270 resultados para Robusta coffee
Este estudo foi desenvolvido na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke, ao norte de Manaus. Analisaram-se dados de observações fenológicas sobre cinco espécies da família Chrysobalanaceae, Licania heteromorpha L. longistyla L octandra Couepia longipendula, C. robusta e dados meteorológicos obtidos no período de 1970 a 1994. Determinaram-se as percentagens médias mensais de ocorrência, frequência, regularidade, data e duração média anual das fenofases, e o índice de sincronia entre indivíduos e na população para a plena floração (F2), frutos maduros (F5) e folhas novas (F8) de cada espécie. L. heteromorpha apresentou pico máximo de plena floração na transição para a estação chuvosa (Nov.-Jan.); L. longistyla (Jun.) e L. octandra (Jul.) na transição para a estação seca; C. longipendula e C. robusta na estação seca (Out.). As espécies apresentaram frequência anual a supra-anual na floração, com padrão irregular, com exceção de L. octandra supra-anual e padrão muito irregular. A duração média da floração foi de 4,8 meses e de 5,5 meses para a frutificação para as cinco espécies. O índice de sincronia da plena floração foi alta para L. octandra (0,79), média para C. longipendula (0,56) e baixa para L. heteromorpha, L. longistyla e C. robusta (< 0,32) espécies mostraram ser perenifólias. Uma análise multivariada mostrou que a plena floração teve correlação linear negativa com a precipitação e umidade relativa (r = -0,34) e correlação positiva com a insolação (r = 0,29), temperatura máxima (r = 0,26) e evaporação (r = 0,31); a fase de frutos maduros apresentou correlação positiva com a precipitação (r = 0,27) e negativa com a temperatura mínima (r = -0,35) e insolação (r = -0,27); a fase de folhas novas apresentou correlação semelhante à da plena floração.
Paspalum fasciculatum é uma robusta gramínea C4, perene, de ocorrência nas várzeas da Amazônia Central. Para estabelecer a ecologia e o ciclo de vida da espécie em relação as flutuações anuais do nível do rio, vinte plantas foram marcadas ao acaso e acompanhadas mensalmente, de setembro/95 a agosto /96, em duas áreas entre 23 e 27 m (s.n.m.). Registrou-se o comprimento do talo, o número de folhas verdes e mortas, brotos, e a presença de inflorescências. Paspalum fasciculatum sincroniza seu crescimento com a fase terrestre do ciclo hidrológico, tendo atingido no período de estudo o comprimento máximo de 4,53 m. A dormência e grande tolerância dos talos a anos subsequentes de inundação e a capacidade de suportar mudanças bruscas do ambiente físico, permitem classificar a espécie como estrategista "r", altamente adaptada e representativa dos primeiros estágios de colonização das margens sedimentares de rios e lagos de várzea.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi reunir informações sobre espécies madeireiras de terra firme nas proximidades de Manaus e tentar identificar as suas possíveis posições no contexto da sucessão florestal. Uma classificação facilitará modelar a dinâmica da floresta para apoiar a conservação, o manejo florestal e a reabilitação de áreas degradadas. O grupo estudado foi formado por 60 espécies botânicas pertencentes a 42 gêneros e 18 famílias. Em uma visão geral observaram-se sementes grandes >0,5cm3 (69% das espécies estudadas), predominância da dispersão zoocórica (60%), germinação em um período de até três meses (69%) e densidade elevada da madeira (>0,8g/cm3 em 52%). O conjunto das características utilizadas não foi adequado para classificar todas as espécies, pois características consideradas como típicas para pioneiras, ou clímax, foram observadas na mesma espécie em 24 das árvores selecionadas (40%). A densidade da madeira e a regularidade de frutificação apresentaram pouca utilidade na classificação, como também a presença de dormência nas sementes, pois há dormência em espécies de todas as fases sucessionais. Porém, a distinção entre os diversos tipos de dormência permitiu a separação dos grupos. Sugerem-se, para uma classificação mais robusta, os seguintes critérios ligados a semente: tipo de dispersão, quantidade das reservas, tolerância ao dessecamento e tipo de dormência. A tentativa de classificação das espécies madeireiras evidenciou que a maioria apresentou o conjunto das características típicas do estádio final da sucessão florestal. Porém, poucas apresentaram características de estádios mais iniciais da sucessão, e possuem provavelmente maior resistência às perturbações florestais.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate in vitro the color stability of composite resins when exposed to beverages with high coloring contents from the Amazon region. 240 samples from four different composite brands (Natural Look, Z350, 4Seasons and Opallis) of hue A3 were fabricated using an acrylic matrix. The samples were stored in distilled water at 37ºC for 24 hours. The initial color (T0) was registered using a Canon EOS Rebel XTi 10 mp camera, and then the samples were divided into four groups (n=15): G1 (coffee), G2 (açaí juice), G3 (energetic guaraná) and G4 (control - distilled water). The samples were exposed to solutions of DES (6hs) and RE (18hs) and placed in a double boiler under constant agitation, at 37ºC for 30 days. The samples were immersed in the coloring solutions for 15 minutes daily. After 7, 15 and 30 days, new photographic registers were made (T1, T2 and T3). The images were analyzed using Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12 software to identify the colors through the HSB system. The Kruskal-Wallis and t tests (p<0.05) demonstrated significant differences in color (hue, saturation and brightness). The results revealed that none of the tested composites showed color stability when exposed to coloring solutions, and that the Amazon region beverages (açaí juice and energetic guaraná) showed to be less coloring than coffee.
The genus Actinella Lewis was studied using planktonic samples from a black water floodplain lake in Central Amazon region. For species identification the taxa were morphological and morphometricaly analyzed on base in light microscope (LM) and scanning electronic microscope (SEM). Five species were registered: Actinella brasiliensis Grunow, A. guianensis Grunow, A. gracile Kociolek, A. mirabilis (Eulenstein ex Grunow) Grunow and A. robusta Hustedt. A. gracile is reported for the first time for Amazon State and black water systems and it is firstly documented with SEM. In addition, a review of geographic distribution of Actinella species in Brazilian Amazon region is given.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência do transtorno mental comum (TMC) na população da cidade de Montes Claros, MG, e a existência de associação entre os fatores socioeconômicos e a utilização de práticas integrativas e complementares/medicina complementar e alternativa (PIC/MCA) com o TMC. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal. População alvo: moradores de Montes Claros. A amostragem foi probabilística, com 3.090 pessoas. Utilizou-se formulário semi-estruturado e o self reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) para identificação do TMC. Realizou-se regressão robusta de Poisson na análise com significância estatística considerada de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de TMC foi de 23,2%, sendo 75% usuários de PIC/MCA. Após controle para fatores de confusão, a prevalência de TMC foi maior naqueles com menor escolaridade (RP = 2,12; IC = 1,80-2,49); com menor nível econômico (RP = 1,92; IC = 1,07 - 3,44); com mais de 40 anos (RP = 1,30; IC = 1,15-1,48); do gênero feminino (RP = 2,99; IC = 1,50-3,58) e mais freqüente entre os que recorreram à homeopatia (RP = 1,52; IC = 1,12-2,08) e às benzedeiras (RP = 1,25; IC = 1,08-1,46). CONCLUSÕES: O TMC é muito freqüente na população de Montes Claros. As variáveis: escolaridade, nível econômico, idade e sexo, bem como a procura por homeopatia e benzedeiras estiveram associados ao TMC.
Objetivo Dimensionar a contribuição de características de grupos familiares de usuários de crack tanto em situações de consumo quanto na promoção da cessação do uso da substância. Métodos Estudo observacional, transversal, misto, com delineamento quantitativo (estatísticas descritiva e analítica, por regressão de Poisson robusta) e qualitativo (análise temática de conteúdos de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas). Resultados Foram analisados dados oriundos de entrevistas com 519 usuários de crack, dos quais 48,3% referiram já ter feito uso compartilhado com algum familiar. A relação mais referida para compartilhamento do crack foi a conjugal, indicada por 30,6% dos entrevistados. A estimativa das razões de prevalência do desfecho abstinência na data da entrevista, por regressão de Poisson robusta controlada para fatores de confusão, para usuários de crack que referiram uso compartilhado com irmãos, foi de 0,940 (IC95%: 0,885-0,999; p = 0,045), tendo os que não referiram como referência. Na dimensão qualitativa, 20 entrevistados expuseram livremente modalidades de envolvimento dos familiares com o uso da droga, alguns indicando oposição ao consumo, outros estímulo, ou oferta, além da influência recíproca entre consumo de crack e conflitos familiares ou um ambiente considerado negativo. Além disso, os entrevistados que informaram ter familiares em tratamento em saúde mental tiveram 9% mais probabilidade de estar em uso cessado por 12 semanas ou mais (RP = 1,09; IC95%: 1,03-1,15; p = 0,005). Conclusão Os grupos familiares aparecem não somente como fator de proteção, mas também como importante fator de risco para o uso do crack, e sua inclusão como grupo primário de atendimento se justifica com essas evidências.
Fundamento: Pressão arterial elevada é o principal fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Baixos índices de controle da pressão arterial em populações latino-americanas reforçam a necessidade de reunir evidências sobre terapias eficazes. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito das intervenções de modificações de dietas sobre pressão arterial em populações latino-americanas. Métodos: Revisão sistemática. Foram pesquisadas diversas bases de dados (MEDLINE-PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, LILACS e BVS) e realizada busca manual até abril de 2013. Foram incluídos estudos paralelos de intervenções em dieta em populações adultas da América Latina reportando pressão arterial (em mmHg) antes e após a intervenção. Resultados: Dos 405 estudos encontrados, 10 ensaios clínicos randomizados foram incluídos e divididos em 3 subgrupos, de acordo com a dieta proposta como intervenção. Houve redução não significativa da pressão arterial sistólica nos subgrupos de substituição mineral -4,82 (IC 95%: -11,36 a 1,73 mmHg) e padrões complexos -3,17 (IC 95%: -7,62 a 1,28 mmHg). Para a pressão arterial diastólica, com exceção do subgrupo de dietas hiperproteicas, todos os subgrupos apresentaram redução significativa, com -4,66 (IC 95%: -9,21 a -0,12 mmHg) e -4,55 (IC 95%: -7,04 a -2,06 mmHg) para substituição mineral e padrões complexos, respectivamente. Conclusão: A evidência disponível sobre os efeitos de alterações de dieta na pressão arterial em populações latino-americanas indica um efeito homogêneo, porém não significativo, para pressão arterial sistólica. Estudos maiores e com maior rigor metodológico são necessários para construção de evidência robusta.
1. Analyses of soluble sulphates in 2 N ammonium chloride extracts of 24 samples of soils of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, S. A., showed a sulphur content varying from 0,0013 g per 100 g (found in the b layer of a genuine "terra roxa") to 0,007 g per 100 g of soil (b layer of a soil of depression without definite characteristics). (The results are expressed as elemental sulphur). Determinations of total sulphur in 56 samples of soils of the same state using the method of fusion with sodium carbonate and sodium nitrate revealed 0.007 g of elemental S per 100 g of soil as the lowest value (found in several soil types) and 0.096 g as the highest one (found in the b layer of an ar-quean soil). Apparently soluble sulphates accumulate in the upper layers and total sulphur does the opposite. It was found a strong correlation between total S and carbon content. 2. Under laboratory conditions, in a compost of fresh soil, powdered sulphur and apatite, it was verified after a three months period of incubation that the pH value lowered from 6.30 to 3.23; the citric acid solubility of apatite increased to 271.1 per cent of the original one. Lupinus sp. grown in soil manured with sulphur and apatite has showed fresh and dry weights higher than the plants in control pots; the results are significant at 5% level of probability; phosphorus content is also higher in the manured plants. It was observed a net influence of the apatite plus sulphur treatment on the weight of root nodosities that was four times greater than in the control plants. 3. Nearly five hundred determinations of S, N and P were carried out in 35 species of plants cultivated in the state of São Paulo. A great variation in the amounts of these elements was observed. As a general rule, the leaves contain more sulphur than the stems and roots show the lowest percentages. The conjunct roots and stem of guar (Cyamopsis psoraloides) revealed only 0.019 per cent sulphur; the leaves of kale showed the highest sulphur content, i. e., 2.114%. Apparently there is no correlation between the amounts of S, N and P. The ratio S/N increases from 0.006 (guar) to 0.485 (kale). The ratio S/P, always higher than the corresponding S/N, increases from 0.082 (guar) to 6.381 (older leaves of tomato plants). It is interesting to mention that several among the most important crops in the state of São Paulo namely, cotton, rice, coffee and sugar cane contain more sulphur than phosphorus. 4. Tomato plants cultivated in nutrient solution lacking sulphur showed the following visual symptons of deficiency : chlorosis first in the younger leaves and afterwards in all the leaves; anthocyanin pigments in the petioles and stems; absence of fruits; primary roots stunted and secondary ones longer than in the control plants; stems slender, hard, woody. The histological study of petioles suffering from sulphur deficiency revealed anthocyanin in the parenchyme layer instead of clo-rophyll pigments observed in normal petioles; in the chlorotic leaves the large chloroplasts present only the stroma but the small ones have a little amount of green pigments. Chemical analysis revealed in the abnormal plants : less sulphur and an increased proportion of phosphorus; older leaves contain more sulphur and less phosphorus than the younger ones probably due to physiological difficulties in translocation of sulphur bearing material; increased amount of total N attributed to accumulation of nitrates; marked decrease in ash, sugars and starch; increased proportion of crude fiber and dry material. In the plants suffering from sulphur deficiency photosyntetic rate decreased 34 per cent. 5. Tomato plants were succesfully cultivated in nutrient solution in absence of mineral sulphur but in presence of cysteine. The plants absorbed sulphur, under that form and were able to grow up quite well; the fruiting was normal. In this way rested cleary demonstrated the possibility of absorption of organic sulphur without previous mineralization and its utilization in the building up of protein molecules.
This paper deals with some Millipedes (Diplopoda), which have been verified associated with or attacking on cultivated plants. The following forms are reported: 1) Orthomorpha (Orthomorpha) coarctata (Saussure, 1860) - Enormous numbers of individuals belonging to this species, whose synanthropic habits are frequentely emphasized, were collected around coffee-plants kept in a nursery. Young plants (with 10 cm) are mentioned as damaged by the species, which gnaws the stem, just above the roots. The dusting with benzene hexachloride (BHC) was successfully employed to prevent the invasions. Other occurrences of O. coarctata are reported, ecological and biological informations being also added. 2) Orthomorpha (Kalorthomorpha) gracilis (C. L. Koch, 1847) - Observed frequentely associated with the former species, being however less numerous. Both forms are very active, seemming to be widely distributed throughout the State of S. Paulo. 3) Cylindroiulus (Aneuloboiulus) britannicus (Verhoeff, 1891) - This species represents the first european Millipede verified in Brazil, by O. SCHUBART (1942a). The Author obtained a few specimens associated with O. gracilis, from the roots of lettuce plants. The lesions shown by the stem just above the roots seem to be due to both species. 4) Alloporus setiger Broelemann, 1902; Gymnostreptus olivaceus Schubart, 1944 and Pseudonannolene tricolor Broelemann, 1902 - Total damages determined by these species (mainly G. olivaceus) were observed in cultures of sugar-beet and melon. Actually, the Millipedes destroyed entirely the roots of the former plant and the fruits of the latter, representing a serious pest, here reported by the first time. Ecological and bionomical data are also included. 5) Pseudonannolene sp. (possibly P. paulista Broelemann, 1902) - Verified gnawing sweet-potatoes, about the crackings exhibited by the tubers. The crackings in sweet-potatoes appear to result in certain instances from a root-knot nematodes infection (Meloidogyne sp). P. paulista was recentely observed attacking potatoes, destroying from 6 to 30% of the tubers, according to the variety (BOOCK & LORDELLO, 1952).
Two water-culture experiments were carried out to study the absorption and the translocation of radiozinc in young coffee plants as influenced by two factors, namely, concentration of heavy metals (iron, manganese, copper and molybdenum) and method of application. Inert zinc was furnished at a uniform rate of 0.05 p.p.m.; the levels of iron supply were 0, 1.0 and 10 p.p.m.; manganese was supplied in three doses 0, 0.5, and 5 p.p.m.; copper - 0, 0.02, and 0.2 p.p.m.; molybdenum - 0, 0.01 and 0.1 p.p.m. When applied to the nutrient solution the activity of the radiozinc was 0.15 microcuries per plant. In the study of the leaf absorption, the radiozinc was supplied at the level of 0.10 microcuries per plant; in this case the material was brushed either on the lower or in the upper surface or both of two pairs of mature leaves. In both experiments the absorption period was 8 weeks. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Among the heavy metals herein investigated the iron concentration did not affecc the uptake of the radiozinc; by raising the level of Mn, Cu and Mo ten times, the absorption dropped to 50 per cent and even more whe compared with the control plant; however, when these micronutrients were omitted from the nutrient solution an increase in the uptake of zinc was registered only in the minus - Cu treatment. The effects of high leveds of Mn, Cu and Mo probably indicate an interionic competition for a same site on a common binding substance in the cell surface. 2. The absorption of the radiozinc directly applied to the leaf surface reached levels as high as 8 times that registered when the root uptake took place. Among the three methods of application which have been tried, brushing the lower surface of the leaves proved to be the most effective; this result is easily understood since the stomatal openings of the coffee leaves are preferentially located in the lower surface. In this treatment, about 40 per cent of the activity was absorbed and around 12 per cent were translocated either to the old or to the newer organs. 3. Data herein presented suggest that leaf sprays should be preferred - rather than soil applications - to control zinc deficiency in coffee plants when growing in field conditions.
The present work was carried out in order to study: (1) the symptoms of deficiency and excess of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg) in the coffee plant (Coffea arabica L. var. Mundo novo); (2) the modifications induced by those treatments in the hystological make up of the leaves; (3) the effects of deficiency and excess on the growth and in the chemical composition of the plants. Young coffee plants were grown in nutrient solution, three treatments being used, namely: complete solution (HOAGLAND & ARNON, 1950), deficient solution, in which a giVen element was omitted, and solution with 3 times the concentration of the element under study. The main conclusions can be summaryzed as follows. 1. SYMPTOMS. Clear cut symptoms of malnutrition were observed in the treatments: -N, -P, +P, -Ca, -Mg, -S and +S; the signals - and + stared respectively for deficient and excess level. 2. HISTOLOGICAL EFFECTS. The most definite alterations took place in the treatments +P, -Mg and +S. Usually the characteristics of the chloroplasts were affected: loss of the green color and coalescence into irregular bodies.
In order to find out the best way to supply phosphorus to coffee plants when growing in "terra roxa misturada", a red soil with a high fixing capacity, tagged superphosphate was applied by the following procedures: (1) topdressed in a circular strip around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a circular furrow 15 cm deep; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow also 15 cm deep; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. In each case 150 gms. of ordinary superphosphate tagged with H3 P32 O4 to give 5 X 10(9) c.p.m. were given to the two and half year old coffee plants. It was found that for the several treatments of the total phosphorus in the leaves the following values, on a per cent basis, came from the applied superphosphates: (1) topdressed 10.2 per cent, (2) circular furrow 2.4 per cent, (3) semicircular furrow 1.7 per cent, (4) sprayed 38.0 per cent; one can see, then, that methods (2) and (3) commonly used by the coffee planters are a very inefficient way to supply phosphorus in this type of soil. The remarkable foliar absorption was checked twice: a water culture experiment was carried out, the radiophosphorus being supplied by brushing it in the upper and lower surfaces of a given leaf; radioactivity was detected all over the plant as a result both of absorption and translocation; on the other hand, leaves collected from the sprayed trees were radioautographed; the radioautographs showed the pattern of distribution of the P32 which indicates true absorption rather than a surface contamination. In another locality, an experiment was caried out with 8 year old plants growing in "arenito de Bauru" which is a sandy soil with much less phosphorus fixing capacity. In this experiment the aim was to compare absorption of tagged superphosphate by trees growin under mulch against plants not receiving this treatment, The uptake of phosphorus was the same for both sets of plants. In both field experiments soil samples down to 15 cm in the profile were collected and its 0.2NHC1 soluble phosphorus was counted; rather significant values were observed mainly in the upper 5 cm layers.
The present paper discusses the data obtained in shade and unshaded coffee plots at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The results, analysed statistically, can be summarized as follows: a) unshaded plots produced 17% more than shaded ones; b) the percentage of coffee berry borer infestation was higher in shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; c) the percentage of green (not ripened fruits) depends of the harvest time. When the harvest was retarded, the percentage of green fruits was higher in the shaded plots. When the percentage of green fruits was the same, both in shaded and unshaded plots, the percentage of ripened was higher and the percentage of dried fruits was lesser in the shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; d) other comparisons as production of dried grains by the field fruits, relation between dried fruits and dried grains and cup-test by expert coffee-taster, did not show differences among shaded and unshaded plots.
This paper deals with different types of fertilizer applications in coffee hill in the moment of transfering the plants to the field. During the first year, irrigation was applied in the dry season. After one year, the following characters were analised: plant height; plant diameter; number of productive branches; lenght and number of nodes in the first branch of the plant. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: the irrigation employed did not affect the treatments and mineral fertilizers combined with organic fertilizer were better than the others treatments used for comparisons.