There is evidence that the left hemisphere is more competent for motor control than the right hemisphere. This study investigated whether this hemispheric asymmetry is expressed in the latency/duration of sequential responses performed by the left and/or right hands. Thirty-two right-handed young adults (16 males, 16 females; 18-25 years old) were tested in a simple or choice reaction time task. They responded to a left and/or right visual target by moving their left and/or right middle fingers between two keys on each side of the midline. Right hand reaction time did not differ from left hand reaction time. Submovement times were longer for the right hand than the left hand when the response was bilateral. Pause times were shorter for the right hand than the left hand, both when the responses were unilateral or bilateral. Reaction time results indicate that the putatively more efficient response preparation by the left hemisphere motor mechanisms is not expressed behaviorally. Submovement time and pause time results indicate that the putatively more efficient response execution by the left hemisphere motor mechanisms is expressed behaviorally. In the case of the submovements, the less efficient motor control of the left hand would be compensated by a more intense attention to this hand.
Our goal was to analyze the anatomical parameters of the lumbar spine spinous process for an interspinous stabilization device designed for the Chinese population and to offer an anatomical basis for its clinical application. The posterior lumbar spines (T12-S1) of 52 adult cadavers were used for measuring the following: distance between two adjacent spinous processes (DB), distance across two adjacent spinous processes (DA), thickness of the central spinous processes (TC), thickness of the superior margin of the spinous processes (TS), thickness of the inferior margin of the spinous processes (TI), and height of the spinous processes (H). Variance and correlation analyses were conducted for these data, and the data met the normal distribution and homogeneity of variance. DB decreased gradually from L1-2 to L5-S1. DA increased from T12-L1 to L2-3 and then decreased from L2-3 to L4-5. The largest H in males was noted at L3 (25.45±5.96 mm), whereas for females the largest H was noted at L4 (18.71±4.50 mm). Usually, TS of the adjacent spinous process was lower than TI. Based on the anatomical parameters of the lumbar spinous processes obtained in this study, an “H”-shaped coronal plane (posterior view) was proposed as an interspinous stabilization device for the Chinese population. This study reports morphometric data of the lumbar spinous processes in the Chinese population, which provides an anatomical basis for future clinical applications.
There has been concern regarding the use of controversial paradigms for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to manage treatment-resistant depression (TRD). This meta-analysis assessed the efficacy of bilateral rTMS compared with unilateral and sham rTMS in patients with TRD. PubMed, Embase, CENTRAL, PsycINFO, Web of Science, EAGLE and NTIS databases were searched to identify relevant studies, and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on bilateral rTMS for TRD patients were included. The response was defined as the primary outcome, and remission was the secondary outcome. Ten RCTs that included 634 patients met the eligibility criteria. The risk ratio (RRs) of both the primary and secondary outcomes of bilateral rTMS showed non-significant increases compared to unilateral rTMS (RR=1.01, P=0.93; odds ratio [OR]=0.77, P=0.22). Notably, the RR of the primary bilateral rTMS outcome was significantly increased compared to that for sham rTMS (RR=3.43, P=0.0004). The results of our analysis demonstrated that bilateral rTMS was significantly more effective than sham rTMS but not unilateral rTMS in patients with TRD. Thus, bilateral rTMS may not be a useful paradigm for patients with TRD.
Resumo O feocromocitoma é um tumor da adrenal produtor de catecolaminas, sendo causa rara de hipertensão arterial na gravidez. Sua prevalência em hipertensos é de 0,2%, e em 0,002% das gestações. Acompanhamos gestante hipertensa de 24 anos, branca, tercigesta, admitida na 33ª semana com emergência hipertensiva, indicada cesárea devido a sofrimento fetal, evoluindo com edema agudo de pulmão no pós-parto imediato. Submetida à videolaparoscopia após 13 dias por dor abdominal aguda, sem achado significativo. No pós-operatório, devido à hipertensão arterial grave e refratária, suspeitou-se de feocromocitoma, confirmado por exames bioquímicos e de imagem. Realizada adrenelectomia unilateral com cura da hipertensão. A anatomia patológica e a imunohistoquímica confirmaram o diagnóstico. Concluímos que casos atípicos de hipertensão na gravidez devem ser precocemente investigados e diferenciados da pré-eclâmpsia. Apesar da baixa prevalência, o feocromocitoma na gravidez aumenta consideravelmente a morbimortalidade materno-fetal e o seu reconhecimento e tratamento precoces mudam drasticamente o seu desfecho.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the political economy of preferential trade agreements based on a sequential non-cooperative Stackelberg political game between a large economy and a small one, in which the political dispute of rival lobby groups defines the unilateral stance of both governments in the first stage; and the Stackelberg "coalition-proof" equilibrium defines the free trade agreement format in the second stage. Finally, a few modifications in the initial game structure are discussed in order to enhance the small economy's negotiation power. The political economy model is applied to FTAA case.
Marcuse teve no Brasil na década de 1970 uma recepção unilateral, sendo visto unicamente como guru da contra-cultura. Contra esse equívoco o artigo mostra a relação intrínseca entre teoria e prática na filosofia de Marcuse, caracterizada como uma filosofia política cuja preocupação central é a transformação radical da sociedade capitalista.
No direito real, Kant investiga a propriedade privada de uma substância (o solo e os objetos localizados nele). No estado de natureza, somente ocorre a posse física ou empírica de um objeto externo, a partir do postulado jurídico da razão prática como uma lei permissiva, pois, do contrário, as coisas utilizáveis seriam em-si ou res nullius, mas a posse jurídica ou inteligível depende da posse comum originária do solo (que não se confunde com o comunismo primitivo), para evitar que a propriedade seja uma relação entre pessoas e coisas, como acontece na teoria do trabalho, porque todo direito exige um dever correspondente. Todavia, coisas não podem ter deveres com relação a pessoas, condição seguida da vontade unilateral do primeiro ocupante de querer o objeto e do advento de uma vontade unificada a priori do provo, que só se torna efetiva no estado civil, a única capaz de gerar uma obrigação recíproca entre todos; por isso, a posse inteligível somente é possível no estado civil, embora a posse empírica do estado de natureza tenha a presunção de tornar-se jurídica, quando ocorrer a entrada no estado jurídico e vale por comparação na espera e preparação daquele estado.