367 resultados para Xylopia brasiliensis
The objective of this work was to determine the nutritional value of different protein sources for "dourado" (Salminus brasiliensis). Thirty juveniles per group (33.51±1.4 g) were hand fed on a reference diet (70%) added of tested ingredients (30%) and chromium oxide III (0.1%). Apparent digestibility coefficients of the gross energy (ADC GE), crude protein (ADC CP) and amino acids of the tested ingredients were evaluated. Corn gluten meal yielded the best results for ADC GE and ADC CP (95.7 and 96.9%, respectively) amongst plant ingredients. Spray-dried blood meal yielded the best values of ADC GE and ADC CP amongst animal ingredients (94.1 and 96.3%, respectively). Wheat bran yielded poorest ADCs coefficients (77 for ADC GE and 88.2% for ADC CP).
The objective of this work was to determine the dietary lysine (DL) and dietary arginine (DA) requirements of dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), through dose-response trials using the amino acid profiles of whole carcasses as a reference. Two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design (n=4). In the first experiment, groups of 12 feed-conditioned dourado juveniles (11.4±0.2 g) were stocked in 60 L cages placed in 300 L plastic indoor tanks in a closed circulation system. Fish were fed for 60 days on diets containing 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, or 3.5 % dietary lysine. In the second experiment, dourado juveniles (27.0±0.8 g) were fed for 60 days on semipurified diets containing arginine at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0%, in similar conditions to those of the first experiment. Optimal DL requirements, as determined by broken-line analysis method for final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate, were 2.15% DL or 5% lysine in dietary protein, and 1.48% DA or 3.43% arginine in dietary protein. The best feed conversion ratio is attained with 2.5% DL or 5.8% lysine in dietary protein and 1.4% DA or 3.25% arginine in dietary protein.
O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a propagação vegetativa por estaquia do porta-enxerto de videira '43-43'. Ramos herbáceos coletados em janeiro e semilenhosos em março que foram separados em dois lotes: um de estacas retiradas do ápice e outro da base dos ramos. As estacas foram então imersas por 10 segundos em soluções contendo diferentes concentrações de ácido indolilbutírico (0; 1.000; 1.500; 2.000; 2.500 ou 3.000 mg.L-1), totalizando 12 tratamentos para cada época de enraizamento. Posteriormente, as estacas foram plantadas em vasos de polipropileno com areia e mantidas em casa de vegetação sob sistema de nebulização. Sessenta dias após o plantio das estacas, para cada época, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, comprimento médio de raízes, massa fresca de raízes e porcentagem de estacas brotadas. Estacas herbáceas e semilenhosas apresentaram alta porcentagem de enraizamento (66,0% e 68,0%, respectivamente) mesmo quando não tratadas com o fitorregulador. Estacas apicais apresentaram maior comprimento e massa fresca de raízes. A aplicação de AIB reduziu a porcentagem de enraizamento e de brotação de estacas herbáceas e semilenhosas. Estacas semilenhosas, quando tratadas com o AIB a 1.000 mgL-1, apresentaram maior comprimento e massa fresca de raízes.
A produção homogênea de porta-enxertos resistentes à pérola-da-terra (Eurhizococcus brasiliensis Hempel, Hemiptera: Margarodidae) e adaptados à região vitivinícola do Sul do País, pela técnica de micropropagação, poderá vir a atender à demanda do setor produtivo de uva e evitar as perdas causadas pela praga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um protocolo de micropropagação dos híbridos 1 e 2, que possuem as qualidades genéticas e de vigor desejadas para porta-enxerto, e resistência à pérola-da-terra. A partir de gemas axilares cultivadas em meio Galzy adicionado de 3µM de bezilaminopurina (BAP), foi possível induzir a multibrotação, com um número satisfatório de brotos, passível de ser incrementado por subcultivos sucessivos no mesmo meio de cultura. Os brotos obtidos neste meio e transferidos para o meio de cultura Galzy, adicionado de 8µM.10-3 de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA), enraizaram em 100%, superando a dificuldade de enraizamento que em geral tem sido a maior barreira apresentada pela espécie V. rotundifolia e seus híbridos.
Os ácaros predadores das famílias Phytoseiidae e Stigmaeidae constituem-se nos principais inimigos naturais de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) em citros. Este ácaro-praga causa sérios prejuízos na produção, devido à transmissão do vírus da leprose dos citros (CiLV). Apesar do grande volume de informações sobre a sensibilidade de ácaros Phytoseiidae a agrotóxicos, praticamente não existem informações sobre o efeito desses compostos em ácaros Stigmaeidae no Brasil. Sendo assim, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito dos principais agrotóxicos utilizados em citros sobre o ácaro predador Agistemus brasiliensis Matioli, Ueckermann & Oliveira (Acari: Stigmaeidae), em condições de laboratório. Arenas de folhas de citros da variedade Pera, contendo 25 fêmeas adultas de A. brasiliensis, foram pulverizadas em torre de Potter. Avaliaram-se as mortalidades dos ácaros 72 horas após a aplicação. O efeito dos produtos na reprodução do acarino e a viabilidade dos ovos também foram avaliados. Quanto à seletividade, conforme proposta da "Organização Internacional para o Controle Biológico" (IOBC), os produtos foram classificados como: classe 1 - inócuo (E<30%), acrinathrin, bifenthrin, carbosulfan, deltamethrin; 2 - levemente nocivo (30%
A monoterpene, 3beta,6beta-dihydroxy-p-menth-1-ene has been isolated from the seeds of Xylopia sericea along with four kaurane, one beyerene, one atisene and four trachylobane diterpenoids, including the trachyloban-18- and 19-methyl esters. The X-ray crystal structure of methyl ent-trachyloban-18-oate was determined in order to make an unambiguous distinction between the 18- and 19-esters. The 13C NMR data for ent-15alpha-hydroxy-trachyloban-19-oic acid has been revised.
Chemical investigation of the MeOH extract of the leaves of Machaonia brasiliensis (Rubiaceae) resulted in the isolation and identification of 3beta-O-beta-glucopyranosyl stigmasterol, 3beta-O-beta-glucopyranosyl sitosterol, secologanoside, 7-O-beta-glucopyranosyl quercetagetin, 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid. The structures of these compounds were established by spectroscopic analysis, including 2D NMR experiments. The chemotaxonomic relevance of the isolation of secologanoside is discussed.
The present communication reports the isolation and identification of four triterpenoid saponins from the chloroform extract of the leaves of Tocoyena brasiliensis: 3-O-beta-D-quinovopyranosyl quinovic acid, 3-O-beta-D-quinovopyranosyl cincholic acid, 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl quinovic acid and the 28-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester derivative of quinovic acid as binary mixtures, respectively. From the ethanol extract a flavonoid identified as ramnazin-3-O-rutinoside was obtained. The structures of these compounds were assigned by data analysis of 1D and 2D NMR spectrometry and comparison with data recorded in the literature for these compounds.
Eleven oleanane, ursane and lupane-type triterpenes were isolated from the leaves of Terminalia brasiliensis Camb, daturadiol (3b,6beta-dihydroxy-olean-12-ene), 3beta-hydroxy-30-norlupan-20-one, lupenone, beta-amyrenone, alpha-amyrenone, lupeol, beta-amyrin, alpha-amyrin, betulin, erythrodiol and uvaol, in addition to squalene, sitosterol and alpha-tocopherol. The structures of these compounds were identified by ¹H and 13C NMR spectral analysis and comparison with literature data.
This paper describes the chemical constituents isolated from aerial parts of the plant Galianthe brasiliensis. From a methanol extract, the iridoid glycosides asperuloside, deacetylasperuloside, mixture of Z- and E-6-O-p-coumaroylscandoside methyl ester, the triterpene ursolic acid and the steroids stigmasterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol and 3-O-beta-glycopiranosyl sitosterol were isolated. The structures of the natural products were identified on the basis of spectral data, including 2D NMR experiments. The antiproliferative properties of the crude methanolic extract were investigated against a series of nine human cancer cell lines.
The essential oils of the leaves and fruits obtained by hydrodistillation of Xylopia sericea, collected in the restinga area of Pernambuco, were analyzed by GC (HP 5890 SERIES II) and GC/MS (HP 5890B SERIES II/ MSD 5971). A major part of the volatile components identified in the oils of fruits and leaves were monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Cubenol (57.43%) and alpha-epi-muurolol (26.09%) were the main compounds found in the leaves, whereas beta-pinene (45.59%) and alpha-pinene (17.18%) were the fruits major components. The acaricidal activity of the essential oils was evaluated for Tetranychus urticae. The oil of the leaves was more active than that of the fruits showing an LC50 value of 4.08 µL/L of air for a 72 h period.
The chaoolmugra oil is one of the oldest medicines used for leprosy until the development of sulfas. In Brazil, it is known as sapucainha oil that is obtained from Carpotroche brasilienesis seeds (Flacourtiaceae). Chemical and medicinal studies of sapucainha oil were introduced in Brazil by Peckolt, Cole and Cardoso which showed that major ciclopentenyl fatty acids as chaulmoogric, hydnocarpic and gorlic were responsible for its bactericidal activity. In this work, a method for quantification of sapucainha oil acidic fraction by HRGC was established using methyl n-heptadecanoate as internal standard. The oil chemical stability was investigated by the use of GC-MS, IR, ¹H and 13C NMR and showed that the main degradation products belong to the cyclopentenyl moiety oxidation.
The phytochemical investigation of Xylopia langsdorffiana led to the isolation of corytenchine, xylopinine, discretamine, xylopine, ent-atisan-16α-hydroxy-18-oic acid, 13² (S) hydroxy-17³-ethoxyphaephorbide and quercetin-3-α-rhamnoside. Their structures were assigned based on spectroscopic analyses, including two-dimensional NMR techniques. Antioxidant activities of discretamine were measured using the 1,2-diphenyl- 2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay.
A chemical investigation of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. (Myrtaceae) leaves led to the isolation of α-amyrin and β-amyrin (in a mixture), betulin, 29-hydroxy-oleanolic acid, quercetin, catechin and gallocatechin. Herein, the identification of 29-hydroxy-oleanolic acid is reported for the first time in the Myrtaceae family. Moreover, in this study, the extract, fractions and six of the seven compounds were monitored for toxicity toward Artemia salina, antibacterial and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity. The crude ethanol extract of the leaves and fractions were found be active on A. salina toxicity bioassay.
Phytochemical investigation of the hexane extract from the stem of Xylopia laevigata led to the isolation of the ent-kaurane diterpenoids, ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, 4-epi-kaurenic acid, ent-16β-hydroxy-17-acetoxy-kauran-19-al, ent-3β-hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, and ent-16β,17-dihydroxy-kauran-19-oic acid, as well as spathulenol and a mixture of β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol. The identification of the compounds was performed on the basis of spectrometric methods including GC-MS, IR, and 1D and 2D NMR. Potent larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti larvae with LC50 of 62.7 µg mL-1 was found for ent-3β-hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid. This compound also showed significant antifungal activity against Candida glabrata and Candida dubliniensis with MIC values of 62.5 µg mL-1.