156 resultados para valores econômicos
The new discipline of comparative economic systems: a proposition. This article offers elements for a reorientation of the subject matter of the discipline " Comparative Economic Systems" with the impact of the fall of the Berlins wall. Thus, we argue that in the context of the modern democratic society the political choice between society models occurs in a narrower set of options. Thus the study of pure forms of socialism is of historical interest, but he is not relevant to this discipline since it must prioritize the debate around the choice of compatible alternative models within the rule of law. So the article offers a new program for this discipline, able to describe and to understand the diversity of systems between countries that had opted for mixing market economy.
Nicholas Kaldor is known as an author who often changed his mind throughout his career. This is the case of his analyses of the process of economic growth, in which he proposed various models leading to quite different and, occasionally, conflicting conclusions. Specifically, Kaldor changed his position concerning the stability of the full employment situation. This paper shows that, in spite of those changes, Kaldor in fact used different versions of the same basic analytical framework and that this framework has its origin in his paper "Stability and Full Employment" published in the Economic Journal in December 1938.
The historical phases of the debate on the transformation of values into production prices. Even though the transformation problem in general does not have a widen accepted solution, it is possible to recognize scientific progress when the historical phases of the debate are put side by side in order to complement each other. Therefore, the debate originated from the challenge of the conciliation of the law of value with an equal average rate of profit, though sometimes said to be unfruitful by economists, shows evolution in the long run because it forces non-marxist economic schools to confront concretely the quality side of value in theory and to develop abstract models of planned economy in practice.
Labor values, reproduction prices and land rent. The paper analyses the determination of labor values and reproduction prices, including economic systems with joint production and systems with intensive land rent. The discussion is based on very simple numeric examples, avoiding that the mathematical complications hinder the comprehension of basic questions of Marxist economic theory.
Tanto Espinosa quanto Nietzsche promoveram uma análise crítica da moral vigente; ambos terminam por descobrir a falsidade da concepção de valores transcendentes. No caso específico de Nietzsche, tal operação o conduz a determinar a criação de valores como uma tarefa imperativa aos novos filósofos. O mesmo poderia ser dito de Espinosa? Não encontraríamos no espinosismo algo que se aproximasse de uma necessidade de criar valores? Buscamos responder a tais questões mediante uma análise do início do Tratado da emenda do intelecto.
O objetivo deste artigo é compreender alguns aspectos da cultura escolar, assinalando a seleção de valores culturais, econômicos e educacionais operada pela instrução escolar, com base na análise de manuais didáticos para uso de professores, elaborados nas décadas finais do século XIX e fundamentados no Método de Ensino Intuitivo ou Lições de Coisas. Embora expressem a mesma fundamentação filosófica, os manuais apresentam diferentes procedimentos para o ensino dos conteúdos escolares que se configuram como visões específicas do progresso científico. Vinculados ao projeto modernizador da sociedade, em curso no século XIX, as diferenças apresentadas pelos manuais nos informam sobre as diversas vertentes constitutivas desse projeto.