339 resultados para Vaginal Tablet
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as repercussões da cicatriz uterina na dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas, entre 26 e 32 semanas, em gestantes primíparas com uma cesariana prévia, considerando quando esta foi realizada fora (cesárea eletiva) ou durante o trabalho de parto. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo transversal em 45 gestantes, divididas em três grupos: 17 gestantes com cicatriz prévia resultante de cesariana eletiva (grupo A); 14 gestantes com uma cicatriz prévia oriunda de cesariana executada em trabalho de parto (grupo B); 14 gestantes cujo único parto anterior foi realizado por via vaginal (grupo C). A dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas foi realizada pela via abdominal. Foram calculados as médias, medianas e desvios-padrão (DP) para cada grupo em estudo. Em relação ao índice de pulsatilidade, a comparação dos grupos foi conduzida pelo teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios do índice de pulsatilidade no grupo A variaram de 0,60 a 1,60 (média: 0,90; DP: 0,29), no grupo B, de 0,53 a 1,43 (média: 0,87; DP: 0,24), e no grupo C, de 0,65 a 1,65 (média: 1,01; DP: 0,37); p = 0,6329. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve repercussões da cicatriz de cesariana prévia na dopplervelocimetria das artérias uterinas avaliadas de 26 a 32 semanas de gestação.
AbstractMagnetic resonance imaging is a method with high contrast resolution widely used in the assessment of pelvic gynecological diseases. However, the potential of such method to diagnose vaginal lesions is still underestimated, probably due to the scarce literature approaching the theme, the poor familiarity of radiologists with vaginal diseases, some of them relatively rare, and to the many peculiarities involved in the assessment of the vagina. Thus, the authors illustrate the role of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of vaginal diseases and the main relevant findings to be considered in the clinical decision making process.
Adsorptive stripping voltammetry carried out in a homogeneous ternary solvent composed of N,N-dimethylformamide, water and ethanol, with alpha-benzoinoxime (alphaBO) as the complexing agent for Mo(VI) and a 0.5 mol L-1 acetic acid - sodium acetate buffer as supporting electrolyte was successfully used for the determination of molybdenum in polyvitamin-polymineral tablets. Tablet samples were analyzed and the results were compared with those obtained both by graphite furnace atomic absorption and by recovery tests, with good correlations, indicating that this may be considered as an alternative procedure for routine determination of Mo(VI) in pharmaceutical samples.
An analytical method has been developed and validated for the quantitation of lamivudine, zidovudine and nevirapine in the fixed-dose combination film-coated tablet by high performance liquid chromatography, in accordance with RE No. 899/2003, National Sanitary Surveillance Agency. It was based on an isocratic elution system with a potassium phosphate buffer pH 3.0: acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) mobile phase, C18, 250 x 46 mm column, 10µm particle size, λ 270 nm. The statistically evaluated results have shown that the method is specific, precise, accurate, and robust, ensuring the analytical safety of 3TC, AZT and NVP determination, which emerges as a new therapeutic alternative for antiretroviral treatment.
Two spectrophotometric methods are described for the simultaneous determination of ezetimibe (EZE) and simvastatin (SIM) in pharmaceutical preparations. The obtained data was evaluated by using two different chemometric techniques, Principal Component Regression (PCR) and Partial Least-Squares (PLS-1). In these techniques, the concentration data matrix was prepared by using the mixtures containing these drugs in methanol. The absorbance data matrix corresponding to the concentration data matrix was obtained by the measurements of absorbances in the range of 240 - 300 nm in the intervals with Δλ = 1 nm at 61 wavelengths in their zero order spectra, then, calibration or regression was obtained by using the absorbance data matrix and concentration data matrix for the prediction of the unknown concentrations of EZE and SIM in their mixture. The procedure did not require any separation step. The linear range was found to be 5 - 20 µg mL-1 for EZE and SIM in both methods. The accuracy and precision of the methods were assessed. These methods were successfully applied to a pharmaceutical preparation, tablet; and the results were compared with each other.
This paper describes the development and validation of simple and selective analytical method for determination of 3.4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Ecstasy tablets, using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Analysis was performed in a reversed phase column (LiChrospher 100 C18, 150 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm), isocratic elution with phosphate buffer 25 mmol/L pH 3.0 and acetonitrile (95:5, v/v). The method presents adequate linearity, selectivity, precision and accuracy. MDMA concentration in analyzed tablets showed a remarkable variability (from 8.5 to 59.5 mg/tablet) although the tablet weights were uniform, indicating poor manufacturing control thus imposing additional health risks to the users.
A gas chromatographic method has been developed for the assay of fluvastatin sodium (FLU). FLU was silylated with N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide-1% trimethylchlorosilane at 90 ºC for 30 min and analysed in a DB-1 column by capillary gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The method was validated. The assay was linear over the concentration range at 10.0 to 50.0 µg mL-1. The limit of detection and the limit of quantitation were 1.0 and 3.0 µg mL-1, respectively. The recoveries of FLU derivatives were in the range of 99.25-99.80%. In inter-day and intra-day analysis, the values of relative standard deviation (%) and the relative mean error (%) were found between 0.20-0.80% and -0.20-0.75%, respectively. The developed method was succesfully applied to analyze the FLU content in tablet formulation. The results were statistically compared with those obtained by the official method, and no significant difference was found between the two methods. Therefore, it can be recommended for the quality control assay of FLU in pharmaceutical industry.
A liquid chromatography method was developed and validated for the determination of phenobarbital in human plasma using phenytoin as internal standard. The drugs were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction and separated isocratically on a C12 analytical column, maintained at 35 ºC, with water:acetonitrile:methanol (58.8:15.2:26, v/v/v) as mobile phase, run at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min with detection at 205 nm. The method was linear in the range of 0.1-4 μg/mL (r²=0.9999) and demonstrated acceptable results for the precision, accuracy and stability studies. The method was successfully applied for the bioequivalence study of two tablet formulations (test and reference) of phenobarbital 100 mg after single oral dose administration to healthy human volunteers.
For determination of aliskiren in commercial samples, an analytical UV spectrophotometric method was developed and validate according to ICH guideline. The method was linear in the range between 40 and 100 μg mL-1 (r² = 0.9997, n = 7) and exhibited suitable specificity, accuracy, precision, and robustness. It is simple, it has low cost, and it has low use polluting reagents. Therefore, the proposed method was successfully applied for the assay and dissolution studies of aliskiren in tablet dosage forms, and the results were compared to a validated RP-LC method, showing non-significant difference (P > 0.05).
A simple, precise, rapid and low-cost potentiometric method for captopril determination in pure form and in pharmaceutical preparations is proposed. Captopril present in tablets containing known quantity of drug was potentiometrically titrated in aqueous solution with NaOH using a glass pH electrode, coupled to an autotitrator. No interferences were observed in the presence of common components of the tablets as lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, starch and magnesium stearate. The analytical results obtained by applying the proposed method compared very favorably with those obtained by the United States Pharmacopoeia Standard procedure. Recovery of captopril from various tablet dosage formulations range from 98.0 to 102.0%.
Two simple sensitive and reproducible spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of metronidazole either in pure form or in their tablets. The proposed methods are based on the reduction of the nitro group to amino group of the drug. The reduction of metronidazole was carried out with zinc powder and 5 N hydrochloric acid at room temperature in methanol. The resulting amine was then subjected to a condensation reaction with aromatic aldehyde namely, vanillin and p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde (PDAB) to yield yellow colored Schiff's bases. The formed Schiff's bases are quantified spectrophotometrically at their absorption maxima at 422 nm for vanillin and 494 nm for PDAB. Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration ranges 10 to 65 µg mL-1 and 5 to 40 µg mL-1 with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.080 µg mL-1 and 0.090 µg mL-1 for vanillin and PDAB, respectively. The mean percentage recoveries were found to be 100.05 ± 0.37 and 99.01 ± 0.76 for the two methods respectively. The proposed methods were successfully applied to determine the metronidazole in their tablet formulations and the results compared favorably to that of reference methods. The proposed methods are recommended for quality control and routine analysis.
Three simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of ofloxacin (OFX) in pharmaceuticals and in spiked human urine. First and second methods are based on the measurement of absorbance of OFX in 0.1 M HCl at 293 nm (method A) and 0.1 M NaOH at 287 nm, respectively. The third method is based on the measurement of 2:1 complex formed between OFX and iron(III) in H2SO4 medium, the complex peaking at 420 nm (method C). The optimum conditions for all the three methods are optimized. Beer's law is obeyed over the ranges 0.63-12.5 using method A and method B, and 10-120 µg mL-1 using method C. The apparent molar absorptivity values are calculated to be 3.5 × 10(4), 2.76 × 10(4) and 2.51 × 10³ L mol-1cm-1 for method A, method B and method C, respectively. The Sandell sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit quantification (LOQ) values are also reported. All the methods were validated in accordance with current ICH guidelines. The developed methods were employed with high degree of precision and accuracy for the estimation of total drug content in commercial tablet formulations of DOX. The results obtained from human spiked urine are satisfactory and recovery values are in the range 95.5-106.6%.
Four simple titrimetric procedures are described for the determination of lisinopril (LNP) in bulk and in pharmaceuticals based on the neutralization of basic-amino and acidic carboxylic acid groups present in LNP. Method A is based on the neutralization of basic amino groups using perchloric acid as titrant in anhydrous acetic acid medium. Method B, method C and method D are based on neutralization of carboxylic acid group using NaOH, sodium methoxide and methanolic KOH, as titrants, respectively. Method A is applicable over 2.0-20.0 mg range and the calculations are based in the molar ratio of 1:2 (LNP:HClO4). Method B, method C and method D are applicable over 2.0-20.0 mg, 1.0-10.0 mg and 5.0-15.0 mg range, respectively, and their respective molar ratios are 1:1 (LNP:NaOH), 1:2 (LNP:CH3ONa) and 1:1 (LNP:KOH). Intraday and inter day accuracy and precision of the methods were evaluated and the results showed intra- and inter-day precision less than 2.7% (RSD), and accuracy of < 2.5 % (RE). The developed methods were applied to determine LNP in tablets and the results were validated statistically by comparing the results with those of the reference method by applying the Student's t-test and F-test. The accuracy was further ascertained by recovery studies via standard addition technique. No interferences from common tablet exipients was observed.
O câncer cérvico-uterino é muito comum em vários países da América Latina. As estatísticas de mortalidade e as taxas de incidência demonstram a sua real importância. O cânver cérvico-uterino freqüentemente é uma doença progressiva iniciada com mudanças intra-epiteliais, que podem se transformar em um processo invasivo, sendo o nosso objetivo tratar precocemente estas lesões quando ainda é possível a cura de 100%. Em nosso estudo prospectivo foram selecionadas 21 pacientes com neoplasia cervical intra-epitelial reatreadas pela citplogia e diagnosticadas pela histopatologia após biópsia dirigida pela colposcopia. O método terapêutico empregado foi a vaporização a laser com o CO2. Tiveram como pré-requisito os seguintes critérios: informação segura pela colposcopia da zona de transformação e afastar a presença de câncer invasivo; a neoplasia epitelial cervical deve ocupar a ectocervix sem nenhuma extensão para o canal cervical e correlação positiva entre a citologia, colposcopia e histologia. O uso de laser CO2 com microscópio permitiu precisão na aplicação e com vantagens de ser um procedimento ambulatorial diminuindo estresse cirúrgico das pacientes. Foi realizado sem anestesia e com duração média de 15 minutos. A cicatrização completou-se em torno de três semanas e com cuidados operatórios mínimos. Somente dois casos tiveram sangramento vaginal discreto no quinto e décimo dia de pós-operatório, resolvido com tamponamento vaginal por 24 horas. A colposcopia, cirurgia e o seguimento foram feitos pelo autor, tendo uma paciente sido submetida a uma segunda vaporização no quinto mês de controle. Somente uma paciente teve recidiva no 26° mês de seguimento e complementará o tratamento. As vinte outras restantes estão em controle sem recidiva de doença. Em vista dos resultados obtivemos um percentual de cura de 95%, que coincide com a literatura. O uso de laser CO2 no tratamento das neoplasias cervicais intra-epiteliais (NIC) ou virais tem sido estimulado como uma alternativa digna de ser seguida pelas seguintes razões: cirurgia de não contato, tratamento rápido e indolor, diminuição das custas da internação; complicações mínimas e sem efeito subseqüente sobre a fertilidade e competência cervical, menor necrose térmica, e possibilidade de novo tratamento ambulatorial. Por estas razões e pelo alto percentual de cura podemos concluir que a cirurgia proposta foi vantajosa para o tratamento da neoplasia cervical intra-epitelial, quando comparada com outros métodos de tratamento.
Foram analisadas retrospectivamente 26 pacientes gestantes traumatizadas, num período de nove anos. A média de idade foi 23,7 anos (16-42). A idade gestacional variou de dez a quarenta semanas (média 21,5 semanas); a maioria (46,1%) no segundo trimestre. O mecanismo predominante (65,3%) foi o trauma abdominal fechado por acidente automobilístico (atropelamento ou colisão). Na admissão, oito (30,7%) pacientes apresentavam alterações hemodinâmicas. Seis doentes (23,0%) apresentavam sangramento vaginal e, destas, quatro estavam hemodinamicamente normais. Analisamos a mortalidade materna, a mortalidade fetal e suas causas. Comparamos também a mediana dos valores do RTS e TRISS entre os grupos, sobrevida materno-fetal, sobrevida materna e óbito materno-fetal. Todas as gestantes admitidas com sangramento vaginal apresentaram óbito fetal. A mortalidade materna foi de 11,5%, por choque hemorrágico. A mortalidade fetal foi de 30,7%, sendo que 37,5% destes óbitos foram provocados pela morte materna. A principal causa de mortalidade fetal foi o descolamento de placenta (50,0%). Os índices de trauma, RTS e TRISS, foram significativamente menor (p=0,0025 e p<0,0001) no grupo óbito materno-fetal, porém esses índices não apresentaram valor prognóstico na mortalidade fetal.