170 resultados para hair-plot
The objective of this work was to assess the effect of poultry litter fertilization levels on corn and black oat yield using different grazing intensities, poultry litter levels (mixture of manure and bedding material) and a chemical fertilization level. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a split-plot arrangement with four replicates. Black oat + ryegrass grazing intensities, characterized by different pasture sward management, with animal entrance at 25, 30 and 35-cm heights and exit at 5.0, 10 and 15-cm heights, were established at the main plots. After the grazing period, corn was grown at the subplots with four levels of poultry litter (0, 4,953, 9,907 and 14,860 kg ha-1), aiming to supply 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, and a treatment with chemical fertilizer, according to soil analysis. Grazing intensities had no effect on corn yield. Corn yield was 7,493, 8,458, 9,188, 10,247 and 11,028 kg ha-1, respectively, for the treatments without and with 4,953, 9,907 and 14,860 kg ha-1 of poultry litter, and the treatment with chemical fertilization. Poultry litter levels have a residual effect on the production of black oat grown in succession to corn.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of eucalyptus biochar on the transpiration rate of upland rice 'BRSMG Curinga' as an alternative means to decrease the effect of water stress on plant growth and development. Two-pot experiments were carried out using a completely randomized block design, in a split-plot arrangement, with six replicates. Main plots were water stress (WS) and no-water stress (NWS), and the subplots were biochar doses at 0, 6, 12 and 24% in growing medium (sand). Total transpirable soil water (TTSW), the p factor - defined as the average fraction of TTSW which can be depleted from the root zone before water stress limits growth -, and the normalized transpiration rate (NTR) were determined. Biochar addition increased TTSW and the p factor, and reduced NTR. Consequently, biochar addition was able to change the moisture threshold (p factor) of the growing medium, up to 12% maximum concentration, delaying the point where transpiration declines and affects yield.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of food supplementation with vitamin C on macrophage and multinucleated giant cell (MGC) activities of pacus at two stocking densities. The experiment was carried out in a 2x2x3 split-plot factorial arrangement with: 0 and 500 mg kg-1 vitamin C; 5 and 20 kg m-3 stocking densities; and evaluation times at 3, 6, and 12 days after the subcutaneous implantation of glass coverslips (DPI). The number of macrophages and MGC, as well as cortisol and glucose plasma levels were determined. The number of macrophages and MGC with two to five nuclei was significantly greater in fish supplemented with vitamin C at 5 kg m-3 stocking density at 3 DPI in comparison to nonsupplemented ones. The macrophage and MGC counts were lower in fish with high-plasma cortisol concentration. Supplementation with 500 mg vitamin C benefits macrophage activity on foreign-body inflammation, and high-cortisol concentration has suppressive effects on this response.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of preceding crops and tillage systems on the incidence of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) yield. The cultivar BRS Valente was cultivated under center‑pivot irrigation in the winter seasons of 2003, 2004 and 2005, after several preceding crops established in the summer seasons. Preceding crops included the legumes Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Stylosanthes guianensis, and Crotalaria spectabilis; the grasses Pennisetum glaucum (millet), Sorghum bicolor (forage sorghum), Panicum maximum, and Urochloa brizantha; and a consortium of maize (Zea mays) and U. brizantha (Santa Fé system). Experiments followed a strip‑plot design, with four replicates. Fusarium wilt incidence was higher in the no‑tillage system. Higher disease incidences corresponded to lower bean yields in 2003 and 2004. Previous summer cropping with U. brizantha, U. brizantha + maize consortium, and millet showed the lowest disease incidence. Therefore, the choice of preceding crops must be taken into account for managing Fusarium wilt on irrigated common bean crops in the Brazilian Cerrado.
The objective of this work was to assess the genetic parameters and to estimate genetic gains in young rubber tree progenies. The experiments were carried out during three years, in a randomized block design, with six replicates and ten plants per plot, in three representative Hevea crop regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-two progenies were evaluated, from three to five years old, for rubber yield and annual girth growth. Genetic gain was estimated with the multi-effect index (MEI). Selection by progenies means provided greater estimated genetic gain than selection based on individuals, since heritability values of progeny means were greater than the ones of individual heritability, for both evaluated variables, in all the assessment years. The selection of the three best progenies for rubber yield provided a selection gain of 1.28 g per plant. The genetic gains estimated with MEI using data from early assessments (from 3 to 5-year-old) were generally high for annual girth growth and rubber yield. The high genetic gains for annual girth growth in the first year of assessment indicate that progenies can be selected at the beginning of the breeding program. Population effective size was consistent with the three progenies selected, showing that they were not related and that the population genetic variability is ensured. Early selection with the genetic gains estimated by MEI can be made on rubber tree progenies.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic traits and the popping expansion index of three Brazilian popcorn cultivars under different row spacings and plant populations. The trials were performed during two crop seasons, under field conditions. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block, in a split-split plot, with 27 treatments and four replicates. Treatments were represented in a triple factorial arrangement: three row spacings (0.40, 0.60, and 0.80 m), three plant populations (40,000, 60,000, and 80,000 plants per hectare), and three popcorn cultivars (IAC-TC 01, IAC 12, and Zelia). The increase in plant population causes a reduction in the number of grains per ear, lower prolificacy, and grain weight loss. Cultivar grain yield is affected by row spacing and popcorn plant population. Cultivar IAC 12 shows highest grain yield under row spacings of 0.40 and 0.60 m and plant population between 60,000 and 80,000 plants per hectare. The popping expansion index is not affected by row spacing or plant population.
The objective of this work was to determine the sink-source relationships and their effects on the number and growth of runner tips of 'Camino Real' strawberry stock plants. Three types of sources were evaluated: one defoliation at 96 days after planting (DAP), two defoliations at 50 and 96 DAP, and mother plants without defoliation. Four types of sink were accessed: runner tips collected weekly and monthly, four stolons with rooted runner tips in pots, and four freely-grown stolons. A completely randomized experimental design was used in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates. The source types were placed in the plots, and sink types in the subplots. The number of runner tips, the crown diameter, and the dry matter mass were determined. Number and growth of tips were higher on plants without defoliation, and decreased 44.7% on twice-defoliated mother plants. The two-defoliation management did not reduce runner tip dry matter mass only on plants with rooted stolons, which produced runner tips 50% heavier. Defoliation of mother plants bearing rooting stolons can be used to reduce their growth, without reducing the emission and growth of runner tips.
The objective of this work was to generate drift curves from pesticide applications on coffee plants and to compare them with two European drift-prediction models. The used methodology is based on the ISO 22866 standard. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with ten replicates in a 2x20 split-plot arrangement. The evaluated factors were: two types of nozzles (hollow cone with and without air induction) and 20 parallel distances to the crop line outside of the target area, spaced at 2.5 m. Blotting papers were used as a target and placed in each of the evaluated distances. The spray solution was composed of water+rhodamine B fluorescent tracer at a concentration of 100 mg L-1, for detection by fluorimetry. A spray volume of 400 L ha-1 was applied using a hydropneumatic sprayer. The air-induction nozzle reduces the drift up to 20 m from the treated area. The application with the hollow cone nozzle results in 6.68% maximum drift in the nearest collector of the treated area. The German and Dutch models overestimate the drift at distances closest to the crop, although the Dutch model more closely approximates the drift curves generated by both spray nozzles.
The objective of this work was to estimate the amounts of N fixed by cowpea in a traditional system and by cowpea and gliricidia in an agroforestry system in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design, in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates, in the semiarid region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil. Plots consisted of agroforestry and traditional systems (no trees), and split-plots of the three crops planted between the tree rows in the agroforestry system. To estimate N fixation, plant samples were collected in the fourth growth cycle of the perennial species and in the fourth planting cycle of the annual species. In the agroforestry system with buffel grass and prickly-pear cactus, gliricidia plants symbiotically fix high proportions of N (>50%) and contribute with higher N amounts (40 kg ha-1 in leaves) than in the traditional system (11 kg ha-1 in grain and 18 kg ha-1 in straw). In the agroforestry system with maize and cowpea, gliricidia plants do not fix nitrogen, and N input is limited to the fixation by cowpea (2.7 kg ha-1), which is lower than in the traditional system due to its lower biomass production.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar datas de semeadura com menor ocorrência média de dias com excedente hídrico para a cultura do girassol, e determinar a persistência de dias consecutivos com excedente hídrico ao se considerar a capacidade de armazenamento de água disponível de diferentes solos da região central do Rio Grande do Sul. O desenvolvimento da cultura e o aprofundamento do sistema radicular foram simulados de acordo com a soma térmica para 14 datas de semeadura, de agosto até meados de fevereiro, com dados de 1968 até 2011. A partir da capacidade de armazenamento de água disponível para as diferentes classes de solos da região, calculou-se o balanço hídrico sequencial diário para determinar os dias com excesso hídrico. Avaliou-se a ocorrência de dias com excesso hídrico em diferentes subperíodos de desenvolvimento da cultura, e procedeu-se à análise exploratória com gráficos box-plot para determinação da persistência de dias consecutivos com excesso hídrico durante todo o ciclo da cultura. O excedente hídrico limita o cultivo de girassol em determinadas áreas e períodos na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. A persistência de dias consecutivos com excedente hídrico e a duração do ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura são influenciados pela data de semeadura.
Leaf area measurements are required in several agronomical studies. Usually, there is an interest for measurement methods that are simple, quick and that will not destroy the leaf. The objectives of this work were to evaluate leaf area (y), length (l) and width (w) of 20 half-sibling progenies of custard apple tree (Annona squamosa L.), and to fit regression equations of the type y = a + bx, where x = l.w, that will allow y to be estimated based on l and w. The experiment was conducted as random blocks with five replicates and four plants per plot. Five mature leaves were randomly collected from each plant. Leaf area was measured with an automatic measuring device and leaf dimensions were determined with a ruler. All values of b were different from zero. Differences occurred only in 11% of the 190 possible comparison pairs between progenies, with regard to the estimates of b. No differences were observed between progenies with respect to leaf length, width and area. In view of this fact, the equation y = 0.72 x (R² = 0.77) was fitted for all progenies.
In orange commercial farms, Zn deficiencies symptoms and small fruits were observed in Corrientes, Argentine. During four years (1995 to 1998), Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis Osb.) on Rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.) rootstock, implanted in 1974 in sandy soil, where six treatments were tested. Treatments varied from 1 to 3 Kg KCl.tree-1.year-1 (applied in April and December) with and without Zineb 80, 0,35%. year-1, 20 L. tree-1 (13,3 g Zn.tree-1 applied in December). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications, with a single tree and borders in the experimental plot. Foliar sample were taken every year in Autumn and Summer, foliar concentrations of Zn and K were determined by atomic spectrum absorption. Harvested fruits were classified into small, medium and big. Analysis of Variance, Tukey test and Pearson correlations between production and foliar concentrations were performed. Higher fertilization levels of K with Zn increased medium and big fruits production (Kg and percentage). Foliar concentrations of K and Zn were positively correlated with big and medium fruit production and negatively correlated with small one. Chemical names used: Ethilenbis-ditiocarbamate of Zn (Zineb).
The experiment evaluated the agronomic characteristics of 'Prata-anã' and 'Maçã' banana plants, in the São Manuel region of São Paulo state. In the first crop cycle, the number of days from planting to inflorescence and from inflorescence to harvest; the number of shoots until the appearance of inflorescence and during the harvest period; active leaves number at inflorescence appearance and during the harvest period. Were evaluated yield parameters: like average weight of bunch, hand, rachis and fruit; average fruit number per hand and bunch; average fruit diameter and length. Incidences of plague diseases, as well as their severity were also evaluated. Delineation was totally at random, with 2 treatments, 15 replications and 5 useful plants per experimental plot. Both cultivars were characterized by values of descriptive average statistics and standard deviation, for characteristic interests. Number of days from planting to harvest was similar for both 'Prata-anã' and 'Maçã', 574 and 567 days respectively. Banana plants showed good phytosanitary quality throughout the whole cycle.
Actually mango (Mangifera indica, L.) is considered one of the largest Brazilian fruitbusiness for the export market. Cultivar selection having high fruit quality is a fundamental step to obtain excellent results in this business. A mango breeding program based on intervarietal hybridization may produce new improved cultivars for mango growers. Mango hybrids have been obtained by controlled or open crosses. In the last one, it is important to identify the male parent because it is useful for the genetic cultivar history, thus it is important for planning further improvements. This work presents a parentage test using among others parameters RAPD (Random amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers to estimate the male parent of the selected hybrids in an open cross plot by using five mango cultivars densely planted in a latin square design.
Apparently, there are no custard apple cultivars defined for the northeastern region of Brazil. The establishment of breeding programs aimed at the selection of types from productive locations for later cloning is desirable. This work's objective was to evaluate the yield (during the first three crops) and quality (first crop) of fruits from 20 half-sibling custard apple tree progenies, selected from home orchards. An additional objective was to estimate genetic parameters for the traits evaluated. A micro sprinkling-irrigated experiment was conducted in Mossoró-RN, Brazil, as random blocks with five replications. In characteristics evaluated for periods longer than a year (diameter, height and mean weight of fruits, number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield (kg ha-1), and a split-plot design was adopted, with progenies considered as plots and annual cropping seasons as subplots. The best progenies in terms of fruit yield (A3 and A4) are not necessarily the best for fruit dimensions and fruit mean weight (A2, FE4, JG1, JG2, SM1, SM7, and SM8). These progenies show great potential to be used in future studies on crosses or on vegetative propagation. In this regard, progeny JG2 should be highlighted as promising in terms of yield and fruit size. The progenies are not different with regard to percentages (in relation to mean fruit mass) of pericarp, endocarp, seeds, and receptacle, in the fruit, and fruit volume, number of seeds/fruit, and total soluble solids content in the fruit pulp, but progeny FE4 presents higher total titratable acidity in the fruit pulp. Narrow-sense heritability estimates were relatively high for all characteristics in which there was variability between progenies, with higher values for number of fruits ha-1 (80 %) and fruit yield (78 %). Relatively high coefficients of genotypic variation (around 20%) were observed for number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield, with lower values for the other characteristics. There were positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations between fruit diameter (FD) and fruit height, FD and mean fruit weight, and number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield.