286 resultados para Anti-HCV antibodies


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To investigate whether mice immunization with the recombinant form of a 14.7 KDa Schistosoma mansoni protein (rSm14) confers protection against a S. mansoni lethal challenge infection, rSm14-immunized mice were challenged with different cercarial burdens. A significant protection was detected in immunized mice challenged with 100 or 1,000 S. mansoni cercariae when compared with their controls (p< 0.004 and p< 0.01 respectively). Differently from previous report, none of the mice from the control group (not immunized and infected with 1000 cercariae) died before the 30th day post-infection. A direct correlation between the number of challenge cercariae and the precocity of mice death was found. IgM anti-rSm14 antibodies were significantly produced (p< 0.05) mainly in the groups of immunized mice infected with 500 or 1000 cercariae. IgG and IgA anti-rSm14 antibodies were not significantly detected. In Western immunoblots, all mice sera showed a specific antibody response with a 14.7 KDa antigen being reacted with particular intensity in sera from immunized mice. The results show that immunization with rSm14 reduced mice worm burden independently of the cercariae load of challenge infection. No correlation was found between serum antibodies and worm burden reduction. In relation to cercarial load and the rate and precocity of mice mortality a direct correlation was found.


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In this communication we report 46 cases of acute liver failure in children diagnosed at the Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória in Vitória, E Santo. Serology for IgM anti-HAV, IgM anti-HBc, HbsAg, anti-HCV and biochemical tests were performed in all cases in a routine laboratory. The M/F ratio was 1.1:1 and the mean age was 4.7±3.2 years, without gender difference. Anti-HAV IgM+ in 38 (82.6%) cases, anti-HbcIgM+ in two (4.3 %) cases and 6 (13.1%) cases were negative for all viral markers investigated. Anti- HCV+ in one anti-HAV IgM+ case. HbsAg+ in two anti-HbcIgM+ and in two HAVIgM+ cases. Among the six A, B and C negative cases, four (8.6%) did not have the suspected exogenous intoxication. Mortality was 50%, without gender or age differences. These results demonstrate that HAV infection is the main etiology of acute liver failure in children in Brazil, confirming that, although it is a self limited, relatively mild illness, it can cause serious and even fatal disease. The observation of four cases without A, B and C viral markers and no history of exogenous intoxication, agree with the observation of non A-E acute sporadic hepatitis in Northeastern Brazil.


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Este trabalho objetiva estimar a prevalência da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B e analisar possíveis fatores de risco em 401 pacientes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana, atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Os participantes responderam a um questionário que visava levantar variáveis gerais e fatores de risco para hepatite B. Os resultados dos exames sorológicos para os marcadores HBsAg, anti-HBcAg total, anti-HBsAg e anti-HCV foram obtidos dos prontuários dos pacientes. A prevalência global dos marcadores para o HBV foi 40,9%, com valores de 8,5% para o HBsAg, 39,7% para o anti-HBcAg total e de 5,5% para o anti-HBsAg. As variáveis que mostraram associação com a infecção pelo HBV foram: idade, nível superior de escolaridade, antecedente de icterícia, tempo passado como presidiário, existência de parceiro homossexual e positividade para o anti-HCV. A co-infecção HBV/HCV esteve presente em 20,4% dos participantes deste estudo.


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Com o objetivo de contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do envolvimento das infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C, na etioepidemiologia do CHC na Amazônia Oriental, estudou-se 36 pacientes em Belém-PA. Foram avaliados marcadores sorológicos e a pesquisa do HBV-DNA e HCV-RNA pela reação em cadeia da polimerase. Observou-se etilismo em 33,3% e cirrose em 83,3%. Marcadores sorológicos das infecções pelo HBV e HCV foram encontrados respectivamente em 88,9% e 8,3%. O HBsAg foi encontrado em 58,3%; anti-HBc em 86%; anti-HBe em 85,7; HBeAg em 9,5%; anti-HBc IgM em 57,1%. O HBV-DNA foi detectado em 37,7% e em 65% dos HBsAg positivos; o HCV-RNA em 8,5% e em 100% dos anti-HCV positivos. AFP esteve alterada em 88,9% e acima de 400ng/ml em 75% dos casos. Conclui-se que a infecção pelo HBV parece ter importância na etiologia do CHC e ressalta-se a importância de implementar programas de vacinação e detecção precoce do tumor.


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The aim of this investigation was to determine nitric oxide metabolite levels in saliva samples from hepatitis C virus-positive patients in an attempt to test the hypothesis if increased levels of nitric oxide metabolites correlates with the presence of HCV-RNA in saliva. Saliva of 39 HCV-positive patients and 13 HCV-negative patients, without clinical or laboratorial evidence of liver disease were tested for nitric oxide metabolites. HCV-RNA was detected in serum and saliva by a RT-PCR method and nitric oxide level was determined by evaluation of its stable degradation products, nitrate and nitrite. No differences were found between the concentration of nitrite in saliva from HCV patients and controls, in despite of the presence or not of HCV RNA in saliva. Patients with HCV and cirrhosis had higher concentrations of nitrite but not significantly different from the control group or the groups of anti-HCV patients without cirrhosis. Increased levels of nitrite were not detected in anti-HCV positive patients, an indirect indication that chronic sialoadenitis are infrequent in these patients or occurs with low intensity not sufficient to increase nitric oxide metabolite levels in saliva.


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Este estudo envolveu 25.891 doadores de sangue que compareceram pela primeira vez ao Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto, entre 23/06/1996 e 22/06/2001. Seu objetivo foi estudar a positividade de marcadores sorológicos das hepatites B e C em testes de triagem e estimar a prevalência de infecção atual ou pregressa pelos vírus de ambas as hepatites, através da análise dos resultados de testes confirmatórios. Estudaram-se dados do Hemocentro e do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina, coletando-se informações referentes ao doador e aos resultados dos testes sorológicos. A população foi composta majoritariamente por homens (83,6%) de 26 a 45 (64%) anos de idade. Os valores de positividade nos testes da triagem foram 0,6% (IC95%: 0,54 0,72) para o HBsAg e 1,2% (IC95%: 1,02 1,28), para o anti-HCV. Os valores da prevalência, nos testes confirmatórios, foram 0,2% (IC95%: 0,16 0,28), para a hepatite B, e 0,3% (IC95%: 0,24 0,38) para a hepatite C.


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Foi realizado inquérito soroepidemiológico com o objetivo de conhecer a prevalência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana, de anticorpos contra o vírus da hepatite C (anti-HCV), fatores de risco associados à transmissão parenteral e o perfil epidemiológico de puérperas atendidas em três hospitais conveniados com o Sistema Único de Saúde em Cuiabá-MT, no período de dezembro de 2001 a maio de 2002. Mil seiscentas e sete mulheres foram estudadas e entrevistadas de modo a se obter informações sócio-demográficas e epidemiológicas que poderiam estar associadas à transmissão do vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Foram pesquisados anticopos anti-HIV e anti-HCV, através do teste ELISA. A prevalência de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana foi de 0,5% (IC95%= 0,2 a 1,0). A maioria das participantes tinha apenas nível de ensino fundamental (58,4%) e mantinha relacionamento estável com parceiro fixo (73%). Não foi evidenciada associação entre a presença de anti-HIV e o nível sócio-econômico, escolaridade, fatores de risco para doenças de transmissão sanguínea ou sexual, e com a presença de comportamento sexual de risco nas entrevistadas e em seus parceiros (relacionamentos com múltiplas parceiras ou bissexualidade). Presumiu-se que a via de transmissão heterossexual foi a principal causa de infecção nas mulheres em idade fértil na região. A prevalência do anti-HCV foi de 0,4% (IC95%= 0,1; 0,8), sendo mais freqüente entre as participantes mais velhas.


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram estimar a soroprevalência da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C em um centro de diálise da grande Recife; e associar a soropositividade para o vírus da hepatite C em relação a alguns fatores de risco. Foram analisados 250 pacientes com idade variando de 17 a 92 anos e de ambos os sexos. Dados epidemiológicos desses pacientes foram obtidos para a determinação dos fatores de riscos para esta infecção. A pesquisa de anticorpos anti-HCV foi realizada pelo ELISA de 4ª geração. Foi observado que em relação aos fatores de riscos, como o tempo de hemodiálise, número e período das transfusões de hemocomponentes, foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significante (p< 0,05). A prevalência encontrada foi baixa (8,4%) em relação a outros estudos do Brasil. Entretanto, seriam necessários mais estudos em outros centros a fim de estimar a real prevalência para infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C em pacientes submetidos a hemodiálise em Pernambuco.


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The aim of the present study was to outline the serological profile of hepatitis C among blood donors seen at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center, Hemominas Foundation, over the last 14 years. The frequency of hepatitis C was compared between first-time and repeat donors and the epidemiological characteristics of those with positive and indeterminate ELISA anti-HCV (third and fourth generation) were analyzed based on the donor histories kept in the archives of the Uberaba Regional Blood Center. The serological ineligibility rate was 0.3%, with higher prevalence in the group of first-time donors. We did not find any significant differences regarding age, skin color, marital status or place of residence between eligible and ineligible donors; however, the frequency of positive serology was higher among men. The lower (0.3%) rate of ineligibility due to hepatitis C that was observed at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center, in relation to most Brazilian blood centers, is probably due to the large number of repeat donors (83.3%). This reinforces the importance of achieving donor commitment for increasing transfusion safety.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has quite high prevalence in the prison system, reaching rates of up to 40%. This survey aimed to estimate the prevalence of HCV infection and evaluate risk factors for this exposure among male inmates at the Ribeirão Preto Prison, State of São Paulo, Brazil, between May and August 2003. A total of 333 participants were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire and underwent immunoenzymatic assaying to investigate anti-HCV. The prevalence of HCV infection among the inmates was 8.7% (95% CI: 5.7-11.7). The participants'mean age was 30.1 years, and the prevalence was predominantly among individuals over 30 years of age. Multivariate analysis showed that the variables that were independently associated with HCV infection were age > 30 years, tattooing, history of previous hepatitis, previous injection drug use and previous needle-sharing.


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INTRODUCTION: Epidemiological studies concerning HCV genotypic distribution in the Brazilian Amazon are scarce. Thus, this study determined the patterns of distribution of HCV genotypes among different exposure categories in the State of Pará, Brazilian Amazon. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 312 HCV-infected individuals belonging to different categories of exposure, who were attended at the HEMOPA, CENPREN and a private hemodialysis clinic in Belém. They were tested for HCV antibodies using an immunoenzymatic test, RNA-HCV, using real-time PCR and HCV genotyping through phylogenetic analysis of the 5' UTR. The population groups were epidemiologically characterized according to data collected in a brief interview or medical consultation. RESULTS: Genotype 1 predominated in all the different categories of HCV exposure. HCV genotypic distribution among blood donors comprised genotypes 1 (94%) and 3 (6%). All patients with chronic hematologic diseases had HCV genotype 1. The genotypic distribution in illicit-drug users comprised genotypes 1 (59.6%) and 3 (40.4%). In patients under hemodialysis, genotypes 1 (90.1%), 2 (3.3%), and 3 (6.6%) were detected. Finally, the frequency of genotypes 1 and 3 was significantly different between the groups: BD and DU, PUH and DU, PUH and PCHD and PCHD and DU. CONCLUSIONS: The genotypic frequency and distribution of HCV in different categories of exposure in the State of Pará showed a predominance of genotype 1, regardless of the possible risk of infection.


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INTRODUCTION: Positive serological tests for hepatitis viruses B and C at blood banks are an important reason for blood deferral. Additionally, high residual risk for transfusing hepatitis-contaminated blood has been estimated in southern Brazil. This study aimed to identify risk factors for positive serological tests for viral hepatitis (VH) in blood donors (BD). METHODS: A case-control study included consecutive BD with positive serology for VH, between 2008 and 2009. Cases and controls (BD with negative serology for VH) were paired 1:1 by sex and donation date. Assessment of clinical and epidemiological characteristics related to viral hepatitis was conducted. RESULTS: Among 1,282 blood donors (641 cases and 641 controls), those with positive serology for viral hepatitis had higher mean age (p<0.001); higher proportion of replacement donation (p<0.001); first donation (p<0.001); and interviewer deferment (p=0.037), compared to controls. Furthermore, donors with positive tests were less regular donors (p<0.001), had less previous history of rejection (p=0.003) and showed lower hematocrit median before donation (p=0.019). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that age (OR=1.056, 95%CI 1.042-1.069, p<0.001), replacement donation (OR=1.545, 95%CI 1.171-2.038, p=0.002) and first donation (OR=9.931, 95%CI 7.486-13.173, p<0.001) were independently associated with positivity of serological tests for viral hepatitis. CONCLUSIONS: Specific characteristics of blood donors were associated with positive serology for viral hepatitis. These peculiarities should be taken into account when assessing candidates for blood donation.


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INTRODUCTION: Viral hepatitis is a major public health concern in Brazil. There are few past studies on this issue, especially among riparian communities. This study aims at determining the seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B and C in the riparian community of Pacuí Island, within the Cametá municipality of Pará State, Brazil. Moreover, this study aims to investigate the principal risk factors that this community is exposed to. METHODS: The current study has accessed blood samples from 181 volunteers who have answered an epidemiological questionnaire. Analyses on serological markers have been tested with commercial ELISA kits for detecting HBsAg, total anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV. Within seroreactive patients for HCV, RT-PCR and line probe assay have been performed to identify the viral genotype. RESULTS: In the serological marker analysis for hepatitis B, no reactivity for HBsAg, rate of 1.1% for total anti-HBc, and rate of 19.3% for anti-HBs have been observed. On hepatitis C, 8.8% seroprevalence has been found, in which 62.5% have gotten viral RNA. Among the risk factors studied, the following have been highlighted: non-use of condoms, sharing of cutting instruments, use of illicit drugs, and reports of family disease with HBV or HCV. CONCLUSIONS: The vaccination coverage against HBV is low, and the high prevalence of HCV within this community has been observed.


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INTRODUCTION: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, the primary hosts of which are wild, synanthropic, and household animals. Humans behave as terminal and accidental hosts. The prevalence of leptospirosis depends on carrier animals that disseminate the agent, on the environmental survival of this agent, and on the contact of susceptible individuals. Each serovar has one or more hosts with different adaptation levels. The focuses of leptospirosis are infected, sick, and asymptomatic animals, which are considered to be sources of environmental infection. This study aimed to determine the risk areas for leptospiral infection in stray dogs and patients diagnosed with leptospirosis from 2006 to 2008 in Maringá, State of Paraná, Brazil. METHODS: Three hundred and thirty-five stray dogs and 25 patients were studied. Serum from both animals and patients was examined by the microscopic serum agglutination test to study anti-leptospiral antibodies. To determine the risk areas and the spatial distribution of the disease, thematic maps were designed. RESULTS: Forty-one (12.2%) dogs positive for one or more leptospire serovars were observed, the most frequent serovars being Pyrogenes (43.9%), Canícola (21.9%), and Copennhageni (19.5%). Among the humans, 2 (8%) were positive for serovars Pyrogenes and Hardjo Prajitno and for Pyrogenes and Cynopteri. CONCLUSIONS: Spatial analysis showed that the risk for dogs and humans in the City of Maringá to become infected with leptospires exists in both the central and the peripheral areas, a fact that reinforces the relevance of this study and of continuous epidemiological and environmental surveillance actions to control the disease in animals and in humans.


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Introduction Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that involves gluten intolerance and can be triggered by environmental factors including hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of celiac disease in individuals with HBV infection and to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of celiac disease associated with HBV. Methods This cross-sectional study included 50 hepatitis B patients tested for IgA anti-endomysial antibodies (EMAs) and tissue anti-transglutaminase (TTG) between August 2011 and September 2012. Results Fifty patients were included with a mean age of 46.0 ± 12.6 (46.0) years; 46% were female and 13% were HBeAg+. Six patients had positive serology for celiac disease, four were EMA+, and five were TTG+. When individuals with positive serology for celiac disease were compared to those with negative serology, they demonstrated a higher prevalence of abdominal pain (100% vs. 33.3%, p = 0.008), lower median creatinine (0.7mg/dL vs. 0.9mg/dL, p = 0.007) and lower mean albumin (3.6 ± 0.4g/L vs. 3.9 ± 0.3g/L, p = 0.022). All individuals with positive serology for celiac disease underwent upper digestive endoscopy, and three of the patients exhibited a macroscopic pattern suggestive of celiac disease. Histologically, five patients demonstrated an intra-epithelial lymphocytic infiltrate level > 30%, and four patients showed villous atrophy associated with crypt hyperplasia on duodenal biopsy. Conclusions An increased prevalence of celiac disease was observed among hepatitis B patients. These patients were symptomatic and had significant laboratory abnormalities. These results indicate that active screening for celiac disease among HBV-infected adults is warranted.