178 resultados para oral pharmacological agents


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BACKGROUND: The pharmacological treatment of migraine may be acute or preventive. Frequent, severe and long-lasting migraine attacks require prophylaxis. Multiple threads of research over the last 15 years have led to the concept that migraine is generated from a hyperexcitable brain. A variety of causes for hyperexcitability of the brain in migraine have been suggested. These causes include low cerebral magnesium levels, mitochondrial abnormalities, dysfunctions related to increased nitric oxide or the existence of a P/Q type calcium channelopathy. The better knowledge about migraine pathophisiology led us to discuss new treatment options. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to present an evidence-based review of some new drugs or some agents that even though available for a long time, are not frequently used. METHODS/RESULTS: We present a review of anticonvulsants with various mechanisms of action such as lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, tiagabine, levetiracetam and zonisamide. We also review natural products, like riboflavin and magnesium, botulinum toxin A, a specific CGRP antagonist and the anti-asthma medication montelukast, with pathophysiological discussion. CONCLUSIONS: We aimed to present an update of newer or less frequently used preventive migraine therapies, drugs that might reduce the burden and the costs of a disease that should be considered as a public health problem all around the world.


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Studies have shown that the age of 12 was determined as the age of global monitoring of caries for international comparisons and monitoring of disease trends. The aimed was to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries, fluorosis and periodontal condition and their relation with socioeconomic factors among schoolchildren aged twelve in the city of Manaus, AM. This study with a probabilistic sample of 661 children was conducted, 609 from public and 52 from private schools, in 2008. Dental caries, periodontal condition and dental fluorosis were evaluated. In order to obtain the socioeconomic classification of each child (high, upper middle, middle, lower middle, low and lower low socioeconomic classes), the guardians were given a questionnaire. The mean decayed teeth, missing teeth, and filled teeth (DMFT) found at age twelve was 1.89. It was observed that the presence of dental calculus was the most severe periodontal condition detected in 39.48%. In relation to dental fluorosis, there was a low prevalence in the children examined, i.e., the more pronounced lines of opacity only occasionally merge, forming small white areas. The study showed a significant association of 5% among social class with dental caries and periodontal condition. In schoolchildren of Manaus there are low mean of DMFT and fluorosis, but a high occurrence of gingival bleeding.


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OBJETIVO: Relatar a experiência no emprego de altas doses de amiodarona via oral (1800mg/d) na reversão da fibrilação atrial (FA) em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Analisados, retrospectivamente, 80 pacientes que apresentaram FA no pós operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, constituindo 2 grupos: grupo A com 28 pacientes em uso de amiodarona e grupo B recebendo digital, sendo que este grupo foi subdividido no grupo C com 21 pacientes onde foi associada amiodarona, quando não houvesse reversão da arritmia em 48h. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas para um valor de P<0,05. RESULTADOS: A FA esteve presente em 19,4% dos pacientes operados, com predomínio no sexo masculino e entre 60-69 anos. No grupo A, a reversão ocorreu em 78,6% dos casos, grupo B, o digital obteve sucesso em 60% das vezes e no grupo C, a taxa de sucesso foi de 90%. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de altas doses de amiodarona via oral, isolada ou em combinação com digital pode ser segura e eficaz no tratamento da FA em pós operatório de cirurgia cardíaca.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of oral antihypertensive medication preceding the increase in blood pressure in patients in a university hospital, the drug of choice, and the maintained use of antihypertensive medication. METHODS: Data from January to June 1997 from the University Hospital Professor Edgard Santos Pharmacy concerning the prescriptions of all inpatients were used. Variables included in the analysis were: antihypertensive medication prescription preceding increase in blood pressure, type of antihypertensive medication, gender, clinical or surgical wards, and the presence of maintained antihypertensive medication. RESULTS: The hospital admitted 2,532 patients, 1,468 in surgical wards and 818 in medical wards. Antihypertensive medication prescription preceding pressure increase was observed in 578 patients (22.8%). Nifedipine was used in 553 (95.7%) and captopril in 25 (4.3%). In 50.7% of patients, prescription of antihypertensive medication was not associated with maintained antihypertensive medication. Prescription of antihypertensive drugs preceding elevation of blood pressure was significantly (p<0.001) more frequent on the surgical floor (27.5%; 405/1468) than on the medical floor (14.3%; 117/818). The frequency of prescription of antihypertensive drugs preceding elevation of blood pressure without maintained antihypertensive drugs and the ratio between the number of prescriptions of nifedipine and captopril were greater in surgical wards. CONCLUSION: The use of antihypertensive medication, preceding elevation of blood pressure (22.8%) observed in admitted patients is not supported by scientific evidence. The high frequency of this practice may be even greater in nonuniversity hospitals.


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OBJECTIVE: To study echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular systolic function and valvar regurgitation under pharmacological influence in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic mitral regurgitation (MR). METHODS: We carried out a double-blind placebo controlled study in 12 patients with MR, mean aged 12.5 years old, who were randomized in 4 phases: A) digoxin; B) enalapril; C) digoxin + enalapril; D) placebo. The medication was administered for 30 days in each phase, and the following variables were analyzed: shortening and ejection fractions, wall stress index of left ventricle, left ventricular meridional end-systolic wall stress, Doppler-derived mean rate of left ventricular pressure rise (mean dP/dt), stroke volume and MR jet area. The clinical variables analysed were heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. RESULTS: No significant variation was observed in the clinical variables analysed. The shortening and ejection fraction, the mean dP/dt and stroke volume significantly increased and the wall stress index of left ventricle, the meridional left ventricular end systolic wall stress and the mitral regurgitation jet area decreased in the phases with medication as compared with that in the placebo phase. CONCLUSION: The parameters of left ventricular systolic function improved significantly and the degree of MR decreased with the isolated administration of digoxin or enalapril in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic MR. The combination of the drugs, however, did not show better results.


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Paciente de 34 anos, com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e síndrome de anticorpo antifosfolípide secundária, evoluiu com crises convulsivas, parcialmente controladas com anticonvulsivante, e ausculta de sopro cardíaco, cuja propedêutica mostrou a presença de vegetação em valva mitral. Diante do diagnóstico de endocardite de Libman-Sacks foi iniciada terapia com warfarina sódica, e após seis meses de anticoagulação oral, a paciente apresentava controle total das crises convulsivas e desaparecimento da vegetação valvar ao ecocardiograma. São discutidas a ocorrência da endocardite de Libman-Sacks no lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, sua associação com a síndrome de anticorpo antifosfolípide e a terapêutica anticoagulante, e feita uma revisão da literatura.


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FUNDAMENTO: O uso de anticoagulantes orais (ACO) é comum na prática cardiológica, tendo como principais indicações a fibrilação atrial e próteses valvares. Os pacientes em uso de ACO necessitam de controle freqüente do tempo de protrombina (TP). Novos sistemas portáteis de monitorização, para medida do tempo de protrombina, sem necessidade da coleta de sangue por venopunção, facilitam a rotina desses pacientes. OBJETIVO: Comparar as medidas do TP realizadas pelo sistema Coaguchek S®, em sangue capilar, com o método padrão em sangue venoso. MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte e sete pacientes em acompanhamento no ambulatório de anticoagulação do Instituto de Cardiologia foram submetidos ao método convencional e coleta de sangue capilar da polpa digital para medida com o sistema Coaguchek S®. RESULTADOS: A idade foi de 58±14 anos, 90% eram brancos. As indicações de ACO foram fibrilação atrial 49,6% e próteses valvares 37,0%. O coeficiente de correlação r s foi 0,90 (p<0,0001; IC:95% 0,87-0,93) entre o sistema em estudo e o controle. A medida de concordância entre pacientes com INR <2, entre 2 e 3,5 e > 3,5 foi de Kappa 73,5%. O sistema Coaguchek S® superestimou o INR em 0,15±0,85 unidades. Valores acima de 3,5 unidades de INR mostram discrepância importante entre as duas técnicas. CONCLUSÕES: O sistema Coaguchek S® mostrou boa correlação e bom grau de concordância quando comparado com o controle, com resultados menores que 4. Porém, valores de INR acima de 3,5 ainda necessitam de confirmação com o método padrão.


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O hematoma subdural de medula espinhal (HSDME) é uma complicação rara decorrente do uso de antagonistas de vitamina K (AVK) e de diagnostico difícil. Este artigo apresenta um caso com complicação ameaçadora à vida: um paciente octogenário portador de fibrilação atrial de início recente em uso de AVK. A história e o exame físico inicialmente se apresentavam normais, associados com a elevação dos valores de coagulograma supraterapêuticos (INR > 10). Após 24 horas da admissão hospitalar, o paciente apresentou tetraparesia progressiva, evidenciando na ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM) de medula espinhal um HSDME (Figura 1). Após reversão completa da hipocoagulação e intervenção neurocirúrgica o paciente obteve melhora do quadro neurológico.