204 resultados para 860-92.09
Os resíduos vegetais de uma cultura de cobertura de outono/inverno podem interferir na infestação das plantas daninhas das culturas de verão subseqüentes. Dessa forma, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da palha de híbridos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor), associada ao uso do herbicida imazamox, no controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da soja (Glycine max), cv. 'Conquista', em sucessão, foi conduzido no ano agrícola 2000/2001 um experimento em Uberlândia-MG. Foram utilizados quatro tipos de cobertura: três provenientes de resíduos culturais de híbridos de sorgo (Sara, DKB 860 e Ambar) e uma sem restos vegetais (anteriormente sob pousio). Aos 24 dias após aplicação do herbicida, o controle das espécies Leonotis nepetifolia, Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthus hibridus, A. retroflexus, A. spinosus, Ipomoea grandifolia, Commelina benghalensis e Nicandra physaloides foi mais eficaz nas palhas dos híbridos Sara e Ambar, na ausência de imazamox, com porcentagens de controle de 40 e 41%, respectivamente. Quando associada a 15 g ha-1 de imazamox, a palha do Ambar resultou em melhor controle dessas espécies de plantas daninhas, com controle de 76%; e a 30 g ha-1 a palha do DKB 860 foi a mais eficaz, promovendo 85% de controle. Sem cobertura do solo, com 30 g ha-1 de imazamox obteve-se controle de 62,5%, e 47,5% com metade da dosagem. Os resultados indicaram variabilidade de controle em relação ao híbrido de sorgo estudado e a possibilidade de redução de dosagens do herbicida imazamox quando associado aos resíduos vegetais de sorgo.
O reservatório de Aimorés é formado pelo represamento do Rio Doce e tem duas partes distintas: uma porção do rio que foi alagada e um canal de adução formado pelo desvio do rio em direção à usina geradora de energia elétrica. O levantamento das populações de macrófitas aquáticas presentes e o dimensionamento da área infestada são de suma importância para estabelecimento e avaliação do plano de manejo do reservatório e foi o objetivo deste trabalho. A colonização do reservatório cresceu de 39,2 para 92,5 hectares entre os meses de março e junho de 2009, decrescendo paulatinamente no período posterior, até atingir 39,9 hectares em janeiro de 2010. Esse decréscimo foi atribuído à implementação de plano de manejo, especialmente pela destruição de habitats para crescimento de Eichhornia crassipes. A comunidade de macrófitas aquáticas apresentou 31 espécies, pertencentes a 16 famílias botânicas. As espécies mais frequentes foram E.crassipes, Salvinia molesta, Paspalum repens, Oxycaryum cubense, Urochloa subquadripara e Hymenachne amplexicaulis. A família botânica mais representativa em termos de riqueza em espécies foi Poaceae, com seis representantes, seguida por Cyperaceae, com três.
The pollination ecology and breeding systems of Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook., and T. ochracea (Cham.) Standl. were investigated in an area of cerrado vegetation in the Federal District of Brazil. These species occur sympatrically, flower massively and synchronously for a month, during the dry season (July to September). Both have diurnal anthesis, with similar floral structures, a yellow tubular corolla and produce nectar. Fourteen species of bees visited both Tabebuia species, but, only three Centris species and Bombus morio, were considered potential pollinators, because of their high frequency on the flowers and their efficiency in carrying pollen. Tests on the breeding systems of T. aurea and T. ochracea demonstrated that boths species are self-incompatible, with late-acting self-incompatibility. The proportion of fruit set from cross pollination (T. aurea 17.2% and T. ochracea 12.3%) in both species was low considering the great number of flowers displayed. This suggests a lack of maternal resources for fruit-set. The great amount of seeds per fruit (about 92 in T. aurea and 285 in T. ochracea) may represent an investment of maternal resources allocated on higher quality of fertilized ovules.
Photosynthetic performance of distinct marine macroalgae, Ulva fasciata Delile (green alga), Lobophora variegata (J. V. Lamouroux) Womersley ex E. C. Oliveira (brown alga), and Plocamium brasiliensis (Greville) M. A. Howe & W. R. Taylor (red alga), were compared using a pulse amplitude-modulated fluorometer. The maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) ranged from 0.80 to 0.51, and the lowest value was found in P. brasiliensis. Under 400 µmol photons m-2 s-1 irradiance, the highest value of photochemical quenching (qP = 0.92 ± 0.13) was observed for U. fasciata. The red alga P. brasiliensis dissipated high amounts of excitation energy (qN = 0.56 ± 0.09), resulting in relatively low values for the effective quantum yield of PS-II (0.23 ± 0.04), as well as for the relative electron transport rate (3.3 ± 0.7). The high photosynthetic potential found for U. fasciata partially explains the species ability for rapid growth and high productivity.
Cardiac hypertrophy that accompanies hypertension seems to be a phenomenon of multifactorial origin whose development does not seem to depend on an increased pressure load alone, but also on local growth factors and cardioadrenergic activity. The aim of the present study was to determine if sympathetic renal denervation and its effects on arterial pressure level can prevent cardiac hypertrophy and if it can also delay the onset and attenuate the severity of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertension. DOCA-salt treatment was initiated in rats seven days after uninephrectomy and contralateral renal denervation or sham renal denervation. DOCA (15 mg/kg, sc) or vehicle (soybean oil, 0.25 ml per animal) was administered twice a week for two weeks. Rats treated with DOCA or vehicle (control) were provided drinking water containing 1% NaCl and 0.03% KCl. At the end of the treatment period, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate measurements were made in conscious animals. Under ether anesthesia, the heart was removed and the right and left ventricles (including the septum) were separated and weighed. DOCA-salt treatment produced a significant increase in left ventricular weight/body weight (LVW/BW) ratio (2.44 ± 0.09 mg/g) and right ventricular weight/body weight (RVW/BW) ratio (0.53 ± 0.01 mg/g) compared to control (1.92 ± 0.04 and 0.48 ± 0.01 mg/g, respectively) rats. MAP was significantly higher (39%) in DOCA-salt rats. Renal denervation prevented (P>0.05) the development of hypertension in DOCA-salt rats but did not prevent the increase in LVW/BW (2.27 ± 0.03 mg/g) and RVW/BW (0.52 ± 0.01 mg/g). We have shown that the increase in arterial pressure level is not responsible for cardiac hypertrophy, which may be more related to other events associated with DOCA-salt hypertension, such as an increase in cardiac sympathetic activity
Adrenocortical autoantibodies (ACA), present in 60-80% of patients with idiopathic Addison's disease, are conventionally detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on frozen sections of adrenal glands. The large-scale use of IIF is limited in part by the need for a fluorescence microscope and the fact that histological sections cannot be stored for long periods of time. To circumvent these restrictions we developed a novel peroxidase-labelled protein A (PLPA) technique for the detection of ACA in patients with Addison's disease and compared the results with those obtained with the classical IIF assay. We studied serum samples from 90 healthy control subjects and 22 patients with Addison's disease, who had been clinically classified into two groups: idiopathic (N = 13) and granulomatous (N = 9). ACA-PLPA were detected in 10/22 (45%) patients: 9/13 (69%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form, whereas ACA-IIF were detected in 11/22 patients (50%): 10/13 (77%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form. Twelve of the 13 idiopathic addisonians (92%) were positive for either ACA-PLPA or ACA-IIF, but only 7 were positive by both methods. In contrast, none of 90 healthy subjects was found to be positive for ACA. Thus, our study shows that the PLPA-based technique is useful, has technical advantages over the IIF method (by not requiring the use of a fluorescence microscope and by permitting section storage for long periods of time). However, since it is only 60% concordant with the ACA-IIF method, it should be considered complementary instead of an alternative method to IIF for the detection of ACA in human sera.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether point mutations and loss of the p53 gene take place in ulcerative colitis which is histologically negative for dysplasia. DNA was extracted from 13 frozen rectal or colon biopsies and blood samples. Ulcerative colitis was classified histologically as active (10 cases) and inactive (3 cases). Exons 5-8 were amplified by PCR, treated with exonuclease and shrimp alkaline phosphatase and sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method with the Sequenase Version 2.0 DNA sequencing kit. PCR products of intron 6 and exon 4 were digested with MspI and AccII, respectively, for RFLP analysis. No p53 gene mutation was detected in these cases. The number of informative patients for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the p53 intron 6 was high, 11 out of 12 (92%), whereas no LOH was observed. LOH affecting p53 exon 4 was not detected in lesions from 5 of 12 patients (42%). In ulcerative colitis, tumor progression is similar to that in sporadic colon cancer, and other oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are likely to be mutated before the p53 gene.
Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is characterized by acantholysis determined by IgG4 binding to desmoglein I, a 160-kDa desmosomal glycoprotein. To investigate the immunopathological aspects of Brazilian PF, we determined levels of serum cytokines in patients with PF. Twenty-five patients with PF and a control group consisting of 10 healthy individuals were studied. Serum IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12 and IFN-gamma were measured in the two groups by ELISA. The median concentration of IL-2 was lower in PF patients compared to the control group (0.45 and 9.50 pg/ml, respectively), as also was the concentration of IL-4 (0.26 and 10.16 pg/ml, respectively). The same was observed for IL-5 (7.94 and 15.74 pg/ml, respectively) and for IFN-gamma (5.90 and 8.58 pg/ml, respectively). For IL-10 and IL-12, higher concentrations were observed in PF compared to the control group (IL-10: 24.76 and 20.92; IL-12: 2.92 and 1.17 pg/ml, respectively). Considering the Th1/Th2 paradigm, it seems that a Th2 profile, mainly represented by IL-10, predominates in PF.
There are few population-based studies of renal dysfunction and none conducted in developing countries. In the present study the prevalence and predictors of elevated serum creatinine levels (SCr > or = 1.3 mg/dl for men and 1.1 mg/dl for women) were determined among Brazilian adults (18-59 years) and older adults (>60 years). Participants included all older adults (N = 1742) and a probabilistic sample of adults (N = 818) from Bambuí town, MG, Southeast Brazil. Predictors were investigated using multiple logistic regression. Mean SCr levels were 0.77 ± 0.15 mg/dl for adults, 1.02 ± 0.39 mg/dl for older men, and 0.81 ± 0.17 mg/dl for older women. Because there were only 4 cases (0.48%) with elevated SCr levels among adults, the analysis of elevated SCr levels was restricted to older adults. The overall prevalence of elevated SCr levels among the elderly was 5.09% (76/1494). The prevalence of hypercreatinemia increased significantly with age (chi² = 26.17, P = 0.000), being higher for older men (8.19%) than for older women (5.29%, chi² = 5.00, P = 0.02). Elevated SCr levels were associated with age 70-79 years (odds ratio [OR] = 2.25, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.15-4.42), hypertension (OR = 3.04, 95% CI: 1.34-6.92), use of antihypertensive drugs (OR = 2.46, 95% CI: 1.26-4.82), chest pain (OR = 3.37, 95% CI: 1.31-8.74), and claudication (OR = 3.43, 95% CI: 1.30-9.09) among men, and with age >80 years (OR = 4.88, 95% CI: 2.24-10.65), use of antihypertensive drugs (OR = 4.06, 95% CI: 1.67-9.86), physical inactivity (OR = 2.11, 95% CI: 1.11-4.02) and myocardial infarction (OR = 3.89, 95% CI: 1.58-9.62) among women. The prevalence of renal dysfunction observed was much lower than that reported in other population-based studies, but predictors were similar. New investigations are needed to confirm the variability in prevalence and associated factors of renal dysfunction among populations.
The rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) contains neurons involved in tonic and reflex control of arterial pressure. We describe the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and anesthetics injected into the RVLM of conscious and urethane (1.2 g/kg, iv) anesthetized Wistar rats (300-350 g). In conscious rats, bilateral microinjection of GABA (50 nmol/200 nl) induced a small but significant decrease in blood pressure (from 130 ± 3.6 to 110 ± 5.6 mmHg, N = 7). A similar response was observed with sodium pentobarbital microinjection (24 nmol/200 nl). However, in the same animals, the fall in blood pressure induced by GABA (from 121 ± 8.9 to 76 ± 8.8 mmHg, N = 7) or pentobarbital (from 118 ± 4.5 to 57 ± 11.3 mmHg, N = 6) was significantly increased after urethane anesthesia. In contrast, there was no difference between conscious (from 117 ± 4.1 to 92 ± 5.9 mmHg, N = 7) and anesthetized rats (from 123 ± 6.9 to 87 ± 8.7 mmHg, N = 7) when lidocaine (34 nmol/200 nl) was microinjected into the RVLM. The heart rate variations were not consistent and only eventually reached significance in conscious or anesthetized rats. The right position of pipettes was confirmed by histology and glutamate microinjection into the RVLM. These findings suggest that in conscious animals the RVLM, in association with the other sympathetic premotor neurons, is responsible for the maintenance of sympathetic vasomotor tone during bilateral RVLM inhibition. Activity of one or more of these premotor neurons outside the RVLM can compensate for the effects of RVLM inhibition. In addition, the effects of lidocaine suggest that fibers passing through the RVLM are involved in the maintenance of blood pressure in conscious animals during RVLM inhibition.
The aim of the present study was to determine the ventilation/perfusion ratio that contributes to hypoxemia in pulmonary embolism by analyzing blood gases and volumetric capnography in a model of experimental acute pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolization with autologous blood clots was induced in seven pigs weighing 24.00 ± 0.6 kg, anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. Significant changes occurred from baseline to 20 min after embolization, such as reduction in oxygen partial pressures in arterial blood (from 87.71 ± 8.64 to 39.14 ± 6.77 mmHg) and alveolar air (from 92.97 ± 2.14 to 63.91 ± 8.27 mmHg). The effective alveolar ventilation exhibited a significant reduction (from 199.62 ± 42.01 to 84.34 ± 44.13) consistent with the fall in alveolar gas volume that effectively participated in gas exchange. The relation between the alveolar ventilation that effectively participated in gas exchange and cardiac output (V Aeff/Q ratio) also presented a significant reduction after embolization (from 0.96 ± 0.34 to 0.33 ± 0.17 fraction). The carbon dioxide partial pressure increased significantly in arterial blood (from 37.51 ± 1.71 to 60.76 ± 6.62 mmHg), but decreased significantly in exhaled air at the end of the respiratory cycle (from 35.57 ± 1.22 to 23.15 ± 8.24 mmHg). Exhaled air at the end of the respiratory cycle returned to baseline values 40 min after embolism. The arterial to alveolar carbon dioxide gradient increased significantly (from 1.94 ± 1.36 to 37.61 ± 12.79 mmHg), as also did the calculated alveolar (from 56.38 ± 22.47 to 178.09 ± 37.46 mL) and physiological (from 0.37 ± 0.05 to 0.75 ± 0.10 fraction) dead spaces. Based on our data, we conclude that the severe arterial hypoxemia observed in this experimental model may be attributed to the reduction of the V Aeff/Q ratio. We were also able to demonstrate that V Aeff/Q progressively improves after embolization, a fact attributed to the alveolar ventilation redistribution induced by hypocapnic bronchoconstriction.
The in vitro ability of Pothomorphe umbellata ethanolic crude extract to inhibit matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) in normal cornea and in cornea after alkali injury was demonstrated. Corneas of albino rabbits were injured with 1 N NaOH for 20 s. After 48 h the corneas were excised, homogenized and analyzed for MMP-9 (92 kDa), pro-MMP-2 (72 kDa) and MMP-2 (67 kDa) activity by gelatin zymography. The activity was also measured in untreated corneas. After electrophoresis of 20 µg protein, gels were incubated with 50, 100, or 250 µg/mL lyophilized hydroethanolic (1:1) root crude extract of P. umbellata standardized for 4-nerolidylcatechol (7.09%). The activity of the enzymes was compared with that of untreated gel. At 48 h after injury, the activity of all MMPs was increased compared with untreated eyes. When the gels were incubated with P. umbellata extract the activity of MMP-2, pro-MMP-2 and MMP-9 decreased in a dose-dependent manner. MMP-9 activity decreased by approximately 50% after incubation with 50 µg/mL and was completely abolished at 100 and 250 µg/mL of the extract. After incubation with 50 µg/mL the activity of pro-MMP-2 and MMP-2 also decreased by 50%. The activity of pro-MMP-2 was almost completely abolished after incubation with 250 µg/mL of the extract. For MMP-2 the incubation with 100 or 250 µg/mL of the extract of P. umbellata promoted a 10-fold decrease in activity. In conclusion, P. umbellata root crude extract can be useful as an alternative therapy to control MMP activity after corneal injury.
The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in Ribeirão Preto, a rich Brazilian city, was significantly higher (21.4%) than in São Luís (5.9%), a less developed city. To assess which variables explain the difference in prevalence of smoking during pregnancy, data from two birth cohorts were used, including 2846 puerperae from Ribeirão Preto, in 1994, and 2443 puerperae from São Luís, in 1997/98. In multivariable analysis, risk of maternal smoking during pregnancy was higher in São Luís for mothers living in a household with five or more persons (OR = 1.72, 95%CI = 1.12-2.64), aged 35 years or older (OR = 1.98, 95%CI = 0.99-3.96), who had five or more children (OR = 2.10, 95%CI = 1.16-3.81), and whose companion smoked (OR = 2.20, 95%CI = 1.52-3.18). Age of less than 20 years was a protective factor (OR = 0.55, 95%CI = 0.33-0.92). In Ribeirão Preto there was association with maternal low educational level (OR = 2.18, 95%CI = 1.30-3.65) and with a smoking companion (OR = 3.25, 95%CI = 2.52-4.18). Receiving prenatal care was a protective factor (OR = 0.24, 95%CI = 0.11-0.49). Mothers from Ribeirão Preto who worked outside the home were at a higher risk and those aged 35 years or older or who attended five or more prenatal care visits were at lower risk of smoking during pregnancy as compared to mothers from São Luís. Smoking by the companion reduced the difference between smoking rates in the two cities by 10%. The socioeconomic variables in the model did not explain the higher prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in the more developed city.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of joint immobilization on morphometric parameters and glycogen content of soleus muscle treated with clenbuterol. Male Wistar (3-4 months old) rats were divided into 4 groups (N = 6 for each group): control, clenbuterol, immobilized, and immobilized treated with clenbuterol. Immobilization was performed with acrylic resin orthoses and 10 µg/kg body weight clenbuterol was administered subcutaneously for 7 days. The following parameters were measured the next day on soleus muscle: weight, glycogen content, cross-sectional area, and connective tissue content. The clenbuterol group showed an increase in glycogen (81.6%, 0.38 ± 0.09 vs 0.69 ± 0.06 mg/100 g; P < 0.05) without alteration in weight, cross-sectional area or connective tissue compared with the control group. The immobilized group showed a reduction in muscle weight (34.2%, 123.5 ± 5.3 vs 81.3 ± 4.6 mg; P < 0.05), glycogen content (31.6%, 0.38 ± 0.09 vs 0.26 ± 0.05 mg/100 mg; P < 0.05) and cross-sectional area (44.1%, 2574.9 ± 560.2 vs 1438.1 ± 352.2 µm²; P < 0.05) and an increase in connective tissue (216.5%, 8.82 ± 3.55 vs 27.92 ± 5.36%; P < 0.05). However, the immobilized + clenbuterol group showed an increase in weight (15.9%; 81.3 ± 4.6 vs 94.2 ± 4.3 mg; P < 0.05), glycogen content (92.3%, 0.26 ± 0.05 vs 0.50 ± 0.17 mg/100 mg; P < 0.05), and cross-sectional area (19.9%, 1438.1 ± 352.2 vs 1724.8 ± 365.5 µm²; P < 0.05) and a reduction in connective tissue (52.2%, 27.92 ± 5.36 vs 13.34 ± 6.86%; P < 0.05). Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and homoscedasticity tests. For the muscle weight and muscle glycogen content, two-way ANOVA and the Tukey test were used. For the cross-sectional area and connective tissue content, Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey tests were used. This study emphasizes the importance of anabolic pharmacological protection during immobilization to minimize skeletal muscle alterations resulting from disuse.
A study was undertaken to investigate the effect of administering praziquantel (PZQ), focusing on the liver stereological findings of malnourished mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Thirty female Swiss Webster mice (age: 21 days; weight: 8-14 g) were fed either a low-protein diet (8%) or standard chow (22% protein) for 15 days. Five mice in each group were infected with 50 cercariae each of the BH strain (Brazil). PZQ therapy (80 mg/kg body weight, per day) was started on the 50th day of infection and consisted of daily administration for 5 days. Volume density (hepatocytes, sinusoids and hepatic fibrosis) was determined by stereology using a light microscope. Body weight gain and total serum albumin levels were always lower in undernourished mice. Our stereological study demonstrated that treatment increased both volume density of hepatocytes in mice fed standard chow (47.56%, treated group and 12.06%, control) and low-protein chow (30.98%, treated group and 21.44%, control), and hepatic sinusoids [standard chow (12.52%, treated group and 9.06%, control), low-protein chow (14.42%, treated group and 8.46%, control)], while hepatic fibrosis was reduced [standard chow (39.92%, treated group and 78.88%, control) and low-protein chow (54.60%, treated group and 70.10%, control)]. On the other hand, mice fed low-protein chow decreased density volume of hepatocytes and hepatic fibrosis. In conclusion, our findings indicate that treatment with PZQ ameliorates hepatic schistosomiasis pathology even in mice fed a low-protein diet.