164 resultados para Amado, Jorge, 1912 - 2001
The phlebotomine sand flies Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto, 1926) are very close and may be involved in the transmission of Leishmania spp. Ross, 1903 in Brazil. The biology of the first laboratory-reared generations of these species, descended from insects captured in Além Paraíba (N. intermedia) and Corinto (N. neivai) in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, is described here. The captured females were fed on hamsters and maintained individually in rearing pots. Laboratory temperature and relative humidity were maintained at 25-26ºC and 80% respectively. The productivity of the first generation of N. intermedia was greater than that of N. neivai, and its development time clearly shorter, particularly for the second and third larval instars.
The variability of the G glycoprotein from human respiratory syncytial viruses (HRSV) (groups A and B) isolated during 17 consecutive epidemics in Montevideo, Uruguay have been analyzed. Several annual epidemics were studied, where strains from groups A and B circulated together throughout the epidemics with predominance of one of them. Usually, group A predominates, but in some epidemics group B is more frequently detected. To analyse the antigenic diversity of the strains, extracts of cells infected with different viruses of group A were tested with a panel of anti-G monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The genetic variability of both groups was analyzed by sequencing the C-terminal third of the G protein gene. The sequences obtained together with previously published sequences were used to perform phylogenetic analyses. The data from Uruguayan isolates, together with those from the rest of the world provide information regarding worldwide strain circulation. Phylogenetic analyses of HRSV from groups A and B show a model of evolution analogous to the one proposed for influenza B viruses providing information that would be beneficial for future immunization programs and to design safe vaccines.
Resistance to cypermethrin of different Aedes aegypti Brazilian populations, collected at two successive periods (2001 and 2002/2003), was monitored using the insecticide-coated bottles bioassay. Slight modifications were included in the method to discriminate between mortality and the knock down effect. Although this pyrethroid was recently started to be used in the country to control the dengue vector, a decrease in susceptibility was noted between both periods analyzed, particularly in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The results indicate that resistance is due at least in part to a target site alteration.
In Brazil, four populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis each producing different sex pheromones are recognised. It has been suggested that these chemotype populations represent true sibling species. In this study we present the results of an analysis, by coupled gas cromotography - mass spectrometry, of the pheromones of males L. longipalpis from two different municipalities of the state of São Paulo. Our study showed that L. longipalpis from these two municipalities produced different sex pheromones from each other. This coupled with the remarkable difference between the epidemiological situation in Araçatuba and Espírito Santo do Pinhal, suggests that the (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B and cembrene-1 populations may have different vectorial capacities.
The main viruses involved in acute respiratory diseases among children are: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenzavirus (FLU), parainfluenzavirus (PIV), adenovirus (AdV), human rhinovirus (HRV), and the human metapneumovirus (hMPV). The purpose of the present study was to identify respiratory viruses that affected children younger than five years old in Uberlândia, Midwestern Brazil. Nasopharyngeal aspirates from 379 children attended at Hospital de Clínicas (HC/UFU), from 2001 to 2004, with acute respiratory disease, were collected and tested by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) to detect RSV, FLU A and B, PIV 1, 2, and 3 and AdV, and RT-PCR to detect HRV. RSV was detected in 26.4% (100/379) of samples, FLU A and B in 9.5% (36/379), PIV 1, 2 and 3 in 6.3% (24/379) and AdV in 3.7% (14/379). HRV were detected in 29.6% (112/379) of the negative and indeterminate samples tested by IFI. RSV, particularly among children less than six months of life, and HRV cases showed highest incidence. Negative samples by both IFA and RT-PCR might reflect the presence of other pathogens, such as hMPV, coronavirus, and bacteria. Laboratorial diagnosis constituted an essential instrument to determine the incidence of the most common viruses in respiratory infections among children in this region.
Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva 1912) and N. neivai (Pinto 1926) are possible vectors of tegumentary leishmaniasis in some regions of Brazil. Further, the latter was until recently, considered a junior synonym of the former. This study has the purpose of updating our knowledge of the geographical distribution of these species, based on specimens deposited at the collection of the Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou-Fiocruz, Faculdade de Saúde Pública-Universidade de São Paulo, and on data presented by literature as also to associate this distribution with the cutaneous leishmaniasis cases reported. It has been reported that N. intermedia occurs in the states of the Northeastern Region, in Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, on the northern coast of São Paulo, in eastern Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goiás, close to the border with Minas Gerais and Bahia. N. neivai occurs in the Southern Region, southern coast and in western São Paulo, southern and western Minas Gerais, southern Goiás, and southern Pará, beyond Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. It is important to highlight that N. intermedia and N. neivai occur in sympatry in Minas Gerais and São Paulo. N. intermedia or N. neivai are predominant or are captured abundantly in several cutaneous leishmaniasis foci in the Southeastern and Southern regions of Brazil.
Lutzomyia longipalpis is the primary vector of the parasite responsible for visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. In the present study, Lu. longipalpis was found in a domiciliary area in Limón, a district in Capira, a region in which cutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic in Panama. Previously, this species has been found in a humid forest in this same region. Finding Lu. longipalpis in domiciliary areas indicates that this species may be adapting to new habitats and that it may play a role in the transmission of leishmaniasis in Panama.
Este estudo descreve a relação das teses de doutorado em enfermagem defendidas nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, no Brasil, com as linhas de pesquisas definidas pela área da Enfermagem, em três campos: profissional, assistencial e organizacional. É uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, com base nos relatórios dos programas de Pós-Graduação, avaliados pela Capes e no Catálogo Informações sobre Pesquisas e Pesquisadores em Enfermagem CEPEn/ABEn, referentes ao período de 1983-2001, totalizando 448 resumos. O campo assistencial alberga o maior número de produção, seguido do organizacional e do profissional. As investigações evidenciam uma tendência para estudos de abordagem qualitativa, descortinando possibilidades de aprofundamento do conhecimento da realidade ou compreensão de fenômenos sociais que tangenciam a prática da enfermagem, porém, os estudos de intervenção na prática profissional e de desenvolvimento de tecnologia ainda estão em fase de construção.
Based on data available in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases, predictive factors of favorable results were identified in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, diagnosed between 2001 and 2004 and living in Recife-PE, Brazil. Uni- and multivariate logistic regression methods were used. In multivariate analysis, the following factors remained: Age (years), 0 to 9 (OR=4.27; p=0.001) and 10 to 19 (OR=1.78; p=0.011), greater chance of cure than over 60; Education (years), 8 to 11 (OR=1.52; p=0.049), greater chance of cure than no education; Type of entry, new cases (OR=3.31; p<0.001) and relapse (OR=3.32; p<0.001), greater chances of cure than restart after abandonment; Time (months) 2, 5-|6 (OR=9.15; p<0.001); 6-|9 (OR=27.28; p<0.001) and More than 9 (OR=24.78; p<0.001), greater chances of cure than less than 5; Health Unit District, DS I (OR=1.60; p=0.018) and DS IV (OR=2.87; p<0.001), greater chances of cure than DS VI.
The genus Anthidium Fabricius in the South America: key for the species, descriptive notes, and geographical distribution (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae, Anthidiini). The Anthidiini, in South America, is represented by a single genus Anthidium Fabricius, 1804 (type-species: Apis manicata Linnaeus, 1758). Thirty nine species are treated in this paper, as follows: Anthidium alsinai Urban, 2001; A. andinum Joergensen, 1912; A. anurospilum Moure, 1957 nom. reval. (formerly = A. espinosai Ruiz, 1938); A. atricaudum Cockerell, 1926; A. aymara Toro & Rodríguez, 1998; A. chilense Spinola, 1851; A. chubuti Cockerell, 1910; A. colliguayanum Toro & Rojas, 1970; A. cuzcoense Schrottky, 1910; A. danieli Urban, 2001; A. decaspilum Moure, 1957; A. deceptum Smith, 1879; A. edwini Ruiz, 1935; A. espinosai Ruiz, 1938; A. falsificum Moure, 1957; A. friesei Cockerell, 1911; A. funereum Schletterer, 1890; A. garleppi Schrottky, 1910 = A. matucanense Cockerell, 1914 syn. nov.; A. gayi Spinola, 1851; A. igori Urban, 2001; A. larocai Urban, 1997; A. latum Schrottky, 1902; A. luizae Urban, 2001; A. manicatum (Linnaeus, 1758); A. masunariae Urban, 2001; A. nigerrimum Schrottky, 1910; A. paitense Cockerell, 1926; A. penai Moure, 1957; A. peruvianum Schrottky, 1910; A. rafaeli Urban, 2001; A. rozeni Urban, 2001; A. rubripes Friese, 1908 = A. boliviense Friese, 1920 syn. nov. = A. adriani Ruiz, 1935 syn. nov. = A. kuscheli Moure, 1957 syn. nov.; A. sanguinicaudum Schwarz, 1933; A. sertanicola Moure & Urban, 1964; A. tarsoi Urban, 2001; A. toro Urban. 2001; A. vigintiduopunctatum Friese, 1904; A. vigintipunctatum Friese, 1908, and A. weyrauchi Schwarz, 1943. Some taxonomic comments are made for each species, and new data on geographic distribution are also given. The females of A. andinum, A. igori, A. rozeni and the male of A. anurospilum are described for the first time. Identification keys (for males and females), as well as illustrations for almost all species, are provided.
The present paper deals with the phlebotomine species captured during the period from January 1998 to June 2000 in 12 caves located in the Serra da Bodoquena, situated in the south central region of Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Three of the caves are situated further north (in Bodoquena county), seven in the central area (Bonito county) and two in the south (Jardim county). These last two caves and three of those in Bonito are located at the west side of the ridge. Eighteen species of phlebotomines were captured within the caves: Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima, 1932), Brumptomyia brumpti (Larrousse, 1920), Brumptomyia cunhai (Mangabeira, 1942), Brumptomyia galindoi (Fairchild & Hertig, 1947), Evandromyia corumbaensis (Galati, Nunes, Oshiro & Rego, 1989), Lutzomyia almerioi Galati & Nunes, 1999, Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912), Martinsmyia oliveirai (Martins, Falcão & Silva, 1970), Micropygomyia acanthopharynx (Martins, Falcão & Silva, 1962), Micropygomyia peresi (Mangabeira, 1942), Micropygomyia quinquefer (Dyar, 1929), Nyssomyia whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939), Psathyromyia campograndensis (Oliveira, Andrade-Filho, Falcão & Brazil, 2001), Psathyromyia punctigeniculata (Floch & Abonnenc, 1944), Psathyromyia shannoni (Dyar, 1929), Pintomyia kuscheli (Le Pont, Martinez, Torrez-Espejo & Dujardin, 1998), Sciopemyia sordellii (Shannon & Del Ponte, 1927) and Sciopemyia sp. A total of 29,599 phlebotomine sandflies was obtained. Lutzomyia almerioi was absolutely predominant (91.5%) over the other species on both sides of the Bodoquena ridge, with the exception of the southern caves in which it was absent. It presents summer predominance, with nocturnal and diurnal activities. The species breeds in the caves and was captured during daytime both in the dark area and in the mouth of the caves. Martinsmyia oliveirai, the second most frequent sandfly, also presents a summer peak and only predominated over the other species in one cave, in which there were human residues.0
Captures with black and white Shannon traps were undertaken to identify aspects of the behavior of the two cryptic and sympatric species implicated as vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis, Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto, 1926). The traps were installed side by side, monthly, from July 2001 to June 2002, from 18 to 07 hours, in a peridomicile of Iporanga municipality, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 2,142 specimens were captured, Ny. intermedia (47.4%) and Ny. neivai (50.5%). The white trap was more attractive to both sexes of both species. Males of Ny. neivai predominated (70%) over those of Ny. intermedia on the two traps; on the black trap, the females of Ny. intermedia predominated (63.3%) over those of Ny. neivai (36.7%). Seventy percent of the specimens of both species were captured between 18 and 24 h. Females of Ny. intermedia presented the highest peak at 19-20 h, and those of Ny. neivai at 20-21 h. The highest hourly average for females of Ny. intermedia on the black trap occurred in the winter and that for males in the summer. For Ny. neivai, both sexes predominated in the summer. The two species probably transmit the cutaneous leishmaniasis in the area due to their great predominance.
O solo é um importante componente do ecossistema, influenciando a qualidade do ar e da água. Atualmente, é crescente o interesse pelo potencial que o solo apresenta em seqüestrar carbono e, conseqüentemente, contribuir para mitigar o efeito estufa. Este estudo teve por objetivos avaliar: (a) o potencial da inclusão de plantas de cobertura em sistemas de produção de milho (aveia + ervilhaca, tremoço (posteriormente azevém + ervilhaca), mucuna e feijão-de-porco) em acumular C orgânico e N total num Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico, comparativamente ao sistema tradicional pousio/milho e a uma área preservada de campo natural; (b) a contribuição dos sistemas de cultura em plantio direto no seqüestro de CO2 atmosférico pelo solo. Para instalação do experimento, realizaram-se uma lavração e duas gradagens, que acarretaram uma queda acentuada nos estoques de C orgânico e N total nos primeiros quatro anos, em comparação ao campo natural. Do quarto ao oitavo ano, os sistemas de cultura promoveram uma recuperação dos estoques de C e N total, sendo esta maior no sistema milho + mucuna. No oitavo ano, o solo no sistema milho + mucuna apresentou 5,42 Mg ha-1 de C e 1,27 Mg ha-1 de N a mais que o solo no sistema pousio/milho, na camada de 0-20 cm. Estimou-se que o sistema tradicional pousio/milho apresentou uma liberação líquida de 4,32 Mg ha-1 CO2 em relação ao campo natural, enquanto, no sistema milho + mucuna, ocorreu um seqüestro de 15,5 Mg ha-1 CO2. A utilização de sistemas conservacionistas de produção de milho é uma eficiente alternativa ao sistema tradicional (pousio/milho) em acumular matéria orgânica no solo e contribuir para o seqüestro do CO2 atmosférico em solos agrícolas e, portanto, para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental.