471 resultados para Micropygomyia (Sauromyia) petari sp. nov.


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Schizomyia maricaensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on the pupa, male, female, and gall. This species induces rosette galls on Tetrapterys phlomoides (Malpighiaceae).


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Xestoblatta insularis sp. nov. é descrita com base nas placas genitais, estruturas genitais do macho e na modificação do sétimo tergito abdominal. Xestoblatta Hebard, 1916 é registrado pela primeira vez no sul do Brasil.


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A new species of bufonid toad of the genus Melanophryniscus from northern Uruguay is described. It is included in the M. moreirae group and its external morphology is similar to Melanophryniscus sanmartini. Melanophryniscus sp. nov. is distinguished by having a light brown dorsal coloration with six darker longitudinal glandular ridges on the dorsal surface of the body and the gular region uniformly black.


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Atrocolus mariahelenae gen. nov., sp. nov. do Brasil (Bahia) é descrito. Inclui-se chave para identificação dos gêneros Neotropicais de Anacolini.


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Caulleriella bremecae and C. galeanoi (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae) are newly described from Mar del Plata, Argentina (38ºS, 57ºW). Both species have small, red-pigmented nuchal organs (lateral "eyes") on the prostomium. Caulleriella bremecae sp. nov. is further characterized by a peristomium without annulations except for a narrow anterior dorsal fold, posterior part of peristomium extending posterodorsally over chaetiger 1, latter extending posterodorsally over chaetiger 2 and with slightly separated grooved palps arising middorsally; notochaetae of chaetigers 1-23 all smooth capillaries, thereafter with six bidentate sigmoid hooks and 3-4 capillaries, both types fewer on last 4-5 chaetigers; neurochaetae of chaetigers 1-2 comprised of 8 bidentate hooks and 1-2 capillaries, thereafter only bidentate hooks, decreasing in number posteriorly. The species is frequent and abundant throughout the year in the intertidal mussel beds situated 200-700m from the sewage outfall of Mar del Plata city. Caulleriella galeanoi sp. nov. is characterized by a peristomium with three annulations dorsally, with grooved palps arising from annulus 3, and by smooth capillary chaetae in noto- and neuropodia of chaetigers 1-2. Bidentate hooks are present in neuropodia from chaetiger 3, numbering 5-6 in anterior and middle chaetigers, 1-3 in posterior ones. Notopodia have 3-6 pairs of smooth capillary chaetae, decreasing in number posteriorly. From chaetiger 13-20, notopodia with 1-2 capillary chaetae and 1-2 bidentate hooks. Specimens held in aquaria supplied with water and the green alga Vaucheria sp. (Vaucheriaceae) from the intertidal zone reproduced asexually by fission. Gametes were not observed in any specimens.


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É descrita uma nova espécie de Tabanidae (Diptera), Chlorotabanus flagellatus sp. nov. , distribuída na região amazônica, Estados do Amazonas e Pará. Diagnose, discussão e ilustrações dos caracteres externos e internos são fornecidas.


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A collection of chewing lice was studied from the Natural History Museum of the Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Twenty three samples from 16 bird species were examined. Included therein was a new species of the genus Plegadiphilus Bedford, 1939 which is described, illustrated and compared to P. cayennensis Emerson & Price, 1969. An updated list of chewing lice species recorded from birds of that state is presented.


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Four new species of the spider genus Cybaeodamus Mello-Leitão, 1938 are described and illustrated: C. meridionalis sp. nov. from Brazil and Argentina, C. taim sp. nov. from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, C. brescoviti sp. nov. and C. tocantins sp. nov. from setentrional region of Brazil. For the species Cybaeodamus enigmaticus (Mello-Leitão, 1939), C. lycosoides (Nicolet, 1849) and C. ornatus Mello-Leitão, 1938, new illustrations based on the examination of the types are presented. The species Cybaeodamus nigrovittatus Mello-Leitão, 1941 which the holotype is an immature specimen, C. pallidus (Mello-Leitão, 1943) which the type was not located, C. rastellifer (Mello-Leitão, 1940) and C. scottae Mello-Leitão, 1941, both described upon juvenile specimens, all from Argentina, are considered as species inquirendae.


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A new species of Neosilba McAlpine, 1962, N. pradoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. This new species was found in the south of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina), in the southeast (State of São Paulo) and center west (State of Mato Grosso do Sul). It has been reared from fruits of guava (Psidium guajava, Myrtaceae), "araçá" (Psidium cattleyanum, Myrtaceae), "guabiroba" (Campomanesia xanthocarpa, Myrtaceae), Surinam cherry (Malpighia emarginata, Malpighiaceae), cherry (Prunus avium, Rosaceae), orange (Citrus sinensis, Rutaceae), "ingá" (Inga laurina, Fabaceae), "esporão-de-galo" (Celtis iguanae, Ulmaceae) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis, Passifloraceae).


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Acanthotylotra a new monotypic genus of freshwater sponge is defined. Its sole species A. alvarengai sp. nov. is described based upon microscopic specimens recovered from the Tocantins river, Pará State, Brazil, when the deep rocky substrate was temporarily exposed downstream from the dam at the time it was closed for lake formation. A unique set of megascleres, allied to the paucity of spongin, the renieroid skeleton and the fact that gemmules or new specimens remain undetected, call for the proposition of a new monospecific genus to be retained as incertae sedis until new larger and probably gemmuliferous specimens come to be found.


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São descritas e ilustradas Apenesia longa sp. nov., A. peccata sp. nov., A. magna sp. nov., A. permaxima sp. nov., A. perconcava sp. nov. e A. recta sp. nov. da região Neotropical. São adicionados dados novos de variações estruturais e distribuição geográfica de A. transversa Evans, 1963, A. spinipes Evans, 1969, A. tlahuicana Evans, 1963, A. triangula Azevedo & Batista, 2002, A. megaventris Azevedo & Batista, 2002, A. venezuelana Evans, 1963, A. acia Lanes & Azevedo, 2004 e A. ventosa Azevedo & Batista, 2002. Duas sinonímias novas são propostas: A. peruana Evans, 1963 como sinônimo junior de A. brasiliensis (Kieffer, 1910); A. subangulata Azevedo & Batista, 2002 como sinônimo junior de A. fulvicollis (Westwood, 1874), esta ultima considerada dentro ao grupo nitida. É fornecida uma chave de identificação para as espécies do grupo, baseada em machos.


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São descritas Lophoblatta leuropeltiana sp. nov. e L. tijucana sp. nov. do Rio de Janeiro, com ilustrações da genitália dos machos e da fêmea.


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O gênero Barbiellinia Bezzi, 1922 possui cinco espécies endêmicas do Brasil. Neste trabalho descrevemos uma nova espécie Barbiellinia illaetabilis sp. nov. com base em 26 espécimes (25 machos e 1 fêmea) do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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Eustala levii sp. nov. e E. palmares sp. nov. são descritas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com base em ambos os sexos. Os machos de E. albiventer (Keyserling, 1884), E. taquara (Keyserling, 1892) e E. photographica Mello-Leitão, 1944, são descritos pela primeira vez e as fêmeas são redescritas. Eustala sanguinosa (Keyserling, 1893) é considerada sinônimo de E. albiventer. Eustala photographica, descrita da Argentina, é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil. Novas ocorrências ampliam a distribuição geográfica de E. minuscula (Keyserling, 1892) e E. saga (Keyserling, 1893).


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O gênero Diaspidistis Hempel, 1900 foi estudado. Foram redescritas Diaspidistis multilobis Hempel, 1900 e D. squamosa Hempel, 1937. Novas combinações são propostas: D. gomescostai (Lepage & Giannotti, 1946), D. memorabilis (Ferris, 1941), D. multipunctata (Lepage & Giannotti, 1946) e D. petasata (Ferris, 1942). São descritas e ilustradas duas espécies novas: Diaspidistis fonsecai sp. nov. e Diaspidistis tucumanensis sp. nov. Uma chave para identificação das espécies é apresentada baseada em fêmeas adultas.