339 resultados para Gomas comestíveis - Estrutura


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Mangas 'Tommy Atkins' produzidas na região de Ibirá, São Paulo, foram pulverizadas na pré-colheita com cloreto de cálcio, nas concentrações de 0,0%, 2,5% e 5,0%, em três épocas de seu desenvolvimento (40; 60 e 90 dias após a floração) a fim de verificar a influência do cálcio na estrutura da parede celular destes frutos através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, imediatamente após a colheita e depois de 35 dias de armazenamento. Para fixar o material da polpa, utilizou-se metodologia descrita por Jacob e Gowanlock (1995). Nas condições experimentais, verificou-se que os frutos do tratamento-controle (sem cloreto de cálcio), no dia da colheita, já apresentavam desestruturação da parede celular e dissolução da lamela média (LM). A degradação da parede celular ocorre inicialmente na LM, levando à formação de espaços vazios bastante distintos, apresentando uma dissolução ainda maior, com o armazenamento prolongado (35 dias). Os frutos tratados com cloreto de cálcio a 5,0% apresentaram uma LM bem definida e ausência de espaços vazios, mesmo após o armazenamento, mostrando ser uma concentração efetiva na preservação da lamela média.


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Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar a qualidade de cerejas cv. Ambrunés ("picotas"), cobertas com películas comestíveis à base de zeína e cera de carnaúba, aplicadas na forma de imersão e pulverização, e armazenadas em ambiente controlado a 5 ºC ± 0,5 ºC e umidade relativa de 90 - 95 %. Os parâmetros usados para avaliar a qualidade dos frutos foram: sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), perda de peso, relação SST/ATT e deterioração fúngica. Os frutos foram avaliados até o 52º dia de conservação. A emulsão de cera de carnaúba mostrou-se superior em todos os parâmetros, quando comparados com os frutos-testemunha e os cobertos com zeína. A cobertura à base de zeína provocou a aceleração da maturação dos frutos e apresentou deterioração fúngica a partir do 24º dia de armazenamento. Foi observado que a forma de comercialização das cerejas sem o pedúnculo ("picotas") representa maior possibilidade de contaminação fúngica através da área lesionada. A emulsão de cera de carnaúba aplicada na forma de imersão retardou a podridão até o 45º dia de conservação, apresentando-se como o melhor tratamento.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos de injúrias mecânicas, por impacto, compressão e corte nas estruturas celulares de abacates 'Quintal'. Na injúria por impacto, eles foram deixados cair, em queda livre, de uma altura de 2,00 m, sobre os lados opostos, de sua região equatorial; na compressão, foram colocados sob um peso de 117,6 N, por 24 horas, o que provocou duas lesões opostas, no sentido longitudinal; e os cortes foram aplicados em número de quatro, longitudinalmente, com 40 mm de comprimento e 4 mm de profundidade, nos lados opostos dos frutos. Após 5 dias de armazenamento, sob condições de ambiente (25ºC e 60% UR), procedeu-se à verificação das estruturas celulares através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura indicou que os abacates injuriados por compressão e impacto, embora sem lesões aparentemente visíveis, apresentavam desordem celular em suas estruturas.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de fécula de mandioca na conservação pós-colheita de frutos de 'Mexerica-do-Rio' armazenados em temperatura ambiente. Os frutos, colhidos no estádio de maturação fisiológica no pomar experimental da UFV, foram selecionados, higienizados,imersos em suspensões de fécula de mandioca a 0; 2; 3 e 4% (p.v), acrescidas de 0,5 mL.L-1 de óleo mineral por 5 minutos e armazenados a 21,0 ± 1,0°C e 85 ± 5% UR, por até 12 dias, sendo avaliados a cada quatro dias. Houve perda de massa fresca em todos os tratamentos, mais drástica naquele onde não houve aplicação de biofilme, sendo que essa perda de massa refletiu à redução no teor de suco. Constatou-se redução significativa do conteúdo de vitamina C e acidez titulável, com exceção desse último quando se utilizou a maior dose de fécula.


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Hund's maximum multiplicity rule as stated in most elementary and intermediate level textbooks on general and inorganic chemistry and usually taught at the college and undergraduate level is incorrect. It is true that electrons entering a subshell of an atom tend to occupy the orbitals singly as far as possible but not necessarily with parallel spins. Also, proper definitions and correct use of terms like configuration, microstate, spectroscopic term, level and state are essential if confusion on the part of the student, especially the beginner, is to be avoided.


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The layered double hydroxides, known as anionic clays and represented by the general formula [M2+1-x M3+x (OH) 2]x+ Am-x/m·nH 2O, are a group of materials which are of much interest currently. They present a variety of potential applications as adsorbents, catalysts and catalyst support, ion-exchangers, antacids and as a polymer stabilizer. It is possible to obtain a broad variety of layered double hydroxides (LDHs), depending on the identity and ratio of the cations M2+ and M3+, as well as the interlamelar anion. The aim of this review is to give out some information about this class of materials, concerning to the synthesis, characterization, properties and applications.


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A computational interface, using sybyl format as an input file, was created in order to calculate connectivity indexes. After generation and classification of all substructures, which derive from the molecular structure, this interface calculates all possible orders from zero up to the maximun number of bonds in the molecule. Other topological indexes such as Wiener and Schultz indexes can also be calculated.


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In this paper a general view about the modern molecular structure theory is developed discussing the ionized hydrogen molecule. We introduce some necessary approximation methods for the electronic and nuclear spectra study adopting a systematic approach. In addition though, we have performed calculations in order to illustrate these methods.


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The determination of the molecular structure of molecules is of fundamental importance in chemistry. X-rays and electron diffraction methods constitute in important tools for the elucidation of the molecular structure of systems in the solid state and gas phase, respectively. The use of quantum mechanical molecular orbital ab initio methods offer an alternative for conformational analysis studies. Comparison between theoretical results and those obtained experimentally in the gas phase can make a significant contribution for an unambiguous determination of the geometrical parameters. In this article the determination of the molecular structure of the cyclooctane molecule by electron diffraction in the gas phase and ab initio calculations will be addressed, providing an example of a comparative analysis of theoretical and experimental predictions.


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In this paper we discuss an approach for two initial topics in Chemistry: atomic structure and periodic table. The focus of this approach is the use of educational software resources in the perspective of teacher's formation.


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The present paper aims to bring under discussion some theoretical and practical aspects about the proposition, validation and analysis of QSAR models based on multiple linear regression. A comprehensive approach for the derivation of extrathermodynamic equations is reviewed. Some examples of QSAR models published in the literature are analyzed and criticized.


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Ionic liquids, in specially those based on the 1,3-dialkylimidazolium cation, have been receiving special attention in differents areas due to their interesting physical-chemical properties. In this work, some aspects of their structure (in both solid and liquid state) and its relationships with their properties are reviewed.


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Platinum is widely used as electrode in electrocatalytic processes, however the use of polycrystalline electrodes introduces a series of variables in the electrochemical system due to the aleatory contribution of all the crystallographic orientations with different surface packing of atoms. Single crystal platinum electrodes of low Miller index present surface structure of high regularity and serve as model to establish a correlation among the macroscopic and microscopic properties of the electrochemical interface. Therefore, the main aim of this work is the study of the voltammetric profiles of the reversible adsorption-desorption of hydrogen on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111), in order to correlate the electrochemical properties of each different orientation with the surface atomic structure.


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The comparative QSAR is a tool for validating any statistical model that seems to be reasonable in describing an interaction between a bioactive new chemical entity, BIONCE, and the biological system. In order to deeper the understanding of the relationships and the meaning of parameters within the model it is necessary some kind of lateral validation. This validation can be accomplished by chemical procedures using physicochemical organic reactions and by means of biological systems. In this paper we review some of such comparisons and also present a lateral validation between the same set of antimicrobial hydrazides acting against Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and Escherichia coli bacterium cells. QSARs are presented to shed light in this important way of stating that the QSAR model is not the endpoint, but the beginning.


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Biological nitrogen fixation, catalyzed by nitrogenases, contributes about half of the nitrogen needed to global agriculture. For forty years synthetic chemists and theoreticians have tried to understand and model the structure and function of this important metalloenzyme. Ten years after the first report on the crystal structure of the MoFe protein, scientists still have not been able to synthesize a chemical equivalent of the FeMo cofactor nor the structure knowledge revealed the key to its catalytic activity. This paper with 104 references presents a review of the most relevant advances in chemical nitrogen fixation and their relation with the nitrogenases.