174 resultados para Extra Nonadditive Parameters


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The health-promoting effects of exercise training (ET) are related to nitric oxide (NO) production and/or its bioavailability. The objective of this study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphism of the endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) gene at positions -786T>C, G894T (Glu298Asp) and at the variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) Intron 4b/a would interfere with the cardiometabolic responses of postmenopausal women submitted to physical training. Forty-nine postmenopausal women were trained in sessions of 30-40 min, 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Genotypes, oxidative stress status and cardiometabolic parameters were then evaluated in a double-blind design. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were significantly reduced after ET, which was genotype-independent. However, women without eNOS gene polymorphism at position -786T>C (TT genotype) and Intron 4b/a (bb genotype) presented a better reduction of total cholesterol levels (-786T>C: before = 213 ± 12.1, after = 159.8 ± 14.4, Δ = -24.9% and Intron 4b/a: before = 211.8 ± 7.4, after = 180.12 ± 6.4 mg/dL, Δ = -15%), and LDL cholesterol (-786T>C: before = 146.1 ± 13.3, after = 82.8 ± 9.2, Δ = -43.3% and Intron 4b/a: before = 143.2 ± 8, after = 102.7 ± 5.8 mg/dL, Δ = -28.3%) in response to ET compared to those who carried the mutant allele. Superoxide dismutase activity was significantly increased in trained women whereas no changes were observed in malondialdehyde levels. Women without eNOS gene polymorphism at position -786T>C and Intron 4b/a showed a greater reduction of plasma cholesterol levels in response to ET. Furthermore, no genotype influence was observed on arterial blood pressure or oxidative stress status in this population.


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Dietary fat composition can interfere in the development of obesity due to the specific roles of some fatty acids that have different metabolic activities, which can alter both fat oxidation and deposition rates, resulting in changes in body weight and/or composition. High-fat diets in general are associated with hyperphagia, but the type of dietary fat seems to be more important since saturated fats are linked to a positive fat balance and omental adipose tissue accumulation when compared to other types of fat, while polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6, seem to increase energy expenditure and decrease energy intake by specific mechanisms involving hormone-sensitive lipase, activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and others. Saturated fat intake can also impair insulin sensitivity compared to omega-3 fat, which has the opposite effect due to alterations in cell membranes. Obesity is also associated with impaired mitochondrial function. Fat excess favors the production of malonyl-CoA, which reduces GLUT4 efficiency. The tricarboxylic acid cycle and beta-oxidation are temporarily uncoupled, forming metabolite byproducts that augment reactive oxygen species production. Exercise can restore mitochondrial function and insulin sensitivity, which may be crucial for a better prognosis in treating or preventing obesity.


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Human serum paraoxonase contributes to the anti-atherogenic effect of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and has been shown to protect both low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and HDL-C against lipid peroxidation. We investigated the effects of rosiglitazone on paraoxonase activity and metabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus [50 patients (30 males, 20 females); mean±SD age: 58.7±9.2 years, body mass index: 28.2±4.1'kg/m2], in whom glucose control could not be achieved despite treatment with metformin, sulphonylurea, and/or insulin. The patients were given 4'mg/day rosiglitazone for 3 months in addition to their usual treatment. Serum paraoxonase activity, malondialdehyde, homocysteine, and lipid profile were measured at the time of initiation and at the end of therapy with rosiglitazone. After rosiglitazone therapy, serum levels of HDL-C, apolipoprotein A-1, and paraoxonase activity increased significantly (P<0.05) and malondialdehyde, homocysteine, lipoprotein(a), and glucose levels decreased significantly (P<0.05), but no significant changes in levels of total cholesterol and apolipoprotein B were observed. Triglyceride levels also increased significantly (P<0.05). Rosiglitazone treatment led to an improvement in glycemic control and to an increase in paraoxonase activity and HDL-C levels. Although rosiglitazone showed favorable effects on oxidant/antioxidant balance and lipid profile, further studies are needed to determine the effect of rosiglitazone on cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.


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Immobilization, used in clinical practice to treat traumatologic problems, causes changes in muscle, but it is not known whether changes also occur in nerves. We investigated the effects of immobilization on excitability and compound action potential (CAP) and the ultrastructure of the rat sciatic nerve. Fourteen days after immobilization of the right leg of adult male Wistar rats (n=34), animals were killed and the right sciatic nerve was dissected and mounted in a moist chamber. Nerves were stimulated at a baseline frequency of 0.2 Hz and tested for 2 min at 20, 50, and 100 Hz. Immobilization altered nerve excitability. Rheobase and chronaxy changed from 3.13±0.05 V and 52.31±1.95 µs (control group, n=13) to 2.84±0.06 V and 59.71±2.79 µs (immobilized group, n=15), respectively. Immobilization altered the amplitude of CAP waves and decreased the conduction velocity of the first CAP wave (from 93.63±7.49 to 79.14±5.59 m/s) but not of the second wave. Transmission electron microscopy showed fragmentation of the myelin sheath of the sciatic nerve of immobilized limbs and degeneration of the axon. In conclusion, we demonstrated that long-lasting leg immobilization can induce alterations in nerve function.


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18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) is widely used to diagnose and stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the predictive ability of different FDG standardized uptake values (SUVs) in 74 patients with newly diagnosed NSCLC. 18F-FDG PET/CT scans were performed and different SUV parameters (SUVmax, SUVavg, SUVT/L, and SUVT/A) obtained, and their relationship with clinical characteristics were investigated. Meanwhile, correlation and multiple stepwise regression analyses were performed to determine the primary predictor of SUVs for NSCLC. Age, gender, and tumor size significantly affected SUV parameters. The mean SUVs of squamous cell carcinoma were higher than those of adenocarcinoma. Poorly differentiated tumors exhibited higher SUVs than well-differentiated ones. Further analyses based on the pathologic type revealed that the SUVmax, SUVavg, and SUVT/L of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma tumors were higher than those of moderately or well-differentiated tumors. Among these four SUV parameters, SUVT/Lwas the primary predictor for tumor differentiation. However, in adenocarcinoma, SUVmax was the determining factor for tumor differentiation. Our results showed that these four SUV parameters had predictive significance related to NSCLC tumor differentiation; SUVT/L appeared to be most useful overall, but SUVmax was the best index for adenocarcinoma tumor differentiation.


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the forced oscillation technique (FOT) and pulmonary densitovolumetry in acromegalic patients and to examine the correlations between these findings. In this cross-sectional study, 29 non-smoking acromegalic patients and 17 paired controls were subjected to the FOT and quantification of lung volume using multidetector computed tomography (Q-MDCT). Compared with the controls, the acromegalic patients had a higher value for resonance frequency [15.3 (10.9-19.7) vs 11.4 (9.05-17.6) Hz, P=0.023] and a lower value for mean reactance [0.32 (0.21-0.64) vs 0.49 (0.34-0.96) cm H2O/L/s2, P=0.005]. In inspiratory Q-MDCT, the acromegalic patients had higher percentages of total lung volume (TLV) for nonaerated and poorly aerated areas [0.42% (0.30-0.51%) vs 0.25% (0.20-0.32%), P=0.039 and 3.25% (2.48-3.46%) vs 1.70% (1.45-2.15%), P=0.001, respectively]. Furthermore, the acromegalic patients had higher values for total lung mass in both inspiratory and expiratory Q-MDCT [821 (635-923) vs 696 (599-769) g, P=0.021 and 844 (650-945) vs 637 (536-736) g, P=0.009, respectively]. In inspiratory Q-MDCT, TLV showed significant correlations with all FOT parameters. The TLV of hyperaerated areas showed significant correlations with intercept resistance (rs=−0.602, P<0.001) and mean resistance (rs=−0.580, P<0.001). These data showed that acromegalic patients have increased amounts of lung tissue as well as nonaerated and poorly aerated areas. Functionally, there was a loss of homogeneity of the respiratory system. Moreover, there were correlations between the structural and functional findings of the respiratory system, consistent with the pathophysiology of the disease.


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Exercise training (Ex) has been recommended for its beneficial effects in hypertensive states. The present study evaluated the time-course effects of Ex without workload on mean arterial pressure (MAP), reflex bradycardia, cardiac and renal histology, and oxidative stress in two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) hypertensive rats. Male Fischer rats (10 weeks old; 150–180 g) underwent surgery (2K1C or SHAM) and were subsequently divided into a sedentary (SED) group and Ex group (swimming 1 h/day, 5 days/week for 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 weeks). Until week 4, Ex decreased MAP, increased reflex bradycardia, prevented concentric hypertrophy, reduced collagen deposition in the myocardium and kidneys, decreased the level of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in the left ventricle, and increased the catalase (CAT) activity in the left ventricle and both kidneys. From week 6 to week 10, however, MAP and reflex bradycardia in 2K1C Ex rats became similar to those in 2K1C SED rats. Ex effectively reduced heart rate and prevented collagen deposition in the heart and both kidneys up to week 10, and restored the level of TBARS in the left ventricle and clipped kidney and the CAT activity in both kidneys until week 8. Ex without workload for 10 weeks in 2K1C rats provided distinct beneficial effects. The early effects of Ex on cardiovascular function included reversing MAP and reflex bradycardia. The later effects of Ex included preventing structural alterations in the heart and kidney by decreasing oxidative stress and reducing injuries in these organs during hypertension.


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A manteiga é um produto gorduroso onde a fase aquosa está dispersa na fase oleosa formando emulsão do tipo água/óleo. As análises físicas e químicas revelam se a fase oleosa apresenta alterações decorrentes de hidrólise, rancificação ou adulteração. A adição de outras gorduras na manteiga provoca alterações em seus índices físicos e químicos. Para avaliar a qualidade de manteigas tipo extra com sal comercializadas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cinco marcas nacionais e duas importadas, totalizando 66 amostras, foram submetidas às análises de acidez, índice de peróxidos, índice de iodo, teor de umidade, teor de cloreto de sódio e composição em ácidos graxos por cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução. A acidez das amostras variou de 0,76 a 2,03 ml SN%; o índice de peróxidos de 0,15 a 3,82 meq peróxidos/kg gordura; o índice de iodo de 20,76 a 53,46 g I2/100g gordura; o teor de umidade de 11,3 a 20,3%; o teor de cloreto de sódio de 0,14 a 2,21%; a composição em % dos principais ácidos graxos foi C14:0 (9,7-12,1%); C16:0 (22,0-26,1%; C18:0 (9,6-11,7%) e C18:1 (21,9-24,2%. Os resultados das amostras foram comparados com o RIISPOA (1952) e com a Portaria n0. 146/96 do MAARA. Todas as amostras analisadas estavam com a acidez dentro dos padrões; 85,5% estavam com índice de peróxidos acima do permitido; 15,2% estavam fora dos limites de índice de iodo; 34,8% estavam com excesso de umidade e 7,5% estavam com o teor de cloreto de sódio acima do permitido. A composição em ácidos graxos estava dentro dos padrões.


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Commercial cashew apple juice is widely accepted in the Brazilian market. Cashew apple has high content of ascorbic acid, an important nutrient to human beings. Ascorbic acid content in food can be affected by processing and storage conditions. Commercial cashew apple juice samples, ready-to-drink and concentrated, were analyzed. The ascorbic acid content, total titratable acidity, total soluble solids, and pH of the juices were determined during storage at 4 °C after the containers were opened. The ascorbic acid content presented a great variability among the samples analyzed ranging from 37.3 to 46.3 mg.100 mL-1 in ready-to-drink juices and from 75.7 to 152 mg.100 mL-1 in concentrated juices. The storage of commercial cashew apple juices for 48 hours at 4 °C resulted in ascorbic acid losses of up to 8.8% for concentrated and 6.4% for ready-to-drink juices. The other parameters remained stable during storage. The results of this study point to the importance of considering ascorbic acid losses in commercial cashew apple juices which occurs after opening but before the expiration date expires.


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In order to determine thermobacteriological parameters for B. stearothermophilus spores, they were diluted in a saline solution medium and in ground corn-soybean mix, distributed in TDT tube, and submitted to heat for a specific period of time. The D value (time to reduce 1 log cycle of microbial count under a certain temperature) and z value (variation of temperature to cause 10-fold change in D value) were estimated. To estimate their dimensions, the spores were visualized by using a scanning electron microscope. D121.1 ºC and z values for these spores, as determined in the saline solution, were 8.8 minutes and 12.8 ºC, respectively. D121,1 ºC and z values determined in the corn-soy mix were 14.2 minutes and 23.7 ºC, respectively. The micrographs indicated that the spores have homogeneous shape and size, with length and diameter of 2 and 1 µm, respectively. These results confirm that the spore is highly thermal-resistant, and it is a good biological indicator to evaluate the extrusion process as a feed sterilizer.


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This work reports the use of experimental design for the assessment of the effects of process parameters on the production of fish nuggets in an industrial scale environment. The effect of independent factors on the physicochemical and microbiological parameters was investigated through a full 24 experimental design. The studied factors included the temperature of fish fillet and pulp in the mixer, the temperature of the added fat, the temperature of water and the ratio of protein extraction time to emulsion time. The physicochemical analyses showed that the higher temperature of the pulp and fillet of fish, the lower the protein in the final product. Microbiological analyses revealed that the counting of Staphylococcus coagulase positive, total and thermo-tolerant coliforms were in accordance with the current legislation.


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The rheological behavior and density of goat milk was studied as a function of solids concentration (10.5 to 50.0%) and temperature (273 to 331 k). Newtonian behavior was observed for values of total solids (TS) between 10.5 and 22.0% and temperatures from 276 to 331 k changing to pseudoplastic behavior without yield stress for TS from 25.0 to 39.4% at the same range of temperature. Goat milk with TS between 44.3 to 50.0% and temperatures of 273 to 296 k showed yield stress in addition to pseudoplastic behavior. At 303 to 331 k the power law model was observed again, without yield stress. The density of goat milk ranged from 991.7 to 1232.4 kg.m-3.


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Fast and non-destructive indicators were evaluated as tools to measure the technological quality of Arabica and Robusta coffee. Accordingly, considering the roasting intensity in highly valuable commercial samples, volume, mass, apparent density, moisture, total ash, ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, and ether extract were characterized. The chromatic parameters L*, C*, Hº were measured using illuminants D65 and C. It was found that in roasted coffee beans, the parameters L*, C*, Hº, and coordinate b* had an antagonist interaction due to an increase in the roasting intensity, whereas after milling, only L* and Hº decreased progressively. Considering that the parameters L* and Hº followed similar patterns using both illuminants, D65 and C, it can be concluded that they are appropriate to evaluate coffee colour changes during roasting, enabling a relationship with coffee quality.


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The industrialization of passion fruit in the form of juice produces considerable amounts of residue that could be used as food. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of the volume of passion fruit juice added to the syrup and the cooking time on the color and texture of passion fruit albedo preserved in syrup. Multi-linear models were well fit to describe the value for a* (for the albedo) the values for b* (for the albedo and syrup), which exhibited high correlation coefficients of 98%, 84%, and 88%, respectively. The volume of passion fruit juice added and the cooking time of the albedos in the syrup, involved in the processing of passion fruit albedo preserves in syrup, significantly affected color analyses. The texture was not affected by the parameters studied. Therefore, the use of larger volumes of passion fruit juice and longer cooking time is recommended for the production of passion fruit albedo preserves in syrup to achieve the characteristic yellow color of the fruit.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of pork meat submitted to dry salting. Sodium chloride (NaCl) was added at levels of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% or 10% by the meat weight. Dry salting technique was used, which consists of rubbing the sodium chloride manually, followed by a rest period. The data were submitted to analysis of variance using a completely randomized experimental design. The means were compared by Duncan test at 5%. The salting process reduced (P < 0.05) humidity and water activity, and it increased (P < 0.05) ash, chloride, palmitic acid, and water holding capacity levels compared to those of the control. Luminosity (L*) was lower (P < 0.05) in the control, and a* color was more intense in samples with 2.5% NaCl. Cooking loss was lower (P < 0.05) in the samples salted with 5% and 10% NaCl, and similarity was observed between the levels 0 and 7.5% salt. The treatments with levels 0% and 2.5% NaCl had higher mesophilic counts. The other microbiological parameters were within limits established by law. Therefore, salting with 5% NaCl can be used in pork meat in order to maintain the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of the final product.