358 resultados para Gatica, Mónica
Background: The use of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3D-RA) to assess patients with congenital heart diseases appears to be a promising technique despite the scarce literature available. Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe our initial experience with 3D-RA and to compare its radiation dose to that of standard two-dimensional angiography (2D-SA). Methods: Between September 2011 and April 2012, 18 patients underwent simultaneous 3D-RA and 2D-SA during diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Radiation dose was assessed using the dose-area-product (DAP). Results: The median patient age and weight were 12.5 years and 47.5 Kg, respectively. The median DAP of each 3D-RA acquisition was 1093µGy.m2 and 190µGy.m2 for each 2D-SA acquisition (p<0.01). In patients weighing more than 45Kg (n=7), this difference was attenuated but still significant (1525 µGy.m2 vs.413µGy.m2, p=0.01). No difference was found between one 3D-RA and three 2D-SA (1525µGy.m2 vs.1238 µGy.m2, p = 0.575) in this population. This difference was significantly higher in patients weighing less than 45Kg (n=9) (713µGy.m2 vs.81µGy.m2, P = 0.008), even when comparing one 3D-RA with three 2D-SA (242µGy.m2, respectively, p<0.008). 3D-RA was extremely useful for the assessment of conduits of univentricular hearts, tortuous branches of the pulmonary artery, and aorta relative to 2D-SA acquisitions. Conclusions: The radiation dose of 3D-RA used in our institution was higher than those previously reported in the literature and this difference was more evident in children. This type of assessment is of paramount importance when starting to perform 3D-RA.
Abstract Background: Spirituality may influence how patients cope with their illness. Objectives: We assessed whether spirituality may influence adherence to management of outpatients with heart failure. Methods: Cross sectional study enrolling consecutive ambulatory heart failure patients in whom adherence to multidisciplinary treatment was evaluated. Patients were assessed for quality of life, depression, religiosity and spirituality utilizing validated questionnaires. Correlations between adherence and psychosocial variables of interest were obtained. Logistic regression models explored independent predictors of adherence. Results: One hundred and thirty patients (age 60 ± 13 years; 67% male) were interviewed. Adequate adherence score was observed in 38.5% of the patients. Neither depression nor religiosity was correlated to adherence, when assessed separately. Interestingly, spirituality, when assessed by both total score sum (r = 0.26; p = 0.003) and by all specific domains, was positively correlated to adherence. Finally, the combination of spirituality, religiosity and personal beliefs was an independent predictor of adherence when adjusted for demographics, clinical characteristics and psychosocial instruments. Conclusion: Spirituality, religiosity and personal beliefs were the only variables consistently associated with compliance to medication in a cohort of outpatients with heart failure. Our data suggest that adequately addressing these aspects on patient’s care may lead to an improvement in adherence patterns in the complex heart failure management.
Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica (Bacescu, 1968) was reared in the laboratory for 45 days at 20±1°C and salinity of 30ppt. Growth curves (von Bertalanffy model) were calculated for both sexes and for each sex. The daily rate of carapace growth was significantly different between females and males (F test, p <0.05). Before the sexual maturity (14 days), the growth rate of females was higher than that of males (females, 0.0457 mm day-1; males, 0.0448 mm day-1). After the maturity (15 to 45 days), these rates decreased similarly for both sexes (females, 0.0203 mm day-1; males, 0.0174mm day-1). The average growth rate was 0.0207mm day-1 over the 45 days. Twelve molts were observed in a period of 60 days. The first five molts occurred up to 14 days old (age of the sexual differentiation), with a mean intermolt period of 2.9 days. From the 6th molt it increased to 5.6 days. The results suggest that the use of the carapace length is a good measure to calculate the growth and longevity of the organisms.
The molt cycle of the natural population of Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 from Los Padres Lagoon, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was studied in relation to age, sex, and environmental factors. A total of 1645 individuals (740 females, 539 males, and 366 juveniles) were collected and analyzed between December 1995 and December 1996. The results indicate that the sex ratio (males:females) remains around 1:1.4 throughout most of the year. The reproductive period extends from September until February (spring and summer), with maximum sexual activity in October and November. Two cohorts originated in the spring and in the summer were differentiated. Ovigerous females arrest their molt cycle during the intermolt period to restart it after oviposition. The duration of the intermolt period does not differ between adults and juveniles. Since the percentage of premolt individuals represents 60% of the total cycle, it was classified as a diecdysic cycle. Within the studied range of water temperatures, the observed variations in the span of the different stages, indicate that this factor does not alter the molt frequency. Like in the rest of decapods, the intermolt duration of P. argentinus is modified by ovarian maturation.
The impact of a power plant cooling system in the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina) on the survival of target zooplanktonic organisms (copepods and crustacean larvae) and on overall mesozooplankton abundance was evaluated over time. Mortality rates were calculated for juveniles and adults of four key species in the estuary: Acartia tonsa Dana, 1849 and Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906 (native and invading copepods), and larvae of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851 and the invading cirriped Balanus glandula Darwin, 1854. Mean total mortality values were up to four times higher at the water discharge site than at intake, though for all four species, significant differences were only registered in post-capture mortality. The findings show no evidence of greater larval sensitivity. As expected, the sharpest decrease in overall mesozooplankton abundance was found in areas close to heated water discharge.
Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica (Bascescu, 1968) foi cultivada em laboratório em diferentes combinações de temperatura (13, 20, and 25°C) e salinidade (25, 30, and 35) para estimar o período de intermuda e a taxa de crescimento da carapaça. A temperatura afetou o período de intermuda e a taxa de crescimento dos animais. Misidiáceos criados a 13°C tiveram maiores períodos de intermuda que aqueles cultivados a 20 and 25°C. Enquanto animais criados a 13°C tiveram maior longevidade, fêmeas não desenvolvem marsúpio quando cultivadas nesta temperatura. A taxa de crescimento estimada para misidáceos entre 0 a 14 dias (idade no início da maturidade) foi 0,02 mm/dia, 0,04 mm/dia, e 0,05 mm/dia para animais cultivados respectivamente a 13°C, 20°C e 25°C.
As comunidades de Formicidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) foram estudadas em fragmentos de floresta semidecídua inseridos no bioma Mata Atlântica medindo de 2,99 a 45,5 ha na região do Alto do Rio Grande, Minas Gerais, Brasil. As formigas foram coletadas em 15 amostras de serapilheira de 1 m² em cada fragmento, usando o método de extrator de Winkler. Cada amostra teve distância mínima de 50 m uma da outra. Um total de 142 espécies de formigas foi distribuído entre 40 gêneros, 23 tribos e 10 subfamílias. As comunidades amostradas mostraram uma alta riqueza e altos valores no índice de diversidade. O tamanho da área dos fragmentos não influenciou na riqueza de espécies de formigas.
Callinectes danae (Smith, 1869), siri-azul, constitui um importante recurso pesqueiro nos estuários dos rios Botafogo e Carrapicho. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a maturidade sexual das fêmeas de C. danae. Os espécimes foram capturados, entre outubro de 2003 a junho de 2004, com auxílio de um barco de pesca equipado com rede de arrasto do tipo "wing-trawl" e arrastados durante 5 minutos. No laboratório, os siris foram contados, numerados, sexados, pesados e mensurados. A largura da carapaça (LC) foi medida na base do espinho lateral e a largura do abdome (LA) mensurada na altura da articulação do quinto esternito abdominal. Um total de 596 fêmeas de C. danae foram analisadas: 417 (69,97%) no rio Botafogo e 179 (30,03%) no Carrapicho; as fêmeas não-ovígeras apresentaram LC de 18,38 a 101 mm (59,14 ± 13,65 mm) e 26,70 a 83,48 mm (59,16 ± 13,77 mm), nos respectivos rios; a LC de fêmeas ovígeras foi de 57,04 a 83,30 mm (67,68 ± 6,56 mm). As médias de larguras das carapaças não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas O conhecimento da maturidade sexual das fêmeas de Callinectes danae é de grande importância para o seu manejo e conservação. O L50 gonadal foi estimado em 63,58 mm (chi2 = 140,47; g.l. = 1; p < 0,01) e 61,59 mm (chi2 = 90,94; g.l. = 1; p < 0,01) e o L50 morfológico foi de 57,13 mm (chi2 = 484,51; g.l. = 1; p < 0,01) e 56,46 mm (chi2 = 257,82; g.l. = 1; p < 0,01), nos estuários dos rios Botafogo e Carrapicho, respectivamente. Em ambos os estuários, a maturidade morfológica de fêmeas de C. danae ocorreu antes da maturidade gonadal e para garantir que esta espécie seja manejada com êxito, sugere-se que a pesca seja permitida apenas em indivíduos com largura da carapaça superior a 65 mm.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a biologia alimentar de Knodus moenkhausii (Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903) em riachos do Alto rio Paraná no Estado de São Paulo. Em oito riachos (R1-R8), K. moenkhausii se alimentou de 18 itens, dos quais algas, ninfas de efemerópteros e larvas de dípteros foram os itens autóctones mais freqüentes e dominantes; fragmentos de insetos terrestres, himenópteros e aranhas foram os itens alóctones mais freqüentes e dominantes. No riacho R2, K. moenkhausii apresentou dieta distinta dos demais riachos, principalmente em função da profundidade, tipo de substrato e da presença de vegetação ripária. No riacho R9, amostrado mensalmente durante um ano, foram identificados 15 itens, dos quais insetos terrestres predominaram ao longo do ano; larvas de dípteros e algas foram pouco expressivas nos períodos de dezembro-janeiro (período mais quente e chuvoso) e junho-julho (período mais frio e seco). No riacho R9 foram realizadas observações subaquáticas durante mergulho livre, onde observamos a cata de itens na coluna d'água junto do substrato, da vegetação submersa e na superfície da água. A elevada variedade de itens consumidos - condicionada às variações do hábitat e sazonais - e a prática de diversas táticas nos permitem considerar K. moenkhausii uma espécie oportunista quanto ao uso dos recursos alimentares. Este oportunismo aparentemente se reflete na abundância da espécie, demonstrando boa capacidade em alocar parte significativa de sua energia à reprodução, mesmo em ambientes fisicamente impactados por ação antrópica.
As respostas das comunidades de formigas às mudanças ambientais de fragmentos florestais para agroecossistemas (café ou pastagem) foram avaliadas na região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Neste trabalho, avaliaram-se as interações entre fragmentos florestais e os dois agroecossistemas mais típicos do sudeste do Brasil: monocultivo de café a pleno sol e pastagem introduzida. A comunidade de formigas foi amostrada em cinco áreas de cada agroecossistema, dentro de fragmentos florestais adjacentes a estes e nas bordas entre os dois sistemas. Em cada área, foram retiradas 15 amostras de 1m² de serapilheira, das quais foram extraídas as formigas, utilizando-se o extrator de Winkler. Registrou-se um total de 165 espécies de formigas distribuídas em 48 gêneros e 10 subfamílias. O cafezal apresentou o menor número de espécies observado e menor riqueza estimada. As razões das variações observadas entre as áreas são discutidas.
Se describe el esqueleto postcraneal de dos especies de roedores sigmodontinos Rhipidomys austrinus Thomas, 1921 y Graomys griseoflavus (Waterhouse, 1837). Se detalla cada estructura del esqueleto postcraneal sobre la base de la forma, tamaño, superficie y orientación de cada elemento esqueletal. La anatomía postcraneal de estas dos especies muestra caracteres asociados a patrones morfológicos diferentes, vinculados a su modo de locomoción. Es así que R. austrinus exhibe características en varios elementos del postcráneo consistente con una locomoción arborícola, mientras G. griseoflavus muestra atributos en su esqueleto relacionados a una locomoción de tipo terrestre.
Com base em material coletado em Porto Alegre, apresenta-se um estudo anatômico detalhado do sistema genital de Bradybena similaris (Férussac, 1821), comparado com trabalhos anteriores, propondo-se uma padronização da nomenclatura dos diversos órgãos e regiões, destacando-se a estrutura da região da encruzilhada ("carrefour"), do ovispermioducto até a vagina e do pênis e assinalando-se a independência das aberturas do pênis, vagina e saco do dardo num átrio genital.
Four Trypanosoma cruzi strains from zymodermes A, B, C and D were successively clonedon BHI-LIT-agar-blood BLAB). Twenty clones from the first generation (F1), 10 from The second (F2) and 4 from the third (F3) from the strains A138, B147 and C23 were isolated. The D150 strain provied 29 F1 and F2 clones. The strains and clones had their isoenzyme and K-DNA patterns determined. The clones from A138, Bl47 and C231 strains presented isoemzyme and K-DNA patterns identical between thewmselves and their respective parental strains. Therefore showing the homogenety and stability of isoenzyme and K-DNA patterns after successive cloning. The Dl50 strain from zymodeme D (ZD) showed heterogeneity. Twenty-eight out of 29 clones of the first generation were of zymodeme A and only one was of zymodeme C, confirming previous reports that ZD strains consisted of ZA and ZC parasite populations. The only D150 strain clone of zymodeme C showed a K-DNA pattern identical to its parental strain. The remining clones although similar among themselves were different from the parental strain. Thus the T. cruzi strains had either homonogeneus or heterogeneous populations. The clones produced by successive cloning provided genetically homonogeous populations. Their experimental use will make future results more reliable and reproducible.
The risk of schistosomiais infection and heavy infection in the locality of Sabugo was evaluated in relation to housing in areas with different urbanization development and to residential supply with snail-infested water. Critical sanitary conditions were found in areas of incomplete urbanization, where healthy water supply sources were scarce, and draining of sewage, without previous treatment, was made directly to the water-bodies used for domestic and leisure activities, despite being Biomphalaria tenagophila snail breeding-places. Stool examinations (Kato-Katz and Lutz methods) showed prevalence of 2.9%, mean intensity of 79 eggs per gram of stool and 47% of positive cases presenting intense infection. The use of snail-contaminated water for domestic purposes was considered a risk factor for infection. It is concluded that incomplete urbanization would facilitate transmission, probably enhancing the intensity of infection and that a low prevalence could hide a highly focal transmission. The relevance of these facts upon the efficiency of epidemiologic study methods and disease control planning are then discussed.