustatory receptors involved in blood detection. It is proposed that the selection of any such nucleotide-binding protein is random.
Experimental techniques that we have found useful during our studies of insect blood-feeding behaviour are reviewed. Some of the principal findings resulting from these techniques are discussed. Where directly applicable, the work of others is included, but no complete review of the subject has been attempted.
This paper continues a discussion of approaches and methodologies we have used in our studies of feeding in haematophagous insects. Described are techniques for directly monitoring behaviour: electrical recording of feeding behaviour via resistance changes in the food canal, optical methods for monitoring mouthpart activity, and a computer technique for behavioural event recording. Also described is the use of "flow charts" or "decision diagrams" to model interrelated sequences of behaviours.
The epithelial cells of Panstrongylus megistus male accessory glands (MAG) present ultrastructural characteristics of a secretory cell. Their secretory products are accumulated in the lumen of the four MAG lobes. During the first 8 days of adult life a strong secretion activity occurs, accumulating enough material to produce the first spermatophore. Cerebral neurosecretions as well as juvenile hormone are both involved in MAG secretory activity regulation. Juvenile hormone seems to be the responsible for the stimulation of most protein synthesis in male accessory glands. Cerebral neurosecretion seems to be necessary to stimulate juvenile hormone production and release by the corpus allatum. Furthermore, neurosecretion is required for some polypeptides synthesis by MAG. Although topic application of precocene II to adult males does not reproduce the same effects on MAG as does allatectomy, this compound causes strong reduction on male reproductive capacity.