227 resultados para Snellman, Alex


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OBJETIVO: Identificar variáveis preditoras de sobrecarga de ferro em portadores de anemia falciforme e correlacionar indicadores bioquímicos e imaginológicos. MATERIAiS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 32 portadores de anemia falciforme, que foram submetidos a dosagem sérica de ferro, ferritina e a ressonância magnética do fígado. Foram realizadas cinco sequências gradiente-eco e uma spin-eco. A intensidade de sinal foi obtida em cada sequência pelas médias das regiões de interesse no fígado e musculatura paravertebral para obter a razão da intensidade de sinal (RIS) fígado/músculo. A partir da RIS foi obtida a concentração hepática estimada de ferro (CHEF) pela fórmula: e[5,808 - (0,877 × T2*) - (1,518 × PI)], onde T2* é a RIS na sequência com TE de 13 ms e PI é a RIS da sequência com ponderação intermediária. Os pacientes foram agrupados segundo o regime de transfusão de hemácias (regulares mensais versus esporádicas). RESULTADOS: Os grupos transfusionais foram comparados pelas variáveis clínico-laboratoriais, sendo significativas as diferenças entre RIS, CHEF e ferritina sérica: o grupo que recebeu transfusões regulares apresentou sobrecarga de ferro hepático mais intensa. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética foi ferramenta eficiente para avaliação de sobrecarga hepática de ferro em portadores de anemia falciforme.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar aspectos ultrassonográficos associados à morbidade em pacientes com formas clínicas crônicas de esquistossomose mansônica, utilizando-se protocolo proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas duas populações distintas: a) área endêmica e b) institucional terciária, com histopatológico confirmando fibrose. Critérios de inclusão: diagnóstico confirmado por parasitológico de fezes para Schistosoma mansoni (método Kato-Katz). Critérios de exclusão: sorologia positiva para HIV, HTLV-1, VHB ou VHC. Foi utilizado protocolo ultrassonográfico de Niamey, proposto pela OMS. RESULTADOS: Avaliando-se isoladamente as medidas dos espaços periportais, estas se mostraram sem alterações em 21% dos indivíduos com doença avançada da instituição terciária. Utilizando-se todos os parâmetros do protocolo, 100% dos indivíduos da instituição terciária, com forma grave da doença, apresentaram fibrose periportal avançada. Em pacientes hepatoesplênicos da área endêmica não se identificou fibrose à ultrassonografia. CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo ultrassonográfico proposto pela OMS detecta fibrose periportal avançada nos pacientes com forma grave da doença, com maior sensibilidade do que a medida do espaço periportal isoladamente. A complexidade de identificação das fases iniciais da fibrose periportal, em áreas endêmicas, pela ultrassonografia, pode suscitar o campo da complementação diagnóstica e a continuidade do aprimoramento dos protocolos ultrassonográficos nestas áreas.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar as alterações anatômicas decorrentes de um quadro de icterícia obstrutiva experimental induzida em suínos nos períodos pré e pós-operatório por meio de exame ultrassonográfico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Seis suínos da raça Landrace, com 36 dias de idade, foram submetidos a obstrução biliar completa mediante ligadura do ducto colédoco por cirurgia videolaparoscópica. RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram dificuldades na execução dos procedimentos obstrutivos e a recuperação cirúrgica foi eficiente. Decorridos sete dias, os animais apresentaram icterícia, bilirrubinúria e acolia fecal. O exame ultrassonográfico comparativo permitiu visualizar hepatomegalia, colecistomegalia e aumento no calibre do ducto colédoco em todos os animais, assim como alterações decorrentes da colestase. A avaliação morfométrica revelou aumento significativo nos diâmetros da vesícula biliar e do lobo hepático lateral esquerdo. CONCLUSÃO: Os suínos representam um modelo experimental adequado de icterícia obstrutiva, e o exame ultrassonográfico demonstrou-se sensível e relevante no diagnóstico das alterações decorrentes de obstrução biliar extra-hepática nesses animais.


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This paper reports the results of a three-year study of the effectiveness of mini-projects in a first year laboratory course in chemistry at a Scottish university. A mini-project is a short, practical problem which requires for its solution the application of the knowledge and skills developed in previously completed set experiments. A number of recommendations have been made about the most appropriate ways of introducing mini-projects into undergraduate laboratory course. The main hypothesis of this survey was concerned with the value of mini-projects in laboratory courses formulated within the context of Information Processing Theory.


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An alternative application of the humid sludge from the Passaúna WTP, located in Curitiba's metropolitan area, is proposed for concrete structures, partially replacing aggregates and cement. For the investigation, a reference concrete and four concrete mixtures with sludge were produced, and from these, two mixtures, containing 4% and 8% of sludge (m/m), were analyzed by different techniques: X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric analysis, physicochemical analysis, compressive strength, etc. The properties were evaluated and the results indicate that the mixtures can be applied in different situations as cast structures for construction of concrete walls. Mixtures with more than 4% of sludge are restricted to applications where the workability of the concrete is not required, such as for residential pavements, sidewalks and stepping floors.


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Adsorptive stripping voltammetry carried out in a homogeneous ternary solvent composed of N,N-dimethylformamide, water and ethanol, with alpha-benzoinoxime (alphaBO) as the complexing agent for Mo(VI) and a 0.5 mol L-1 acetic acid - sodium acetate buffer as supporting electrolyte was successfully used for the determination of molybdenum in polyvitamin-polymineral tablets. Tablet samples were analyzed and the results were compared with those obtained both by graphite furnace atomic absorption and by recovery tests, with good correlations, indicating that this may be considered as an alternative procedure for routine determination of Mo(VI) in pharmaceutical samples.


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The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.


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Chemical reactions in the solid state are often not included in undergraduate chemistry curricula, due to requirements for special laboratory facilities such as ovens and precision weighing balances. This work aims to describe novel and relatively simple magnetite chemical syntheses in dry medium, which could also be used as an alternative for freshmen chemistry experiments. The proposed reaction was carried out in a muffle furnace by heating (i) a sol-gel preparation and (ii) natural hematite, under nitrogen atmosphere at 400 ºC. The synthesized magnetite was characterized with powder X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Results show that magnetite samples have chemical properties as well as crystalline structure quite similar to those of standard natural magnetite.


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Physicochemical and mechanical techniques were carried out to characterize three concrete tyre-rubber waste dosages such as 5, 10 and 15%, w/w. The elastomeric material was identified as styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR). It was observed that the growing SBR content in the mixture decreased the concrete performance. The best results were presented by 5% w/w tyre-rubber waste concrete sample. This composition was tested at Mourão hydroelectric powerplant spillway as repairing material.


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Last decade Brazilian rivers experimented progressive biofouling of Limnoperna fortunei communities and Cordylophora caspia hydroids. The microhabitat is so favorable that in around 1.5 years L. fortunei increased from 0.39 to nearby 149,000 units/m². Ten Portland cement mortar samples were produced with 1: 3.5: 0.4 dosages and installed for 1 year at Salto Caxias Brazilian Power Plant reservoir in 0.5 m and 1.0 m deep to investigate the biofouling influence on hydraulic civil structures. SEM, EDS, visual investigation and XRF results indicate none direct chemical interrelationships between L. fortunei and the mortar samples. However C. caspia diminished the mortar surface resistance and caused cement paste leaching.


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Groundwater quality of a riparian forest is compared to wells in surrounding rural areas at Urupá River basin. Groundwater types were calcium bicarbonated at left margin and sodium chloride at right, whereas riparian wells exhibited a combination of both (sodium bicarbonate). Groundwater was mostly solute-depleted with concentrations within permissible limits for human consumption, except for nitrate. Isotopic composition suggests that inorganic carbon in Urupá River is mostly supplied by runoff instead of riparian groundwater. Hence, large pasture areas in addition to narrow riparian forest width in this watershed may have an important contribution in the chemical composition of this river.


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This work aimed at the synthesis and characterization of particles of modified silica containing the organic filter dibenzoylmethane (DBM) by the hydrolytic sol-gel method, with modifications to the Stöber route. The structures of the resulting Xerogels were characterized by diffuse reflectance UV-VIS spectroscopy in the solid state, infrared absorption spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and 29Si Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (29Si NRM). The results showed favorable formation of hybrid organic-inorganic nanoparticles with efficient absorption/reflectance of radiation in the UV / VIS range, which enables their potential use as sunscreen.


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A new salicylic acid derivative, pentacosanyl salicylate, was isolated from the leaves of the plant toxic to cattle, Riedeliella graciliflora, in addition to a digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), 1,2-di-O-α-linolenoyl-3-O-α-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-galactopyranosyl-glycerol, kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, kaempferol-3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoside, rutin, (+)-catechin and the dimer (+)-catechin-(4β-8)-catechin, glutinol, squalene, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, phytol, β-carotene, α-tocopherol and ficaprenol-12. Their structures were determined using spectral techniques (MS, IR, and NMR-1D and 2D) and based on literature data.


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Por meio do estudo de estruturas fúngicas ao microscópio estereoscópico e ótico e de uma caracterização em detalhes, inclusive com micrografias, foi possível identificar cinco espécies de fungos causadores de ferrugens da família Pucciniaceae associadas com sete espécies vegetais medicinais do horto Ervas & Matos da Universidade Federal de Lavras, em Minas Gerais (21º14' - latitude sul; 45º00' - longitude oeste). As espécies de ferrugem e seus respectivos hospedeiros foram: Puccinia lantanae em Lippia alba; P. leonotidicola em Leonotis nepetaefolia; P. menthae em Mentha spp. e M. arvensis; P. porophylli em Porophyllum ruderale; e Uromyces platensis sobre Pfaffia glomerata