283 resultados para Aorta Abdominal


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Angiostrongylus costaricensis is a parasitic nematode of rodents and molluscs are the intermediate hosts. Nocturnal collection of molluscs and search for infective third stage larvae of A. costaricensis was carried out in 18 endemic foci identified by the notification of a confirmed diagnosis in human biopsies or surgical specimens. Molluscs were digested in acidic solution and isolation of larvae eventually present was done in a Baermann funnel. Larvae identified by the presence of a delicate groove in the tail were counted to assess the individual parasitic burden. Four species were found infected, with ranges of prevalence in parenthesis: Phyllocaulis variegatus (7% to 33.3%); Bradybaena similaris (11.7% to 24.1%); Belocaulus angustipes (8.3% ) and Phyllocaulis soleiformis (3.3% to 14.2%). Parasitic burden varied from 1 to 75 with P. variegatus, 1 to 98 with B. similaris, 1 to 13 with B. angustipes and 1 larvae in each of two specimens of P. soleiformis. P. variegatus was present in all sites and was found infected with the highest prevalence figures and the highest individual parasitic burdens. These data stress the importance of veronicellid slugs as intermediate hosts for A. costaricensis in the endemic areas in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


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Angiostrongylus costaricensis may cause intestinal lesions of varied severity when it accidentally infects man in Central and South America. First-stage larvae have never been detected in stools. Therefore, a parasite-specific IgG ELISA was evaluated for the determination of the acute phase of infection. The specificity and the sensitivity of the immunoassay was shown to be 76.2% and 91.1%, respectively. Eight serum samples taken from patients with histopathological diagnosis, at different time points (3 to 15 months) after surgical treatment, showed a sharp and early decline in antibody reactivity. The titration of anti-A. costaricensis antibodies has proved to be a useful method for the diagnosis of acute abdominal angiostrongyliasis.


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In endemic areas with low prevalence and low intensity of infection, the diagnosis of hepatic pathology due to the Schistosoma mansoni infection is very difficult. In order to establish the hepatic morbidity, a double-blind study was achieved in Venezuelan endemic areas, with one group of patients with schistosomiasis and the other one of non-infected people, that were evaluated clinically and by abdominal ultrasound using the Cairo classification. Schistosomiasis diagnosis was established based on parasitologic and serological tests. The increase of the hepatic size at midclavicular and midsternal lines (in hepatometry) and the hard liver consistency were the clinical parameters able to differentiate infected persons from non infected ones, as well as the presence of left lobe hepatomegaly detected by abdominal ultrasound. The periportal thickening, especially the mild form, was frequent in all age groups in both infected and uninfected patients. There was not correlation between the intensity of infection and ultrasound under the current circumstances. Our data suggest that in Venezuela, a low endemic area of transmission of schistosomiasis, the hepatic morbidity is mild and uncommon. The Cairo classification seems to overestimate the prevalence of periportal pathology. The specificity of the method must be improved, especially for the recognition of precocious pathology. Other causes of hepatopathies must be investigated.


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The effects of blood components, nerve-cord severance, and ecdysone therapy on the posterior midgut epithelial cells of 5th-instar Rhodnius prolixus nymphs 10 days after feeding were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Cutting the nerve-cord of the blood-fed insects partially reduced the development of microvilli and perimicrovillar membranes (PMM), and produced large vacuoles and small electrondense granules; insects fed on Ringer's saline diet exhibited well developed microvilli and low PMM production; swolled rough endoplasmatic reticulum and electrondense granules; Ringer's saline meal with ecdysone led to PMM development, glycogen particles, and several mitochondria in the cytoplasm; epithelial cells of the insects fed on Ringer's saline meal whose nerve-cord was severed showed heterogeneously distributed microvilli with reduced PMM production and a great quantity of mitochondria and glycogen in the cytoplasm; well developed microvilli and PMM were observed in nerve-cord severed insects fed on Ringer's saline meal with ecdysone; Ringer's saline diet containing hemoglobin recovered the release of PMM; and insects fed on human plasma showed slightly reduced PMM production, although the addition of ecdysone in the plasma led to a normal midgut ultrastructural organization. We suggest that the full development of microvilli and PMM in the epithelial cells depends on the abdominal distension in addition to ingestion of hemoglobin, and the release of ecdysone.


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Abdominal angiostrongyliasis (AA) is a zoonotic nematode infection caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis, with widespread occurrence in the Americas. Although the human infection may be highly prevalent, morbidity is low in Southern Brazil. Confirmed diagnosis is based on finding parasitic structures in pathological examination of biopsies or surgical resections. Serology stands as an important diagnostic tool in the less severe courses of the infection. Our objective is to describe the follow up of humoral reactivity every 2-4 weeks up to one year, in six individuals with confirmed (C) and ten suspected (S) AA. Antibody (IgG) detection was performed by ELISA and resulted in gradually declining curves of reactivity in nine subjects (56%) (4C + 5S), that were consistently negative in only three of them (2C + 1S) after 221, 121 and 298 days. Three individuals (2C + 1S) presented with low persistent reacitivity, other two (1C + 1S) were serologically negative from the beginning, but also presenting a declining tendency. The study shows indications that abdominal angiostrongyliasis is usually not a persistent infection: although serological negativation may take many months, IgG reactivity is usually declining along time and serum samples pairing may add valuable information to the diagnostic workout.


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Angiostrongylus costaricensis has a broad geographic distribution spanning from North to South America and the infections of vertebrates with this nematode can result in abdominal complications. Human infections are diagnosed by histological or serological methods because the isolation of larvae from feces is not feasible, as most parasites become trapped in intestinal tissues due to intense eosinophilic inflammation. Because A. costaricensis is difficult to maintain in the laboratory, an immunodiagnostic IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using antigens from the congeneric Angiostrongylus cantonensis species was evaluated against a panel of serum samples from patients who were histologically diagnosed with A. costaricensis infections. Sera from uninfected individuals and individuals infected with other parasites were used as controls. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were estimated at 88.4% and 78.7%, respectively. Because the use of purified or cloned antigens has not been established as a reliable diagnostic tool, the use of heterologous antigens may provide a viable alternative for the development of an ELISA-based immunodetection system for the diagnosis of abdominal angiostrongyliasis.


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Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a potentially fatal zoonotic disease with a broad geographical distribution throughout Central and South America. This study assessed the performance of Angiostrongylus costaricensis eggs as the antigen in an indirect immunofluorescence assay for the determination of parasite-specific IgG and IgG1 antibodies. For prevalence studies, an IgG antibody titre > 16 was identified as the diagnostic threshold with the best performance, providing 93.7% sensitivity and 84.6% specificity. Cross reactivity was evaluated with 65 additional samples from patients with other known parasitic infections. Cross reactivity was observed only in samples from individuals infected with Strongyloides stercoralis. For clinical diagnosis, we recommend the determination of IgG only as a screening test. IgG1 determination may be used to increase the specificity of the results for patients with a positive screening test.


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Schistosomiasis, classified by the World Health Organization as a neglected tropical disease, is an intravascular parasitic disease associated to a chronic inflammatory state. Evidence implicating inflammation in vascular dysfunction continues to mount, which, broadly defined, reflects a failure in the control of intracellular Ca2+ and consequently, vascular contraction. Therefore, we measured aorta contraction induced by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), two important regulators of vascular contraction. Isometric aortic contractions were determined in control and Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice. In the infected animals, 5-HT induced a 50% higher contraction in relation to controls and we also observed an increased contraction in response to Ca2+ mobilisation from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Nevertheless, Rho kinase inhibition reduced the contraction in response to 5-HT equally in both groups, discarding an increase of the contractile machinery sensitivity to Ca2+. Furthermore, no alteration was observed for contractions induced by ET-1 in both groups. Our data suggest that an immune-vascular interaction occurs in schistosomiasis, altering vascular contraction outside the mesenteric portal system. More importantly, it affects distinct intracellular signalling involved in aorta contraction, in this case increasing 5-HT receptor signalling.


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Investigou-se a prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade abdominal e variáveis associadas em mulheres. Estudo transversal com 298 mulheres (20-59 anos), usuárias de uma unidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família, em São Paulo-SP. Considerou-se o excesso de peso: índice de massa corporal>25kg/m²; a obesidade abdominal: circunferência da cintura 0,80m ou razão cintura-quadril>0,85. Realizou-se análise de regressão logística. O excesso de peso afetou 56% das mulheres, sendo 37% sobrepeso e 19% obesidade, e associou-se com a idade, renda familiar, tabagismo e hipertensão. 59% tinham obesidade abdominal associada à idade e hipertensão. Observou-sea elevada prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade abdominal em mulheres, reforçando a importância da avaliação de circunferência da cintura e/ou razão cintura-quadril no exame físico, além do índice de massa corporal, auxiliadores da predição de risco. Evidencia-se a necessidade de intervenções, junto à comunidade, que promovam a diminuição do excesso de peso e da obesidade abdominal.


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Os autores relatam um caso de tumor de pequenas células redondas desmoplásico intra-abdominal acometendo paciente do sexo masculino, de 21 anos de idade, atendido com quadro de dor abdominal, trombose do membro inferior direito e perda da função renal, de causa obstrutiva. A investigação demonstrou volumosa lesão abdominopélvica, sólida, bocelada, com áreas císticas internas, situada posteriormente à bexiga, causando obstrução ureteral, compressão da veia ilíaca direita e oclusão parcial do reto, além de acometimento de linfonodos intra e retroperitoneais. São descritos os achados cirúrgicos, de ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, bem como aqueles do estudo macroscópico, microscopia e imuno-histoquímica.


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Neste trabalho procura-se estabelecer o valor da ultra-sonografia no diagnóstico de apendicite, com transdutor multifreqüencial de 5 a 10 MHz. Foi realizado estudo transversal de casos consecutivos de 240 pacientes, de abril de 1996 a setembro de 1998, com suspeita de apendicite. Os critérios ecográficos de apendicite foram apêndice não-compressível e com espessura acima de 6,0 mm, com ou sem apendicólito e/ou coleção. O padrão ouro utilizado foram achados cirúrgicos e acompanhamento clínico durante um ano. A prevalência de apendicite foi de 59%. A ultra-sonografia mostrou sensibilidade de 90%, especificidade de 97%, acurácia de 93%, valor preditivo positivo de 98% e valor preditivo negativo de 87%, tendo ocorrido 2,4% de falso-positivos e 13% de falso-negativos. O ultra-som com transdutor multifreqüencial de 5 a 10 MHz mostra-se um método muito eficaz no diagnóstico de apendicite.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição da ultra-sonografia abdominal em um grupo de pacientes em seguimento pós-tratamento de câncer primário da mama. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, os resultados dos exames ecográficos abdominais em 100 prontuários de pacientes tratadas de câncer primário da mama, realizados de janeiro a dezembro de 1997, no Setor de Ultra-sonografia da Divisão de Radiologia do Departamento de Clínica Médica da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Informações como idade, tipo histológico, estadiamento, número e resultados dos exames ultra-sonográficos foram tabelados e analisados. RESULTADOS: Em 70% dos casos os laudos ecográficos abdominais eram normais. O diagnóstico de metástase hepática foi de 3%. CONCLUSÃO: O maior porcentual de alterações encontradas não estava relacionado diretamente como complicação do câncer mamário.


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MOTIVAÇÃO: Derrame pleural é alteração pulmonar comumente observada em exames de imagem após cirurgias abdominais eletivas, sem repercussão clínica na maioria dos enfermos, devendo ser individualizada das complicações pulmonares que requerem tratamento. Sua incidência, bem como os indicadores de risco, são desconhecidos em nosso meio. OBJETIVO: Determinar, pela ultra-sonografia, a incidência de derrame pleural pós-operatório (DPPO) em cirurgias abdominais eletivas e averiguar suas possíveis associações com fatores de risco relacionados aos doentes e procedimentos anestésico-cirúrgicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 21 (56,8%) mulheres e 16 (43,2%) homens, entre 29 e 76 anos, submetidos a cirurgias abdominais eletivas. Os exames ecográficos foram realizados no pré-operatório e 48 horas após a cirurgia. Foram estudados os fatores de risco associados ao paciente - idade maior de 60 anos, sexo, obesidade, tabagismo, etilismo e presença de doenças associadas -, e ao procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico - cirurgia para ressecção de câncer, classe ASA > 2, tempo anestésico-cirúrgico, incisão longitudinal e incisão > 15 cm. A litíase biliar (43,2%) e a presença de câncer gastrintestinal (43,2%) foram os principais responsáveis pela indicação cirúrgica. O DPPO foi graduado de pequeno, médio e grande. RESULTADOS: A incidência de DPPO foi de 70,3% (26/37). Dois (5,4%) desses doentes evoluíram com complicações pulmonares graves, um deles vindo a falecer. Idade maior de 60 anos, tabagismo, etilismo, obesidade e presença de doenças associadas não influenciaram o aparecimento de DPPO. Cirurgia para ressecção de câncer, classe ASA > 2, incisão longitudinal e incisão > 15 cm associaram-se de modo significante à presença de DPPO, que ocorreu mesmo na vigência de antibioticoprofilaxia. O tempo de permanência hospitalar foi 2,4 vezes maior nos doentes com DPPO. CONCLUSÃO: A ocorrência de derrame pleural em pós-operatório de cirurgia abdominal eletiva é muito freqüente. A maioria dos DPPO é autolimitada, evoluindo de modo assintomático. A ecografia na constatação do DPPO mostrou-se efetiva e sua utilização merece ser difundida.