166 resultados para Residual gallbladder


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de cuidado desenvolvido por meio de arte e cultura em centros de atenção psicossocial. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrado à pesquisa de avaliação dos centros de atenção psicossocial, em São Paulo, SP. Foram analisados os relatos da observação de tipo etnográfico de 126 atividades grupais de arte e cultura realizadas em 21 desses centros, entre 2007 e 2008. A análise incluiu depoimentos de coordenadores sobre os objetivos das atividades observadas. Baseado em referenciais teóricos da atenção psicossocial, utilizou-se da técnica de análise de conteúdo para investigar relações entre meios terapêuticos (enquadres, atividades e vínculos) e objetivos das atividades. RESULTADOS: Três tendências de cuidado foram identificadas: (1) estritamente clínica, predominante e marcada por atividades realizadas dentro dos centros com foco em competências pessoais e interações grupais; (2) psicossocial, que incluiu atividades no território, ampliação dos repertórios culturais e da circulação social; e (3) residual, minoritária e sem ganhos psicossociais. CONCLUSÕES: A realização de atividades de arte e cultura que produzam cuidado na perspectiva da reabilitação psicossocial depende do acesso dos profissionais a bens culturais e a processos criativos, do reconhecimento dessas atividades como trabalho integrado a toda a equipe e da consideração de todos os atores envolvidos como produtores de fatos de cultura.


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Com o intuito de estudar a denervação brônquiea na fase crônica da doença de Chagas investigaram-se as propriedades mecânicas e a motricidade brônquiea de 6 coelhos chagásicos crônicos e 4 controles. Utilizou-se o método da pletismografia de corpo inteiro e todas as medidas foram feitas antes e depois da administração endovenosa de cloridrato de histamina (0,11 mg/kg). No grupo chagásico crônico obteve-se um menor acréscimo da capacidade residual funcional e uma quase inalteração do pico de fluxo na expiração passiva após a administração de histamina. Este grupo apresentou também um desvio para a direita na curva estática de pressão transpulmonar/volume. Estes resultados sugerem uma alteração na árvore brônquiea, que consiste principalmente numa broncoreatividade diminuída.


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Lesões pulmonares observadas na paracoccidioidomicose (pbmicose) pela radiologia foram designadas: leve, moderada e grave de acordo com critério estabelecido pelos autores. Lesões infiltrativas intersticiais bilaterais nddulo fibrolineares e cotonosas foram identificadas respectivamente em 34 e em 23 doentes. Formas leve, moderada e grave assinaladas respectivamente em 6 10 e 19 mostraram à análise radiológica evolutiva melhora em 2, piora em 15 e manutenção do padrão da lesão em 18 doentes. Testes de função pulmonar realizados nos doentes durante o retorno ambulatorial evidenciaram: 12 com padrão espirográfico normal, 20 obstrutivos e 3 mistos; 34 doentes estavam hiperventilando e todos apresentaram aumento da diferença alvéolo arterial. Os resultados obtidos permitiram supor que a fibrose residual descrita nos padrões radiológicos; manutenção e piora de 33 deles aliada à doença obstrutiva crônica verificada pelas provas de função pulmonar constituíram subsídios para o desenvolvimento do Cor pulmonale assinalado


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Os A A. analisaram as alterações histológicas encontradas em 162 casos de Leishmaniose Tegumentar da localidade de Três Braços, Estado da Bahia, dos quais 131 (80,9%) eram de portadores de lesões cutâneas e 31 (19,1%) de portadores de lesões mucosas. Analisaram, também, o comportamento clínico dos cinco padrões histopatológicos, já antes descritos, em relação à terapêutica. O melhor prognóstico esteve sempre ligado ao padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Granulomatosa, ou seja, a uma fase na qual o organismo, tendo lançado mão de um mecanismo endógeno de lise parasitária, já circunscreveu a área de necrose por uma reação granulomatosa, e esta é agora apenas o elemento residual. A ação terapêutica nessa fase somente acelera a resolução natural do caso. O grupo seguinte é amplo, e compreende os casos em que a lesão pertence aos padrões de Reação Exsudativa Celular (formas cutâneas), Reação Exsudativa e Necrótica e Reação Exsudativa e Necrótico-Granulomatosa. Nesses casos, o mecanismo de auto-controle da lesão encontra-se ainda em curso, e a ação terapêutica encurta o período de evolução natural. Os f.asos do padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Tuberculóide tiveram um prognóstico variável. Houve boa resposta à terapêutica quando o granuloma tuberculóide característico desse padrão surgiu em pacientes jovens, com curto tempo de evolução da doença e intradermorreação não exacerbada. Nos demais casos tuberculóides —. principalmente em pacientes adultos, com longo tempo de evolução da doença e intradermorreação exacerbada —, a resposta foi menos satisfatória. Em último lugar, com prognóstico reservado, ficaram os casos da forma mucosa que apresentaram o padrão de Reação Exsudativa Celular, onde o infiltrado pode estar desempenhando papel de auto-agressão. O presente estudo evoluiu para a proposição de uma classificação da Leishmaniose Tegumentar, baseada nos padrões histopatológicos observados. Esta classificação, estritamente morfológica, deverá ser de fácil aplicação para o Patologista e, como apresenta também uma correspondência clínico-evolutiva poderá constituir auxílio valioso ao médico envolvido no diagnóstico e tratamento da Leishmaniose Tegumentar.


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The authors have standardized methods for evaluation of the activity of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and of glutathione reductase. The general principle of the first method was based on methemoglobin formation by sodium nitrite followed by stimulation of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase with methylene blue. Forty six adults (23 males and 23 females) were studied. Subjects were not G6PD deficient and were aged 20 to 30 years. The results showed that methemoglobin reduction by methylene blue was 154.40 and 139.90 mg/min (p<0.05) for males and females, respectively, in whole blood, and 221.10 and 207.85 mg/min (n.s.), respectively, in washed red cells. These data showed that using washed red cells and 0.7g% sodium nitrite concentration produced no differences between sexes and also shortened reading time for the residual amount of methemoglobin to 90 minutes. Glutathione reductase activity was evaluated on the basis of the fact that cystamine (a thiol agent) binds to the SH groups of hemoglobin, forming complexes. These complexes are reversed by the action of glutathione reductase, with methemoglobin reduction occurring simultaneously with this reaction. Thirty two adults (16 males and 16 females) were studied. Subjects were not G6PD deficient and were aged 20 to 30 years. Methemoglobin reduction by cystamine was 81.27 and 91.13 mg/min (p<0.01) for males and females, respectively. These data showed that using washed red cells and 0.1 M cystamine concentration permits a reading of the residual amount of methemoglobin at 180 minutes of incubation. Glutathione reductase activity was evaluated by methemoglobin reduction by cystamine in 14 females before and after treatment with 10 mg riboflavin per day for 8 days. The results were 73.69 and 94.26 jug/min (p<0.01) before and after treatment, showing that riboflavin treatment increase glutathione reductase activity even in normal individuals. Three Black G6PD-deficient individuals (2 males and 1 female) were also studied. The G6PD and glutathione reductase were partially activated, the change being more intense in males. On the basis of race and of the laboratory characteristics observed, it is possible to suggest that the G6PD deficiency of these individuals is of the African type and that the female is heterozygous for this deficiency. Analysis of the results as a whole permitted us to conclude that the methods proposed here were efficient for evaluating the activity of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and of glutathione reductase. The latter is dependent on the pentose pathway, which generates NADPH, and on riboflavin, a FAD precursor vitamin.


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Estudaram-se os aspectos histopatológicos relativos à evolução da infecção experimental produzida em Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae) por Leishmania (V.) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis. O exame microscópico de biópsias seqüênciais, obtidas dos animais a intervalos definidos de tempo (a primeira, às 48 ou 72 horas após a inoculação, e as seguintes, a cada 30 dias), mostrou que o desenvolvimento das lesões, independentemente da espécie de Leishmania inoculada, passa por uma seqüência de etapas a nível tecidual - 1) infiltrado inespecífico crônico; 2) nódulo macrofágico (com numerosos parasitas); 3) necrose das células parasitadas; 4) granuloma epitelióide; 5) absorção da área necrosada (às vezes formando granuloma de corpo estranho); 6) infiltrado inespecífico crônico residual); e 7) cicatrização - que representaria a formação e a resolução das lesões. Discutiram-se também os prováveis mecanismos imunopatológicos que determinam esta seqüência de eventos e sua possível semelhança com a evolução das lesões na leishmaniose tegumentar humana.


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O teste de imunofluorescência (IF) foi avaliado na detecção de vírus rábico presente em cérebros de carcaças de camundongos infectados com vírus da cepa CVS, os quais foram conseguidos através de uma combinação de tratamentos, em que se variaram as temperaturas (4,25 e -20ºC) e o tempo de armazenamento. No teste de IF realizado com impressões cerebrais de carcaças que haviam sido submetidas à temperatura de 25ºC por 12 -18 h, houve maior dificuldade de visualização imediata dos corpúsculos de inclusão, enquanto que nos materiais conservados a 4ºC por até 48 h, as inclusões foram facilmente reconhecidas. Carcaças mantidas a -20ºC mantiveram-se viáveis à identificação pela IF mesmo após terem sido armazenadas por 720 h quando foram feitas as últimas observações. Em carcaças mantidas a 25ºC por 10 h, com tratamento posterior a 4 e -20ºC, o antígeno rábico não pode ser identificado através da IF, em conseqüência da decomposição das carcaças que ocorrem, respectivamente, após 10 e 24 h. Recomenda-se, portanto, empregar o teste de IF, em caráter de rotina, no controle de qualidade da vacina contra a Raiva, no que diz respeito a prova de vírus residual (teste de verificação da inativação viral), de vez que ele permite esclarecer mortes assintomáticas ocorridas em animais inoculados com a vacina, durante o período de observação da prova (21 dias), bem como evitar a sua repetição quando essas mortes ocorrem, o que representa considerável economia de tempo.


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This is a report of a 25 years old black woman from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, who developed acute obstructive cholangitis of Ascaris lumbricoides with septicemia and multiple hepatic abscesses. The patient had sickle cell trait and normal delivery 3 months ago. Massive infestation of the biliary tract by Ascaris lumbricoides was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Sixty worms were removed from the common bile duct and hepatic abscesses were drained by surgery. The infectious process was polymicrobial. The patient's recovery was complete after a long evolution with a wide spectrum antibiotic therapy. New surgeries were needed to remove residual worms in the biliary tract. The diagnostic methods, clinical-biochemical features and also the clinical and surgical management are presented. The biliary ascariasis pathophysiology is commented.


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A review was made of the available literature on central nervous system (CNS) involvement in Chagas' disease. Thirty-one works concerning the acute nervous form and 17 others dealing with the chronic nervous form, all presenting neuropathologic studies, were critically analysed. Based on this analysis, an attempt was made to establish the possible natural history of CNS involvement in Chagas' disease. Among others, the following facts stand out: 1) the initial, acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi infection is usually asymptomatic and subclinical; 2) only a small percentage of cases develop encephalitis in the acute phase of Chagas' disease; 3) the symptomatic acute forms accompanied by chagasic encephalitis are grave, with death ensuing in virtually all cases as a result of the brain lesions per se or of acute chagasic myocarditis, this being usually intense and always present; 4) individuals with the asymptomatic acute form and with the mild symptomatic acute form probably have no CNS infection or, in some cases, they may have discrete encephalitis in sparse foci. In the latter case, regression of the lesions may be total, or residual inflammatory nodules of relative insignificance may persist. Thus, no anatomical basis exists that might characterize the existence of a chronic nervous form of Chagas' disease; 5) reactivation of the CNS infection in the chronic form of Chagas' disease is uncommon and occurs only in immunosuppressed patients.


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Aiming at demonstrating a decrease of acquired immunity after chemotherapeutic cure, a group of mice was infected with 25 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae (LE strain). A part of these animals was treated with 400 mg/kg oxamniquine, at 120 days after infection. Challenge infections were carried out at 45, 90 and 170-day-intervals after treatment (185, 210 and 290 days after primoinfection, respectively). Recovery of worms at 20 days after reinfections showed that a residual immunity remains up to 90 days after treatment, and disappears at 170 days after cure. Using the ELISA method, it was possible to detect a decrease of antibody levels (total IgG) in the treated group, when antigens from different evolutive stages of S. mansoni were used. The epidemiological implications of the present results, and the possible mechanisms involved in the decrease of acquired immunity after treatment are discussed.


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A S. mansoni adult worm cDNA expression library was screened with sera from baboons in a early phase after infection. The clones that were positive with the early infection sera were examined for reactivity with pre-infection sera and heterologous infection sera. In order to discriminate a positive antibody reaction from the reactivity due to residual anti-E. coli antibodies, an unrelated cDNA clone was plated with the positive clone. The unrelated clone provided the negative background and the contrast necessary to discern a positive antibody reaction. In this way, we were able to eliminate selected clones that were positive with the pre-infection sera or heterologous infection sera. This characterization of the expression library clones enabled us to quickly target only clones with the desired pattern of antibody reactivity for sequencing, subcloning, and expressing


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The residual potential of an aqueous solution of Deltamethrin (FW 25 mg i.a./m2) was evaluated on raffia curtains. These are sheets of synthetic material used in the construction of huts to house miners. Experiments were conducted during 420 days and the curtains were always rolled up in the daytime and unrolled in late afternoon. Data analyzed by logarithmic regression indicated that raffia treated with Deltamethrin had higher mortality indices than that covered with DDT. The residual capacity of Deltamethrin on raffia was high. The mortality percentage was above 85% after 360 days and dropped to about 50% at 420 days. The effect of DDT was reduced after 180 days and reached zero by the end of the experiment. Based on the results of these experiments, it is recommended that Deltamethrin be used to spray raffia curtains in mining regions and other areas that are endemic for malaria.


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Relata-se o encontro de criadouro de Aedes albopictus no solo. Tratou-se de buraco resultante da queda de árvore Piptadenia ("angico branco") onde foram coletadas larvas daquele mosquito, juntamente com representantes de Culex declarator, Cx. quinquefasciatus e Culex (Cux.) sp. do Grupo Coronator. O criadouro comportou cerca de 17 litros de água proveniente de chuvas locais. O achado deu-se em mata residual dentro de perímetro urbano da cidade de Pindamo-nhangaba no Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Discute-se o significado do encontro como provável indicador de ecletismo comportamental e de adaptação do culicídeo ao ambiente antrópico.


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The interruption of vectorial transmission of Chagas disease in Venezuela is attributed to the combined effects of ongoing entomoepidemiological surveillance, ongoing house spraying with residual insecticides and the concurrent building and modification of rural houses in endemic areas during almost five decades. The original endemic areas which totaled 750,000 km², have been reduced to 365,000 km². During 1958-1968, initial entomological evaluations carried out showed that the house infestation index ranged between 60-80%, the house infection index at 8-11% and a house density index of 30-50 triatomine bugs per house. By 1990-98, these indexes were further reduced to 1.6-4.0%, 0.01-0.6% and 3-4 bugs per house respectively. The overall rural population seroprevalence has declined from 44.5% (95% C.I.: 43.4-45.3%) to 9.2% (95% C.I.: 9.0-9.4%) for successive grouped periods from 1958 to 1998. The annual blood donor prevalence is firmly established below 1%. The population at risk of infection has been estimated to be less than four million. Given that prevalence rates are stable and appropriate for public health programmes, consideration has been given to potential biases that may distort results such as: a) geographical differences in illness or longevity of patients; b) variations in levels of ascertainment; c) variations in diagnostic criteria; and d) variations in population structure, mainly due to appreciable population migration. The endemic areas with continuous transmission are now mainly confined to piedmonts, as well as patchy foci in higher mountainous ranges, where the exclusive vector is Rhodnius prolixus. There is also an unstable area, of which landscapes are made up of grasslands with scattered broad-leaved evergreen trees and costal plains, where transmission is very low and occasional outbreaks are reported.


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Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis ("chromoblastomycosis") is a rare intracranial lesion. We report the first human culture-proven case of brain abscesses due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi in Brazil. The patient, a 28 year-old immunocompetent white male, had ocular manifestations and a hypertensive intracranial syndrome. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a main tumoral mass involving the right temporo-occipital area and another smaller apparently healed lesion at the left occipital lobe. A cerebral biopsy was performed and the pathological report was cerebral chromoblastomycosis. The main lesion was enucleated surgically and culture of the necrotic and suppurative mass grew a fungus identified as Fonsecaea pedrosoi. The patient had received a knife wound sixteen years prior to his hospitalization and, more recently, manifested a pulmonary granulomatous lesion in the right lung with a single non-pigmented form of a fungus present. It was speculated that the fungus might have gained entrance to the host through the skin lesion, although a primary respiratory lesion was not excluded. The patient was discharged from the hospital still with ocular manifestations and on antimycotic therapy and was followed for eight months without disease recurrence. Few months after he had complications of the previous neuro-surgery and died. A complete autopsy was performed and no residual fungal disease was found.